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No. 306600

>abused baby daughter
> that fucking photoshop is astonishing. she should go professional
>pregnant teen
>posting about seeing her new girlfriend instead of apologising to the public abiut abusing her daughter
>is still on Facebook and hasn't deactivated

No. 306601

that doesn't look like PS to me. just eyebrows, makeup, angles, and filter.

No. 306602

This is a bad post, and smells of trying to make Lolcow a personal army.

Any links? Why should she apologize to the public? Why should we care if she is on facebook?

No. 306603


>pregnant teen

:( meanie
>she should delete facebook and apologise to everyone in the world

this is a bad post

No. 306604

There's a saying from the olden says: "not your personal army"

No. 306605

Links or gtfo

No. 321049

there's already a thread for fb bitches >>>/snow/302400

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