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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1473384257907.png (Spoiler Image,688.19 KB, 1080x1211, Screenshot_2016-09-08-20-14-28…)

No. 172404

In light of discovering her on here with her lies, why not have a discussion of her?

How can someone have a dead child, when she is alive? Kind of bad when your child has to put "not dead" on her Instagram because her mother abandoned her to get sympathy on social media.
Did you know she also apparently was dead? And her spirit is apparently still here to tell the tale!
She is known to photoshop things about people to make them look like shit, when she is the one who says them.
She has every mental and physical issue under the sun, yet does things constantly that people would not be able to so under the same circumstances.
She ran a tumblr to call out people with eating disorders and posting about them yet actively posts about her own, her self harm images, and her self harm videos.
Shall we go on?

No. 172465

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No. 172467

What are you even talking about? Links, please, my god.

No. 172495

There are two usernames above that require searching and will be found.

No. 172497

well don't post a thread until you find that shit. and don't expect us to do the searching. present your case or gtfo.

No. 172502

Embroidery business that is taking a leave due to getting called out for stealing designs:

Self harm insta:

Not self harm insta except when drunk and needs attention:

No. 172506

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Against bullying but is always happy to mention how trigger happy she is.

No. 172509

How old is her kid? The saving.delphicity account states she's only twenty-three herself.

No. 172566

I follow her account along with other accounts I especially miss roar.tigers.roar not sure wat happened to that account and the blonde girl with the nappy hair that hangs out with my pretty surface

No. 172660

This reeks of self post.

No. 172663

Exactly what I was thinking.

No. 172664

Also this smells like the same sort of behaviour as that girl in the old ana threads who wasted NHS time & had six zillion alters.
What next, Satanists ate my baby?

No. 173103

Moved to >>>/manure/4850.

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