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No. 209642

'I can make £400 selling pictures of myself'
Does anyone want to talk about Noodlerella?
I used to enjoy her videos a lot but I actually can't stand her anymore.
I find her so irritating. She gets free trips to America and Japan, gets to walk the red carpet at movie premieres and seems really ungrateful for it all.
Connie acts like an actually princess and Beckii, Kelsey, Abi and Riri all hang around her trying to gain some fame for themselves

No. 209643

You mean, you're jealous of her kek. Nothing what you said makes her sound lulzworthy/ridiculous/dumb.

No. 209644

She recently got hit by a car and broke her leg.

No. 209645

Not OP and I don't know a thing about this girl but that's a really unfortunate face. If this isn't just a bad pic and she does really look like this…yikes.

No. 209646

Go to UK idol thread on snow. Thats where all these girls are.

No. 209647

This belongs in /snow/

No. 209648

>Connie acts like an actually princess
lul wtf that does that even mean?
obviously not a cow. her eyes are a very pretty shade though.

No. 209656

she really reminds me of a Harajuku zoella

No. 209762

The car actually ran over her leg according to her instagram. Also I don't really know what she's done that is even snowflake worthy and warrants her her own thread

No. 209865

She's a cringy, tryhard weeb who tries to be an otasa-no-hime and has a punchable face, but there's nothing to discuss beyond that.

No. 209905

I'm not seeing it? She just looks like an average girl, greasy hair aside.

No. 209909

Noodle fella already gets mentioned on occasion in the UK weebs thread >>109864 .
She is just your basic weeb with a bad sense of fashion, I don't think she warrants her own thread. If you want to talk any actual milk on her, then go to that thread.

No. 209910


No. 210007

Is this the girl who made a video about how she's something-sexual and it's really important that we all know?

No. 210047

Might as well make a thread about how youtubers get everything handed to them as long as they have 100k+ subscribers. Every single person would be going on America/Japan trips, movie premiers, making a living off making one vlog a week etc, if it was all being given to them with minimal effort on their part.

No milk but I do want to see what all these youtube famous people would do if youtube suddenly ceased to exist.

No. 210070

Noodle is already discussed in the UK weeb thread, alongside Beckii and Abi

No. 210073

I just went to her channel and she seems like your standard youtuber? Also I think she's pretty and seems nice so I'm not getting how she's thread worthy.

No. 312691

I know people talk about Connie in the UK thread, but I don't care about anyone else in it and this thread already exists, so…

I've been watching Connie for about two years now and the past year since she's really blown up has been painful to watch, especially since she got her book deal. Like, I'm happy for her, but I feel like she's really letting her success go to her head. I also really don't like how she's made it clear in multiple videos now that she puts YouTube and her other ambitions far above her friends, while simultaneously trying to act like their group is the tightest you can be. It's one or the other. Honestly, I don't think it's a coincidence that the vast majority of her friends are successful YouTubers, I genuinely think she mostly befriends people who she feel will advance her career. I've been feeling more and more like she's fake as fuck based on how she interacts with people in her videos.

I'm probably just being a judmental salty bitch.

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