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File: 1464653453118.jpg (549.4 KB, 994x1529, Lumberjanes_Cover.jpg)

No. 95237

I don't know if this warrants its own thread, but can we have some comic talk? Here's mine: I absolutely can not bring myself to get through Lumberjanes although so many seem to love it. I want to be able to relate to all types of customers (started working at a comic store), so I picked it up despite my instincts. The combo of diverse ladies encountering spooky phenomena sounds like fun, but the art, execution, and the dialogue is not doing it for me. Maybe I'll come around once I finish?

No. 95241

I like that comic art is branching out from Jim Lee stiff house style but I can't get into this art either. I haven't read lumberjanes but some off the lazier art.. Its just off putting.

No. 95243

I've never heard of this. One of the characters has a sidecut. Looks like feminist garbage to me.

No. 95244

Looks like tumblrjanes, tbh.

No. 95247

Definitely. I've always been more partial to underground comics, and outsider art weirdos than superhero shit anyway (or awesome Europeans like Meobius). So diverse art styles are a lot better for me. However this simplified Adventure Time-esque art gets old really fast.

No. 95248

The idea is cool, the execution does err on the side of pandering in my opinion (but I should finish it first). I think Gravity Falls, which has a similar style that seems to appeal to that demographic, does it better.

No. 95250

That demographic meaning: annoying tumblr people and annoying people who claim feminism.

No. 95257

It's drawn by a feminist tumblrina: ginger haze

No. 95258

That is the most unappealing art. Straight up tumblr-tier.

No. 95261

Oh can we talk comics?

I'm really loving stuff like Hellboy,Sandman,Orc stain and nowhere men

also if you want some cool dune like comic check out metabarons.

even saga is decent though its gotten a bit boring for me.

if you want a cool one shot comic check out a beautiful death

No. 95262

It sucks that such mediocrity is being celebrated. :( People are in love with this and I just find it to be super lame. Like, not even offensively bad. It just feels like something I'll forget about once I read it.

No. 95263

I've been eyeballing Metabarons SO hard whenever I'm on shift, but I'm trying to catch up on things I'm not as well versed in. People have been telling me to check out Saga for YEARS now, I will soon.

Thanks, I'll definitely check out Beautiful Death.

Have you read B.P.R.D.? I never read Hellboy and of course I start off with something that's basically a spin-off of it. I've never heard of Orc Stain or Nowhere Men.

No. 95266

Meant to say I never heard of Orc Stain but wanted to check out Nowhere Men. I've been reading Manifest Destiny and really like it.

No. 95268

I tend to go for like supernatural/scifi stuff, tends to be a plus if the art is cool to look at too.

Prophet is a nice scifi comic as well, metabarons feels like dune in a way, lovely art.

Saga is nice as well but its gotten a little boring, maybe better in bursts or like a full sitting, its a drama in a scifi world.

yeah I've read a lil of brpd stopped before a big arc happened, hellboy can be avoided but I think it helps to check it out fleshes out the world and characters more.

orc stain is one of my favs same for prophet, Ilove the art just Goddamn this page


nowhere men feels a lil like heroes to me but in a good way, still hard to tell what its overall story is gonna be, lovely art too

No. 95276

File: 1464665219343.jpeg (48.84 KB, 361x499, image.jpeg)

Has anyone ever read Wendy by Walter Scott? It's the only comic that has made me die laughing. The art style is pretty simplistic but it really adds to the humor.

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