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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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File: 1461624259804.jpg (83.33 KB, 1500x1125, chin.jpg)

No. 124300

Famous for impersonating Tomomi Itano and other celebrities and looking different in real life.


No. 124301

File: 1461624317016.jpg (57.66 KB, 1198x929, lMUftMrXDrIZw7X_7Cqgk_157 (1).…)

No. 124302

File: 1461624355476.jpg (31.57 KB, 320x320, NC27ZMUGQ6X1yLX_diCpG_237 (1).…)

No. 124303

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No. 124304

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No. 124305

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No. 124306

File: 1461624464097.jpeg (41.85 KB, 786x1024, 144bd31742d29707eb2d63d68cbf92…)

No. 124307

File: 1461624487313.jpg (103.97 KB, 1198x1455, l1uaNPUO7Gzxx7E_Xz3P8_1002.jpg)

No. 124347

How weird to see a thread on her. She even has a book about her techniques but its all fake!

No. 124350

Do you still see her on TV? I thought her 15 minutes were up like 2 years ago.

No. 124351

I can see why she'd photoshop her chin off. Shit ain't kawaii.

No. 124372

So she doesn't look like celebrities with make up on and it's mainly shoop? I don't understand what's the big deal here or why this is snow worthy.

No. 124376

File: 1461635066226.jpg (25.49 KB, 354x472, ari1.jpg)

hmm I don't feel like this belongs on /snow/ but I don't know much about her either. can you post more info on her OP?

I saw these pictures from an article about her

No. 124377

File: 1461635084891.jpg (64.03 KB, 580x290, 1d.jpg)

No. 124379

File: 1461635229731.jpeg (53.84 KB, 300x441, a.jpeg)

also she always covers the bottom half of her face so it's really awkward.

No. 124394


…. avril lavigne?

No. 124418

yep and it's actually pretty decent. kinda recognizable.

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