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No. 74447

Any of you farmers have dual citizenship ?

I can live in both Canada and Switzerland which I think is pretty neat because it's I can move to Europe if anything ever happens and I want to start a new life.

No. 74449

Switzerland is just about to pass a law that will deport immigrants who are convicted of minor offenses.

Pretty awesome if you ask me.

No. 74455


I didn't know that, but I personally think that's a good thing. I should probably start reading up on their political stuff since I can vote.

No. 74456

It already exists for serious criminals convicted of sexual crimes or assault/murder.

No. 74474

Have an European citizenship, and PR in Canada. Will probably apply for citizenship in a few years

No. 74477

It didn't pass tho, was a close call

It would mean the number of citizenship applications would go up, that's for sure. It's a great concept, but the way it was formulated in this instance was very sloppy. Maybe next time it'll pass if they present it in a better way.

No. 74481

>It didn't pass tho, was a close call

That's a huge shame. It's sad to think a referendum on something like that would pass with 99% of the vote in a place like Japan, but in the West we have this huge fifth column actively working to destroy our nations.

>It would mean the number of citizenship applications would go up

Then make naturalization tough as nails, just like Japan does.

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