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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 1863143

- Felix Rhaab
-personal cow of mine for years now
-socials : https://www.instagram.com/specialbrovertops https://www.instagram.com/irlwimbleton
-20 years old unemployed high school dropout leeching off some random dude on Instagram for a house to say at
- records of him being racist by saying racial slurs towards a minor and harassing them to the point of them leaving the internet
- footage of him playing with fecal matter and drinking his own urine on multiple occasions
- self diagnoses BPD, NPD, DID, autism all at once and claims to have specifc delusions of being some stick figure character, as well as having an alter of a Lego monkey character from some kids show. Uses these fake diagnosis’s as an excuse to be abusive to his partners and the people he stays with
- has had Twitter previously called out for harassing minors over some Lego monkey show made for kids, claiming he was the only one to like a specific character from it.
-horny posts about characters from ONE some web series about inanimate objects to his audience of minor followers.

No. 1863153

Finally a correctly written thread on snow

No. 1864400

his socials are private, do you have screenshots OP?

No. 1864522

Isn't this an FTM? She should be discussed in the FTM thread, or the personal cows thread

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