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No. 555919

Are there any anonymous RADFEM forums where you can really talk and discuss with other fellow radfems without being banned for anything and the rules we have in this one? I tried to use pic related one but it is all in korean

No. 555920

/r/Gendercritical on reddit is the only one I'm aware of

No. 555924

that one and r/pinkpillfeminism

No. 555933

It's still alive but please don't redirect whatever else is lurking here to it.

No. 555936


No. 556024

crystal.cafe can be cool

No. 556027

theres a whole ass thread where they shame 'shitskin' girls bc of their brown nipples lmao

No. 556040

This. It's filled with men, trannies, and tfw no bf fembots.

No. 556055

Oops my bad, disregard my suggestion then. Sorry ladies I guess I didn’t lurk enough to realize what the community was really like

No. 556067

Didn't that turn out to be a doxxing trap?

No. 556072

blackpillfeminism on reddit is the only honest one.

No. 556082

Nope, people were paranoid about that because the first owner turned out to be male, but then he allegedly gave full ownership of the site to a female admin and left.
Kind of funny, since LC started out in a similar way with a male owner, except it actually did turn out to be a scheme to doxx people who talked shit about Shoe0nHead.

No. 556169

is this even a radfem forum?

No. 556170

thank you anons

No. 556183

I mean, if there are enough female anons there I guess we could overrun the role playing trannies.

No. 556189

It's funny because those anons repeated history even while wailing about everyone here being trannies.

No. 556196

Dilate(hi troon)

No. 556211

y'all never learn

No. 730656

Wait, what? is this true? nonny

No. 732028

Try ovarit? Or saidit maybe since ppf is on there.

No. 732038

ovarit requires a code in order to make an account

i think if you have a Twitter and you dm them on there they will give you referral codes so other people can make an account

not sure how true that is though

No. 732039

ovarit is gaining in popularity i know everyone says asheras garden or w/e but it's not the same feel a some of the posting I crave.

tfw no more peaktrans/ pp/ gc/ radfem/reddits to lurk

No. 732040

samefag and it is true. I've gotten in that way.

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