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No. 267826

Lurker here. Some hot bitch named Atheniya was ousted as a H1Z1 hacker on /r/livestream fails. She was headshotting despite bullet spray. Proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliviousMiniatureCatWOOP

She disappeared for almost a month after this embarrassment, because she couldn’t handle being a lolcow. Lots of people sent chargebacks and she was mad top kek http://i.imgur.com/Y6fMYuc.png

Anyway she came back suddenly with 20k new followers on Twitter and new glam photos… but… every single new follower is a fucking bot and now people assume she’s famous and relevant because she’s got a lot of Twitter followers. http://i.imgur.com/wzNUeEF.jpg

Look for yourself: https://twitter.com/Atheniya

No. 288845

Wasn't there something about nudes of her floating around? Anyone know where those are?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 288853

also she hopped on ice's dick.

No. 288946

don't come here if you're just looking for nudes, dudes

No. 288983

I mean, I'd love a date, but sometimes ya gotta settle…

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