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File: 1433777948722.png (629.44 KB, 634x630, hkjhjj.png)

No. 8514

Im posting this here bc I don't really think she is a cow.

Honestyismodesty is a girl from PULL, I used to follow her on tumblr but her tumblr is deactivated. The other day I was on r9k and I saw someone post a picture that looked exactly like her idk if it is her but it seems like it to me. Here are some links I found relating to rose/honestyismodesty

youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLES8bPs_rKbpD5qttO0eRA

creepy subreddit dedicated to her: https://www.reddit.com/r/randytaylor69/

post on tumblr with image of HIM:

No. 8515

No. 8516

link to honestyismodesty's instagram post

No. 8518

>only just stumbling across randytaylor69

And that chick in the above picture looks nothing like Rose.

No. 8519

File: 1433779409259.jpg (1.75 MB, 360x270, 2198e1l.jpg)

this picture and the ones on her instagram do, to me at least lol

No. 8569

Is this some sort of joke? They don't look very similar.

No. 8590

At least that's what she wanted us to believe.

No. 10369


If anyone is interested it turns out that honestyismodesty was faking being rose

No. 10389

Um? Are you all aware that the first girl in OP's picture is Johanna Herrstedfkjf whatever with blonde hair?

No. 10396

I really want to take a my-face-in-a-cup picture now

No. 10404

yes that is why johanna is crossed out ant the girl at the bottom is circled in red

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