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No. 297263

Samurai Buyer is an online shop that sells Japanese goods. It rose to popularity when popular Youtubers such as idubbbz, AkiDearest, LostPause, JadenAnimations, Sharla in Japan, and other popular youtubers featured the company through unboxing videos. It also became quite popular because of the “Engrish” the owner, Misaki, used to communicate with those promoting the company.

Recently, Twitter user @merryweatherey wrote about their experience with the company, and exposed the unethical practices Misaki was promoting within the company. They also talked about how they were unprofessionally fired, and are now being slandered by Misaki.

People have spoken out about goods they ordered being damaged or incomplete upon arrival. Merryweatherey also exposed that the company charges absurd amounts of money in shipping prices after the item is ordered and upon cancellation, only refunds the shipping money. Consequently, the cancelled item is added to Misaki’s “Meme boxes.” People on twitter have also voiced that Misaki is bad at communicating with sponsors and customers, and will not respond for months.

Twitlonger explaining everything from Merryweatherey’s side (provides receipts): http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1spqglj

MerryWeatherey's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Merryweatherey

Misaki’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/misaki_homie

Samurai Buyer site: http://samuraibuyer.jp/ng/en_us/

No. 297358

In the Jaiden Animations video about her experience with him, she has clips of them talking on Skype and you can hear his perfect Australian accent slip out while trying to maintain a stereotypical Japanese engrish accent. And the rice fields reference in her video was definitely a joke about Filthy Frank since he's also done a Samurai Buyer unboxing before. Dude definitely speaks fluent English if he understands Filthy Frank humour.

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