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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1483794877185.png (91.07 KB, 275x209, 1424636068262.png)

No. 229140

>shoops a lot
>posted a retarded video on 4chan (pic related)
>no thread

any milk? she seems a bit like berry to me.

No. 229145

OP is retarded.

No. 229152

she admitted to shooping her nose and stuff but has now stopped. no real milk

No. 229165

File: 1483799667559.jpg (89.88 KB, 600x797, CcdpqYOUUAAXElF.jpg)

that's not vivekatt you tard. that's no chin-chan who's name i forgot.

This is vivekatt, and honestly she doesn't even shoop as much as she used to and she straight up admits to it.

No. 229185

that's not vivekatt, that's elizabunnii.


she has mastered the art of making it look like she has a chin.

she has been discussed here:

and briefly here:

No. 229186


sorry just realized first thread got moved to >>>/snow/183034

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