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No. 282024

>claims she was raped/physically assaulted
>literally asking people to donate money to her to 'cure' her depression.
>She has been flooding her stream with nonstop crocodile tears
>all the while she has a donation tracker on her stream that basically tells viewers that they will 'help her overcome PTSD' by donating cash.
>Her bot tells her to 'help Jenny's healing journey' by buying games using her G2A code.
>she's not even trying to hide her intent.

No. 282296

Wow her eyes look fucked
LGBT actually stands for
Let's Get down to Business
To defeat the huns

No. 282336


Wow, she might be outright scamming people with these keys

No. 283377

she looks bogeyed, which way is she meant to be looking lmao

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