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No. 1981110

>Friend cut her off because she couldn't handle her strange behavior anymore

>Would freak out if she didn't get a reply asap when she would dm someone, going onto their other socials to harass them
>Had the end goal of chasing the person she was stalking off the internet, and would make tweets complaining about the person she was stalking venting abt being stalked and copied, and then immediately delete it if the ex-friend deleted their own tweets
>Stalked her ex-friend who cut her off for months even after being blocked and banned everywhere
>Copied her ex-friends tweets, graphics/themes, twitch panel texts word for word and 3D models after she'd been exposed/cut off; example: her ex-friend changed their theme/model because they were uncomfortable after having their celestial model's elements copied, to a fairy/butterfly graphics, chuubii added butterflies to her graphics and changed the color to match her ex-friends, her ex-friend changed to a fox to not be copied, chuubii made a post 11 days later saying she was now going to be a red fox
>Lurks in her ex-friends streams to copy her personal life issues; i.e. bit.ly/49bXYU8
>Denies any wrongdoing when called out, gaslights and sends her community to attack the person she'd been stalking. bit.ly/4aexMtd bit.ly/3TXiPpM
>Made a PSA in her community claiming she had OCD, when anonymously called out in a YT video for changing her username/pfps/backgrounds ect over 14 times in three months bit.ly/3vx08zU https://twitter.com/The_VtuberSimp/status/1773724975922593816
>doubled down claiming she's innocent when there is clear proof of all the shit she's done http://bit.ly/3PBTWxi
>claimed she didn't have borderline personality disorder when she showed clear signs, such as identity instability and impulsively changing her name/themes bit.ly/4aDFP2N

Important links:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fuE_NjeT98(shit thread)

No. 1981114

>her friends also claim there is "no issue" with what she's done to her ex friend as her ex friend changed everything, and tried to gag them/tell them to stop talking about it
>she also insulted the person she was stalking several times, and blocked them if they came to defend themselves

Fixed link issue:

No. 1981115

No. 1981117

why do you keep posting about this person, we literally don’t care kek. keep it to personal lolcows weirdo

No. 1981120

This person has way too much milk for the personal thread.

No. 1981121

No one cares or asked for this lmao

No. 1981122

if you don't care, then why are you bitching? you clearly do care.

No. 1981125

first you samefag multiple times in the personal cows thread and now you made a thread? give it up girl kek

No. 1981132

anon is forcing it way too much, nobody gives a fuck about this nobody vtuber, bpdettes come a dime a dozen. she needs to kill this obvious vendetta

No. 1981137

who the fuck is even this? no one fucking cares. anon just wants someone to feel sorry for them kek

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