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No. 490893

Sekrit plans for world domination, sekrit klubz, government coverups and experiments, mods anti-Braco agenda, etc., etc..

Pizzagate talk is welcome!


No. 490895

i hate seeing this guy’s stupid fucking face

No. 490896

you sound like you need his healing gaze

No. 490898

forced meme

No. 490914

Alternative medicine talk is allowed right? Ok, can anyone review the bates method? Did it work for you and how long did it take for you to see results? (I wanna know mainly these two)
And is it true that the Bate doctor thingy got banned because of angry optimetrists?

No. 490998

oooh curious about this as well.

No. 491033

>Alternative medicine talk is allowed right? Ok, can anyone review the bates method? Did it work for you and how long did it take for you to see results? (I wanna know mainly these two)

I looked into it when I was teenager. No, it doesn't work at all, his entire idea is based on thinking that muscles that are moving eyes around exist to squish eye and focus vision. Apparently people belived it works this way before they dissected enough eyes to discover that small muscles inside eye are stretching and squishing eye lens instead.

>And is it true that the Bate doctor thingy got banned because of angry optimetrists?

You'll can damage your sight or even go blind from following all the steps of his method but it's not banned to publish books about it or teach it. (I'll explain why later).

He or this stuff never was banned, he discovered some things that are used in medicine to this day (not related to eyes at all). Mind that he lived in times when people though depressed women should be lobotomised, medicine was shitty. I'm not sure if he was charlatan and had no remorse to blind people, or doctors weren't sure how eyes works back then.

Doctors aren't against alternative medicine, "sceptics" are doing it to appese patients who don't believe in alternative medicine. Only small number of doctors is activelly trying to ban harmfull practices. Most doctors secretly support and won't try to ban it because:
1. they're peddling it secretly, it often cost much more than mainstream medicine and in countries with free healthcare they can't really peddle unnecesary normal medicine to make loads of money.
2. people are destroying their health with those menthods and they'll spend more money on doctors later, or rather doctor are payd more from patients' insurance. (Bates method can destroy eyes so much that patient who needed eyedrops will need eye surgery)
3. it kills patients that aren't profitable, like cancer patients.

No. 491051

Why do you think the bates method is harmful for your eyes? Which of the steps that I missed are harmful?

No. 491142

he legit recommends sun gazing?

No. 491168

And what else aside from that? Doesn't he recommend sun gazing with your eyes closed?

No. 491171

nah fam, wide open. then later he changed it to "only expose the eye white". the whole sun gazing has apparently even been recommended in books shilling this printed in our century. truly incredible stuff, same as antivaxx.

No. 491327

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He’s everywhere, even in metal!

No. 491987

This might belong in GC but my tinfoil is that adult pedophile AGP TIMs are grooming young boys to become trans, to hate and resent their concerned parents and then convincing them to run away at an age where they cannot work to support themselves.
These boys are groomed into satisfying the pedo's fetishes and to being the kind of trans girl they never could (because of puberty and age). There are pedos out there collecting boys like this, offering a place to stay, with the expectation of sex.

I only know about this because a teen mtf told me his story and I asked around and realized it was not an isolated incident. And besides these cases, there are plenty of old men encouraging much younger men and boys to transition into hypersexual imitations of girls and young women. That behavior is easily found in the trans social media.

No. 492016

I dunno about the trans bent to this, but there's definitely predatory gay men that like pushing incel shit on nerds for roughly the same reasons. "Women are shit, and they'll never care about you so try sucking my dick instead."

No. 492099

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In the last thread there was discussion about the conspiracy that Lady Gaga killed/sacrificed her rival Lina Morgana and stole her whole identity/style.

I found a reddit thread with interesting claim that the conspiracy about Lina Morgana is a hoax made by Gaga's team to cover up that Gaga stole her style from singer named Ysan Roche.

Some people think that the person named Lina Morgana did not exist at all and the whole story is made up.



No. 492105

But what I don't get is if the whole thing was staged (which I personally doubt) why the hell would they choose a story about her murdering an innocent girl? That's what I don't understand, why they would think it's a good idea to paint Gaga as a murderer, and even in this story she ends up stealing and copying Lina'a style anyway. It just don't make sense. In fact I'd say that the theory Lina didn't actually exist was made by her team to stop the rumours lol. Either way, Gaga stole shit from so many people, her style, outfits etc are rarely original.

No. 492112

Dunno. Maybe it’s for edgy points? It’s more interesting story that she’s some kind of illuminati witch who steals souls than that she’s basic bitch with private school education and she just steals other artists ideas.

No. 492117

Because it's so ridiculous what sensible person would take it seriously? Some of theories verge on being batshit like the one that Gaga has Lina's soul locked away.

No. 492165

What’s with the SoundCloud rappers dropping like flies? Did Satan came to collect his dues this early?


No. 492193

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She hasn't stole this specific singer's style, her team was plagiarising her outfits and sets designs left and right. They were outright copying and scamming small artists from shitty european countries (and probably asia), hoping they won't sue, to keep this illusion that lady gaga has unique style and ideas (she's basic bitch). They plagiarised a lot of designs from Katarzyna Konieczka, they commissioned her to send them costumes, then copied them and send them back, refused to credit her or pay her for designs. She leaked emails but she got publicly shamed and bullied online for being "attention seeking nobody" because she should be gratefull for beign scammed by multimillionaires, and decided to not sue. Lady Gaga never had style, it was random mess designed by her team out of any fetishy and creepy bits they saw in online artists galleries.

they're doing drugs

No. 492365

He wasn’t doing drugs though, he was having seizures at an airport and died on the way to the hospital

No. 492378

Seizures are a side effect from abusing drugs

No. 492383

stuff like this was happening on /r9k/ specifically and had already been outed I thought.

No. 492476

Seizures are a very common side effect from drugs, even some OTC depression medications can cause them if the patient isn't eating properly or getting enough hydration.

No. 493043

according to reddit he was into some gang shit and probably trafficking for them. then somebody snitched - the FBI was already investigating him a week beforehand. his ex told daily mail she thinks its weird that nobody else helped him out with disposing of the narcotics (not that disposing of the narcotics would have helped him out much - surely he was in trouble anyway) and he was obviously surrounded by people who didn't have his best interests at heart. I think there's probably more serious trouble that either him or the gang he was hanging with were involved with and in some way his death is taking the fall

No. 493045

this shit is weird

No. 493050

people did that challenge BEFORE he died (and months ago too) so i don't understand the point of fags bringing it up now and pretending like people are mocking his death now

No. 493052

[posting it in the right thread for once]
I feel society (in terms of mentality of people and other things) is regressing back to pre-1960s state before social progress and political revolutions for multitude of reasons. and this is not natural but on purpose because people were getting too ""woke""

1) there has been some evidence that people have been getting more dumbed down in the past 10 years, which is very clear if you compare archives of 00s discussions online vs 10s discussions online of any subject (but especially about social/cultural/political/historical subjects). low education and illiteracy was pretty rampant before the mid 20th century

2) a lot of beauty standards for women is weird af, with women having to look more and more like plastic dolls and be devoid of any kind of personality, and not even show facial expressions and hide their mannerisms like robots besides carefully crafted shit (this even applies to men) like how society was focused on being polite and "proper" and crafting the most perfect image of the most ideal people before the mid 20th century. in the mid and late 20th century and 2000s being "real" was the thing because of the political atmosphere back then that made people tired of the old and convention.

3) the bullshit with groupthink and being "cancelled" if you have the wrong opinion, again a completely early feature of human society and in the 60s-00s there was a trend of being racy and having controversial opinions because it was yielded as progressive and forward thinking while now it's seen as problematic and needs to be shut down as soon as possible and what was once progressive is now considered the convention and you're shamed if you break out of it

4) misogyny and racism is coming back in style when a strong pro humanist/pro woman/pro everyone message was being pushed out back then

this is just my theory and i would like legit discussion about it. i think so many people complain about how things are compare to (imo) the peak ages of contemporary culture and which confuses other people because people have in mind the 30s/40s/50s and shit when someone talks about the past for some reason

No. 493055

About the discussions online, I guess that is subjective or hard to tell. The only thing I know right now is the straight up dumbass comments on every single post relating to science that I see on facebook. And that now everyone and their mother has access to facebook, and the internet is so normalized and everyone has it in their pocket, so now anyone and everyone can comment on anything even if they know nothing about it, or have absolutely no education to begin with.
Sorry that was a partial rant. But yeah, what 00's discussions would you compare it to exactly?

It's super hard for me to know how "dumb" people were before, since in the year 2000 that would make me only 8 years old. Compared to me now at age 28 finishing up a biology degree, yeah, everyone seems fucking stupid as hell right now. But before I was a child so I have no real way of knowing.

There have definitely been some stupid things going around like cancer though that wouldn't have gone on before I guess? Like the flat earth, anti-vaxxers, anti-science, "pro life", etc. Maybe it is just because of more access to the internet than ever before

No. 493112

I doubt the people posting their poorly thought out opinions on facebook and Fox news articles were using internet forums (except maybe imdb, which was always a mess) in the early 00s. Now everyone and their grandma has a social media account to spew garbage and it's the cool thing to do. (Maybe comparing dumbass facebook comments to AIM would be more accurate, but still a bit off.)

Beauty standards for women have always been terrible, but plastic surgery is definitely more readily available (as is photoshop), and doctors have no shame because money. Anyone is able to edit their pictures now with a variety of apps, no photoshop knowledge required, and it's clearly very widespread. This definitely creates a more difficult expectation of women when public figures only post filtered/edited photos of unattainable bodies.

Cancel culture will always be a thing in some way, but it's different now with internet history. You couldn't exactly look up someone's twitter history of dumb shit they said in 1960. It definitely used to be easier to reinvent yourself, but nothing ever goes away on the internet. Fatty Arbuckle was a huge (kek) silent star, and was "cancelled" after being acquitted of rape in the 20s, Lucille Ball was hugely popular in the 50s because of her TV show and faced heavy backlash for being registered as a Communist (although this blew over because she didn't actually vote commie), and the Beatles were famously cancelled momentarily for the "more popular than Jesus" line. It's just more easy for this shit to occur with news networks who play soundbites over and over and out of context screenshots getting widely distributed.

I don't think misogyny and racism ever went away. Things got better, but it's always been a fight to get things that way and more of a fight just to keep them.

Overall I agree everything sucks, but I feel like it's a natural progression because everything has always sucked but now we have more ability to make it suck more.

No. 493119

For the most part I agree, and the internet is responsible for literally all of this and will eventually lead to the downfall of human society, remember that I said this when it happens in 20-50 years

No. 493149

someone make a new thread, bracofag fuck off

No. 493156

can you shut up about this already nobody is as bothered as you and the 3 other anons about braco. just post in the damn thread it makes 0 difference what the thread picture is.

No. 493159

excuse me I'm like bracofag's biggest fan
dont listen to them bracoanon, the gaze has miracles

No. 493183


I agreed in the sense that there is a very real trend right now push beauty to extremely levels that are basically impossible to achieve for 95% of humans on the planet. I think the only solution is to have by law, the ability to request on the unedited version of any image posted on social media, so at least people can see how few woman actually have flawless pore free skin with no acne, expression lines or discoloration.

No. 493190

you arent subtle bracofag, cmon this boards too slow to be having shit op pictures youre stuck seeing for months

No. 493191

what…? that’s exactly my point lmao. my point is that it’s bizarre that this was a trend a month before he died.

No. 493223

Just go post him in one of the /g/ husbando threads and get it out of your system. You've clearly got Braco on the brain.

No. 493246

Oh then that's pretty strange. Unless it was a reference to something like a lyric in one of his songs? Did he have any public seizures before or something?

No. 493338

i cant tell whether this is a gem of raw autism harvested in the wild or a scrote who feels cheated by makeup.
why would there be laws for something as trivial as hurt feefees over pictures, and how wouldn't it impede on people's freedom of expression / privacy.
reminds me of the PULL users who shit on simply Kenna because they think just bc she's popular, it puts her under the moral imperative to be a role model and not edit her pictures.

No. 493404

it was a glitch at first and people on tik tok made it into this seizure looking bullshit. there's no tinfoil, the dude made a song, song gets tik tok videos that turn into a game of broken telephone, dude overdoses and seizures.

No. 493431

>by law, the ability to request on the unedited version of any image posted on social media

And people who get plastic surgery should be required, by law, to place a pre-surgery photo around their neck so people can compare what they used to look like. And keep a swatch of their original hair color and texture so people will recognize when it's been treated. No more shapewear and bras either, as those are also deceptions of the body which could cause someone else to feel poorly about their own.
It's endless.

What happened to our generation?
We were supposed to be the smart ones not falling for everything we see.

No. 493471


>Cancel culture will always be a thing in some way, but it's different now with internet history. You couldn't exactly look up someone's twitter history of dumb shit they said in 1960. It definitely used to be easier to reinvent yourself, but nothing ever goes away on the internet. Fatty Arbuckle was a huge (kek) silent star, and was "cancelled" after being acquitted of rape in the 20s, Lucille Ball was hugely popular in the 50s because of her TV show and faced heavy backlash for being registered as a Communist (although this blew over because she didn't actually vote commie), and the Beatles were famously cancelled momentarily for the "more popular than Jesus" line. It's just more easy for this shit to occur with news networks who play soundbites over and over and out of context screenshots getting widely distributed.

This is actually interesting to me as I am writing a short essay on radicalization and such, and I wanted to bring up cancel culture at some point in my writing.

One thing I notice about today's version of cancel culture is that it seems less about actually calling people out on their bad behavior so much as it is individuals with ego issues using another person's mistakes (perceived or not) to bolster themselves on social media and get asspats for "starting a movement".

Way back in the day, I don't think individuals were looking for infamy as much as people do today.

It's one of the reasons why I left twitter. I got tired of seeing 16-18 year olds who have been inoculated into this "culture" online, have very little understanding of how the world actually operates, picking up grown ass adults for every little thing they do and going through people's past to dredge up the retarded 2edgy5me shit they said like, ten years ago.

All while pedos and other losers who play the woke Hollywood game well get a pass because they use loaded language and pander to the collective's emotions.

This is all just me thinking out loud but it's food for thought. I'm glad I clicked on this so I can go back to my essay and add in cancel culture since I also discussed briefly virtue signaling.

No. 493754

lol anon.

Gonna ignore the law part but I want to touch on the subject. I think it's kinda fair that at least everyone has the ability to edit, and now we know and accept that everyone does edit their photos. We're smart enough to know what we see on the internet isn't real. I think it's only if someone is in a vulnerable place or feeling overly sensitive that it is a problem.
When I see someone's edited photos on instagram and then see them in real life, I don't think they look much differently or feel anything about it. Obviously unless it were someone that did those extreme editing things to the point where they look like a different person, but I don't know anyone in real life that actually does that, and I don't think many other people do either.
So say we didn't have any editing apps. You can still distort your body, use camera tricks, or mirror to look differently anyway. And the selfie camera distorts your face too.

No. 493801

Careful anon, you might get a bad grade if you question the system too much.

No. 494224

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No. 494363

It's pretty interesting how the Epstein scandal has become "tinfoil" and not just "actual news." I only hear about it now as a meme on reddit or as a conspiracy theory. There's more than enough evidence to show how protected he was.

No. 494437

It was always tinfoil… until it was news for about thirty seconds. Now it’s back to being tinfoil. Nobody gives a fuck that pedogate is real

No. 494464

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No. 494481

Is this a legit account?
The butterfly image in the icon + the Victims Refuse Silence organization is…. interesting. If you know, you know.

No. 494493

Comparing a widely discredited method to restore sight by sungazing to "antivaxx" is ridiculous, what are you even doing in this thread?

There is plenty of evidence for adverse reactions to vaccines causing regression of speech and cognitive skills in children. The CDC itself even admits to seizures and brain swelling (which can and do cause brain damage) being a "rare" side effect of the MMR vaccine itself. It's been illegal to sue vaccine companies for these side effects since 1986.

There are plenty of problems with the studies that "prove" there are no statistical differences in vaccinated/unvaccinated populations, in no small part because the unvaccinated populations they study are too small. Despite claims to the contrary, the CDC themselves admitted at a congressional hearing to have never performed a study on the matter. Studies that have been performed have issues as mentioned but sometimes deliberately exclude conditions that are not specifically autism, but include rapid deterioration of speech & cognitive skills which might be misdiagnosed as autism, thus altering the results.

The problem is that autism is poorly understood. Most autistic children also have gastrointestional symptoms, which could point towards an autoimmune response, or at the very least that the disease is more systemic in nature than is often understood. I think this is probably the case with many mental disorders but that is something else entirely. Autism diagnoses have been increasing at a rapid rate and I do not thing this is just due to increased awareness. There's something in the air, water, food, dirt, and maybe vaccines. Throwing around "antivaxx" as a derogatory term helps nobody. Some of those people are insane, but many are just normal people who are cautious wrt their children. I believe a delayed vaccine schedule might alleviate some of these potential problems, and the risk of a debilitating illness caused due to delayed vaccination is likely overhyped. Remember that in the end, when you shit on these people, you're shitting mostly on mothers who have had to see their children rapidly deteriorate after a medical procedure, for which there is NO POSSIBLE LEGAL RECOURSE. Have some fucking empathy.

No. 494511


This it? Couldn’t find anything “shady” about it so far other than the butterfly (monarch) symbolism, mind elaborating?

No. 494513

Is this why we have so many cows on the internet, then?

No. 494645

This. There are so many details and questions unanswered for no reason. People are always interested in crime stories to begin with, especially ongoing crime stories. All the details are not reported anymore. I don't even know what is going on with it currently unless going to a fucking lolcow tinfoil thread now lol. That's pathetic.
What of the rest of the victims? There had to be so many, and yet nothing about any of them? No missing children unaccounted for that were found? No families wondering where their children are or connecting them to this?
What has come of the search in his house and his computers?
What has come of his girlfriend (didn't she run away?) and the other "helpers"? The other people connected to him or the hundreds of witnesses at his parties?
I get that any victims or witnesses will get death threats, but what is keeping them from at least speaking up while staying anonymous?
Obviously there were connections to people from foreign countries, what are the chances not even someone out of the country who knows something would speak up then? I know these people are powerful but could it really extend to having that kind of power in other countries as well?
Seriously what the fuck

And I remember everyone saying this was fake, and this thread is from 2018. With all that has happened now, who can deny this? That poor girl.

No. 494646

Victims did speak up. They went to court and spoke out in legal proceedings against Epstein. However, some tried to speak out in Florida as well and the police picked 1 14 year old girl out of what? 40 who came forward? They are absolutely catching up anyone who tries to come forward and speak to them first because they're trying to keep this under wraps.
Pretty sure the FBI knows exactly where maxwell is as well as any other "helpers".
All in all my tinfoil is that he was a human trafficker being paid by the CIA so they could have dirt on powerful people and in exchange he got to live out his disgusting fantasies.

No. 494652

The victims are speaking up and a lot of them have gone to the police about it. Shaun Attwood reads victim police reports regarding the Epstein case, check out his YouTube channel. Some of the reports are stomach turning. A lot of these reports fall on deaf ears or the police/FBI do their damnedest to cover it up.
The Epstein case could very easily unravel American political society (and even has international ramifications) and there are forces at work who are actively working to keep the information suppressed.
This case is an extremely deep rabbit hole with a lot of tendrils that extend into academics, government, science, corrupt charities, eugenics, politics, etc.

Victims have been reporting this bullshit since the 80s (and even earlier) but the incredibly high social status of the perpetrators make cases like these almost untouchable. The information has been heavily suppressed for a reason….

No. 494659

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There are also a few articles that say a computer was removed before the FBI even raided the island, but most don't even mention that. Why did they wait so long to investigate the property? They only raided it (days) after he died, giving any accomplices plenty of time to remove incriminating evidence.

They should have more than enough evidence to charge Maxwell, but no one can find her?

So much misinformation and lack of concern about this whole case that happens to implicate a lot of celebrities/socialites/politicians.

No. 494681

It's just the butterfly symbolism. There's nothing shady about her or the organization IMO. Just thought it was worth pointing out. Not even sure I buy the Monarch theory in the first place considering the lack of evidence.

