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No. 5507

Anyone want to hold a game with our favorite lolcows? We'll need 24 candidates to place into the 12 districts.


No. 5511

File: 1431390266646.png (4.95 MB, 1600x1473, DistrictsPanem.png)

Pic related in case anyone actually feels like assigning lolcows to specific districts.

All slots are open.
District 1:
District 2:
District 3:
District 4:
District 5:
District 6:
District 7:
District 8:
District 9:
District 10:
District 11:
District 12:

No. 5512

I'm going through the catalogs trying to think about this and I've never actually read/watched The Hunger Games so I'm sorry if this is way off, but what do you think of:

>District 10 or District 12:

Pixyteri and Chris-Chan

>No fucking clue:

Peter and Ashleigh Coffin

I was thinking maybe Asha and Nick Bate could go somewhere, too? The batshit crazy district

No. 5513

District choice doesn't actually matter in the simulator but I think you're on the money with PT and CWC in district 10. I was thinking of sticking Asha in district 12 and Ashley and Shmegeh in 11. Maybe Peter and Ashleigh could go in 6 or 3 due to the whole sockpuppets + scotland debacle?

Opinions on shoplifters + doe deere or one of the other scammer bitches in 1?

No. 5514


That could work. Maybe Kirsten Amanda or even someone like liftinggold would be good for 1?

No. 5518

Does Scamanda deal with cosmetics or clothes? I'm not up on her drama.

We could either fill district 8 with cosplayers or certain scammers. Porn-related lolcows might be good fits for district 4.

Here's what we have so far plus a bit. Feel free to change things around.
District 1:
District 2:
District 3:
>Peter Coffin and/or Ashleigh Coffin
>Zoe Quinn
District 4:
>Charlotte Charms
District 5:
District 6:
>Dakota Rose
>Dakota's Sister
District 7:
District 8:
>Jnig or Yaya
District 9:
District 10:
>Christian Weston Chandler
District 11:
District 12:
>Micky Martyrdom

No. 5519


Forgot to post this.

No. 5520

Custom event ideas are welcome as well.


No. 5523


She used to sell clothes and spends her scammed money/whorebux on a shitload of makeup and clothes, but maybe that's stretching it a bit. She could go in district 4 if OC or Charms were more relevant to something else I guess??

Maybe AsherBee could fit in district 8? I don't know how relevant she is anymore though

No. 10273

Old thread but I did all this work and I'm not letting it go to waste. I didn't pay much attention to districts.

No. 10274

File: 1434423146572.png (653.43 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (1).png)

Oops dropped this

No. 10275

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Final results
The skeleton queen is triumphant

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