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No. 201053

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk9fzkczzGV-dfzlZqzXUZw
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/enkidu_1308/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/enkidu1308

>Youtuber who got their fame from Loli voice acting on 4chan.

>Has openly admitted to pandering to pedophiles.

>DDLG kink posting, She got popular a bit ago for making some DDLG asmr on her old Youtube channel.

Overall Enkidu is a mess, she publicly posts about being depressed and having issues at home, while turning around and insulting others. Her pedophile pandering isn't denied one bit and she has publicly stated, "I'll do what it takes to get views."

No. 201054

She looks like a toad lol

No. 201073

Where is her pic fam

No. 201084

File: 1479521650999.jpg (126.52 KB, 1080x1350, 14736351_1802294216704074_8252…)

is she in highschool? lmao

No. 201102

ok so she's a child pandering to pedophiles. someone contact the authorities tbh she's really putting herself in danger.

No. 201103

she's also autistic lol. mess.

No. 201113

"Popular"? She has <200 followers on her account with the most… What fame? Reeks of self post, no one gives a shit about yet another squeaky pedo pandering retard.

No. 201149

that background looks more like an elementary or middle school which just makes things worse.

No. 201152

how old is she?

No. 201156

Pretty sure she's 18

No. 201161

Totally agree. 340 subscribers= nobody care of her boring ass

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