No. 494800

Blue butterflies are a common symbol for sexual violence organizations in my experience

No. 494932

Do y’all think that celebs may have remorse over sacrificing their loved ones and acquaintances to get on top?

No. 494993

The rumor is that Kanye's breakdown is a result of the guilt he feels for sacrificing his mother to the fame gods. I made it halfway through this YT doc about it - it's not amazing but it was entertaining enough.

No. 495062

I hear Jennifer Hudson seems to have no remorse over the deaths of her mom, nephew and brother.

True, the symbolism could be debatable but I still believe “they’re” still doing mind-control experiments on people

No. 496366

hello fellow schizos, so does browsing this website with a phone basically doxes yourself fully? (based on your own autofills, when you accidently click on sage for example?)
I'm fucked lol

No. 497421

Thoughts? Originally, my presumption was that she was showing us how she got into the industry but now, they didn’t show the Lina Morgana and Lady Starlight bits of her life and wonder why they cut that off but left the hospital scene intact (do all artists have to be mk’ed before their breakthrough???)

No. 497541

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I think it's kinda a similar situation to the Mars Argo/That Poppy, basically Lady Gaga took Lina's spot soon after. Otherwise she would've wrote songs and be the backup singer.

No. 499368

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What are farmers' thoughts on remote viewing - the "practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly using extrasensory perception (ESP) or 'sensing' with the mind"? Have any anons ever had an experience involving remote viewing, or tried your hand at testing your possible capabilities?

When it comes to these things, I'm generally a bit of a skeptic, but recently after learning about this phenomenon through an online riddle game, I got curious and made an /x/ thread asking if people could attempt to "remote view" the design on a shirt that I was wearing at the time of making the thread. The first two guesses that anons made were "stains" and "polar bear" which my (admittedly paranoid) mind found far too suggestive to dismiss as random guesses, since the shirt I was wearing was the shirt in the attached image. (To be clear, the thread's image was a picture of four boys from the 1950s, and didn't serve as any kind of clue about the shirt or about me.)

Gloomy Bear (the character on that shirt) certainly isn't a polar bear, but is pale in color and has white eyes and a white muzzle, traits that would all be uncommon of any real kind of bear other than a polar bear. It also has blood stains around its mouth (given that it eats people) and text covering it. I believe that both the blood stains and the text could have been interpreted as "stains" on the shirt since they obscure clear vision of the the symbol/picture behind it… Weird, huh? Of all of the shirts in the world, how would strangers on the internet pick up important clues by "random" guessing?

Am I reading too much into this occurrence, or are there other anons who believe in the possible power of remote viewing?

No. 499370

Samefag. While I have no intentions to derail this thread, I'm completely open to anyone trying to remote view the shirt I'm wearing now and make guesses as to what could be on it (in terms of colors, details, overall sensations, etc.) Doing more than one test (and with different people) could present more accurate results as to whether I'm reading too much into "remote viewing" or not.

No. 499960

Are you CIA-chans scouting for psychics?

No. 499962

Thinking green/orange bright colors and little or no text

No. 499963

On this topic, I think people can pick up feelings and other information from posts online - I get a thing where I know when my post or @comment has been read, and at that moment I'll get a notif. Once I was trolling a scrot on here and he accurately guessed what I looked like (I ran after that)
We are more connected than western society would have us believe. In the case of the t-shirt it's likely because a chan user has a limited number of niche interests, it's likely to be a meme shirt as opposed to a glittery Live Laugh Love one.

No. 499972

By stains they probably meant they thought you were wearing a dirty shirt like the slobby weirdo they thought you were.

No. 501352

Why exactly have autism diagnosis in children skyrocketed over the last decade? Is it a case of medicalisation and even little symptoms of it are blown out of proportion and they're suddenly on the spectrum? Is it really something to do with food or water or the air quality? Something more sinister? I've always wondered about this but I never know where to research and I know there's a lot of misinformation out there

No. 501354

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People diagnosis seek for attention and for an excuse, they don’t have to discipline their kids, just turn to any stranger around and say “sorry he has autism”

Also because of this lie that men are equally fertile at 35 - 60.

Those aren’t the only reasons but they’re the only ones I can think of for a sharp increase

No. 501355

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>Also because of this lie that men are equally fertile at 35 - 60.
Yep, but men will ignore reality anyway and stay absolutely convinced that the best path in life is to wait until they're 35-40 and impregnate an 18 year old.

No. 501358

I think it’s nice that healthcare has improved so that we can have babies at 30 - 40, that way more families can be financially independent without having to get benefits, parents are in a better mental state and are more mature and patient etc. I don’t know if it’s the best thing biologically though, 18 - 28 seems to be peak fertility for both genders.
With fertility treatment these days it probably makes women fertile for longer than men, as IVF treatment, donors and artificial wombs exist to assist women. But once your sperms fucked, that’s it, you’ll have nothing but a brigade of autist sons who won’t even look you in the eye.
So where’s my barely legal husbando? Doesn’t he know that his clock is ticking?

No. 501364

Realistically, women have always easily had babies late. It was just often their 10th baby or whatever since they would continually get pregnant until menopause.

There's a lot of misinformation out there, men do their best to scare us but the drop off in fertility is not that drastic until 40. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/07/how-long-can-you-wait-to-have-a-baby/309374/ is a good article.
>It found that with sex at least twice a week, 82 percent of 35-to-39-year-old women conceive within a year, compared with 86 percent of 27-to-34-year-olds. (The fertility of women in their late 20s and early 30s was almost identical—news in and of itself.)
>Among women having sex during their fertile times, 78 percent of 35-to-40-year-olds got pregnant within a year, compared with 84 percent of 20-to-34-year-olds.
>Even at early fetal testing (known as chorionic villus sampling), 99 percent of fetuses are chromosomally normal among 35-year-old pregnant women, and 97 percent among 40-year-olds. At 45, when most women can no longer get pregnant, 87 percent of fetuses are still normal. (Many of those that are not will later be miscarried.)

No. 501365

>woman in her 40s: autism rate higher by 15 percent
>man in his 40s: autism rate higher by 28 percent
Nice. I'll definitely try to remember those statistics.

Funny how the difference is so insignificant that they can even group 20-year-olds with 34-year-olds - yet males still act as if anybody over 25 is an infertile hag…

No. 501374

Thanks for this cap anon, it made my day. I constantly hear men bitching about them being entitled to a 18-year old virgin at 40 because of muh fertility but forget that their own shriveled up sperm is in a much worse condition at their age.

Now that I think about it, I think every prolific autistic person I've met in my life has always had an older dad and a younger mother so it sort of indicates the truth in these stats.

Yep. They constantly parrot the "90% of your eggs are gone at 30" meme but forget to mention that most of them are gone before puberty because the majority of them die early. We're born with 2 million follicles and only maybe 400-500 of those ever reach the point where they can actually be fertilized. If you get your period once a month, that reserve lasts you around 33-35 years.

No. 501389

It's an American thing so they can charge your insurance company for therapy. If you took half the "autistic" American kids to a doctor in any other country they wouldn't say they had a developmental disability because they don't like school since they can't make money off of you.

No. 501394

Very well said. Nobody really asks where these statistics come from. Even in England people seek the most frivolous diagnosis’ for themselves and their children, but they don’t get one unless there’s an impairment of some kind.
This makes me so happy. I really want to be a mother one day once I have a decent husband, education and a better job and I stupidly fell for red pill fear mongering at only 24, despite knowing a 45 yr old woman who successfully started a family of healthy kids with a 30 something yr old man

No. 501436

Anti-vaxxers are stupid, but I wonder if the backlash towards them will cause a new generation of extreme anti-conspiracy. Anti-vaxxers are clearly wrong, but the arguments against them can easily be twisted to defend a shitty corporation throwing chemicals in the water. They will no longer take testimonies and will only take studies, no matter how biased they are. Any attempt to fight this reasoning will end up with you being labeled 'anti-vaxxer'.

No. 501465

Agree. This seems to be this generation's new "ADD". If a child has some kind of mild trouble in school there is automatically something "wrong" with them.

No. 501490

This isn't really a tinfoil but I learned that many pysch studies or soft science studies can't be replicated.
People tend to ignore this. If you want the exact number I've seen studies estimate about half or so but idk

No. 502018

File: 1578430206795.jpg (149.56 KB, 720x1117, ENsaB9DW4AAqvLt.jpg)


bieber posted all of these pictures with the hashtag #yummy
people are saying he posted them because the parent tagged him on the photos but that hashtag sure is

No. 502034


Maybe it's like when babies are so cute and chunky, you want to gobble them up?? As a male celebrity I would be aware of how that lone hashtag could sound.

No. 502035

He wants to post weird random things so people give him attention and make up conspiracy theories about him

No. 502042

I posted this earlier in the celebricows thread. A conspiracy I read about is about adrenochrome from babies, since he looks like a junkie. https://exposingpedovore.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/adrenochrome-associated-with/

No. 502048

is this that spirit cooking shit?? fuck every time i read another thing about this its a fucken trip

got any more links bro drop away i'm keen to get balls deep

No. 502055

Why are there suddenly men everywhere around here and not one of them can sage or integrate

No. 502065

That shit can't get you high, its a myth. A lot of what you call 'spirit cooking' is just pretentious people trying to be as artsy and edgy as possible.

No. 502100

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I know no one will believe me, but I know so many people who have met her and worked two events where she was a guest. She is neither a witch or “supernatural young”, just a older woman with extensive plastic surgery and fillers, who started doing weird performances with her German hippie boyfriend Ulay (who never gets mentioned in tinfoil rants for some reason even though he was the main instigator of many of their performances) Every time I see a spirit cooking conspiracy rant I just roll my eyes. The picture attached is her before she was famous.

No. 502102

Then why tf are you here then if you do not believe shit like this goes on behind closed doors and are willing to debunk it? >>502100 well of course she’s not going to show off her ebil sekrit magickal self to the commoners like you lol why would she?

No. 502105

because these same types of people also seem to spread conspiracies and bs about groups of people they want to smear, when you're a part of that smeared group you learn to sniff out the uneducated bullshit.

No. 502108

And are you apart of those same groups?

Seems like some glow-in-the-dark behavior to me, might I add. I suppose you also believe Epstein legit killed himself too

No. 502115


I’m the op, It’s easily researched online who she is and what she was doing for 30+ years before she started entertaining rich/famous people, this is a woman who made e-thoting a profession before Instagram. You can find old interviews from as far back as the 70s where she basically talks about her performances being a troll on her uptight Serbian military parents. You can also see her plastic surgery evolution into the weird mannequin face she has now.

No. 502116

you're either a male or deeply brain damaged, most likely both.

No. 502117

as long as they are not terfs, it's ok

No. 502167

>constantly needs an assistant to barely function
>has multiple personalities

No. 502168

>accused of being a scrote
Maybe you do belong here after all kek

No. 502169

Okay cool, not hard to believe but when did she get tight with the elites and uh…pig’s blood

No. 502187

File: 1578468411989.jpg (Spoiler Image,163.89 KB, 720x856, CS28_0031_High-Res-Scan-720x85…)

why is this any different than edgy metal? that's all this is. the contemporary art world is filled with, and has always been filled with annoying pretentious edgy bullshit that gains them a following and a cash flow. marina abramovic is tame. this stuff has been going on for forever. read about the sensation exhibition in 1997 (pic related). it's always just been edgy tards competing for the bucks of pretentious old fucks and clout. that's all it is. that's how 'artists' of all kinds of flavors work. increasingly edgy for shock value and attention, that's all. are all of you living in pigeon forge, tennessee with no understanding of the pathetic and stupid shit rich/and or pretentious people pay for and attend, all for the claim of sophistication? why is writing with pigs blood (that you can get literally anywhere in nyc) so notable when damien hirst has been paying for the slaughter of all kinds of animals, cutting their heads off, putting them in christlike poses and displaying them in plexiglass for like 25 years?

No. 502205

File: 1578476754928.png (Spoiler Image,2.48 MB, 1106x1352, 657899j.png)

NTA, but can you explain what makes her work stand out so much that she's in league with mainstream celebrities like Lady Gaga and Jay-Z?
Also, why are children at these "Spirit Cooking" events? Doesn't look very child-friendly or appropriate.

No. 502233

File: 1578489553186.jpeg (Spoiler Image,315.96 KB, 1600x1000, D3C05B01-A894-4490-A18A-1D3C36…)


All buyers at blue chip galleries are celebrities or extremely wealthy. Jeff Koons was buddy buddy with lady Gaga and several Saudi princes but you never see mentioned in tin foil circles because making porn with your poem star wide while wearing makeup is apparently not satanic, but an emotionally damaged woman is. Lol.

No. 502234

Your woman has got linked to it because her artwork was in podesta's house and she has been linked with the pizzagate conspiracies because she is present at their lavish parties etc.

No. 502237


Why is she my woman?

Also the logic makes no sense, why aren’t the other artists in his collection a target for satanic accusation? What about the art in Jared and Ivanka Kushners house of bullet holes? Totally halal?

No. 502245

No way someone sane would look at what Marina A. does and think it's tame or casual. Also she's from Serbia, a known human trafficking hub.

No. 502248

It's a colliquilism. And I suspect the other artists and art pieces don't get as much attention because they're not brandished in rituals and the artists don't frequently socialise with questionable patrons.

No. 502257

You’re not very good at “debunking” this conspiracy, ya know. Always trying to rationalize this shit and even comparing it to heavy metal artists which you don’t see hanging out with the elites much (except maybe Metallica). Obviously a triggered artfag, go away

No. 502263

nta but those pictures with gaga are literally just nyotaimori, surprised the image board weebs who make images like that havn't seen it before

No. 502266

File: 1578498272697.jpeg (338.06 KB, 750x737, 5DA87086-99FA-43D9-AFAB-193BC1…)

I probably have more artfag connections then the other anon. It’s just a dumb theory and shows how easily Americans are triggering by clickbait and dumb horror movie imagery.I can’t really say more because I’m pretty sure I’ll be banned for powerleveling. There are actual organizations which have been abusing children for decades in weird religious/esoteric contexts (world of faith fellowship) that have gotten less then a tenth of marina’s pig blood poetry and have even been courted to by right wing politicians trying to get their vote.

No. 502268

File: 1578498822042.jpg (155.94 KB, 1414x1056, ed-sheeran3.jpg)

those are obviously written by different people, dumbass. jeff koons is not a good example in that his art is not gory, but anon is right that famous contemporary artists (like damien hirst, who i already mentioned, whose art can be gross) keep very famous and wealthy company because contemporary art is increasingly considered to be an important part of a diversified investment portfolio. here he is with ed sheeran, who had him design his cast for him. he's very good friends with lily allen, kate moss, rosie huntington whiteley, pharrell, etc. this is not uncommon in the slightest. contemporary artists overhyped by the art world will have very famous fans specifically because of the fact that the art world is pretentious and wealthy. you're, again, a dumbass, because my post was very critical of artfags and art, and i'm not an artfag in the slightest. i do not care for art or the art world whatsoever. abramovic's blood cake bullshit was specifically within the context of an artsy party. wealthy people take their kids to stupid artsy bullshit all of the time.

it is comparable to metal in that they try to up the ante by being edgy purely for the sake of shock. sometimes it's just disgusting (like using dried elephant dung combined with religious iconography) in order to be offensive and shocking/"evocative". the more offensive, the more popular and hyped by the rich, even if it's not gory (look at maurizio cattelan). the difference between metal and contemporary art, however, is that contemporary art doesn't have the reputation of being trashy, whereas metal does. it's the same reason why the wealthy elites get taken for a ride with wine (https://www.theguardian.com/global/2016/sep/11/the-great-wine-fraud-a-vintage-swindle), it's all about impressing each other and keeping up an air of avant garde sophistication and superiority.

anon is claiming artfags but i have literally no actual art connections and i dont like art. i just know about some of it because i think the fake interests of the wealthy are hilarious and pathetic, though i do know wealthy people who prop this up.

No. 502271

File: 1578499491220.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.74 KB, 634x489, article-0-1B0D1648000005DC-229…)

I'm still just trying to find out: Who takes kids to this kind of thing?
Would you take even your weebiest daughter or son to a nyotaimori event?
Pic related, from the same gathering (censored, but still spoilering in case). We can't even say it was just one part that looked inappropriate.

No. 502280

are you under the impression that parents always make appropriate choices for their children? bc i was just at hooters the other week (ironically with my dad, who used to take me there as a young child despite my protesting) and saw a number of children throughout, plenty of which were saddled up to the bar area by their parents, surrounded by drunks, while women with their tits pouring out of their shirts wearing shorty shorts yanked up as high as possible were serving them. in the case of the abramovic stuff, wealthy nyc bubble parents think this is exposing their children to culture.

everyday parents leave erotic magazines and books out out infront of children. i had girl friends as a child whose parents had tacky and inappropriate nude herb ritts prints all over their home. lena dunham grew up around art and stupid contemporary artist parents, and her idea of what's socially appropriate is warped as a result (very evident by her statements and her book that details the dumb 'art' and artists that her parents exposed her to for culture as a young child). wealthy artfags are notoriously tonedeaf parents. stupid, gross parents are pretty common in all classes.

No. 502286

You seem to rationalize every questionable detail, it’s pathetic. I bet you probably thought the Lolita express was a myth too before Epstein was suicided, huh?

No1curr, nice deflection though

No. 502288


Looked it up, no one was eating sushi from this, tf?

No. 502298

>you seem to possess rational thoughts
this dumb bs is why no one takes conspiracy gags seriously

No. 502300

obviously you can do it with other foods, the novelty is you're eating off a nude model, it's not a cannibalism ritual or whatever autism

No. 502324

I don't know, anon. Women in short shorts and low-cut tops pouring beer, the occasional Playboy and some statue-like black/white nude prints all seem like a pretty far cry from hanging out while a nude, menstruating woman plays dead in a tub of chocolate that looks like blood while people directly eat off her body and at least one naked man covered in body paint or chalk frolics in a nearby forest.
>lena dunham grew up around art and stupid contemporary artist parents, and her idea of what's socially appropriate is warped as a result (very evident by her statements and her book that details the dumb 'art' and artists that her parents exposed her to for culture as a young child).
I'll bite. What comparable art shows has Lena Dunham gone to as a child? I haven't read her book, but it seems to me that even her dad held off on the weird shit until she was like 20, if you check out his art.

No. 502328


Are you still confused me (worked in art events) and the other anon (no connection to art)are not the same person… also strong scrote vibes

No. 502331

Don’t twist my words, faggot.

No. 502338

Except that’s literally a cake of a naked chick covered in chocolate syrup and has nothing to do with the Japanese. It’s a spirit cooking gala after all.

You’re low level in the art world so of course you would think nothing shady’s going on. Oh and here’s a fact since you’re all about them: am not a scrote, just because I don’t type along the lines of ~gurl powah~ doesn’t mean I’m not one

No. 502341


I wasn’t referring to language, I wasreferring to the aggressive inability to accept any alternative information to one’s per existing worldview degenerating into insults: I’ve only ever seen this in scrotes.

No. 502345

it's almost definitely a male. no woman would say this:

>just because I don’t type along the lines of ~gurl powah~ doesn’t mean I’m not one

when none of the posts being made have anything to do with """gurl powah""" or hint toward anything of the sort. despite the way people are speaking itt, anon still can't let go of his retarded reeee Cosmopolitan mag concept of the way women speak. hilarious. even confronted with the evidence that no one itt is speaking like that, he insists that not adhering to his idea of women talking must be why he sticks out.

No. 502346


“Spirit Cooking” is the name of a project Marina Abramovic did in the 90s and occasionally repeated. The nude chocolate lady was commissioned for a art center benefit called WATERMILL by ROBERT WILSON. There is no attribution to Marina A. and by all accounts she was a GUEST who they wanted DONATIONS from. I’m all for hearing someone else’s theory but at least TRY to put minimal effort into researching what you’re sperging about.

