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No. 185637

Does anyone of you ever heard of the youtuber Screamkiwi?
-Claims to be the Queen of kittenplay
-Thinks everybody copies her
-All her friends left her after sometime because she insults them
-Wants to give her cat away to get ferrets with her boyfriend
-Dated her protector (which is a big no-go in BDSM)
-denied her boobjob, which later got confirmed
-Makes a big deal about her weightloss and weight gain, even though nobody sees it besides her

She goes by xxscreamkiwiwxx on every social media plattform

Any thoughts?

No. 185638

>Any thoughts?
yes, learn to write a better OP, and work out where to post it, hint: /snow/

No. 185639

My mistake, and yeah sorry english is not my mother tongue

No. 185640

Looks definitely not cute

No. 185649

-Dated her protector (which is a big no-go in BDSM)

Do I even want to know what this means?

No. 185682

She's really annoying I'd say and lies about being thinner/gaining weight. I'm sure she "gained weight" when she got her boobs done.

No. 185683

No. 185687

People who engage in this shit are nerds

No. 185690

bdsm is so autistic, I swear.

No. 185694

>Does anyone of you ever heard


learn to english op

No. 186296

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bdsm is hot as hell wtf are you guys even talking about???

No. 186416

Went to school with this girl in high school. She was known to be one of those girls who got pissy over others having the same style as her. She also kissed my boyfriend at the time at a party while she herself had a boyfriend. Brittney will always be the same.

No. 186421

Kiwi has been my personal snowflake for years. Glad she finally got a thread.

It's believed she's got her boobs done around the time she had surgery for her ' thyroid'. Sadly, only long term subs will know what I'm talking about. But a couple years ago, she claimed she was getting surgery for her thyroid. To gain weight. Now, before then, she had small boobs. After surgery, she still couldn't gain weight and her boobs seemed bigger. Funny how that happened, right?
Recently, after breaking up with John, she deleted several videos. That being one of them. I'll look for photos for comparison though.

I also hate how she treats her family. She seems to run her mouth about her parents, specially her mouth. She calls her mom an idiot in her Thanksgiving vlog. Highly disrespectful in my opinion. Pretty damn sure she's a spoiled brat. Seen in her new story time about breaking her boyfriend's toilet. She admits she's never unclogged a toilet in her life. I'm sure she's not joking. Girl is 21 and doesn't know how to unclog a toilet?!

Kiwi seems to look down upon ' vanilla beans'. People that aren't kinky. Clearly since she calls them vanilla beans. A few days ago, she went on a rant on Twitter that most didn't seem to understand 'Love' was her boyfriend's master nickname or whatever. Yet, love is beyond vanilla in that world.

And can't forget, she claims she won't talk about BDSM anymore. But stills goes on about it lol

No. 186424

Gotta ask since you know her. Was she slutty in highschool?

No. 186638

She was known to get boyfriends one after the other. She was also known for being one of those girls who didn't care about if another girl had a partner, if she wanted them she went for them. She was nothing short of a bully with an ego problem. It's funny to watch her YouTube videos acting like she's changed when her old habits slip through. Nice try Brittney, you're still the same girl you were in high school. You're just better at hiding it. Also, I can say with certainty that her boobs are surgically enhanced.

No. 186678

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Snowflake at her finest.

She always came off as someone who thought they were hot shit.
Heard she even bullied her friends and not many people in her town care for her. Are her parents rich?

I kinda chuckle whenever someone defends her boobs. It's obvious.

No. 186765


her body is so.. average. her boob job is too

No. 186869

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Arching her back for a booty too

No. 186870

Finally she gets a thread she's been my favourite for months

No. 188041

I saw her ex BF John on public transport in my city not long after they split, took me a second to remember why he seemed so familiar, and then it hit me.. that was the same glum face I saw in her kitten play q&a that he was in.

I'm not sure where kiweed lives, but I'm assuming it's the same state as me.

No. 188114

As someone with a hyperactive thyroid this is fishy to me….

Ew I hate people who bad mouth their parents for the littlest things. So spoiled!

No. 188228

Yeah, her fans are horrible too. When someone with common sense points out after surgery she hasn't gained any weight, her crazy fans legit claim all the weight goes to her boobs.
Same about her parents. Some points out that's disrespectful and her fans jump, claiming her parents are abusive. Yeah right. They left her dye her hair, get piercings and tattoos while still living under their roof. They provided her with a nice life style and a job. That's just down right disrespectful. I think she likes to run her mouth about her parents to seem edgy and different. Gotta be different!

Since no one has mentioned it yet…. She also went on forever about how it's her dream to be a piercer. Became an apprentice. Then suddenly, she quite?! Saying she wants a higher education or whatever for piercing. Yet, hasn't picked it back up.

She becoming like Kalel too. Deleting videos. Not channels. Just videos. Whenever she gets a new boyfriend, she deletes all video evidence of her last.
Deleted a few random vlogs because she didn't like 'how they were done'. They're vlogs…. Not sure why she didn't like them, but okay! Like two or more months ago, started a gaming channel. Deleted every video last week without saying why

No. 197251

She made a pet video with her family's dog. Dog looks shit scared. But didn't do it with her cat. Everyone is asking if she got rid of Wilfred lol. What a hypocrite

No. 197264

I find it hilarious that she thinks she can get away with lying that she can't give Wilfred enough attention, so she has to give him away. But then talks about getting ferrets and a husky. which are way more high maintenance pets

No. 197276

Cats are pretty self dependent. And have a ferret myself. Love her to bits, but easily the most needy animal. Ever.
Not to mention, if it's a puppy husky. Omg. Lol. This will be a train wreck. There's no reason she should've given Wilfred away.
I'm with a lot of people. She gave Wilfred away cause of Jon. Oh. Jon also asked if he could have Wilfred. She turned it around like he wanted her back lol

No. 234768

I'm into bdsm, but what is this autistic shit? This is why i stopped using fetlife.(no1curr)

No. 245903

where are the receipts on her boob job? I believe it, but I didn't realize there was hard evidence proving it.

No. 251675

"new kink"

just changed ears + tail


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