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No. 78444

New feels/vent thread. The other one is getting pretty long so… But feel free to correct me if i am wrong there.
You know i feel really nostalgic these days concerning old drama
I miss stuff like old PULL. I was on there a bit after it moved from the tumblr truth blog (i miss them too..tumblr truth blogs and the silly drawings they made about lolcows)
I miss old drama when Venus was a tiny weeb, dakota would be the subject of many debates and felice/mila was a hot topic, charms was still a pretty skinny bitchy lolita and part of the tripfag drama on cgl. And off course there was queen Pixyteri.
It's like nowadays nothing is as amusing as it was before.
Social justice ruined everything. Fun seems dead these days.
Idk everything just seems…so much less exciting?
What should i do?

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