No. 502347

hating other women is a bad look, deal with those insecurities sometime w/ a therapist

No. 502354

No. 502355

shut up geek

No. 502368

it's a model posing nude not a cake, it's an entirely mainstream thing you get at fancy dinners all around the world and not some secret witchcraft ritual, this is like if you saw a pic of a sword swallower at an event and think there's ritualized suicide going down

No. 502386

I’m sure y’all Marina supporters believe this chick is crazy too (vid related). Man, I hope that Jonathan Swift story I had to read in 12th grade was just allegory bullshit

It was confirmed it was a cake.

No. 502389

File: 1578521181850.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.38 KB, 320x450, 132652055-e1321287952650.jpg)

marina did/ordered some stupid red velvet cakes made as a naked version of her, and of debbie harry, at a few parties/galas or whatever, so i think that's the cause of confusion. totally separate from the girl in chocolate, but both things are passed around in right wing conspiracy media. it's still not satanic and is just incredibly tryhard, however.

No. 502582

Since the topic was taken over by triggered Marina fans and skeptics, does anyone have info on the Bronfman family? They used to fund NXIVM, are the original owners of Segram, and pretty much own Canada.

No. 504699


No. 504718

It's not even exciting enough to hate it's just dull. Was he inspired by Bon Apetite or something

No. 504721

please don't tell me puka shell necklaces are coming back for men. the nostalgia factor does not do anything for its appeal.

No. 504725

I thought it was a candy necklace from the thumbnail.

No. 504726

i think you're right. thank god. i had to go to the video to check, dear lord that is his worst single by far.

No. 504765

Yummy is such is digusting word, who the fuck would want to sing to this pile of shit out loud. This also sounds like 10 other filler songs that Chris Brown would have made about 5 years ago. Nobody would care about this boring song if it wasn't for all the shenanigans he and his team pulled.

No. 505329

I wonder how much of the Holocaust is true if we’ve been lied to the whole time

>inb4 Nazi!!!

I just found this video on Facebook, and I’m not gonna deny that it didn’t happen(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 505332

ok scrote. as if i wouldn't recognize your other posts today

No. 505340

It would be nice to have a time machine so we could throw holocaust deniers in concentration camps, then have absolutely everyone around them deny it happened.

No. 505472

File: 1579501154253.jpeg (808.04 KB, 2048x2886, 5DDB9B74-9E9A-4F43-A7EF-B3A38E…)

Could Courtney possibly be Frances’ handler? Or just both of them being weird with affection in general

No. 505473

File: 1579501358973.jpeg (827.11 KB, 2048x2388, D243AEFC-665E-4867-BBA1-5405BA…)

Strange, why so heavily guarded in the middle of the ball?

No. 505475

File: 1579501514911.jpeg (195.25 KB, 922x1024, DE886903-1015-4B81-8FB5-939E4B…)

This could just be a cute display of affection after all

No. 505488

Zoom in on the photographers in the top left. They look like they're witnessing a car crash (whatever is happening on our right)

Looks like attending balls with these psycho celebs is a harrowing experience.

No. 505491

Even Gaga's expression is 'wtf' at that model, while the guy who bought her for the night is holding on to her.

I think there's an element of "edge" to why they do this weird shit (referring to cakes and "chocolate" covered models) but I also think there is no moral limit to how far the rich will take "edginess."
So I don't doubt at least a small segment of them actually do satanic rituals. No rules.

No. 505493

Maybe you should question why you think a naked woman lying in a vat covered in "chocolate" is a "mainstream thing" you should expect to see at fancy dinners.

No. 505502


Your missing the point- it was a weird performance done for a gala at a performing arts center.

I wouldn’t take my nonexistent kids to a event like that or any event that I knew was gonna have alcohol and adult themes but I also wouldn’t take my kids to a shooting range or a revivalist event with people screaming about demons so the pendulum swings both ways.

No. 505511

You guys know that scene in the Godfather where Tom kills the horse of that Hollywood director/producer to force him to get a certain actor into his movie? I think that sort of thing actually happens, probably not exactly but some similar blackmailing to get actors in movies. I mean there pretty much is a type of mafia that works in Hollywood, people get killed all the time there and I believe that blackmail happens to keep certain secrets from being getting out while exposing other people’s for revenge/humiliation. Backstabbing all the time basically.

No. 505532

Kinda like how Angelina Jolie killed her pet snake to get into Hollywood?

No. 505536

i came into this rolling my eyes because of the editing but now im like what the fuck

No. 505550

You know the dinner scene in The Witches movie? It reminds me of that. Also the first woman at the table has her hair similar to Anjelica Huston's. They are served some old fashioned food too.

No. 505614

idk why but this looks like a deep fake to me? maybe I need to sleep

No. 505648

That video has too many jump cuts and infers too much shit.
Here's the full video. No subtitles, no music. She jumps from topic to topic, and is probably very high.
The snake thing is in the middle of a conversation where a friend brought up accidentally killing their rabbit by feeding it lettuce. Jolie mentions her own rabbit dying when she was a kid because the cage fell on it, a hamster that died, lizards that died after a friend left them out in the sun, and her snake that she had to kill, but her friend talked over her before she could tell the story. Then, they suddenly talk about making casts of their body and making ceramic masks, shirts, etc.

No. 505657

To be fair, celebs probably have to cope with drugs after witnessing the darker side of Hollyweird; but why did she kill her snake if not for sacrificial purposes?

No. 505719

She could've had to put it down because it was sick, or she wasn't allowed to take it with her when she was moving somewhere, or she was young and her parents didn't want to let her keep it, but she couldn't find an animal shelter that would take it.
There are all sorts of possible explanations, it sucks that the friend cut her off.
It also did kind of sound like she wasn't trying to explain "People think it's S&M and that it's superficial, but it's not", but "People don't understand that S&M isn't superficial, it's deeper than they think". It's a logical lead-in to her discussing "seeing everyone's sexuality, and people who are darker", as if the point wasn't sex (ie S&M), but initiation, it wouldn't make sense to bring it up. The "real, real place" she keeps repeating sounds more like she's describing some innate, untapped sense of being, like a "true self", rather than another physical location or dimension (Hell).
This isn't to say many celebrities and Hollywood people aren't involved in weird Satanic shit, just that I have doubts about this particular video being evidence or an admission.

No. 505787

Courtney could never be a handler kek. They're weirdos who do too many drugs and have no boundaries. Would love for Frances to write a tell-all though. What do anons think about Courtney killing Kurt?
We live in a society that objectifies women and sees them as something to consume. This is very basic. Are you autistic?

No. 505821

I have no idea what to think regarding Kurt's death. If Courtney was indeed involved in his death, I'd only be surprised that she isn't as dumb as she seems. Yet at the same time, if Kurt really did kill himself, I can't say I'd be surprised either. I just feel bad for Frances. No one is deserving of what she went through, and no one deserves to have Courtney Love as a mother.

No. 506485

Did Lana’s handlers ever told her Laurel Canyon was a fake glow-in-the-dark psyops?

No. 506494

I'm so tired of this sexist bullshit theory, men hated Courtney because she's a tough bitch with massive talent and not a nice go along to get along type of woman. She's the 90's yoko, and it fucking sucks that rather than giving her the bad bitch credit she deserves, there are people blaming her for the suicide of a literal suicidal bipolar drug addict.

No. 506497

NTA, but she's a fake, a liar and an overall terrible person, lmao. I don't know if she killed Kurt, but she wasn't the "true punk rock goddess" she presented herself as for so many years.
There was an entire blog titled "exposingcourtneylove" or something that detailed all her shit, with receipts. I'm sure there are archived pages of it on the Wayback Machine or something.

No. 506505

…She's one of the very few women with actual talent in music. Quit slobbering over a dead drug addict and get a reality check.

No. 506508

>she’s one of the very few women with actual talent in music
You smokin dick

No. 506509

You should literally be embarrassed of having a crush on a dead guy so hard you're willing to fuel the most sexist stereotypes about an a talented woman you could never measure up to.

No. 506511

t. Courtney

No. 506520

lmao WHAT?! do you only listen to shitty pop from the last five years or something? there are so many female musicians more talented or on par with her, including the musicians she ripped off with her style.

No. 506536

You should be embarrassed about defending Courtney Love THIS hard
She's not a good person, even if you do think she's so 'talented' (she sounds like a dying goat to me)

No. 506605

When did I even mention Kurt in a positive way in my post? She herself is a drug addict, so I don't even know what you meant. You're embarrassing and clearly the one who needs a reality check here.
The "riot grrrl" Tumblr scene died in 2015, sorry.

No. 506610

I never said anything about defending kurt. I like nirvana but I agree with what you’re saying about kurt, and I also like Courtney’s music and hole…but to say that she’s “one of the only talented women” youve got to be smokin some serious fuckin dick. You must be listening to like 4 bands a year. What do you consider “talent” anyway? You probably have a very narrow perception of what musical talent is, being a narrow minded person and all. You should be embarrassed for shitting on and undermining your own gender in favour of an abusive and narcissistic mother who was fuckin banned from seeing her own kid after being such a wreck.

No. 506612

she totally killed kurt kek

No. 506615

File: 1579846708659.jpg (41.76 KB, 500x500, 2fKHMtP.jpg)

I was reading about Pizzagate, and found out about this guy, Peter Alsop. Might be nothing, but there's some weird coincidences with him.
He's a musician who makes children's music, and also a psychologist who worked with emotionally disturbed kids.
Spirals like in pic related are a known pedo symbol:
They were eventually removed from the album cover, as you can see here:
That's not too big, so whatever. He also worked on this educational short film about
CSA (more specifically, he wrote the theme song):
The irony of this is that the man who acts as the responsible, helpful adult, Rolf Harris, turned out to be a convicted sex offender who was sexually abusing young girls before (and even after) its production.
Alsop commented that Harris "may have used the film to groom children because it encouraged trust by parents".

No. 506616

File: 1579846911422.jpg (742.21 KB, 2898x2310, Q00aWvR.jpg)

But like, some of his photos are kind of weird.

No. 506617

File: 1579847041759.jpg (16.92 KB, 220x218, dcHr5mg.jpg)

Cover art for one of his songs, "I Am A Pizza".

No. 506618

And the actual song. It seems mostly innocent, but the parts about being taken into a car, held upside-down and falling to the ground, then "I was a pizza, I was the best. I was a pizza…now I’m a mess!" seem kind of fucked up under the lens of the whole PG thing.

No. 506620

Here's another of his songs, "Where Will I Go When I'm Dead And Gone?". Seems normal, then gets macabre here:
>Hey, maybe you could dress me up and keep me around
>Sit me in your kitchen chair
>Then if you got lonely and you needed someone,
>I’d be right there!
>Or you could hang me out in the sun on your patio,
>I’d dry hard as a stone
>And the wind would make music on me, like a radio!
>You could dance to my rattlin’ bones!
It just reminded me of Jeffrey Dahmer's (and other murderers) fascinations with keeping the bodies of his typically underaged victims. He was apprehended in 1991, while the album this song is from, Songs of Loss & Grief, was released in 1997.
I noticed that the children specifically don't sing this part in the video, probably because it'd look too twisted, but the song itself is listed as being aimed at pre-school aged kids up to teens/adults on his website, so it's safe to say they're intended to sing along, at least.

No. 506622

Its hard to take pizzagate seriously when so many of its backers are probably 4chan pedos themselves. I think this song is cute and kids being smart enough to handle more mature life situations is a good thing, why should we shelter kids from everything in life? I mean there's weird tradcaths that think we shouldn't have sex ed or teach evolution in schools too. Death is a part of life that a lot of kids will encounter, especially with pets and grandparents.

No. 506624

I generally agree with that, but it's the fact that this particular song is by the same guy behind a song/video where kids sing about being pizzas that become "a mess", an album cover with spirals that were later randomly removed with no explanation, a photo of him sharing a spaghetti noodle with a little girl (pretty sure the Podesta e-mails had "pasta" implicated as a "code word"), and his involvement with a production that turned out to star an actual pedo.
If it was anyone else, whatever. Everything together is just kind of strange.

No. 506627

I mean, I can buy that some weird rich people are perverts or child molesters, but I'm not down with the pearl clutching "everything that I don't understand is satanic" bs.

No. 506630

Not everything is black and white, anon. And you are in a conspiracy thread so try to have an open mind.

No. 506632

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The song "I Am A Pizza" appears as the first track on the album in pic related, which he performed with his daughter (who was 10 at the time). On the surface, the song doesn't lyrically relate at all to the rest of them (which seem to largely be about family and some more serious topics). Also, after reading some of the lyrics for "Don't Put Your Hand In My Pants", it doesn't seem appropriate for a 10 year old to be singing (regardless of the intent).
Interestingly, his parents aren't named on his Wikipedia page. Turns out his dad was a WWII vet and an engineer:
>Samuel Alsop, 82, of Hampstead, NC, left on his final voyage Friday (January 18, 2002). Born in New York City, he was the son of Ruth Clare Davies and Samuel Alsop. Formerly of Meriden, Sam was a U.S. Air Force Veteran of World War II, president of Alsop Engineering in Milldale, a member of the Shriner's and Power Squadron for many years, a real estate broker for 27 years and active in many community organizations
Relatives include people involved in politics and journalism, such as Stewart and Joseph Alsop.

He's also been featured as part of a larger motion framed in the book "Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling": https://books.google.com/books?id=HafWAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA114
His wife, Ellen Greer (daughter of Will Geer) owns the Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga Canyon LA, and his "Kid Koncerts" are regularly held/featured there.
Not sure what this site is (seems like a boomer forum - I didn't discover this comment or most of this info), but here's an interesting comment on it: https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3600765/replies?c=12
>To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks

>Been around LA for a long time … there were groomers that used theater groups as a farm system.

>Back in the day, Will Geer’s Theatricum Botanicum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatricum_Botanicum was just known to the acting community to be such a place.

Not what I meant at all, but okay.

No. 506634

A lot of conspiracy theorists don't really have an open mind though, and a lot of is shrouded in paranoia and hate for the other. Most of my experiences with conspiracy theorists have been negative, like dumb tradcaths accusing Jews of putting blood in their matzah. It just makes you jaded and disgusted by paranoia that in turn fuels hate and gets innocent people hurt and killed.

No. 506639

Also, this is just my personal speculation, but the lyrics to his anti CSA-song(s) seem a little dodgy IMO.
They're intended to lend empowerment" to children for their bodies. I don't feel like going through the wastelands of "MAP" Twitter again to collect receipts, but this message of "empowerment" and a focus on "My body is mine, I run it my way" (as opposed to just, you know, "Keep your hands off my no-no places") reminds me of when pedo activists argue incessantly for "children's rights to use their bodies with whoever they want".

They say these things specifically because they want to normalize grooming. In their own minds, "positive" indoctrination means that no children will feel taken advantage of when pressured into anything. Some even stretch this logic to insist that CSA doesn't really exist, it's just that society teaches kids that what happened to them is wrong, giving them bad feelings. They have complete brain-rot on this subject.
This line of thinking is like a bastardized version of the "sex/body positivity" movement, and can probably be traced directly to NAMBLA, Harry Hay, etc, considering both espoused similar ideas.

That group was basically kicked out of the LGBT movement for being pedos, but they've been trying to edge their way back in for ages.
IMO, we all seem to think Twitter's bizarre PEAR (pro-expression, anti-regression) community (spearheaded most famously by pedo furry/tranny breakcore musician 4Lung) and the MAP/NOMAP shit with their own pride flags are new developments. The same goes for the sudden rash of drag kids and "drag queen story hour". I'm convinced literally none of it is, though. They just seem like the most recent out of many attempts, all hiding under the broad moniker of "queerness" (essentially latching themselves to the LGBT forcibly), and through "careful" content like this that focuses primarily on children's "empowerment", and some of the messages in the book in my previous post, they've been laying a foundation for future acceptance from the 80s/90s. This is just my own tinfoil, though.

No. 506647

No. 506659

The royal monarchy also stole native kids from residential schools in the 1960’s. They were found guilty but couldn’t change them since they rule Canada and all.

No. 506764

Everything in this video is why I'll never ignore the Pizzagate stuff.
Anybody who denies it is either woefully ignorant, or has a vested (and very twisted) interest in denying reality.
Also, it annoys me seeing people make this a "Republicans vs Democrats" thing. It's so obvious that they're all in on it.

No. 507144

Braco is literally David Ellefson in disguise . When he’s not performing for Megadeth or being Dave’s bottom bitch, he’s making art under a different name.

No. 507385

Koby Bryant died before being inducted into the basketball hall of fame


No. 507507

I can’t tell what’s coincidence and what’s sacrifice anymore. I used to jump at every celebrity death and assume sacrifice and I don’t wanna do that anymore but this one definitely seems sus.

No. 507609

He died during the Grammys weekend and supposedly after passing the torch to Lebron James, not to mention it’s before the Super Bowl.

Does anyone know numerology? Apparently numbers tell you who’s sacrificed next or something (dunno if the numerology thing is true anyway), his daughter died at 13.

No. 508070

Why is everyone dying so suddenly? Neil Pert died, Kobe Bryant died, and two other dudes from bands Death and Corrosion of Conformity have recently died.

Does the owl-thing demand more sacrifices or something?

No. 508107


megadeth anon is my fave anon on lc kek

No. 508110

My mind had a fuck up just reading
>Don't put your hand in my pants
>My little clock
I'm gonna throw up now. This dude is fucked up.
Some people said back when PG was happening you can take evidence like this out of nowhere for anyone, but the truth is you just cannot. Isolated, fine whatever. But all of this together coincidentally, absolutely not.

No. 508172


Since when bad bitch stands for abusive and psychotic?
She straight up killed frances's pets, neglected her to do copious amounts of drugs and probably traumatized the girl, who already grew up without a father, for life.

You wanna defend women think of Frances first.

No. 508177

I feel there this tendency among radfems to defend, "edgy" horrible women for some reason

No. 508187

We're not immortal my dudette

No. 508193

are you the same anon bitching about white radfems because some of us don't want to mourn a rapist? and the same anon that said "All radfems should be banned"? do you have nothing better to do?(infighting)

No. 508251

Didn’t they ban your stupid ass in the celeb thread? And of course you’d be defending Courtney kek

No. 508252

I know and I also know that there are celebrities who die of natural causes (not a sacrifice) but this is starting to feel like Midsommar with the beginning of a new decade and the changing of seasons.

No. 508306

nah bc im neither of these anons, retard. go sperg some more in meta

No. 508310


No. 508739

No. 508785

I think that Courtney is a batshit crazy druggie but she did not kill Kurt.

My guess is that David Geffen paid to get him offed so Nirvana wouldn’t leave the record label. Instead Nirvana got cult icon status when Kurt died and now every generation of emo teens will listen to Nirvana.

The letter Kurt Cobaun sent to Geffen states very clearly that he is going to stop making music and start focusing in his family. “ I am now in rehab going on 18 days and Im really looking forward to having a family at this point fuck NIRVANA.”
It’s possible that he relapsed and died OD because it’s commin to overdose when their tolerance is low after rehab,


No. 508800

I'm glad people are bringing this up. My parents are conspiracy theorists and they mentioned this as well, and they connected it to someone else (I forgot who) but when I heard about it, I thought about when Aaliyah died in a helicrash as well because the person piloting it wasn't an actual licensed pilot or something. This case seems different. The pilot was certified but something went wrong with the actual helicopter. This is why you have to do all your manual checks before lift-off, no matter what. Someone screwed with the heli before they went up.

No. 508807

nah, occam’s razor wins here. the helicopter had no terrain warning systems and it was a very low visibility day, perfect recipe for crashing into the side of a mountain. i know it’s the conspiracy thread but imo there isn’t a motive to “sacrifice” him and his kid, it’s just a case of shitty circumstances and lack of forethought to safety.

No. 508810

O u right
I didn't know it lacked the terrain warning system. It makes sense though still a risky attempt.

No. 508831

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Vigilant Citizen has been proven to be a false flag ran by marketers.

No. 508883

There was a CDAN post about Courtney cheating on him with River Phoenix (ew River why?!) and that Kurt was threatened to be dropped by the record label. Currently having trouble finding it and the video it was featured in 2018.

