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File: 1440723517236.jpg (159.23 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_2015-08-28-10-53-41…)

No. 19035

What do you all think about this girl, her name is Wendy and she is Australian, tumblr is Wenopia.

She makes fluffy things with heart cutouts and seems to think she has a monopoly over pretty much anything 'fluffy' and gets her followers to gang up on other designers who make things with fake fur, is her head up her own ass or does she really have copyright over generic fake fur fabric?

No. 19037

Yeah I remember her, Panache Halloween and she used to follow (prob still does) every jfashion trend going known to man.

Those heart hole tops were first done by Mon Lily (Risa Nakamura modelled for it) and they're quite popular among the Larme kei followers. You can find them on Taobao like £5 a piece or something.

No. 19038

She's not really interesting though. Just another asian trend follower with a shit ton of followers.

No. 19040

She's like the new creepyyeha but only she sells fur…

No. 19041

File: 1440724349309.jpg (136.73 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_2015-08-28-11-10-54…)

Here she is having a winge claiming someone stole her 'design' when bags like this were around in the 90's before she was even born cringes

No. 19042


Pfft fur and bubble bags, all that shit has been done before. It's boring and it's not even a nice style.

I think she's just after being like Yeha, the new asian of tumblr and in the hope that Japan picks her out so she can open a little shop on Takeshita dori.

No. 20172

Her stuff are cute but hella over priced.

No. 20173

Ugh yes creepyyeha is just as bad "I created the concept of attaching an O ring to a collar everyone is copying meee"

No. 20175


Exactly, same overpriced shit someone will only wear once or twice until the trend is dead and that's it.

No. 20176

File: 1440725501007.jpg (270.74 KB, 1078x1529, Screenshot_2015-08-28-11-29-20…)

Its embaressing to look at; "I created the drawstring bag everyone else is just ripping me off!"

No. 20177


I doubt Bubbles Tokyo ripped her off if anything Wendy probably ripped THEM off. She's been following Jfashion trends for yonksssssssssss

No. 20182

It has been done literally thousands of times before… don't understand how she thinks she owns this idea, she certainly would not be able to copyright it and she probably knows it.

No. 20194

She wasnt even born in the 90s? jfc. I'm glad i was an 80s baby. Yes, that bag really is 90s. It goes with bottle blonde hair, jellies and a turtle neck + miniskirt attire. She's so stupid to think she created it.

No. 20196

Who are these people who spend $80 on shit you could've bought in like the 80s-early 2000s for $20-$30 at a toy store? Or even now, in a dollar store full of bootleg/Made in China crap if you look around a bit?
How can anyone be that much of a fashion victim

No. 20220


I'd rather spend the money on two weeks food shopping or a big ass haul at Primark than buy that piece of shit.

You know… You could MAKE IT YOURSELF. Grab some fur, sewing machine, transparent material, some string… find a tutorial… DIY!

No. 22744

All you need is a sweater and pair of scissors

No. 763329


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