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No. 296597

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/purely_palmer/

This bike slut is 100% batshit. Aside from the sad fact that every day she puts on her make-up, does her hair and then has her mom drive her out to take pictures of her "riding" her bike, the inspirational word vomit she captions her self-absorbed selfies sound like something plugged into a fucking pinterest quote generator:

"Yesterday was a long day… arriving home and just wanting a cup of tea and some sleep. I appreciate the teabag tags with sweet inspirational sayings, but being an avid tea drinker I can't say I take the time to read each one… for some reason last night I did. It read: Grace is kindness, compassion and caring. "

I also heard from someone in the bike community that not only can she not ride her bike, but she definitely has an eating disorder.


No. 296599

any drama? more links? I think this belongs in the pro-ana scumbags thread.

No. 296606

Can't find anything else on her besides the Instagram but it's the same shit over and over again. It's bizarre I think she got raped as a kid

No. 296610

if she'd arch her back any more pretty sure she would snap. this bitch is bonkers.

No. 296612

Its all ads. Look near the bottom of each lorem ipsum and you will see at least one corporate account or whatever brand she is selling is clearly visible.

As for her body, climbers stay lean to climb mountains. She looks like a cardio bunny though. Might make for a competent rider if she tried a bit of strength training.

No. 296617

Who is taking all of those pictures????

No. 296624

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Hey white knight, climbers don't look like that. Still looks like an ED to me…

No. 296741

Yeah, you're right, she looks more like a cardio bunny. Shame you skipped out of reading comprehension class. I mean I am a fat fuck and I can show off my ribs doing a pose similar to that. She lacks definition in her core and legs, where it would matter for a cyclist.

And hey, see you at the Cat 6 races on Monday morning?

No. 296850

She fucking photoshopped herself to look like a bike.

No. 296864

seems boring af. where is the milk? she just seems like any instagram wannabe motivational account.
basicgirl nonsense

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