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No. 63816

Look this is probably gonna be cringe but I need to find an anons ip address on Tumblr for.. reasons. If it's not lulzy I'm just gonna drop it but I'm curious. Anyways I'm a complete noob and the tutorials online are old or don't work. Any suggestions? Or a

No. 63817


Fuck I'm on mobile. Or a link to a tutorial *

No. 63823

Embed statcounter on the page to your ask box. If they are sending you messages are whatever, simply check statcounter for the details of the last person to visit the ask page.

No. 63901

there's that plugin, I forgot what it's called. special E? Silent E? aaaargh someone tell me, it's the one that allows you to see people's IPs

No. 63905

Missing E?

No. 63906

aye dass it m8

No. 64355

Use missing e, it's pretty effective against obnoxious anons and shit tumblrites, they just can't handle it.
Show us the result afterwards.

No. 64368

OP, your picture is so cute.

No. 64515

Totally agree. OP got a slamdunk. I care nothing for this topic, but am not minimizing it since the OP pic is too adorable.

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