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No. 1402336

Tic is an 18 year old white supremacist and pedophile defender who is known mainly on discord as TicZ#6596. Tic has spoken multiple times about her problems with her weight, and when given advice by other girls, Tic resorts to extreme harassment, including but not limited to, threatening to kill herself when she loses an argument, calling other girls who she envies ugly, this mostly consists of anyone she regards as “anorexic” (a normal weight). Tic is non functioning due to untreated mental illness, extremely abusive behaviour towards her parents & other students as well as being spoken to the police on multiple occasions about threats of violence and has been kicked out of the education system in Canada on multiple occasions.
Discord : TicZ#6596(shit thread, no1curr)

No. 1402361

Fuck off with your vendetta. We don’t give a fuck about your bully

No. 1402440

shit thread.
If you want to start a vendetta on someone at least put some effort into it.

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