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No. 226723

Links: https://twitter.com/SovitiaUnion


Let's discuss Sovitia. She's a twitch streamer who plays League of Legends.

She's known for dating popular male streamers such as SivHD, Geranimo, and currently GiantWaffle.

>She claims to have mental disorders such as depression and OCD.

>She doesn't get along with other girls. She claims to not wear makeup, but wears tons of makeup.

>She 'cucked' Geranimo by cheating on him with GiantWaffle.

>She's going to be a 'trauma surgeon' and claims to be an EMT, but sleeps all day and is not in school.

No. 226791

She looks like a cheap knockoff Ellen Page

No. 239388

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3 months? That must mean they started dating in July

No. 239389

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then why is she wearing Geranimo's engagement ring in august? this isnt adding up

No. 239390

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basically she had been dating waffle for an entire month while being engaged to Geranimo

No. 239393

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Bonus crazy

No. 239394

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"certified EMT"

No. 239397

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she got waffle around her little finger and turned him against her ex fiance, the one she cheated on with him

No. 239402

shes also a moocher.
waffle, her current bf makes a living by streaming on Twitch.
When they started dating, he dropped streaming by 80% just to hang out with her.
Claiming to be too sick to do his job as an excuse to go out to dinner.
Going out to fancy restaurants
you name it. Leaving his fans and paying subscribers in the ditch.
During this time, sovitia had no job, no income and lived with waffle as a moocher (and 2-3 other roommates in their "shared home" for free for months).
The other housemates didnt agree with this and started making indirect comments and becoming annoyed and rightfully so.
Yet sovitia plays the victim. like she always has

No. 239410

idk who this is but is that actually a biological female?
terrible case of manface if so

No. 239421

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She is beautiful, isnt she?

No. 239425

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I wonder where all his money went.

No. 239685

She doesnt even look that good

No. 239706

No. 246786

Holy shit that is unflattering, she looks like a fucking monkey or something.

No. 246840

>Update for those who care
Her ex "exposed her" for her lies.
It's too long to post here so I will leave the link for it:

No. 246893

I'm pretty sure she has munchhausen syndrome.

She's always sick, always something new. Then when people point that out she gets pissed.

I guarantee if Waffle doesn't take her back she will make it her goal to destroy him.

No. 246897

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No. 290445

Apparently Waffle and her broke up, he kicked her out of his house and now she's dating some asian guy.

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