I also heard that David Geffen is part of the gay mafia along with Brian Singer

No. 508918

Something That's Been Bothering Me With MeToo for sometime now

A couple days ago, when I was talking about Rose McGowan and Asia Argento on another website, and how they were calling every woman and man out by name for being silent about Harvey Weinstein and knowing about them and being complicit, all the while when Rose has publicly defended & praised a convicted child rapist Victor Salva, a director she worked with (She said, when asked in an interview about his rape conviction, that it "is none of her business" and that he is a "sweet guy") & Asia Argento publicly defended Roman Polanski by signing a petition to bring him back to U.S. People asked her about it and she first made an excuse, but then and blocked people who asked her about it on Twitter.
I got very violently attacked by some people who told me that I was victim blaming, derailing, and that I was trying to discredit the victims, and that I expect them to be perfect saints, and that I should never talk about this again or ever bringing it up again.

I responded that: I said over and over that this in no way discredits them for the assault they received from Harvey. Their voice and opinions are valid, and I'm glad they spoke out. But it is valid to point out that while critiquing people for protecting a rapist, they also did the same thing. It does come off a little bit as "It's okay as long as it doesn't happen to me" to me and I don't expect them to be "perfect saint victims," as people often do, but to say that women in Hollywood can never be responsible for their hypocrisy or actions is actually expecting them to be perfect saints who can never do any wrong. like it still feels like Metoo is just scratching the surface with the sexual abuse in hollywood

No. 508950

The #metoo movement itself is a lie, it was started in the mid-2000’s by a black woman who slept with an underaged boy and blamed him of rape when she got caught. Harvey Weinstein was just the fall guy because nobody liked him anymore.

No. 508962

agreed. courtney is definitely unfit for society. i know someone that was very close and personally around her for a couple years. through that person i learned terrible stories of things she has done to them and they still don't believe she killed kurt

No. 508963

You're literally making up shit. Are you the same person from the Celebricows thread who insisted Kobe Bryant was innocent?
>Burke was born in The Bronx, New York, and raised in the area.[1][2] She grew up in a low-income, working-class family in a housing project and was raped and sexually assaulted both as a child and a teenager. Her mother supported her recovery from these violent acts and encouraged her to be involved in the community. In her biography Burke states that these experiences inspired her to work to improve the lives of girls who undergo extreme hardships.[2] As a teenager, she became involved in working to improve the lives of young girls living in marginalized communities.[3] Burke attended Alabama State University then transferred and graduated from Auburn University.[4][5] During her time in college, she organized press conferences and protests regarding economic and racial justice.[5]

>"For the next several minutes this child … struggled to tell me about her 'stepdaddy' or rather her mother's boyfriend who was doing all sorts of monstrous things to her developing body. … I was horrified by her words, the emotions welling inside of me ran the gamut, and I listened until I literally could not take it anymore … which turned out to be less than five minutes. Then, right in the middle of her sharing her pain with me, I cut her off and immediately directed her to another female counselor who could 'help her better.' "
>Burke said she never forgot the look on the girl's face.
>"The shock of being rejected, the pain of opening a wound only to have it abruptly forced closed again – it was all on her face," she wrote.
>"I couldn't help her release her shame, or impress upon her that nothing that happened to her was her fault. I could not find the strength to say out loud the words that were ringing in my head over and over again as she tried to tell me what she had endured. …
>"I watched her walk away from me as she tried to recapture her secrets and tuck them back into their hiding place. I watched her put her mask back on and go back into the world like she was all alone and I couldn't even bring myself to whisper … me too."

However: Asia Argento is a white woman who actually slept with an underage boy, and that cast a bad light on the movement. She didn't start the movement itself, though. It's not surprising to me that she'd defend Roman Polanski, with this in mind.

No. 508991

Spill it, what are the stories?

No. 509045

There is lot of rumors surrounding Geffen.

>he is part of Hollywood pedo ring

>Geffen is/was secretly married to Keanu Reeves


>Geffen orchestrated the whole MJ child abuse scandal because he wanted his catalog (which includes ie. Beatles). MJ also reportedly paid tons of money to witch doctor to put hexes on Music industry moguls, including Geffen.




No. 509731

They're old, anon. All the major celebrities and icons are getting up there in age and they spent years abusing their bodies with drugs and partying. Sperging about demons and sacrifices is so annoying when there's real people using their real power to manipulate real life.

No. 510286

Okay so why are you here then?

No. 511799

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Dave Mustaine is Donald Trump’s doppelgänger

No. 511950

I've been feeling extremely tinfoil lately to the point where I'm worried I'm developing schizophrenia or something.

I don't want to browse any news because I hate having to always double and triple check sources because of modern shit clickbait journalism. Between WW3 never happening and Coronavirus being a sensationalized flu, I fucking hate any and all news nowadays. I'm so distrusting of EVERY source now. It's worse now with all these pop science YouTube channels flaunting their cherry picked studies as solid proofs. I fucking hate it. I hare it all. I'm falling into the belief that modern society wants us feeling utterly paranoid and miserable for a handful of people to profit.

I try to tell myself that I can't stress too much, there's only so much I can feasibly learn on my own and I HAVE to rely on others to get a larger picture of the world, but I'm so distrusting of everyone and everything now that I'm just withdrawing into my own bubble. And not social bubble, just my own lonely bubble where everything is uncertain but there's comfort that I haven't gotten suckered into believing something I shouldn't.

I'm constantly questioning my beliefs, where I found them, how I formed them. And my memories are so jank that when I don't have a concrete answer to those questions I flip the fuck out. Then I get too scared to Google it because I fear confirmation bias.

It's too tiring having to fact check everything..I inevitably will skimp out on fact checking unless a really outrageous claim comes by me, but how many small unchecked beliefs have lead into larger networks of bad beliefs due to a shit foundation? For instance, remember "the calcium in milk helps build strong bones?" I'm not against milk but holy fuck, I actually took that factually as a kid and based so many beliefs on milk being a "superfood" or some shit. Everything dairy was great, it made sense that cheese was really good for you, etc. Learning that milk isn't particularly good nor bad for you means dismantling an entire network of beliefs I made on my own based on that one node. Then you have to reconcile that someone purposefully drilling that misinformation at a large scale purely for personal gain, not caring about the deceptiveness of it.

And yes, part of growing as a person inherently means reevaluating your beliefs. I just feel it's almost too much effort nowadays to filter the good from the bad.

Makes me hesitant to learn new things.

No. 511996

>modern society wants us feeling utterly paranoid and miserable for a handful of people to profit.
Ding ding ding!

>it's almost too much effort nowadays to filter the good from the bad.

And that is by design, so you are overwhelmed and take the whole mix or reject it all. In both cases, you end up un/mis-informed and therefore easily manipulated.

I don't have a solution anon, I just wanted to say that I relate to your post and I feel for you.

No. 512295

huh, you all are really trying.

No. 512356

Did he really just outed himself as being chosen for president or should I really stop lurking on lipstick alley?

No. 512361

stop lurking LSA

No. 512368

I know the U.S had a lot of problems even before Trump became president, but the sooner his dementia ridden ass is out of office, the better.

No. 512388

Of all the demented shit Trump says you could easily read into, this is a mega stretch since he's clearly just boasting about his yuge buisness skills and even if he literally said "I was chosen for president" he would probably just mean he was voted by the public. In fact Trump being president is proof the POTUS is not involved in any mind blowing secrets because he couldn't go a day without bragging that he knows where the aliens are or whatever.

No. 514406

From what I have seen in the clips, the annual Dimebash (yearly all-star tribute to Dimebag Darrel and now with Vinnie Paul from Pantera) seems pretty…eerie to me; I get dark vibes from watching them.

Now I know you’re gonna bash me and call me a pussy because “it’s trve metal!!! Wtf you scared of boomer?!?!?!” but please hear me out.

I too am a fan of metal and I have seen many metal awards, concert clips and so on but this just doesn’t sit right with me. Scott Ian’s kid who was performing with his dad and other musicians seemed really frightened at just being there, everyone seemed possessed, channeling demons or whatever - it’s the same creepy vibe you get when watching the Grammys another mainstream awards show.

Please know that these are high-level rock stars and we all know what you gotta do to get there.

No. 514407

Notice the eye symbolism at the beginning, who’s the tribute really for?

No. 517049

I saw this video and it actually makes some sense

No. 517155


I am not even full on conspiracionist, but it does though.

She didn't mention that he's full on pink and wearing make up and earrings and a candy necklace as well, probably because he's "pretty like a woman".

Also, if the lyrics are actually about himself rather than his wife, it also makes much more sense. "Bonafide stallion, ain't in no stable, you stay on the run" seems to be describing an erratic dude (or kid) like him.

I also wonder about the fifty fifty part, that could be an allusion to Bieber's rumoured bisexuality (or the fact that he was abused by both genders).

And the "you're incriminating, no disguise" needs no explanation, really.

Also super tinfoil mode but maybe the jet part (that clearly describes a blowjob, even if you think that's about his wife) may be referring to him giving BJ's in Epstein's famous jet flights?

Maybe I'm just reading too much into the lyrics, but to me personally, makes way more sense than just being about his wife.

No. 517177

It’s highly possible that Biebs was butt-raped by Usher and a couple of producers, bet his own family sold him out

No. 517183

I was going to say the song's too bare-bones to have any evidence of anything (other than whoever's the lyricist sucks at both rhyming and poetry but)
Then I looked into his deal and
>During the joint interview Justin and Hailey reveal that they decided to abstain from sex before they married in a New York courthouse in September last year. Prior to rekindling his romance with the blonde beauty in June, the Love Yourself hitmaker admits he had a 'legitimate problem with sex' and was more than a year into a self-imposed sex ban when he reconnected with her.
>'He doesn't ask us not to have sex for him because he wants rules and stuff,' Justin says. 'He’s like, I’m trying to protect you from hurt and pain. I think sex can cause a lot of pain. Sometimes people have sex because they don’t feel good enough.
really struck me as odd.

No. 517216

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The "pretty/beautiful like a woman" thing was said by L. A. Reid, the producer that discovered Bieber in the first place. Who was charged later with sexual harassment. I have no doubt in my mind that he was sexually inappropriate, to say the least, with Bieber.

Stallion is also a term for a breeding male horse.

Again; I may be reading too much into it, but I also wondered if the title of the song itself isn't a reference to this particular email from the pizzagate leaks.

No. 517291

Okay, so we know that “pasta” is a code word for “boy” but wtf does “sauces” mean in their world? Jizz?

>I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so we can demolish them.


No. 517473

This guy is supposedly the Canadian Epstein

No. 517475

Demolish the cheeses?

No. 517488

Nice to know they’ll abuse other people’s kids but not their own. Either way, this doesn’t look good on them.

No. 517529

This email stuff is where pizzagate conspiracy gets hokey to me.
Child trafficking by elites through business fronts makes sense but those code words sound rediculous and this just looks like an email. It's more unbelievable to think up weird meanings for this email than just sensible ones like maybe the dominoes part could be about a time he lost really badly at dominoes after eating a lot of pizza. Private messages are usually filled with references and in jokes that don't make sense.

Maybe the true tinfoil is that the stupid parts of the pizzagate conspiraryb are just misinformation, made to discredit the very real child sex trafficking trade. Maybe this person genuinely orders children but here he's just talking about food and dominos.

No. 517591

Isn’t that what code words are for??? Because they can be construed as people doing every day things? I think the emails are disturbing. Don’t forget the picture of the two Korean women podesta sent out who were arrested for trafficking children

No. 517633

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No. 517838

>Domino = BDSM
Anon >>517529 you mentioned Domino’s, right?

No. 517840

Wasn’t Obama caught ordering “pizza” and “hotdogs” awhile back?

No. 517852

The White House doesn't allow outside food, and yet, the WikiLeaks emails cite Obama as having ordered $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs for a "private party".
Not sure what to make of that.

No. 517854

WHY WOULDNT THEY??? WHAT ABOUT NUT ALLERGIES???? The only NUTS they serve are peanuts. Hmm suspicious???
I proved that the conspiracy's real,guys. Lock em up.

No. 517869


Can we put this retarded crap to rest already?

No. 517872

doesn't Trump get McDonalds delivered regularly lmao

No. 517876

Yeah like the time those students were invited to the White House for dinner and he served them Wendy's.

No. 517907

>None of this elaborate conspiracy theory was true, as the New York Times noted
Why would the New York Times ever lie about anything?
It's not like the owner of Comet has already been caught red-handed lying about having a basement in his establishment.
>Most troubling for Mr. Alefantis and staff has been the use of children’s images, pilfered from the restaurant’s social media pages and the personal accounts of friends who had “liked” Comet Ping Pong online. Those photos have been used across dozens of websites. Parents, who declined to talk publicly for fear of retribution, have hired lawyers to get the photos removed.
>Some of the photographs were apparently taken from random web sites
Did whoever wrote this actually see the pictures or read the captions? Because some of them weren't even near appropriate to post on a restaurant or personal IG page.
>Alefantis also said many of the photographs were of children of family and friends, not patrons of Comet Ping Pong
This doesn't make things better.
>Scattered evidence from previously leaked Podesta communications was included, such as an e-mail about children orphaned after 2010’s catastrophic earthquake in Haiti (along with information about adoption agencies and trafficking),
Why is this article not acknowledging that Hillary Clinton literally had Laura Silsby, a person who was trafficking children from Haiti, freed and working for Amber Alert? This wasn't just scattered random information. I guess that wouldn't fit the agenda.
I typically like Snopes, but the omission of details and lack of any actual evidence this is fake other than "Alefantis says it's not true, pls stop" is kind of embarrassing here.

No. 517910

Yeah, he's pretty clear and unashamed about it, too.
It's kind of weird IMO for Obama to keep his $65,000 private hot dog/pizza party on the DL, though. Like, what would there be to hide? It's just food. And why the White House for the party?

No. 517931

So um, I went on /x/ because boredom


No. 517934

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Someone literally tried to shoot up the fucking place over a bunch of nonsense from a collage posted by someone on T_D. Was all this autism no reputable source has proved worth random bystanders potentially getting shot and killed? Or dying in a fire set by an arsonist? I don't fucking think so.

The BBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and even fucking Fox News investigated and found nothing. Do you seriously think that every news organization in the first world is all cospiring together to shield pedophiles? Get a grip and use Occam's Razor. The police have been called there dozens times during this whole debacle. At this point, I think they would have fucking noticed if children were being trafficked there. At this point you're literally taking the word of anonymous crackpots online over everyone else.

You know why people believe in conspiracies? Because they're afraid of the unknown and like the idea of feeling like they have "secret knowledge" other people don't. You prefer the idea that there's some deep underground organization doing all the bad things in the world because you can't cope with the fact that evil things are done by ordinary people randomly all the time.

By the way, jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel beams, but it is hot enough to weaken the alloy, causing structural failure.

No. 517940

The shooting was nothing more than a staged act, they aimed for the hard-drive containing what evidence it may have.

>The BBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and even fucking Fox News investigated and found nothing.

So you wholeheartedly believe the mainstream media narrative, got it.

No. 517941

The shooter didn't investigate anything, he just barged in and shot at a computer. I'm not really sure what that's supposed to prove, other than that anyone can easily get a gun to try to wreak havoc, and that a computer on the premises under suspicion has been destroyed for unknown reasons.
What did they investigate, exactly? Because every news article I've read just cites denials from those who are being accused, takes them at face value, only vaguely refers to the actual accusations (like with the Silsby thing Snopes did), and leaves it at that. You really think the media and law enforcement can't be bought by people with extremely high political power? How naive are you, exactly?
At most, I've seen Buzzfeed attempt to blame the Russians, but then when you check the linked directory of things said by Russian shills, nothing related to Pizzagate is there.
Who has been put on trial, taken to court, actually had their shit searched and been proven to be 100% innocent? Why the CheesyBay thing? Why all the links to actual, confirmed human trafficking rings? Why the quick attempts to shut down the whole controversy before the shooting even happened? Why would Alefantis call people "cowards" for not going to his shop? Isn't that incendiary? Any normal business owner would actually be glad internet rumors haven't escalated to violence, if for the safety of themselves and their patrons. Why were mods on at least one popular site that this was being discussed on (Reddit) caught editing people's posts on the subject before banning it as a whole, even though far more ridiculous, egregious shit is often left undisturbed?

>The police have been called there dozens times during this whole debacle. At this point, I think they would have fucking noticed if children were being trafficked there. At this point you're literally taking the word of anonymous crackpots online over everyone else.

You can call CPS to an abusive household dozens of times, and even if it's clear what's going on, sometimes, nothing happens. There's at least one 13 year old girl with internet notoriety whose mother is basically pimping her out on IG and Tik Tok, having her wear skimpy clothes and twerk to get likes/comments from pedos, and having her abide by contracts and sponsorship work that she can't legally agree to. I can't remember her name, but I found out about her because D'Angelo recently made a video about it. She's even admitted that police have been called and CPS have been sent over multiple times, but nothing has been done.
Remember, this is a small YouTube/IG stage mom not facing any legal trouble for clearly exploitative practices, and exposing her child to predators. What do you think would be the case with someone who's friendly with the Clintons and other people with actual power? Even if we lived in a society where the law is fair, just and treats all equal, do you think they wouldn't know how to hide their shit?
If you want an example that's closer to home, maybe consider the fact that it was common knowledge that Epstein had an entire island dedicated to child trafficking since the 90s, to the point where Donald Trump boasted about being friends with him and openly spoke on how much he loves "very young, beautiful women", but nothing has been done for 10+ years, and when he was finally jailed, he was "mysteriously" allowed to "kill himself". Very trustworthy system we have here, huh?
Occam's Razor here is that people as a whole are being lied to, even if you'd personally rather feel safe. Sorry.

No. 517942

This guy was fired and blacklisted for doing his job. Oh and one of the comments reported that Wikileaks tweeted this video awhile back.

No. 517949

I missed this part:
>Because they're afraid of the unknown and like the idea of feeling like they have "secret knowledge" other people don't.
Being afraid of the unknown typically makes you run away from things, not toward them. Also, you can't keep calling this the draw of secret knowledge when the so-called "crackpots" are trying their hardest to make this as public and not secret as possible, only to get immediately gagged, blacklisted and banned from doing so by people who, if the allegations are true, would definitely have a vested interest in keeping things suppressed.
>You prefer the idea that there's some deep underground organization doing all the bad things in the world because you can't cope with the fact that evil things are done by ordinary people randomly all the time.
It's not underground, though. People with power can, and often do, commit very fucked up acts. Try reading about geopolitics, or war crimes committed by the US alone. Or, just open a history book. It's not crazy for large figures to also be abhorrent people.
These people have publicly known names, faces and identities, like anyone else. They are ordinary people, not gods.
The difference between them and your neighborhood sex offender is that they simply haven't gotten in trouble, and usually, they won't. The reason why is because of their money, their reputation, who they're related to, or what blackmail material they have on other important, publicly known figures and organizations. Look at how Jimmy Saville was protected, the fact that Bill Clinton was a frequent flier to Epstein's island but still isn't in jail, how multiple figures in Hollywood signed a petition to protect Roman Polanski, how Michael Jackson still has rabid fans who defend him to this day, etc. The list goes on. Even within your average family, a rapey uncle or grandpa can get away with molesting the children, and still get invited to family events, even after the children speak up.
Many people just care more about maintaining the status quo, or sating their own selfishness than enacting "real" justice. That's just how they are. And since people are running the police, the media and other avenues, instead of some sort of impartial, perfect justice AI that punishes all evildoers equally, of course many things will get swept under the rug, slip through the cracks or get outright denied. That's how it always goes until someone else with even more power steps in, or it's simply impossible to keep lying about anymore.
It's happened before, it's still happening now, and the fact that you seem so opposed to this simple knowledge makes it seem like you and others in denial are just sticking your heads in the sand.

No. 517960

I'm in the medical field and I feel like lots of doctors over-prescribe medications for no reason, especially to old and obese people. I've seen doctors prescribe 30+ pills to things that can easily be reduced to 10 pills at most. Maybe it's a way to keep people to not reproduce? A lot of the medications cause tiredness and infertility, not to mention problems that most people never notice and can live their entire lives without worrying about or being affected by it being new medical issues and need to be prescribed medicine.

