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No. 59354

Both are try hards and unfunny piece of shits so by that alone I assume both have "abused" each other. Do you think Fagtthew Sucktoro is a homosexual with crocodile tears or do you just jump on the I-Believe-Everything-A-Crying-Person-Says?
Personally I think he dumped her because she has a bad reputation and by doing this he'll get sympathy plus extra subscribers. If there was a footage of her biting him the way he did it'd be all over the internet provided as proof. What do you think? Is this beta man crying on the internet for real? Is masculism the new feminism? Are men attention whores too? Discuss, rant etcetcetc

No. 59355

Wrong link, ^^^ this is the link

No. 59356


So you're basically saying that Matthew Santoro can't be abused since he's annoying you. Gg.

No. 59357

Well she look like she punch people in the face so I'm not surprised.

I'm very touched by his story and I actually think he is brave if he is telling the truth. It's not easy at all for a man to share this kind of story with the world.

No. 59358

If he was actually traumatized and abused he wouldnt upload a happy video the next day already. Also that biting in the beginning, someone who gets abused is afraid to do that. So I can't get sketchy about some things? I just refuse to automatically believe famous youtubers who cry on videos 6 out of 10 times as it's done out of attention.

Both are made for each other tbh sad they dont like each other anymore.

No. 59372

Most youtubers record content in advanced. Even if that was a brand spankin' new video, recorded the day it was posted, people don't just get upset and stay upset constantly for the next week. It often comes in waves, and most adults are able to push their feelings away so that they still function in their jobs.

Also "someone who gets abused is afraid to do that" lmao what??? People react to trauma in diverse ways. Just because he didn't react in a cookie cutter abuse spokesperson way doesn't mean it's all an act.

Obligatory 'I'm not a fan of this guy either, but OP needs to stop shitposting'

No. 59377


Vid deleted by Nicole begging for Matt back

No. 59396

LOL…you're saying a youtuber can't take a one week break of the internet to recover from the trauma……are you a guy by any chance?

Lets assume he is 100% telling the truth and he actually got abused by her, why am I seeing a video of her getting bit by him without her consent? And this is just the surface.
I'm seeing a lot of people who think he is genuine because he cried on camera. So these days we can say anything we want as long if we cry on camera? His ex should've cried on camera too I guess.

No. 59416

What I'm saying is that Youtubers often record in advanced so that if something does happen, and they need a break as a result, they don't have to worry about it and can just line up pre-recorded content to post.

So, I'm saying that not only can youtubers take a break, most also prepare so that they're able to without losing pay.

This reeks of vendetta.

No. 59429

The crying comment was originally taken in September, before all this shit went down with her fat people video. So, I am more willing to believe him. I also think he may pre record. My sister does this stuff and she does it 2-3 weeks in advance.

No. 59551

Playfully biting your partner is different to being punched during a fight though. If she came out and said "I never hit him," this would all go away.

No. 59552

This video which was removed by Nicoles network (I think) had her saying she made a mistake and wanted him back while crying and saying she wanted him to father her children and other weird shit. Whereas she's now claiming that at the time she kicked him to the curb and is sorta implying he stalked her by moving near her

No. 59631

He's not really crying… There are no tears, interesting..

No. 59657

Are you trolling or just not watching in high quality? I can see his eyelashes wet and stuck together and the tops of his cheeks are shiny with tears in the latter parts of the video. he's absolutely genuinely crying.

this is fucking dumb. anyone who takes the word of Nicole Arbour is flat out fucking pants on head retarded.

No. 59744

A friend of his came forward about him being abused months ago, and it was already discussed in the thread about her. This isn't new information, this is just the first time he is talking about it himself.

No. 59761

Lmao calm down, i dont give a shit about any of them, i guess it is my low quality shit computer then.. But still he says like "WAAAAHHH!" and makes extreme faces, but thereare so few tears coming ouy compared to his over the top reactions.

No. 59762

there are out

No. 60180

Ignoring the awful 'animation' and britfag accent, this is a good/hilarious video on the topic.

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