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File: 1458437897119.jpg (5.43 MB, 3027x1652, 20160319_172701-1.jpg)

No. 107550

Other thread is locked but i found this on a modelling agency website with some serious digging and she was under the "tweens" tab lmao. It has her real name so unless the age on it isn't updated, then shes really just a fucking dumbass kid spazzing out on facebook after her parents finally let her on the internet for the first time.she's probably not even trying to be a "troll", but maybe shes actually retarded(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 107553

No one wants to talk about your 13-year-old ass.

No. 107554

No. 107556

This is like the third time you've made this thread.

No. 107558

Yeah because I hate this bitch and the threads keep getting locked. Other people hate her too so why not start another thread?

No. 107559

So you've dug around and discovered that all evidence points to the fact that she actually is 13, and she's not just lying about her age, yet you're still trying to make a thread about her? It's just going to get locked again.

No. 107560

>couldn't even screenshot, had to take a picture of the site to seem edgier.

scram kiddywinks.

No. 107568

I'm pretty sure the minimum age for subjects is 16.

No. 107569

How old are you to be talking about a 13 year old like this?

No. 107570

File: 1458443734819.png (242.29 KB, 559x460, 1437881301050.png)

No. 107592

OP has been permabanned for trying to evade rules twice. Don't make threads about people under 16.

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