No. 517983

I have no idea where you work country-wise, but in the US doctors can get cash incentives for prescribing medications. For years Lipitor was overprescribed because it wasn't controlled and the Pfizer incentive was easy and arrived quickly.
It feels like the elderly are least likely to argue about taking something new or even inquire why they'd need a new med.

No. 518032

one word: money. That's why. There's more money to be made from an elderly person taking 30 pills than an elderly person taking 10 pills.

No. 518049

Yeah, it's fucked up. When I was 13 I went to a psychiatrist and told them I couldn't concentrate (because I was depressed) and they immediately prescribed me stimulants. It made me more depressed when it wore off in the middle of the day. I didn't realize until later I was practically crashing off legal meth daily and it took me years to quit

No. 518070

If you work in the US I can attest to this. My general practitioner convinced me to take a $300+ test to see what medications would work best for me. My results were completely wrong. The meds that were awful for me were in the good row, and the ones that worked but wore off overtime were in the bad row. I looked up the test and it wasn’t peer reviewed. That’s just one encounter I’ve had. I’ve had one doctor actually care about me in 7 years. Everyone else tries sucking money out of me until I’m assertive

No. 518087

I agree with the premise that medications are being irresponsibly prescribed but the concluding question
>Maybe it's a way to keep people to not reproduce?
Is ridiculous. You can't claim it's mostly old and obese people who are targeted and then say it's about reproduction as if those demographics are known to wantonly reproduce in the first place. Old people aren't having babies. It doesn't make sense.

The reality in the US is that young, white, and middle class peoples are being the most affected by prescription abuse and specifically for opiates. Because now with stricter regulations, doctors are having to cut them off and so they resort to illegal street drugs which often kill. Or they doctor shop around until they find one who will give them the scripts and they die just from prolonged abuse of their medications.

There's no conspiracy to it. The reality is people live difficult, stressful, and expensive lives but don't have the means to seek real medical help and lifestyle changes. They go to their doctor who promises magical pill reliefs for their pains, and the doctor is happy to oblige for the business and money. It's a vicious cycle.

No. 518264

File: 1582691918498.jpeg (207.87 KB, 750x1066, 5DAC62F6-094A-45B0-9EFC-A3818D…)

So Reddit continues to censor posts they apparently don’t like. Is there any doubt anymore that social media sites are carefully controlled and monitored with a certain agenda?

No. 518274

who gives a shit. reddit is a blight. kill it.

No. 518324

Same agenda as always, anon: hiding the truth.

No. 518331

Old comet ping pong commercial

No. 518340

(2016) notice the absent artwork?

No. 518378

I feel sorry for the artist who now gets to be tied to this conspiracy
It reminds me of the liberal artist who first drew Pepe the frog

No. 518510

Again with the mainstream media articles? The Pepe one was a given but wtf are you doing here if you’re willing to listen to the man’s propaganda?

No. 519602

This article reads like every other mainstream coverup piece. Second paragraph calling believers “the dumbest people on the internet” … these claims have evidence, despite what they want us to think.

Any other anons struggling with swallowing the red pill? Also I 100% believe in pizzagate. I’m not sure how far I believe in the satanic stuff or to what extent, but I definitely believe the pedo ring.

My friend came over and we watched million dollar extreme’s world peace show together and it kinda fucked me up. We have been talking for months about pizzagate and the state of the world right now in terms of who is in power and what they’re doing to brainwash us.

No. 520020

In regards to the satanic stuff, just because they use that type of iconography or symbols doesn't necessarily mean that they believe in it.
A large theory is that they use these things to make outspoken victims seem like liars or mentally ill conspiracy theorists. The more outlandish and crazy these things are, the harder they are to believe.
You could use something like Elan School for reference. This was a reform school that parents could have their children sent to, and was backed by the government. These children were kidnapped from their beds in the middle of the night (which is legal, because the parents consented), tossed into the back of a van, and driven to Maine. When they arrived, they were forced to shower in front of strangers, and had all of their personal effects and clothing taken away. If they tried to run, there were local hunters stationed in the woods specifically to capture them. There's lots of crazy things that happened there, but the biggest ones were the fighting pit where students had to fight multiple opponents in one go, the "therapy sessions" where students were only allowed to scream at and insult each other, and the isolation room where you'd be forced to sit and stare at the wall without moving, sometimes for as long as a month.
Remember - this happened, has extensive amounts of proof, AND was backed by the government and completely legal. This school ran from the '70s and shut down around 2011. Decades of child abuse and torture. Some kids managed to run away. Victims spoke out. Police were sent, multiple times. But the school continued to run because who would want to believe that there was a government-funded torture chamber in the woods of Maine where children were only allowed to scream at each other, fight, and stare at walls for years? By the way, Elan School didn't even have to set a release date for when a student would graduate the program. For almost every student, they kept them until 18 (and some entered as young as 13), where students could legally sign themselves out of the program.

No. 522730

i've heard that before and it makes a lot of sense. if you design a room to look like, say, the inside of a UFO, the victims will get grouped in with people who have abduction delusions

No. 522913

I believe every conspiracy theory has at least a little truth to it. There is no such thing as coincidences when there are TONS of them in one situation.
The conspiracies get exaggerated and people shit them up sure, but that doesn't mean there is absolutely nothing there at all. If you trust your gut and something seems off, there usually is.

I think about this a lot

No. 523497

Any corona theories yet?

No. 524843

No. 524879

i know i just bought a lot of shit because everything was so low. so, yeah.

No. 524880


No. 525000

I don't know much about /pol/ but coincidentally he was right about Italy? But I guess it's super touristy there. Everything else could have been predicted, I guess. But now I'm curious about the part where he says it may spread badly in Brazil and South America?
He says he has connections with CDC and WHO, but both of them seemed pretty incompetent at times regarding the epidemic. So even if someone did have ~insider info~ with them, I feel like they wouldn't know what would happen? And having friends in the medical field wouldn't make a difference either.
And his estimation of at least 60,000 people being killed is kind of the same as the flu so that's a safe number to go with for him to be right about later on…
A lot of effort was put into this and it was a cool read but it's kind of like a "psychic" or a "fortune teller" being right. Just be correct and coincidental enough so people will believe.

No. 525443

How long until martial law is declared and we get sent to the FEMA camps?

I don’t want a mark or vaccination but I don’t wanna end up in a concentration camp….I also don’t want to believe this prediction is becoming reality.

No. 525681

Not sure about western conspiracies, but the two big ones that were/are going around 2ch are that corona was an accidentally leaked biological weapon, and that the Chinese hotel (or apartment building?) housing people on quarantine from corona that collapsed last week was purposefully bombed by the government.

This is just some second hand stuff I’ve heard from friends here, not sure if there’s anything similar floating around /x/ or /pol/ lately.

No. 527353

The old fucker in this vid practically wrote the book on bioweapons and he agrees that it was man made either unintentionally or intentionally leaked

No. 527372

Mods can we talk about China/Corona here?

No. 527787

FEMA camps when?

No. 527865

>million dollar extreme’s world peace show
That's interesting, because Sam Hyde abuses teen girls.

No. 527866

If we can't this thread is autistic. It's called general tinfoil
>government coverups
It's in the description

No. 528041

No. 528197

Samefag. So this guy brings up in a few instances of his 3 part series that covid19 was being spliced with HIV in order to create a more aggressive contagion (there's a lot more info to the theory but let's focus on that). An Indian lab was studying the virus and came to the conclusion it was man-made due to its molecular structure seemingly being made up of both viruses. Directly afterwards an appointed shill from China released that corona is actually found in bats to combat that claim, even going as far to say they've known that for years, despite no prior mentions of the fact. India is now successfully combating the virus with HIV medication which is only recently being broadcast by mainstream media. Make of that what you will.

No. 528358

The fact that coronavirus is a family of viruses and that SARS is also a coronavirus is making a lot of the conspiracies really confusing to follow right now. I wish I knew more about microbiology. And I also don't really trust the conspiracy theorists to know enough about it either.
Still post the tinfoils tho

No. 528642

You can take any strain of virus and splice it with another (whether it's effective is another story), that's what labs around the world do to create and study potential bioweapons. There's plenty of documentation to support the way in which viruses are able to be mutated through human means. Even our scientists who research vaccines require studying/messing with the molecular structure in order to effectively predict the next vaccine needed to protect the populus. Sorry for the possible confusion, I accidentally implied Covid19 was spliced with HIV in my post when I should have said it was a mixture of the SARS family, spliced with HIV, that was the possible origin of Covid19. Here's an article that backs up our ability to engineer viruses, similarly to how biological scientists experiment with the genetic structure of stem cells.


>The fact that coronavirus is a family of viruses and that SARS is also a coronavirus is making a lot of the conspiracies really confusing to follow

(This video actually elaborates on what a Corona virus is, it gains it's title from it's molecular structure). I don't mean to be unkind anon, and you're more than welcome to you opinion, but given the modern world that's realistically a bit of a moot point. This man is by no means the authority on microbiology, but he has collected information from various legitimate sources (eg. Institutes of virology) in order to explain his contention. Although, I definitely agree having the grasp on microbiology that scientists do would ofc make our discourse significantly more effective. Hope this helps!

No. 528939

Oprah got arrested for child trafficking and being a madam for Harvey Weinstein

No. 528944

nah she didn't

No. 529099

Well that sucks, I was hoping that justice was finally served.

No. 530711

File: 1584957784712.jpg (50.31 KB, 800x419, vaccination-microchip-id2020-c…)

What do you think of id2020?


Their plan is to microchip everyone. It's not a conspiracy since it's out in the open. The "alliance" consists of big names such as Bill Gates, the Rockerfeller foundation and WHO.

The microchip will also hold data on your vaccinations. My thought is that they may force the micocships on people through the new Corona laws.

Their homepage is fucking creepy too.

No. 530846

Has anyone read A Modest Proposal? An essay about selling your own children as food for English royalty/the elites.

I remember reading this short story as a kid during my senior year and being put off by it while studying satirical literature. This is supposed to be satire, right?


No. 530847

yes, it was satire…

No. 530855

Yes but now allegations of pizzagate/spirit cooking and allegations of the queen kidnapping children from residential schools in Canada came out, how much of this story was telling the truth?

No. 530857

What happens if we refuse? They better not make this mandatory

No. 531534

According to QAnon (I know, I know); celebs are freaking out about social distancing is because they are getting arrested via quarantine. Harvey Weinstein is now talking and “they” are scaring Oprah into shutting up with the scandals coming out if she doesn’t do what they say - whatever it is they want.

In the news, Trump mentioned of a missing young lady who was a trafficking victim for the elites and was constantly tortured and almost died. He hasn’t revealed the name yet but people speculate it’s either Madeline McCann, Kristen Smart, Kayla Mueller or Natalee Holloway.

It’s been noted that QAnon speaks sometimes uses disinfo the get tptb off their tail, like Hillary supposedly being arrested

No. 531560

Ellen is under house arrest. Supposedly she has an ankle monitor and is surrounded by soldiers outside while chatting with Michelle Obama

https://mobile.twitter.com/TheEllenShow/status/1242186005639303170 (Video)

No. 531569

But why

No. 531575

File: 1585108811875.png (1.07 MB, 788x786, 0355C347-DC11-43C4-8A98-EF617B…)

For being sick fucks, that’s why. “Draining the swamp”

Pic related: she looks old as shit! In need of that baby blood/adrenochrome

No. 531580

Holy cow that's Ellen? I thought it was Bill Clinton

No. 531602

This was my initial speculation. I'm disappointed there's actually some creedence to the theory tbh.

Thank fuck this thread exists. I'd go stir crazy if we couldn't openly discuss celebrities' predatory nature. She looks like she needs a whole lot more than a blood facial imo.

No. 531611

Plz spoon feed me the Ellen pedo allegations, I’m so curious and it’s so hard to go through the man-chan speak on reddit and 4chan. I really get weird vibes from her though and noticed her show has been going on last week unexpectedly without her

No. 531617

My favourite tinfoils are the ones that come from some nobody’s blog.

No. 531627

File: 1585127114028.png (1.04 MB, 1006x856, Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 5.02…)

What do we think about this whole coronavirus thing being a "preparation" cover for the real threat? A massive astroid that will hit Earth Next month. NASA has been tracking it since 1987 and deemed it potentially hazardous but claims it will miss Earth by 3.9 million miles.


No. 531629

She works for the CIA and is a suspected handler, just click on her Twitter and you’ll probably find a rabbit hole.

Edit: I tried to locate this Tiffany chick’s blogpost about Ellen being a CIA shill but I think she deleted it so here’s her Twitter post talking about Ellen hanging out with George Bush.


No. 531632

File: 1585128683667.jpeg (99.9 KB, 601x680, FC88307D-CBD9-4049-B270-2805EB…)

Up next on the hit list, Madonna!

https://mobile.twitter.com/Madonna/status/1241035131554615298 (Video)

Pic related; she’s speaking-err, singing in code

No. 531657


If it was something big (or fast like a comet) the only real preparation is to kiss your ass goodbye not this mess.

No. 531665

Every damn month this tinfoil comes up. As if no one else would be able to see that and talk about it.

No. 531721

Is there any truth about opening the third eye through anal sex? Apparently that’s what high-level Freemasons and Luciferians do to achieve power and knowledge

No. 531727

That sounds like shit. There are beliefs throughout a lot of groups that orgasm is enlightening though, so wouldn't be surprised if fucking a young lad up the ass is louted as being spiritual. Sure there's stories about rabbis having young boys sitting on their dicks in saunas in Israel

No. 531737

does anyone actually know of ANYONE who actually has coronavirus? Not just a friend of a friend who knows some guy who had a cough….

No. 531739

…. I have it.. tested positive so yeah.. I'd say I know someone, schizo-chan.

No. 531740

File: 1585149569540.png (37.64 KB, 1101x205, 21546365.PNG)

It's nice knowing your branching out from finland anon

No. 531745

What the…?! So it’s not just the Catholics that are being “enlightened”. Kabbalah, right

No. 531749

My friends uncle passed away Monday from it.

No. 531792

Cat’s out of the bag, Alec Baldwin jokes about kids touching people’s private parts

No. 531794

Someone in the coronavirus thread posted she had it and her mother was on a ventilator in the hospital. Haven't heard any updates in a while I'm worried.

No. 531989

According to yt commenters, JFK Jr. is alive

No. 532112

My friend's parents both tested positive. It's only officially made it's way into my city in the past few days (all confirmed cases through community spread), but it's spread significantly in that time. We have less than 600 tests in the entire state right now though with incoming tests being delayed, so we don't know the real numbers. I know a few people who are sick and presumed positive because they tested negative for everything else and the symptoms match, but they aren't "at risk" or experiencing any complications so no one can get tested. Only one dead so far, but my friend's parents aren't looking great and they're only at the beginning of it. I expect more in the weeks to follow.

No. 532153

hollywood is going to fucking burn one day. I can't wait till the day celebrity culture is officially dead and no one gives a shit about these psychopaths anymore. fuck everyone and they mama.

No. 532167

sits down in park with a friend YOU GOT A LOICENSE FOR THAT

Good to see the brits with a brain and not giving a fuck. The brits are going to be a hard one to control in the New World Order.

It's crazy to see people celebrating brutal governments whipping their own citizens for simply walking down a street Ala India. How do we know when these lockdown/laws will end? If they ever do? They'll say we can't go back to living how we were before to "prevent another outbreak" I don't understand how people don't see how blatant the agenda is.

No. 532172


Buddy, there's no insidious agenda, itss just that rounding everyone like cattle is easier than dealing with thousands of corpses

No. 532177

Enjoy your microchip. Now back to your kung flu containment thread. This is the general tinfoil.

No. 532181

So? Everything here is up for debate, im a probable case of covid and its way more painful that i've ver expected it to be, i don't wish this crap on anyone, tinfoiling is one thing, spreading misinformation that will put people's health and life in risk is another schizo-chan.

No. 532183

The virus is real, but governments are also definitely using it to quickly enact significant social change when nobody has the ability to fight back. Some changes will stick.

Anon above, good luck, I hope you can push past this virus.

No. 532186

The way celebrities are acting during this outbreak is pushing that day closer. Even normies are criticizing them pretty harshly for their self righteousness and attention whoring.

No. 532210

I'm not into conspiracies at all but I'm living for those who do lol I love that the last couple days under every article/video about celebrities people are just ramping it up, even the craziest shit get's thousands of likes.
Nice example, celebrities - in this case Madonna - posting weird shit because of the quarantine: https://twitter.com/Madonna/status/1241035131554615298
>Please shut up.
>The last three days have made me hate celebrities more than I ever thought I could.
>All celebs must be ban from social media
>We are watching attention whore celebs have a literal meltdown in front of us.
>Black radiator 311 >Which god is she thanking?
>I bet that’s 14 fish to be exact
>Looks like withdrawal symptoms and I might add your lack of real talent shows now!
>No more PASTA (young boys) for you. And no, there won't be a FALSE FLAG (Fried Fish) to save you this time. You're totally fucked. All options are exhausted. The whole world is watching. You won't be able to walk the streets.
Thousands are accusing her of being part of murderous organizations, how long will they be able to withstand that?
All those popstars, actors and the kardashians have done so much damage, they're such bad influence on all young people, they deserve every bit of hate they get.

No. 532216

I really enjoy that they are completely exposed to direct criticism for once in history. These figures finally have to deal with instant repercussions and have to read instant real reactions. Instant communication makes everyone seem so much less important and mundane, it’s kinda fun. Also with the rise of E-celebs, normal people that gain a lot of followers, makes them seem even less “famous” or unattainable.

No. 532220

>I really enjoy that they are completely exposed to direct criticism for once in history. These figures finally have to deal with instant repercussions and have to read instant real reactions.
Exactly, they got away with having everybody treat them like gods for way to long.

Ellen Degeneres is also in trouble right now, her and "house arrest" are trending, countless of accusation because she suddenly looks so old, tired and deflated and somebody started a very popular thread for people to share how horrible a person she is. https://twitter.com/KevinTPorter/status/1241049881688412160
>I worked @RealFoodDaily, served her & Porsha at brunch. She wrote a letter to the owner & complained about my chipped nail polish. I had worked till closing the night before & this was next morn, almost got me fired.
>She has a "sensitive nose" so everyone must chew gum from a bowl outside her office before talking to her and if she thinks you smell that day you have to go home and shower.
>A friend of mine told me about a custodian she knew who was fired bc he was slightly autistic and forgot he wasn't allowed to look at or speak to her, and he loved greeting everyone.
>she polices her crew's lunch orders, nobody allowed to eat fish etc.
And monsters like that earn hundred millions.

No. 532223

I do find it interesting that Oprah was accused of her house being raided and now this Ellen house arrest thing. I don't know if either of those accusations are true but where there is smoke there is fire and It's very easy to start smear a campaign against someone. Pay some bots to start the rumour and rile up the conspiracy crowd. It makes you wonder what Oprah/Ellen have done to piss whoever off? 2020 is really crazy. So much energy is shifting.

No. 532560

An anon posted this on the Corona-chan thread, felt it should be shared here too as schizo-chans

No. 532745

This anti-celebrity sentiment that people are starting to develop is so fucking cathartic

No. 533120

File: 1585371482973.jpeg (104.85 KB, 828x1792, 4ACC4808-6201-4051-BA39-770BBC…)

Wikileaks email confirming Ellen is a CIA shill

No. 533212

Satanic cults and magic whoohoo aside, I think most very rich people have done shady and illegal things to stay very rich. Ellen probably committed some white collar crime like insider trading.

No. 533389


No. 533447

File: 1585433207759.jpeg (506.76 KB, 1125x891, B119B579-7101-42A0-8C59-E1DE69…)

Tom Hanks is arrested upon arrival to the US.

No. 533449

No. 533460

Are you being serious? One of those two is clearly a pilot, that's no law enforcement uniform. Where did this picture even come from?

No. 533474

Maybe they’re not regular cops…?

No. 533506

An astrologer predicted

he predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the coming of Brexit) made this prediction about 2020:

"When Jupiter conjoins Pluto in spring, there will be a drastic change in mankind's outlook on life — people will return to their roots and re-discover the old ways of living as well as the value of home and family life.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction in April brings a major financial crisis that will be felt on a global scale.

