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No. 106190

Anyone wrote about her yet?

doesn't make her own costumes yet made it seem like she worked on them herself.
try asking if she sews them herself , comment will either be ignored or deleted.

ig: @pixie_late

No. 106224

I remember her from ye olden days of daily_lolita on livejournal. I didn't know she was a cosplayer.

No. 106449

She's milking the UK cosplay scene as she failed to make it in the UK Lolita one. She's fucking desperate lol.

No. 106477

For her time, I would've thought she'd "made it" in the Lolita scene. Her D_L posts were a pretty big deal and she had a huge wardrobe, especially during the time when brands were only just becoming widely available to Lolitas outside of Japan. If she had the following she had then now, she'd probably seem like a bigger deal because the community is spread much more broadly over different social media, and big events are much more commonplace.

I'll be one of the first to admit that I loved her coords. I still have a ton of them saved in inspiration folders and such, but as soon as she started being a GLW "Spokesmodel", she went down the shitter.
Every coord had a GLW wig, and while some of them were nice, GLW's quality leaves much to be desired. Her FB page devolved into nothing but GLW promos, and then cosplay started to creep in and the interest was lost for me and I either unfollowed or unliked because I was just sticking around for the frills.

No. 106488

Trying to find proof that she hasn't made her own cosplays, but I'm having a hard time finding a duplicate of the ahri cosplay she's previewing on her FB.

It is a bit suspect that her WIP posts are of it essentially finished.

No. 106512

I know her personally. I think she does make her own cosplays because she has a clothing line she makes and sells. She's always been really nice to me so I've not really got anything against her, I hear rumours though.

No. 106514

Please post evidence.
She isn't entitled to answer questions people have for her so that isn't really a snowflakey thing to do.

No. 106519

There was drama with her a few years back when she was selling cosplay prints without having asked the photographers for permission. The photographers got mad and decided to boycott her but still photograph her and do location shoots with her now because of her of how many followers she has on social media.

No. 106521

I would love to post evidence but I'm in danger of my cringey past being revealed so I'm not saying much but she had a clothing stand at hyper japan once where she was selling clothes that she said she made, she's spoke to me about making her costumes once before so I'm thinking she at least makes the majority of her cosplays and such.

No. 106522

She went from a great Lolita to a dime a dozen League streamer and cosplayer. She does have good dressmaking skills though, I'll giver her that.

No. 106538

If you are counting her Pokemon gijinka cosplay, that outfit was made by alicexalice. Idk about any other.

No. 106693

I'm pretty sure there are some comments asking about her sewing skills that haven't been deleted on her fb posts.

I'm still disappointed that this is what became of her, though.

No. 106717

Only thing I remember about this girl is when she dated one of the psycho twins and they were psycho together

No. 106718

Ha, I didn't realise it was widely-known that they're psychos.

No. 106746

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I just looked up what she was doing now, since I used to really admire her coords back in the day.

I'm so disappointed. What happened? She used to be so cute and elegant.

No. 107043

There was massive drama between her and the UK lolita comm. Everyone ended up hating her so she moved on to cosplay instead.

No. 107079

Deets? Never heard of anything like that.

No. 107092

Almost everyone I know from UK comm has an Alex and/or Dom story

No. 107188

Spill the beans, I used to follow her when she wore Lolita and I never knew anything went sour.

No. 107509

Just because she has a clothing line doesn't necessarily mean she could sew. It's quite easy to just send designs to a seamstress to get them made.

No. 107662

They could do with their own thread

No. 108670

I'd certainly be interested in hearing some proper stories, I've only heard vague things here and there.

No. 114957

My friend and I got a photo of her at London MCM two years ago, just because she was cosplaying Babydoll from Sucker Punch and we had no idea anyone else even watched that film.

She seemed really offended when we didn't know that she was 'famous'.

No. 133862

I knew her during her lolita phase and she was talking about some seamstress friend of her family that had made her a dress and some blouses. It started with oneach piece but gradually she was having more lolita pieces made. She never sew anything although she could make very basic small accessories. It makes me suspicious that she commissions her cosplays by that old family friend.

No. 137477

She's friends with the keepitsecret shop that sell all the overpriced jfashion shit…and I think she also has her own clothing line but idk

No. 137483

I used to know her and she seemed really sweet. What was the drama?

No. 139180

Well there is a huge difference in quality between the cosplays she "makes" and the accesories she sells

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