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No. 204847


>autist making videos for 4 years with 50 thousand subsrcibers

>Countless obnoxious and mornonics vids where he plays with sonic plushies while scream
>Pathalogical Fart and scat fetishist that compulsively has female characters fart or shit in every single one of his videos
>Recently shifted onto let's plays

No. 204848

ok and….

No. 204849

I like his hat

No. 204850

I want to start a crowdfund to get this poor retard some braces

No. 204894

A staple of old weeb cringe compilations, but his vids were always too long and headache-inducing to finish.

Unless he's a pedo or done something creepy outside the realm of his videos and personal fetishes, what's your point, OP?

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