With Saturn's ingress into Aquarius, fraudulent businessmen, capitalists, and materialistic merchants will meet their downfall. This will set the stage for a new economy and business system by 2029.

The political scene will also transform as people's views undergo changes. Corrupt politicians and world leaders will slowly begin to lose their influence. Money and currency will become more transparent.

We might witness the disintegration of large nations like the UK and Spain, and the restoration of restrictive measures on countries' borders.

With Neptune in Pisces, we will also see the birth of a new generation of children who will not appreciate the use of smoke, alcohol or drugs.

Uranus in Aquarius laid the groundwork for the birth of new minds 19 years ago. This new generation of Uranians will bring significant changes to the police and the judiciary system.

Most people will realize that there has never been a real democracy, only dictatorship and oligarchy, because the police have predominantly protected the government and the rich."

No. 534972

File: 1585732544594.png (2.77 MB, 913x10923, screencapture-twitter-lsanger-…)

The creator of Wikipedia is speaking out on systematic child sex trafficking by elites.
Wonder how the media will spin this and try to convince everyone he's a crackpot/schizo.

No. 534974

File: 1585732829251.png (1.37 MB, 924x6501, screencapture-twitter-lsanger-…)

Here's the second thread. Shout out to the uneducated people and political partisans who have been screeching "Pizzagate FAKE" and acting in bad faith when we all know what's been going on.
Archive links:

No. 534978

if only man

No. 534982

>large nations

When was this written, the 17th century?

No. 535030

it's always bizarre to me how people talk about pizzagate as it was the most outrageously ridiculous conspiracy theory knowing all this at the same time.
also if you spend literally 5 minuts reading up on pizzagate past the "famous politicians rape babies in a pizzeria" tl;dr, there clearly was SOMETHING going on in these mails. Maybe not connected to children at all. But it definitely wasnt discussing amazing pizza flavors. Come on.

No. 535048

I’m so angry for pedophiles for abusing kids AND ruining pizza. They should use surströmming as a code name for their disgusting activities.

No. 535062

who predicted it? Kinda curious and wanna read more

No. 535064


God i fucking hope not.

Restrictive border control is my worst nightmare.

No. 535066

Speaking of predictions, has anyone read the Georgia guidestones?

No. 535102

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Any proof that pizzagate is real?I'm having a hard time believing it

No. 535333

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I feel the exact same way, anon. Everything feels like a lie.

No. 535897

Am I the only one that doesn't trust Bill Gates?
Look at how smug he is, he even dashes some side smirks.

No. 535904

No. It is absolutely not real and confirmed conservative propaganda. There are plenty of legit reasons to hate Clinton, but that is not one of them.

No. 535907

He's one of the richest people on earth, owns Microsoft who basically says "fuck your privacy!" all over their software and will probably try to shill his dumb microchips. Trusting him would be tinfoiling at this point.

No. 535909

Jfc I hope he dies.

No. 535910

Confirmed where? Also, I don't see how it's conservative propaganda when it's been shown that pedophilia is an issue with all sides of the political spectrum.

No. 536137

He's starting to look like John Kramer from Saw

No. 536168

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Oh look, Richie’s trying to get into the industry….or his management told him to flash the eye if he really wants to make it

No. 536179

Amazing. How has that long banana faced bitch not given up on everything? He's so ugly it's offensive and yet he's still out here trying anything he can

No. 536205

Kek, not even the elites want his bitchass yet he’s still trying

No. 536369

Fuck bill gates. He needs to die if he starts microchipping us.

who is this faggot?

No. 536657

Children are being rescued from shady hospitals and tunnels, mount sinai I believe


No. 536658

No. 536665

He doesn't even own Microsoft anymore you retard.

Holy shit this thread is hilarious.

No. 536676

People here are literally retarded, they were in the COVID thread saying how the American government not being proactive is good becuase the government is not responsible for how the pandemic is handled and it should rest upon the average american to protect themselves. Also tinfoiling about the government using the pandemic to 'control us even more'

No. 536688

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No. 536971

Any good vids explaning how covid 19 and 5G are linked? I like watching/ listening to conspiracy stuff for fun while I work but youtube suppresses tinfoil stuff so all I can find are debunkings.

No. 537191


No. 539281

There was an online petition going on to stop Bill Gates’ Satanic vaccines but was abruptly stopped.

No. 539287

… idfk maybe because there's a fucking pandemic going on, idiot.

No. 539296

Mrs. Rona will see you now, dummy.

No. 540712

This is exploding on youtube rn

No. 540922

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Got her

No. 540935

This was really good anon, thank you for posting it! It deserves an explanation though because I wish they didn't pick such a cheesy cover image and I didn't know if I was going to waste my time. I didn't care for the religious undertones but it's just the one guy's religion I guess. It's really well put together with credible interviews, footage, and showing some documents. It sums up everything in the past and up to very recently very well. The pizza gate explanation was so good. I also already knew (like we all do) that Lady Gaga was involved in Marina Abramovic, but until this video I didn't know the extent to how much she was, even in the beginning of her career. It also makes sense why Lady Gaga is randomly endorsing Biden now.

No. 541145

With every celebrity, politician, health guru and your momma telling you to “stay inside” and “practice social distancing” and “obey the law” or risk fines and jail time/forced quarantine. This is starting to really feel like an Orwellian society, and there’s not much we could do about it…for now at least.

I’d hate to say this but welcome to the New World Order

No. 541148

ok but in this case they're telling you those things for rational, tangible reasons.

No. 541151

Covid is a real disease meant to bring upon the New World Order

No. 541165

Nowhere in my post I said the virus wasn’t real, but I do agree with >>541151

No. 541183

Everything was condensed but very informative, Hollywood was and is a lie after all, hopefully this means people will finally get off the blue pill. I’m glad the dude found God too.

Her parents sold her out.

No. 541191

Had to delete my previous post because the video edited to look 2spo0ky5m3 and found a copy of the original one instead, here’s Marina invoking her “art” through high tech

No. 541198

No. 541204

It really does feel like some cult mantra, I mean it's borderline propaganda and really starting to feel patronising at this point. Don't get me wrong the virus is definitely real and it's best to stay inside for now but the way people are going about it rubs me the wrong way, the way they're blindingly following everything so called experts are saying whether it's well researched or no. Whether the virus got out on purpose or not (I believe it did) it was 100% manufactured in a lab

No. 541216

This was a really good video. I’m not really a conspiranoic but this was very put together and entertaining.

No. 541301

even though it was reaching at some parts(television = tell a vision lmao no) it is a good video for people who are anaware of this stuff. regardless of what anyone believes about conspiracies,the fact that you can't find it in the search results despite having this much engagement really says something

No. 541332

How could they be so retarded as to release this? I feel like this is some reverse psychology, order-from-chaos setup. False disclosure, or true disclosure, but for a specific reason. Not a good reason. They want us to beg for the NWO (or at least their lies about what it will be) out of fear and disgust.

No. 541446

Her skin looks so good for a 70 year old. Maybe I should add baby blood to my beauty routine

No. 541490

Don’t forget to drink that adrenochrome if you wanna live longer!

No. 541521

She is very injected and she admits to getting a lot of fraxel laser resurfacing, I’m too lazy to find it but just google marina abramovic lasers

No. 541834

No. 541909


No. 542190


have some valium, anon. you're THISCLOSE to a heart attack. chill.

No. 542950

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What did Ellen do to get thrown under the bus like that?

No. 542951

What do I have to do to get one

No. 542982

be unfunny

No. 542988

Be mega rich and a Satanist

No. 543453

No. 543528

Don’t those anons in the celeb thread realize that pedowood is real real? Did they forget about Lindsay trying to steal a Muslim kid from his parents in Moscow?

No. 543532

Lindsey is a mentally ill druggie woman who is high all of the time so its not comparable.
You have thread dedicated here to pedowood so keep it that.

No. 543547

Someone made a video going into the IG screenshots and key individuals implicated in the Pizzagate scandal, and exposed that one of Europe's largest lingerie companies is actually hosting CP.
He discovered all of this through Googling a seemingly innocuous term in a photo of Obama at a Vietnamese restaurant, by the way. I know it sounds like bullshit, but he demonstrated exactly how he did this (obviously while heavily blurring anything illegal or compromising), and added that he reported his findings to the FBI. This world is a fucking joke.

No. 543552

Can you summarize that vid? Cause it’s not playing for me. What do you by cp? Full on deep web type child porn or photos of “underaged” models with edgey imagery in lingerie like that ray chandler qanon stuff where they thought a 25+ year old girl was underaged?

No. 543561

How long until he gets an hero’ed? Gotta be prepared, ya know

No. 543564

It's pretty in-depth, and I'm bad at summarizing, but to answer your question as best I can: At first, he saw "legal", but very creepy photos of actual children in training bras/underwear. He came across two images where they were naked except for bikini bottoms. He censored them for obvious reasons, but you could still kind of see the silhouettes, and all the tags were child/preteen related. There was no "edgy" imagery, from what I saw.
The source Google provided for one of the images was the online store for the normal lingerie brand "L*sca". He clicked on the link, and it lead to an item page that looked normal except for that photo. The site made sure to specify that it was for "kid's swimwear", so even though the uploader blurred the photo so we (the viewers) couldn't tell the age of the person pictured, we're literally told by the site what this is.
He also checked what the site looked like if you visited it "the normal way" (ie just typing in the site URL, and going through the homepage). He noted that all of L*sca's "normal" results, on Google images and on the site itself, showed adults only. All children's underwear or swimwear listings from the "usual" end of things was just the items alone, no models wearing them.
To come across what he found, you literally had to have known and looked up the special "code word" he got from following all these random, seemingly loosely-related bread crumbs.
On top of that, after all this, he pointed out that Google kept recommending him gross videos of little girls on YouTube, quite a few of them with Russian titles.
The rest of the video is an overview of who James Alefantis and John Podesta are, why the IG posts raised so many eyebrows from the start, and other questionable businesses and individuals they're linked to.

No. 543579

absolutely not defending pedophiles or CP, video is taken down so i cant check what you're talking about but in theory, what's wrong with literal children not wearing bras? they have no boobs, it's only sexual if you're a sick pervert and make it sexual.

No. 543580


Okay just FYI in Europe and especially in former Soviet Union it is (or was when I was a kid, idk if norms are changing now) totally normal for girls before puberty to wear only swimsuit bottoms on beach, and for really little kids (toddler and baby age) to have no clothing at all, I’ve seen some older films where there was full frontal nudity in beach scenes with kids. The fact that’s it’s “hidden” might be weird, but it might also be a product line that’s only viewable on the site in Europe, maybe they use an alternative layout for us based ips because they know the norms are way different in America and it would freak people out.

No. 543598

The Lisca brand is from my country, which used to be part of Yugoslavia, not the Soviet Union. Huge difference.

However, even here seeing children topless on the beach is normal, and it's also a very warm region with sea access. When you start developing then naturally you'll start wearing bra tops and such.

Also, the brand does not advertise outside of a small selection of surrounding countries, all European. In its country of origin it's very popular and the underwear is produced in a place that's kind of locally famous for sturdy cotton underwear that very old village grandmothers boil to disinfect.

I don't want to say there's nothing going on behind this because I really don't know, and our country neighbours another that's kinda known for sex trafficking and prostitution so God knows, but it really is just a lingerie brand as far as most people here are concerned and they have pictures of the kids' line in store catalogues with models and the women's line also worn by models. The site could also be outdated, most businesses here can't internet.

I'm kinda surprised that anyone would consider topless children creepy to begin with. It's just kids, you wouldn't put a bra on a baby.

No. 543628

I really think you should watch the video first before defending the photos, anons. I understand that not all countries have the same norms, but whoever runs the site hosting that shit purposely went out of their way to hide it. They knew it wasn't defensible, it wasn't necessary for it to be on the site (the images themselves didn't look very "old-timey" based on the colors, the poses the models were in didn't exactly look normal, and it's definitely not hard to simply delete shit off your site, even if you can't into computers), and the uploader literally had to blur the images to avoid getting his shit deleted for distribution of illegal content.

No. 543718

NTA but it says video unavailable for me, anon. Sounds like a bad sign. Did he make sure to censor the brand name so it wouldn't make sense if they took it down?

No. 543735

nta but you need to sign in to confirm your age, maybe that's what it is? it's up for me for now, but i hope this is downloaded and mirrored in case it's taken down

No. 543893

That was gone fast…

No. 543918

Well, that definitely confirms my suspicions.
I have a slight tinfoil that naming the brand here tipped off their Google Alerts, and they had it removed. No worries, it's still on BitChute (and there seems to be a way to directly download videos from that site): https://www.bitchute.com/video/m4uPgLMVI_g/
The video creator's username is "Mouth Buddha". I'm just saying this so if the BitChute one gets deleted too, anons will have something to use to start digging.
He seems to be linked to retarded alt-right people like Ethan Ralph, but this particular video was informative IMO.

No. 543979

Thanks for linking the reupload of the video, now I kinda see what you meant with the pictures. Still, as an European used to seeing kids run naked or half naked I see nothing explicit about them - poses are not sexual at all either - though it is weird how you cannot access that subsection without this odd way around. Could be something could be nothing. I don't know why anyone would do something with sharing CP in mind so out in the open when dark web exists. At the same time i think there was similar discussion when pizzagate was a hot topic, it could be just pedophiles feeling cocky. No idea.

No. 543984

Yeah, and Marina Abramović is just a performance artist

No. 543993


Also, not saying that there is nothing shady going on there, but BH literally means bra in German.

No. 544015

Same, it also means bra in Danish and other languages (Bryst Holder = Breast Holder = Bra) so it makes you would see a kid in a bra when you search kid BH, but why is it hidden from normal search on the website but exists under the “kim” tag? Weird

Pizzagate is 200% real though

No. 544740

What do you guys think about the elite being satanists/luciferians?

No. 544743

I believe it solely because celebrities act so bizarre it in their day to day lives on social media that it can only be explained by acts of satanic origins.

No. 544747

Wait I'm stupid I thought you meant celebrities not elites but my statement still applies

No. 544749

Why would they be?

No. 544772

Agreed, i cant belive this twisted world we live in!
Dont have an answer for that one

No. 544774

I def believe in elite pedo rings but this guy seems a bit overexcited by the "connections" he found, and also doesn't understand ig hashtags, plus as other anons have said BH means bra in pretty much all Germanic languages.
If anything he has just shown how super easy it is to find iffy content online while not even trying.

No. 544873

he’s freaking out because YouTube recommended him Russian children’s acrobatics/athletics after googling children’s swimwear on using euro terminology, I honestly just think it’s tinfoil and honestly kind of depressing how Americans see anything involving young girls as sexual, including dance and and acrobatics. That branch of that site was prob accessible at one point but the company removed the link as it didn’t get the customer metrics they wanted , but didn’t delete the assets for whatever reason. I can literally

No. 544882

Can someone pls explain the hillary duff posting and deleting that photo of her child thing???

No. 544933

The speed of the throwing is quite remarkable really. All of the sudden people from social media came out of the woodwork and even mainstream media is egging it on as well. She either pisses off someone or someone else is in danger of media coverage.

No. 545006

While I do believe elite pedo rings are real, I can't help but roll my eyes when alternative blogs flip their shit over so-called satanist imagery. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for occultist themes, but do they genuinely believe that shit like the Chernabog segment in Fantasia is a tool to endoctrinate the masses? Do they think bands like Slayer genuinely worship the devil?

No. 545035

A lot of those people are christfags.

No. 545059

I think there is a very small amount who legitimately do worship satan (In that out of the shadows documentary there is proof of this), some who do it for "art", some who do it for a symbolic meaning or to communicate with each other, and some who do it as a means to make their victims question reality and make it seem like they're making shit up. Or a combination.

No. 545155

I honestly belive they worship satan, or at the VERY least evil pagan gods(evil as in human sacrifice, sex magic, ritual abuse, drinking blood and cannibalism)
Yeah there is a ton of material on the subject, i am the anon that linked the documentary, its a very surface level introduction into how sick and twisted our “rulers” are, been down this road of research on and off since age 12 (am in my 20s now)

Have you guys heard of Bohemian grove and the Finders cult?
The rabbithole goes deeeeep.
Heres a video where Alex Jones infiltrated in the late ninties i belive, watch the whole thing if you want but at the 1:19:51 mark ish the ritual begins

Info on what the bohemian grove meeting is supposedly about and prominent people who attend https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove

No. 545160


Children's competitive dance and acrobatics has never been innocent, it's always been a huge pedo fest, everyone knows this

No. 545161

And here is a Metokur stream about the Finders cult, he goes in on them hard

No. 545163

No. 545171

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Every child dancers'/acrobats' Instagram is 100% disgusting pedo pandering

No. 545173

Spoiler that shit… jfc

No. 545180

the dude commenting "sexy body" with them emojis in german needs to kill himself immediately

No. 545199

Some of those profiles are monitored by their own moms and it’s sickening. How could you use your daughter as a pawn to pander to gross men.

No. 545308

There's probably so many Christfags because these concepts are biblical in nature. They read about these things in the Bible and now it's evidently happening in front of them. I mean Satanism is the antithesis to Christianity (not talking about autistic tween Laveyan Satanism, although it's pretty retarded in itself). So with context in mind the religious iconography doesn't bother me, they're just trying to help in the way they know how. This might just be me, I'm not going to discount good information because Christfags are toez wrong about muh edgy/occult bandz lol

No. 545396

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They have been brainwashed from an early age to hate christianity, christians and christ (and god) himself, and even an atheist can see that, no other religion has gotten this treatment with endorsment from movies, media, celebs etc

No. 545776

I know we were all predisposed to predictive programming through entertainment by watching, reading and listening and we are supposed to be desensitized to current events by now but I still can’t believe we’ve got to this point.

I get it, we should get used to living in a dystopian world as originally planned but what the hell? It really feels like we are living or going to live in a post-apocalyptic world and we will never see the same normality again after this quarantine is over. This is a lot worse than 9/11.

On Monday under the order of our local county judge, we are to wear masks or risk paying a $1,000 fine for 30 days.

Yesterday, our stores and malls were open but we still gotta practice social distancing as we still have to order things through the phone or online and pick them up. I’m still appalled and am not happy about this.

No. 545778

Oh yeah and this video was shot in 2011, forget to post it

No. 545784

>I’m still appalled and am not happy about this.
I can't imagine many people are happy about the situation.

No. 545787

I'm not happy about the death and impact on employment/economy but personally I've been pretty fucking happy working from home, having my favorite restaurants now offering delivery, and not having obligations to attend bullshit social events my work/family usually expects of me. This is like my dream situation.

No. 545808

It's always been like this. We have never had any freedom. Someone I know recently had a run in with the law and he couldn't believe they have the technology to simply connect his social media profile to another one he had under a different name. He is convinced some real person told the police. I told him that is the most basic shit ever and could be done by a literal autist. The technology they have, the constant surveillance is on a scale a lot of people just can't even imagine and its only going to get worse with this corona shit. What they haven't considered is the amount of people that are not so blind. They have underestimated our intelligence and are now being called out on a mass scale. They are now doing things so blatantly, so arrogantly, that even normies are realising what the fuck they are doing.

No. 545899

We really do live in a gilded cage…

On the other hand, I’m glad people are starting to wake up

No. 546374

Why are they killing off Kim Jong-Un?

No. 546380

Too much cholesterol.

No. 546426

his sister want the throne . she'll probably kill him soon if he doesn't die of heart problems

No. 546452

I saw the news on TV (I forget which, sorry) but they finally went on about the Bill Gates conspiracy. They were saying things like wow there's these CRAZY CONSPIRACY theories that Bill Gates STARTED Coronavirus in order to microchip people! Completely missing the point that no, that isn't what anyone is saying?? I forget exactly but they were using words like crazy and ridiculous etc. It was so obvious what they were trying to do.
I remember this is exactly what they did with pizzagate. They would go on about how "~crazy conspiracy theorists~ think that Hilary Clinton is trafficking children from a pizza shop!!" and shit like that. They're so fucking obvious. I wasn't even buying 100% into the Bill Gates thing besides the fact that he does want to microchip people, but now that they're doing this shit again it makes me think there is something more there.

