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No. 99406

What does lolcow think of this?

Seems to be slating Western couples at the advantage of Chinese ones.

No. 99417

honestly, who even cares.

No. 99423


No. 99429

Seen this channel before, their stuff I found kinda interesting and funny, but based heavily off stereotypes. Meh.

No. 99430

They missed the part where the Chinese guy fucks his mistress or some prostitute every other month.

No. 99434

File: 1466914437814.jpg (29.96 KB, 450x450, laughingcheeta.jpg)

I like you.

No. 99446

Lol there's not enough women in China for that
Unless he's part of the 1% in which case he's going to have 2, 3, or even 4 mistresses

No. 99451

That guy is already loaded by most Chinese standards, and most Chinese men already fuck whores on the reg, just like Koreans.

No. 99452

I think you mean the part where the couple never fucks because the guy is secretly gay, but is forced to marry a woman for the sake of his parents and their reputation.

No. 99455

>watch Chinese channel
>get salty when its videos support Chinese people over white people
I hope you all realize you're no better than black people who complain about racist Asian commercials.

No. 99457

What that anon described is literally the truth. Any half successful Chinese man has a mistress and it's regarded as acceptable and normal.

No. 99460


Oh come on. Not even the OP but it's obviously an international channel and Chinese people are hyper sensitive to criticism from outsiders. They'd flip if westerners did something similar.

No. 99461

It's not even that bad, though. The Chinese couple is literally shown as shallow/money-based a lot of the time.

No. 99462

They're not full out character assassinated like the western one are.

I mean, 11 years before you get married is regarded as abnormal even here in America, let alone back in the old country in Europe my parents come from.

I actually know a Malaysian Chinese girl whose Uncle brings both his wife and his mistress with him to various events and so on.

I don't mind if they want their culture over there, and feel comfortable with it, but it shouldn't fly in a western country.

No. 99474

That's why it's
Not meant to be taken as fact, kek.

No. 99477

It's just presenting a decent, but slightly flawed couple against a completely fucked up couple.

No. 99483

>the old country in europe

Do americans think europe and especially eastern europe is like whatever they've seen of it on cartoon network?

No. 99484

I think it's marginally more traditional.

I spend a lot of time in Europe for work anyway. People seem more reserved than in the US.

No. 99485

That white couple shouldn't have allowed themselves to be used like that in that bullshit video.

No. 99490

Reserved isn't the same as traditional. Besides, aren't yanks the traditional ones with their racial struggles and bible belts and promise rings anyway?

No. 99491

Tradition doesn't have to be tied to Christianity or religion. I just mean that an Eastern European couple wouldn't wait 10 years to get married. Hell, even a Western European couple wouldn't do that.

No. 99495

Neither should the Chinese couple by your logic
>Getting married within a few months of dating
>Baby obsessed grandparents
>Throwing money at relationship problems
Those are all stereotypes of chinese relationships in china

No. 99496

Not interested in your people, sorry.

No. 99527

So stop watching "their people's" videos just to REEEE, dumbfuck. No one asked for you to watch.

No. 99534

>Boring Chinese couple vs mentally ill white couple
Something is off, but I can't put my finger on it…

No. 99536

Yes this whole thread is pointless.
How the heck do you sage?

No. 99548

Is this really so bad? This is basically how white couples/people are presented in most Western media anyway….
>commitment issues despite long term relationship
>passive aggressive
>gf shops while bf plays vidya
>stressed out and yelly
>woman is overly emotional and has to be coddled

like >>99495 said, the Chinese couple seemed very stereotypical as well.

No. 99560

Passive aggression is way way more commonly associated with Asians.

No. 99563

>There are people in the comments section of that video calling that Chinese guy hot

Yellow fever really screws with one's standards.

No. 99565

I don't get yellow fever afflicted girls.

The guy obviously doesn't look like a K-pop idol nor a Taiwanese actor, how is he still hot in their eyes? Are they actually unable to tell between East Asian faces?

No. 99566

I honestly don't get it either. I have seen some truly repulsive looking Asian men with white and other races who look passable. I think it's born out of a profound dislike for one's place of origin that means you'll date just about anyone from the foreign country you venerate and consume media from.

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