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No. 189767

>Mr. Morgue
>"performance art"
>"so artistic"
>more like mr. hottopic
>AMC freakshow
>"published author"
>hates normies
>uncomfortable fangirls
>almost feminazi
>left-hand path, basically repackaged satanism
>feels culty
>man in his mid to late 20s, acts like an edgy teenager
>"i don't really like people.."
>thinks its so cool to drink and smoke
>soon gets Freakshow owner's daughter to be a goff too(shes makes videos now too, its like watching a 20 year old go through edge phase too late)
>underage super fans
>has old Jstar meets M.Manson music online somewhere

Social Media
> https://www.youtube.com/user/MisterMorgueOfficial

> https://www.instagram.com/morgueofficial/

> https://twitter.com/MorgueOfficial

No. 189768

Is this Onision?

No. 189777

Basically but better behaved from what I gathered. I know there has to be milk there.

I'm so thirsty!

No. 189869

okay i've wanted a morgue thread for so long.
i used to like him until he started posting satanic try hard shit and legitimately posing as if he is part of the illuminati and will usher in the end of the world.
his stunts are typically so 2edgy shit (see the metaphorical suicide stunt) and his narcissism annoys me to no end

No. 189892

I started following his instagram after he got involved with American Murder Song and jfc he's so cringey. Is he really in his twenties? I thought he was like, late thirties minimum.

No. 189924

Wtf with this blond onision?
And he's so cringy that even his eyebrows ran away from his face

No. 190035

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I can't breathe

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