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No. 86813

If enough people file a complaint about the /cgl/ janitor/mod, the more likely they'll actually do something about it.

Moot has heard our voice before. Come on now, make haste. Make /cgl/ great again.


No. 86818

Why even try? 4chan is a shitshow of a site. Just stay on lolcow.
Come home, seagulls.

No. 86820

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I wanna talk about lolita and cosplay tho.
Also, I just got banned on /cgl/ for saying that I wanted to date a brolita in a brolita thread, I mean wtf? Janitard is so ridiculous.

No. 86822

You can do that here and/or on /g/.
The thing is, it won't be a "thing" unless you make it one. Create the subculture/forum you want to see instead of waiting for others to do it and/or trying to fix something that's broken.

No. 86851

moot is no more anon

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