No. 547199

So Bill Gates is an obvious nwo shill, does that mean I have to throw my Microsoft-ridden laptop away? Cuz rn I’m too poor to buy another one and I still need it for online classes during the summer

No. 547208

I don't know much about the Bill Gates conspiracy theory, but whenever mainstream media suddenly picks up a conspiracy theory for the specific purpose of shitting all over it and calling it "crazy", I start to wonder.
Like, there are people making far crazier theories about reptillians and alien invasions, but you chose to focus on this specific theory that just slightly threatens someone with both the money and power to pay you to be their attack dog. Hm.

No. 547226

Bc reptilians/alien invasions are too crazy to pay attention to and you can tell immediately they are fake.
The microchip theory looks realistic enough on the surface to attract people but doesn't make enough sense to be taken seriously, so people disprove it.

No. 547357

what are your thoughts on the UFO confirmation? i immediately thought they are only releasing this to divert the attention from something else, hm

No. 547625

If it really upsets you just switch to Linux, Ubuntu is easier than any other distro for a newbie. I'm not sure if he really even has much sway anymore since he stepped down as chairman, even then I'm not sure how much he was doing. He's apparently going to bow out completely this year. There are plenty of conspiracies about Windows and Intel etc if you want to get into that but they seem fairly well substantiated…I don't think Bill really had much to do with them though.

No. 547658

I was interested in Linux but figured it was too much of a hassle to work with nor do I lack the patience. Then again I did install windows 10 on a pc 3 years ago but that itself was mentally draining.

What windows conspiracies do you know about if you don’t mind me asking?

P.S: I don’t actually plan on throwing my computer away, I’ll probably continue to use it until it dies or if I ever have enough money for a MacBook

No. 548195

there's plenty of declassified files of ufos over the years, but weird that this one is catching people's attention i guess

No. 548281

No. 548373

anon your standard copy of windows 10 spies on you. This has been common knowledge from some years now, I remember videos on youtube itself on the topic going viral. … But honestly, if just installing windows was soooo mentally draining for you you shouldn't even bother with all this complicated man stuff and just spend more than 1k bucks on a macbook that will also spy on you and in top of that is overpriced trash where most of your windows programs won't even run. Sorry but I got lowkey mad while reading this post tbh, some anons in here are such lazy, illiterate bitches. No offense.

No. 548411

That pos operating system took 3 days to get installed, of course it was draining!

Granted, I am proud of successfully installing win10 without relying on anyone for help. As far as Linux goes, I’ve never been “hands on” with that operating system and fear I might mess up in the process; it’s been awhile since I’ve used commands.

>anon your standard copy of windows 10 spies on you.

Well yeah, that’s why I only use it for schoolwork and sometimes browsing lolcow.

Everything else I do on my phone privatized, unless it’s for mundane things like social media and other girly things. Though that is not always the case since sites I’ve been to do end up on my Facebook recommendations rolls eyes

No. 548842

>Everything else I do on my phone privatized
The phone network and most phone operating systems are totally fucked, anon. It's arguably even less private than using a normal computer because the tracking is baked into the phone system and because people seemingly have less control over their phone OSes than their desktops. I'm not sure if by "privatized" you mean through Tor or a VPN or not.
>That pos operating system took 3 days to get installed, of course it was draining!
Linux should not take three days to install, I don't know why Windows did. Maybe it could take you that long to figure it out or understand it, but my boyfriend got Debian onto a non-standard laptop in a few hours tops. Probably more like an hour. I can't tell you who to ask for help because tbh the community is kind of shit, but try reading through install guides. There are threads here where other techie anons can answer your questions too. Ubuntu is meant to be the normie distro and holds your hand a lot more than other distros.
>As far as Linux goes, I’ve never been “hands on” with that operating system and fear I might mess up in the process; it’s been awhile since I’ve used commands.
Try installing it as a VM first to give it a shot! Use Virtualbox, it's not too hard to learn imho. You can also install Ubuntu without deleting Windows. If you're really scared just back up your important files regularly. For what you're doing, most of the time you probably won't even need the command line, but I do think it's worth learning some basic stuff.
Windows spits out tons of telemetry data and I remember even pre-Win10 I'd get Skype calling home for ads and shit on my computer. I think we completely blocked the server from the firewall lmao. It was annoying and invasive. I don't trust voice helpers like Cortana and Siri and especially Alexa (look up how voice assistants actually work and you will see why a lot of security people hate them) and hate that Cortana is so integrated into the OS. The whole OS feels like a fucking ad-infested and purposely locked down mess and it inspires little confidence in me security-wise. If it weren't for this stuff I don't think I'd be that bothered by Win10, and I think it's possible to strip a lot out of it, but idk if it gets reverted or if you can really fully unfuck it.
I've never gone full freetard and switched entirely to Linux but the path every proprietary OS is going down is one of ad/malware-infested bullshit and data monetization, and sucking the government's dick wrt user privacy. I still do a lot of shit I should not and most people do, but I think I take more precautions on some stuff and it's just…trying to live in a totally "private" way now will really cripple your social/work opportunities now and I guess for better or worse I decided that some of those tradeoffs I'm ok with.
If you want to be serious about avoiding Windows, install Linux, don't buy a new computer for the OS. It might be scary but it's worth a shot and I think you'll learn something and have something to be proud of if you succeed. Sorry if I just went into a tinfoily rant about computers I realize you just don't like the big B.G. and want to avoid him so you maybe didn't need all this lol

No. 548915

I don’t have Tor and the site is blocked on my iPhone for some reason so I use the private option and most of the time the only thing that comes through the “private” barrier are ads while on Facebook

Recently I found this app via kiwi farms that supposedly takes your privacy seriously


I haven’t installed it yet because Null

>I don't trust voice helpers like Cortana and Siri and especially Alexa (look up how voice assistants actually work and you will see why a lot of security people hate them) and hate that Cortana is so integrated into the OS.

I don’t use Cortana because my computer doesn’t have a built-in microphone and only use Siri to play songs on Apple Music or to access my location If I’m going out of town but that’s it. After the creepy shit that came about Alexa a few years ago, I don’t trust her at all. Then again, I don’t know if the other AI’s are recording what you say so I try to be careful with that, though sometimes I forget.

Speaking of iPhones, mine has Face ID but I don’t use it and opted for a password because “muh govt is watching me”and am too paranoid to give them that information

After windows updated by itself, it and continues to automatically open a program called Microsoft Teams which supposedly connects you with who you work with at your workplace, I haven’t used my laptop at all in almost a year and my sisters because I was taking a year break but my sisters have so how did it know I had a job?

I tend to watch Linux videos from time to time as I find them interesting and insightful, I might try using it virtually but because I share my laptop with my younger sisters as it counts as “the family computer”, I can’t really afford to install it atm. Aside from me not knowing enough about how the command system works. But it’s good to know there’s local help here in the farms!

>Sorry if I just went into a tinfoily rant about computers

Hey man, we are in the conspiracy thread after all so just tinfoil away! I and I’m sure everyone else would love to hear more tech conspiracies. Speaking of which; a few years ago, I’ve read that one or two of the distros: red hat and oracle are supposedly Satanic or something but isn’t Linux or any Unix-based operating system work independently from tptb?

No. 548916

>takes your privacy seriously

No. 548924

Jesus some people don’t know how to work around computers, you sound so uppitity like anyone who doesn’t know IT shit that takes so much time and genuine passion, because its complicated, to learn is a moron.

No. 549477

David Geffen probably had Kurt killed while Courtney was idly standing by.

No. 549491

To summarize:

CNN cannot nor should ever be trusted and Ghislaine Maxwell is protected by the Rothschild’s.

No. 549589

Should change that to **any major news network cannot nor should ever be trusted

No. 549628

That too!

No. 549685

If you want to try linux without messing up your computer, try a live usb. I'd recommend Ubuntu or Mint because they're very user friendly and designed to be less intimidating to newbies. The learning curve isn't nearly as bad as people expect I think, you just have to accept that you'll need to look up how to do things for a bit.

No. 549697

A live USB isn't going to be an accurate representation of everyday workflow. Use a virtual machine and use something that doesn't use systemd.

No. 549711

Yeah agreed, it's the only religion you can actively hate and repeatedly take out of context without getting reeeed at for ~muh hate speech~… It's almost like there's something to it… Hmmmm I wonder if I can get over my preconditioning to listen for more than 5 whole minutes? NAH Slayer has too many jams /sarcasm off

Also big kek at the IT sperg in this thread, you're the epitome of human evolution big clap

The shit about Jizz Stain honestly doesn't surprise me. Ot but I love that guy's videos. The phone editing, retarded outro yet simultaneous giving out of legitimate information. Idk if it's classic misdirection or just "boomer humour" but I'm here for it.

No. 550932

Our favourite shill/controlled opposition just got de-platformed. They're getting bolder each day kek

No. 551207

File: 1588822938759.jpg (248.21 KB, 1080x1831, Screenshot_20200507-134213__01…)

Even more worrying, this video just got deleted: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8LjILBTPL3k/

No. 551299

I just wanted to tell you that I saw Braco (the man in OP picture) and I heard he's going to buy a house in my town. lol
I wish I could make money by just starting at others.

No. 551330

Isn’t he the guy responsible for the reptilian rumors?

I don’t think she elites and hollyweird are reptilian but rather demonically possessed

Well at least it’s not another Epstein “egg-stein” video, kinda getting tired of those

No. 551593

Can someone explain to me what are these occult references about?
I want to read more about this

No. 551807

Has anyone seen what the “plandenic” video was about? I missed it and I don’t think it’s on YouTube anymore.

I’d say check out vigilant citizen but since everyone here thinks he’s shady with collecting data, another alternative is to watch ‘Jay Myers documentaries’ on YouTube; he’s very well spoken and concise when it comes to occult symbolism

No. 552083


It's a high effort, slick load of bullshit from anti-vaxx nutters/grifters. Russian psyop tumblr account tier fuckery.

No. 552492

what were some crazy examples of astroturfing? i've been really interested in that concept lately

No. 552498

casual regime change of a communist country again

No. 552502

the death toll is so high in NYC because they're killing off all the old people to snatch up the last rent controlled apartments and social housing

No. 552504

Honestly I believe it

No. 552505

and more deaths means less people on unemployment. government has never cared about the people

No. 552521

So we’re still on the 5% population plan?

Eugenics is alive and well, I see

No. 552785

What if AI is the literal Antichrist?

No. 552851


if i'm reading this right, in 2003 a researcher predicted a SARS virus that would spread across countries worldwide. recently, the NIH revoked 3.7 mil that was to go to the wuhan institution without explanation, and it's rare they cut funding like that. it is not manmade. could just be political reasons they won't fund research but something's fishy and i don't know what

No. 552930

tinfoil: somehow your phone can read your mind and show you ads based on your thoughts. that, and/or your phone can determine your feelings and thoughts based on your patterns and behaviors.

i posted an ig story poll asking if people have had received ads from things they've only ever thought about, never said aloud. 15 said yes, and 2 said no. the reason i asked is because i was freaked out that on that day because i literally just thought about this cartoon. i had never seen it before, never told anyone i was thinking about, etc. never mentioned the word out loud (i think it was just one of the character's names actually). that same day i get an add for that cartoon's merch

No. 552934

algorithms can predict things you'd like based on data patterns regarding other things you like, as well as the type of people you follow and their interests. i don't think it's as devious as your phone being able to literally read your mind.

No. 553082

File: 1589255616014.png (469.98 KB, 720x508, Screenshot_20200429-162942~2.p…)

I think if you give Instagram camera and mic access it ends up using it for ads targetting. dicking around insta with a certain bougie bag of popcorn in front of me (and therefore my camera) got me ads for that exact popcorn. had my phone in my ass pocket at work and a customer walks by speaking with emphasis about a particular food item got me ads for that food item even though I rarely purchase it and kinda don't like it.
multiple times I've gotten ads for things I only THOUGHT about or physically looked at but did not say anything aloud. weirdest was when I was showering with my phone in the other room and thinking about a skin care product I needed but hadn't bought in a long time. when I checked the gram after my shower I had an ad for that exact product…
happens all the time tbh…can't say I know exactly how but sometimes I think….how else?

No. 553200

i'm sure there's some explanation, but none of my feed is cartoons, but i do follow rebecca sugar, creator of steven universe. it's just odd that i thought about moomin that day and it showed up hours later. this hasn't been the first time i've literally just thought something and it seemingly instantly appeared. just odd and doesn't seem like this many coincidences should be happening

No. 553376

Someone leaked the Rothschild emails and 4chan is doing damage control by blocking and erasing any traces of evidence


No. 553380

A kf user got banned for two weeks for making a third thread on this, he/she argues that the usernames and passwords are legit


Anyone brave enough want to confirm this?

No. 553381

No. 553385

Is everyone too scared to log in to the accounts? I remember there was a Bill Gates or something leak not too long ago, but it was quickly dismissed as fake after none of the passwords reportedly worked.
The speedy deletion seems like proof this is real, but by now, I'd think they all changed their passwords or locked their accounts.

No. 553416

It’s like what happened with the pizzagate info except on a smaller scale

No. 553778

No. 554717

this feels like somewhat the start of our new horrible dystopian world

No. 555211

I followed this guy for his work on the Finders - he's kind of out there, new agey, anarchist, whatever- don't agree with him on any of that but he's the only one to do any real legwork on the Finders.
Looks like someone's harassing/extorting him now? He seems pretty freaked out in this video. Whether it's nothing or not, should be juicy. Feel a little bad for the guy tho.

No. 555216

I recommend Bill Cooper's Mystery Babylon radio broadcasts, you can find them all on Youtube. It's not perfect. Jay Dyer can also be okay sometimes, but he's also not perfect. Take it all with a grain of salt. A lot of shit out there on the occult in conspiracy spaces is just absolute garbage and untrue, or incomplete/twisted, etc.

Take for instance the common claim that Masons are "Satanic". Masons are Luciferian, in that they maintain that Lucifer was a separate entity to Satan, almost a Promethean figure who represents the "morning star", "intellect" etc. But they are not Satanic- at least they would not consider themselves satanic. Very few occult organizations would.

Most of the modern occult tradition stems from a few different sources you should do some research on: Themela/OTO (Crowley), which stems from the Hermetic of the Golden Dawn, which stems from various Masonic organizations, along with older Hermetic traditions from various cultures, and perhaps most important, The Kaballah. There are some eastern Vedic influences you might come across now and then but it's not as frequent. MOST occult organizations stem from somewhere along this tree. For instance, the Thule Society, which later became NSDAP/Nazi Party, was a Golden Dawn offshoot.

I recommend just reading about each of these directly, from a non conspiracy lens, or reading excerpts from their material directly.
I'm not sure why so many conspiratorial sources see fit to lie or mislead on the subject of the occult because what they write themselves is already damning- but if you want to know for yourself, and you want to be able to recognize the symbology, source material is the best way to go. I only read as much as I need to be dangerous because I take my spiritual health quite seriously and I don't want to fuck with any of this stuff.

No. 555218


I know a handful of freemasons and honestly they are really boring when you take a real life look into it, its just rich people roleplaying as a weird mix of occultism and templars, their reunions even border on cringy.

No. 555223

Due to the nature of most secret societies, the vast majority of people involved deliberately have incomplete knowledge of the inner workings. I think the only Masonic rite even worth investigating as any more than "adult boy scouts" is the Scottish rite, and at that point, probably nothing until the latter degrees. At which point, (pure speculation) those 33rd degree masons are probably eligible to be recruited into a wholly separate organization. This is the concept of the "Rings within rings" organizational structure - Each ring has no knowledge of any inner organization. This is infinitely scalable, of course, so you could have an extremely widespread "outer ring" with no idea of the existence of inner rings, which would look a lot like your local Masonic lodge where the old guys run charity pumpkin sales or whatever.

There's also the spookier idea that their Great Work has already been completed. Depending on what you think that might be, it could be possible.

No. 555344

I have a friend from high school who lives in NYC and joined the masons there. He's from a normal middle class family (as far as I can tell) and is pretty liberal. He was involved in LGBT issues in college and loves cabaret.

When I talked with him it just seemed like another kind of social club. I think it's good for him that he took the initiative to meet people.

No. 555346

We have a YouTube spot for the links, homie

No. 555348

Your friend is probably a low level mason, 33 and up is where the real “fun” begins.

No. 555373

why do you consider it dangerous? like what aspect of it?
i've read a good amount of thelema, golden dawn, and theosophy stuff and while i like a lot of the ideas and philosophy behind it, the symbology can get kind of schizo. everything having multiple overlapping symbols that are all kind of similar to each other, numbers and degrees and intricate rituals. letters that represent numbers that represent sephiroth and all the corresponding astrological elements. it can be interesting to have subtle and elusive concepts spelled out in symbols but you can't take it too literally or you could get stuck in a positive feedback loop of meaning. imagining actually going trough the formal process sounds like so much work for something you could do through meditation on your own.

No. 555389

The devil gave knowledge to man

No. 555397


This anon was not me. My reasoning is that I am very happy with the level of knowledge I have and with my beliefs regarding religion, spirituality, etc. Any further knowledge, truly looking into the occult beyond a cursory level, practicing to see if there's anything to it, etc… There's a magnetism to it for me. I don't want to blogpost but since you asked, it's something I've felt drawn to since I was very young, but always hesitant. I just don't see any reason to go further. I truly believe there is something to this, a power, perhaps things can affect our physical reality or provide insights not possible through normal means. To me, this seems like a no-no, Christian teachings state our concern should not be with this world, but on the next- anything promising benefits in this one seems suspect to me.

No. 555415

ah i gotchu. and i had a feeling >>555389 wasn't you lol. i'm coming from it with a buddhist influenced perspective i guess. i don't think there's anything wrong or bad with attempting to manipulate your surroundings with spiritual techniques, but i think it's all ultimately empty, so the "dangerous" part is giving it too much weight. no matter how good you are at magic, at the end of the day you're still just rearranging phenomena with no independent existence of their own. you're not changing the common ground of awareness. you're not changing "God". getting obsessed with the occult over everything else can definitely be a distraction and a form of escapism both from practical development and spiritual development.

No. 555508

I feel the same way.

IIRC the Bible warns us to not get “too comfortable” with the world and to overcome any carnal feelings (sin) that hinder us with our relationship with God, or we’ll never see heaven. He knew the world was and is corrupt, and wants to save at least the ones who still abide by his word so to speak.

And since the elites are supposedly in league with Satan, they want to take everyone down with them whenever judgement day arrives; from what I’ve read.

No. 555514

Some guy interviewed a nurse who worked in the Roswell crash in 1946-47, she was communicating telepathically with a dying female alien who supposedly comes from an ancient society that used to “dump” their own kind if they were degenerates, freethinkers, artists and anarchists to planet earth as punishment.

Their souls were placed into human forms with no memories of their past and were often “recycled” (reincarnated) when they died. The elders from the alien’s society have been long gone and the current species don’t know how to stop the recycling process.

The video is four hours long as this info directly comes from a book. Idk if this is true or not but feel free to watch for the keks

No. 555557

Corona is a boogy monster that stresses us to literal death and the puppet master is the god and the media is their prophet. I firmly believe this. No I’m not anti vaccination but I will not take the vaccination that supposedly prevents corona.

Neets who don’t wanna work because of this mind controlled pandemic still stoop lower than me but I do feel sorry for the rational people who are against the myth of corona. But no matter how sane you put it out we’ll never be believed. Hope y’all corona niggas die from stress.

No. 555559

>Hope y’all corona niggas die from stress.

No. 555566

Have you ever had pneumonia in your life lol?

its just bat uber-pneumonia, its not that deep.

No. 555572

do you believe in dinosaurs

No. 555573

are you guys roleplaying as schizos or is this for real

No. 555577

lmao literally. i get this is a tinfoil thread but come on y'all. just waiting for us to get back to the good tinfoil.

