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No. 1243891

Don’t know if this guy deserves his own thread but the FF thread is old.

Musician that used to be a YouTube “comedian” known as Filthy Frank/ Pink guy. Now makes music for sad zoomers.

Although he’s pretty private milk includes:
- being cancelled last year for being “racist” by the kpop mob on twitter.
-not paying a producer he worked with on a music project
- fucking a high schooler when he was 23/24.
- leaking his own music on Reddit and crying about being hacked
- obsessed with pedo bait that is Ariana Grande
- fucking around with tumblr and instathots Lauren tsai, lily maymac, dprssn_chrry
- being a somewhat pretentious douche that idolises Kanye west.

In all honesty I like his music and used to be somewhat of a fan but he gives me weird vibes and wanted to know what others think of him or the transition from YouTube to mainstream(shit thread)

No. 1243892

girl who cares go outside

No. 1243905

Shit thread. Joji isn’t milky at all. Go touch some grass and make friends retard

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