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No. 208947

I feel like this post needs to be made. This girl named Stormy (she goes by Harley now) goes to my school and I'm one of her friends and she's been doing some pretty shitty things in the past couple years. She's 16 and last year she dated a 36 year old and sent nudes and when he found out she wasn't 18 and he kicked her to the curb she started dating a 62 year old. She's highly sexual and targets every guy in school to be her new sex buddy and she claims to be a virgin. She's very into DDLG and is very open about it. She's faked suicide twice on Tumblr for attention and she told me she's thinking about doing it again.She's racist as fuck but claims she isn't.
tumblr: weeabookitten.tumblr.com( bad post, read the rules)

No. 208959

How about talk to her about being shit instead of posting her face on an anonymous image board?

No. 208962

If she finds this thread she's gonna know exactly who made it, you fucking moron.

No. 208963

At first I thought someone edited a man's face onto hers, but that is her lol yikes. She looks like every other cringey spergy anime fan, I had a few girls in my school who looked similar

No. 208967

pretty sure you only needed to make one thread about her

No. 209013

nice vendetta post.
>.She's racist as fuck but claims she isn't.
welcome to the real world. what, did she call you a nigger in the hallway at school and hurt your feefees?

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