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No. 53699


No. 53701

File: 1450679035794.jpg (49.46 KB, 576x1024, missphilippians.jpg)

To add insult to injury, here's his apology (now deleted).

>Miss Philippians and Miss Columbia

No. 53709

File: 1450683572635.png (1023.96 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-12-20-23-12-07…)

Omg, I didn't know it was deleted. Haha!

I can't belive they just took the crown off her in front Of everyone. And it was such a long pause of them standing next to each other not really moving. So awkward…

No. 53710

Miss Philippines is much prettier, imo. But still.. how awkward. What a spaghetti-fest.

No. 53712

The only thing that makes me cringe is that people take these grown ass women's "WHOZ DA PRETTIEZT" contestes a bit too seriously :)

No. 53713

Wow, poor thing. I'd be mortified.

No. 53714

I can't even watch the video because I cringe too much at the pure thought of this.

No. 53727

Yeah Miss Colombia kinda looks like a tranny/too many cosmetic surgeries. Still, I feel bad for her.

No. 53740

In any Contest this would have been bad. And it was live.

No. 53741

So a guy who used to work in production is saying it was fake/a publicity stunt.

No. 53743

It had to be. When the pageant had that one girl give the homophobic answer to that one question, people could not stop talking about the pageant. I think the girls reactions were very real, though.

Fuck Harvey for being apart of this, though. He has the most annoying forced acting, was annoying the whole show in general and I wish he'd go away.

No. 53746


What a shit thing to do for a publicity stunt though.

No. 53747

Most likely is. Steve Harvey has been hosting shows for years now. I don't think he would be that dumb to make a newbie mistake with cue cards.

And the whole thing seems like a shitty VMAs-tier publicity stunt.

No. 53780

why would he want to take the heat for fucking up like that though? Unless maybe he was paid off.. Even then I feel like hed have to be a bit of a psycopath to want to do it.

No. 53781

File: 1450738548752.png (355.98 KB, 611x495, 22.png)

Apparently Miss Germany's getting in on the action too now

What a shitfest. Why do these pageants even exist?

No. 53810

I think maybe he didn't know either. That he only read off the teleprompters first, read the card second.

No. 54314

File: 1451007965948.jpg (44.6 KB, 640x640, 7063_652129664968785_550507819…)

Sorry fit the bump. But Shits funny.

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