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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 292243

A scammer that popped up on my feed, figured she deserves a thread.
Buys cheap shit from Ebay, and resells it at a scalped price.
Has a problem sending out orders, and then threatening customers who ask about it.
Here's the thread that's going around FB, pleanty of other people are sharing their stories in the comments.
She has her white knights in the comment section defending her for that pussy.

No. 292245

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No. 292247

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No. 292250

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No. 292251

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No. 292252

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No. 292253

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No. 292255

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No. 292256

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And here are the messages the customer sent, that Zenobia claimed were threats

No. 292257

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No. 292258

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No. 292260

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No. 292298

Actually just found a thread from a year ago for her/her business, seach lovely scum
(I'll try this but idk if it'll work I'm on mobile)

No. 292368

haha I read her name as Lovely's Cum. Also, her responses were rude and lax as fuckkkk "whats up?" "order number?"
no apology or anything

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