No. 555585

File: 1589898760977.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1125x1745, EA955C11-4497-4818-85E9-F31E07…)

On JLo’s latest ig pic, there’s a dude behind her being gagged and frightened while she’s posing for a workout selfie. People speculate that it’s either a mask or someone else’s fingers covering his mouth but one thing’s for sure; the fear in his eyes.

It should be noted that Jennifer practices Santeria

No. 555588

lol. gagged and frightened. he's wearing a mask during a pandemic and making a relatively normal face. looking like he's watching tv.

No. 555596

That’s what some said, so why is she deleting comments?

No. 555597

>the fear in his eyes
yeah I'm sure you can tell that from a tiny, pixelated face

it makes no sense to suspect it of being anything else than a guy wearing a face mask DURING A PANDEMIC

has corona corrupted your common sense?

No. 555598

because they're ridiculous and she doesn't want this to become a thing. why the fuck wouldn't she just delete the post. it's gonna become a miranda joyce type thing

No. 555599

that doesn't support the suspicion that he's tied up at all? Imagine he is in fact tied up, she could just as easily say it's a facemask then.

No. 555605

Have you looked closely to the picture? Went to the original post? Doubt it.

These people hide in plain sight, this has been repeated time and time again.

No. 555629

There's nothing that will convince you people. You just hand wave off any possible explanation with claims that can't be disproven and are circular.

No. 555645

either that, or she knows that deleting comments will just spark more controversy and lead people to talk more about it, which in turn gives her more publicity.

No. 555646

meant to respond to:

No. 555647

he looks like a dude in a mask at the bottom of a squat or something, LOL. you people give conspiracy theorists a bad name.

No. 555734

File: 1589926969872.jpeg (147.47 KB, 720x1280, DD51476B-56DB-484B-A86D-C8E8A5…)

Thoughts? Feel free to call me a dumbass because this actually spooked me

No. 555834

File: 1589944727210.png (522.36 KB, 983x811, Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 9.12…)

I'm gonna call you a dumbass anon. Not to dox myself but I live there and it was just a low flyover of planes doing stupid hearts in solidarity with medical staff. I have also not seen/smelt/felt anything since.

Guy who originally posted this also got mad at restaurants asking for his name and number for a to go order.

No. 555839


Do we have an occult thread? Catalog crashes my browser.

No. 555949

So what's the deal with adrenochrome? And why do so many crazy conspiracies believe in its widespread existence?

No. 556003

So now that the new world order is here, who’s the “one-world government” that is currently running us? The world health org?

It’s the chemical that causes adrenaline and supposedly; a “drug” the elites use after torturing, killing and cannibalizing on the young.

Fear + adrenaline = adrenochrome

Hunter S. Thompson wrote about it in his Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas novel. Thompson is said to own a ranch which was used to hunt and kill people, presumably children. Johnny Depp admitted to living with him while he was still alive and admitted to him (JD) to “killing people”.

No. 556006

The CIA is probably very proud of how the adrenochrome nonsense took off.

No. 556034

File: 1589994924910.jpeg (496 KB, 1125x1177, AB339C6C-B50A-4790-82D3-4AA0AC…)


Don’t freaking tell people you’re finding a cure unless ya wanna end up suicided, sneak that shit underground!

No. 556036

he didn't die.

No. 556054

There’s an actor who shares his name, that guy didn’t die

No. 556127

File: 1590008487854.jpg (91.51 KB, 632x575, othergirls vs me.jpg)

preach sis

No. 556186

File: 1590024085275.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x2183, F5BF6397-0680-4DF1-9543-EB957F…)

This is probably a propaganda piece against whites but on the other hand, I really like the lip color! Though I am glad they didn’t use “Latinx”, ew.

>inb4 muh alt-right u wyte scum!!!

Technically, I’m not a white person(Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting))

No. 556187

>propaganda piece against whites
>Technically, I’m not a white person
thanks for the laugh schizo-chan

No. 556188


Nowhere are they bashing white people or being anti white lol, is just charity for black people which do in fact tend to be poor and live in hoods.

Stop hating yourself if you aren't white.

No. 556204

Ntayrt but I’d be down

No. 556247

God, what an embarrassing image you attached.

>Technically, I'm not a white person
No non-white person would ever say something like this.

No. 556272

File: 1590055994593.jpeg (132.02 KB, 540x960, 0C227282-7E17-4700-AA45-DFF820…)

>a major war will happen
This person also predicted the giants winning. I almost shit my pants reading this thread


No. 556274

I laughed. Fails to mention covid-19 pandemic and that due to the lockdown carbon emissions are down 17%.

I miss the good ol' days of /x/ when it was all "how to summon a succubus/tolpa" and "is this a spoopy ghost/alium".

No. 556275

it's someone who claims to be from the future on 4chan

calm down and use your common sense

No. 556277

File: 1590056826476.jpeg (Spoiler Image,231.83 KB, 731x627, E6C33D0A-4C99-460D-9D97-73E4CC…)

Thank you anons. Everyone else on that board was like “B-bro no way?” And I Was so scared it’s like 4am. I hope there’s no war till I’m at least like 50. The Rona doesn’t scare me because I never go out anyways, the draft or nuclear attacks on the other hand

No. 556337

there wont be a draft unless covid goes away completely, as the military said they were banning people with covid antibodies from serving, so a draft wouldnt make sense unless they are willing to admit Covid was a lie or not nearly as contagious as previously alleged

No. 556390

just curious, how does someone sell their soul to the devil in exchange for money? like how would they contact the dude?

No. 556440

sage bc woowoo stuff and i'm not really sure as i have my soul intact but what i believe is that over the course of a couple years they pray/do rituals to entities. When they do that, whatever entity that they prayed to, possesses them to ~make their dreams a reality~. They don't even get to enjoy the fame/money bc the lights are on but they're not home. If you see a celebrity roll their eyes back, that's the demon!
there are also certain places when the veil is thinner so you can come across something to exchange your soul for whatever. the biggest example i can think of is robert johnson as it's rumored he sold his soul at a crossroads for musical ability.

No. 556446


some people are just born into those kinds of families so they really were sold from the start.

No. 556467

someone being ironically self deprecating on the internet?? embarrassing!
girl, it's fucking satire

No. 556565

Satan comes to you if you’re trying really hard to get recognition or the Illuminati . My tinfoil theory is that most one hit wonders are people who refused to join the Illuminati

No. 556756

File: 1590136190950.png (7.1 KB, 413x119, h.PNG)

No. 557322

How long until this actually happens? They’re trying to pass off the idea of uploading your self as lighthearted as they can

I’ve seen this in anime and it wasn’t a pretty concept back then.

No. 557355

which anime, anon? was it gits?

No. 557367

Yu-Gi-Oh! The virtual filler arc

No. 559472

I'm not sure if this should go here, in the celebrity thread or in the crime thread but after watching Cheer on Netflix I went to the reddit hoping for fun memes, but instead I found a theory that Navarro College did the documentary as an opportunity to clean up their reputation and search results, because in 2018 it came out that a a volunteer coach sexually abused some of the male cheerleaders.
Obviously tw https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/cheerleader-sues-navarro-college-over-alleged-sexual-assault-texas/

I don't think that the whole series was made with that in mind, but I'm suspicious that it was an additional factor for the college agreeing to do it and feel like they must have leveraged with the production team to make sure it wasn't brought up at all. Monica's act of publicly supporting Lexi seems more calculated now, as does her whole thing about her team being a safe place for kids who have troubled lives. The series covered so many aspects of sexual abuse but never mentioned the scandal? That's some biased journalism right there.

No. 559488

File: 1590599315197.jpeg (129.97 KB, 1125x421, 506E2DBE-85A5-4FAE-B493-083E13…)

They really don’t want a Penn State scandal, topkek

Edit: you can’t make this shit up!

No. 559494

The big question is war with who….

No. 559498

This feels the The Good Place meets Black Mirror for people who hate social politics and philosophy.
Pleb tier.

No. 561541

We are going end up in a martial law state, mark my words.

Mr. Floyd was the sacrificial lamb

No. 561551

To add onto that, if Trump gets re-elected (which he probably will) we are going to get riots we have never seen before. Full out revolution imo

No. 561560

I hope we have a civil war and trump get fucking beheaded.

Seems like “they” want a civil war too though

No. 561587

All according to keikaku.

No. 561595

Trump does good things too

No. 561600

Such as?

No. 561603

First Step Act

No. 561659

what the fuck is that

No. 561669

Getting Jeffrey Epstein charged

No. 561671

lol if you think they aren't buddy buddy

No. 561676

He was also friends with Bill Clinton but supposedly that was a “getting close to the enemy”.

No. 561705

Bipartisan prison reform.

No. 561764

wew the timing of the post

No. 561810

No. 561854

>the comments
But for real, is this a new thing in america? Journalism is sponsored by big companies and political parties and there to help in the shaping of public opinion, they literally teach this to their own journalism students in my (also democratic) country and everyone above lower class knows it.

No. 561895

File: 1590914502732.png (113.08 KB, 1178x519, Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 2.41…)

So Anonymous is back apparently.

No. 561901

Lmao the "proof" they have of Trump having Epstein killed is that Ivanka and Ivana's names were in Epstein's little black book - literally meaningless. The well-known photographs of the two together have more weight than this.

"Anonymous" can literally be any old weirdo. Just because it's an old account with a few followers, it doesn't mean they're anyone worth paying attention to, especially with such lightweight "proof" that we've had access to for well over a year.

No. 561904

No. 561906

I cringed because literally any rando.

No. 561974

Since they keep mentioning women among the white, black-clad agitators that are starting the riots and looting and the question is whether they are antifa, possibly Soros-sponsored, extreme right, undercover cops or whatever, the simple way to tell would be, are those women trans or not?

No. 562039

Since black people are more likely to die because of COVID-19, do you think the protests are another attempt by the government at an ethnic cleansing?

No. 562106


No. 562116

No. 562163

Anonymous is compromised by the CIA, you can’t trust anyone anymore.

No. 562172

File: 1590958218200.png (27.19 KB, 608x355, BDE44214-8531-43DB-AEF0-50A38D…)

Meanwhile, a Rothschild tweets at Don


P.S: cap obtained from KF

No. 562175

i thought black people were more likely to die because of bias in the medical field. doctors take black patients less seriously so they’d be bound to die more often.

No. 562185

File: 1590958759367.jpeg (439.02 KB, 1125x825, 6E27CEB3-DACD-4C63-9AD0-748CFC…)

Illuminati-dude is mad kek

No. 562188

In the west more non-whites died from it because vitamin D is crucial for the immune system. White people have pale skin so that they are able synthesize enough vitamin D during the winter when there is only a few hours of daylight. Chronic vitamin D deficiency is a real problem and there's even rising cases of rickets in the west for this reason.

No. 562236

It's vitamin D deficiency, I imagine its worse because of quarantine.

No. 562301

File: 1590968370795.png (547.27 KB, 800x575, Antifa-Conference-1932.png)

excuse me, what?
just because it's a vertical and decentralized organization doesn't mean it doesn't exist

No. 562303

mistake, I meant horizontal

No. 562315

til there are no poc doctors or nurses

No. 562319

Is aanyone else left wing but genuinely believes in pizzagate? I feel like i'm the only one

No. 562323

the same thing happens to women, despite the doctor being female, so who knows

No. 562329

Different scenario poc tend to stick together more than the average karen.

No. 562349

Damn commies.

I’m moderate and I believe it.

No. 562353

Don’t these people work for the CIA? Why should the people trust any of them, Trump included?

No. 562376

Working class people who don't believe in pizzagate are either dumbfucks who believe anything they'll read in the media, or straight up paid shills larping as normal people to create confusion and invalidate opposition.

Either way, I wouldn't take seriously anyone who insists it's a meme, whatever they believe in. Any adult who's willingly to look somewhere else while something like this is happening is just an immature fuck not worth any credibility.

No. 562383

I think most people believe it but are too scared to admit it.

No. 562389

So isn't anyone going to talk about what they leaked about trump being confirmed to rape 13 years olds with Epstein, something about Naomi Campbell being involved, confirmation of Diana's murder being a plot by the Royal family, and all the leaked documents that are now all over twitter?

It's all of this fake or forged if Anonymous is CIA controlled? It's all a psyop then? I don't trust neither trump nor illuminati-boy and his antifa squad.

No. 562453

>It's all of this fake or forged if Anonymous is CIA controlled? It's all a psyop then? I don't trust neither trump nor illuminati-boy and his antifa squad.

About half and half, they are all against us in the long-run.

No. 562595

Unfortunately none of these documents are new, they've been around for a long time. They just haven't been widely discussed and disseminated like they are now.
This splinter of Anonymous is either CIA or just script kiddies. Aside from collating pre-existing documents into an easy-to-read Twitter thread, the only things they've done are hacking police communications and DDOSing the Minneapolis website.

No. 562660

Based anon, that's what I've been trying to tell these fools. How often do these normies laugh at us over vault 0 leaks and clinton emails while blindly believing old news anonymoose has posted, weak.

No. 562676

Has anyone watched this 9-part documentary yet? Supposedly, JFK Jr. faked his death in 1999 and is currently helping Trump fight the Illuminati under QAnon (ha!)


No. 562738

Barely a leak they posted shit anons found years ago and masquerading as some omnipresent hacker org, I have to laugh. It's just larping teenagers on twitter anyone over the age of 20 knows this.
Also KEK at #opdeatheater YIKES

No. 562782

Thank you guys, damn fucking twitter brainlets. I couldn't have imagined they would be stupid enough to make such a fuss over years old leaks, it's too ridiculous but guess I keep underestimating how dumb normies can get. When I believe they peaked they always manage to outdo themselves…

No. 563644

The murder of geoge floyd was staged by the elite to instigate a race war. There has been too much focus on the elites scummy pedo behaviour, and now they needed a distraction.

No. 563811

Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself but Donald Trump didn’t kill him either.

No. 563940

These current events are part of an Illuminati plot which I am no longer going to entertain. Cops, BLM/Antifa, blacks and the “muh oppressun” privileged whites - everyone can go fuck themselves.

And now back to your daily scheduled deprogram.

No. 564009

I wouldnt be surprised. Almost anytime theres an incident it comes out the policeman knew/ had direct association with the suspect. Kinda like mass shootings. Theres always all these weird connections to multiple incidents. People living in one state or country and surviving one incident, then somehow just happening to be at another mass casualty incident halfway across the country or world. When you start to notice it makes you feel either crazy, or much more suspicious. Maybe the world really is a stage.

No. 564067

That's hilarious because Trump is most definitely a puppet of the system. He's playing a role and even foretold his own presidency decades before. I doubt he's half a senile as he let's on, it's all to convincingly cause division.

No. 564071

It sounds like you know who did

No. 564081

The Clinton’s, duh!


No. 564085

Never trusted orange man as “our savior” in the first place, everyone up in the echelons has an agenda.

No. 564448

File: 1591165281044.jpg (687.61 KB, 1696x2519, 4TDIe7f.jpg)

Thank god, there was so many middle American's buying into the religious propaganda surrounding him. He's not Cyrus reincarnated wtf people?

Also autists got the riot thread locked before I could ultimately get it locked with this little gem. Here you go anons, probably common knowledge here though

No. 564500

File: 1591172142908.jpg (343.54 KB, 1080x1725, Screenshot_20200603-181520__01…)

Samefag but for anyone who's not aware of the Ford foundation, they're the ones who forced sterilization and abortion on third world countries.

No. 565039

File: 1591243757738.jpg (272.06 KB, 1080x621, Screenshot_20200604-050404_Chr…)

Apparently George Floyd was a paedophile and videos have surfaced of him engaging sex with boys. Caught this at a few other imageboards.

"All these protests and riots over a paedophile. Unbelievable. Yes that's right, there's footage on George Floyd of him molesting a 8 year old boy. The guy was known to be a bi porn star but he was also into little boys. He brushed shoulders with famous figures like that basketball player he knew and hung out in some of them rich stars circles. He was involved and criminal; it's been said he had a violent criminal history. You can find videos of him online if you really dig for it but most of it has been deleted. If you go on the dark web you may find some like I did. The cop knew Floyd for 17 years but found he was sexually abusing and predating on young boys. That's why he killed him like he did. They miss that part out on the news don't they cause they not giving you the whole truth. And they've scrubbed a lot of evidence already trying to keep it quiet. They want to use this to get people rioting and divided. But this fucking Floyd character is a scum fuck paedophile and all you sick people are burning down your country and killing people over a fucking pedo? What? That's sick. Pedo sympathisers and apologists."

No. 565052

Thanks anon, I've always had a very strange feeling about these huge organisations and I've always wondered who's been benefitting from this almost manufactured race war.
This is a reach and will never catch on. I feel you're grasping for straws, it comes across as /pol/faggery and will never not make you seem legitimately racist because it sounds like you're trying to justify the death of a black man whose dying moments are embedded into the American consciousness.

No. 565056

This sounds like a lie someone made up based on the lesser-known fact that he did mainstream porn at one point.
Actually, it sounds a lot like something insidious /pol/tards would make up.

No. 565058

Oh wow wtf I know this…whatever you do, do not search it anons. I did and found a video I regret seeing. I can confirm it's true and made me physically sick.

No. 565059

It sounds suspicious but I've already seen people floating the idea the murder was planned to cause the riots. They never bothered to administer medical attention to George, like he was meant to die. I'm not going to judge his character, although I am suspicious of the situation. If you can provide any proof that would be appreciated.

No. 565062

Interesting that this is coming out. I've seen rumours that he was also intoxicated with drugs and had COVID-19.

No. 565066

The reason this sounds like BS to me is
1) You can't just "search" the dark web like that. That's kind of the point of it.
2) If this was true, someone would've come back with a (SFW) screencap clearly showing his face. If it can't be traced to any of his adult porn videos or other known clips of him from friends/family, then it would work as some form of proof.
3) It would've been spammed all over /b/ or other lawless imageboards. If not that, Twitter. If not that, then you'd at least see people discussing what was seen on /pol/ with at least a crumb of proof (which is how PG came to light, and Hillary Duff didn't get away with that creepy photo of her son). The point is, this wouldn't be successfully hidden.

No. 565069


No. 565071

Ntayrt, but I agree with all the points you made anon, except for the part where it couldn't be successfully hidden. I'm of the perception a lot of what does come out has been allowed, or isn't necessarily a detriment to the agenda. Ofc there are things out of their control, but I think leaking a small amount of the truth has a tremendous affect on people who're aware's psyche, and effectively isolates us. It also enables them to categorise parts of the public. I think aside from the pleasure they get from rubbing it in our faces, it's apart of an experiment for which they collect data. I don't completely trust any of the large sources of information, Julian Assange, QAnon, or blind items are all subject to scrutiny. I think this could still be possible, but conjecture isn't going to sway me. I need evidence and for the puzzle to piece itself together with information from other outlets that aren't promoting this scenario… if that makes sense? Soz for the sperg kek.

No. 565073

Samefag but that small man scrote from the Goonies is only telling half the story.

No. 565078

anon my fucking sides

No. 565088

I agree with you. IMO, they do like throwing it in people's faces, but they typically do it in chunks. It's never anything too ambiguous, because that'd be pointless.
All the things we've seen that have proven true came with some backing, whether it be in images, or testimonies from before controversies surrounding the people involved even happened.
They give just enough to make you turn your head, and then the onus is on you to either go out of your way to brush it all off, or become concerned.
This particular "thing" feels like someone who saw the controversy around Pedogate, but didn't pay attention to the scores of evidence behind it. They just said "Wow, so people will just believe anything if you insist on it enough? I've got to try this". They're following the mainstream media's description of events ("It's just comments and spam making claims, no proof") and trying to leverage that concept for the sake of this George Floyd thing. I'll wait and see if it turns out to be true, but I really doubt it, especially since our only source is one person's comment that reads almost like bait or sarcastic copypasta.

No. 565092

Not sure about the pedo stuff but George Floyd isn't dead. They just killed off the character "George Floyd," he's still alive and is the same guy Stephen Jackson. They never killed him, this was all just put on as another psyop on the masses because they didn't get the riots and looting from the scamdemic mockdown and people were compliant. So they set this up to set people off to get them rioting, played on the dumb peoples' heartstrings and it worked. We got chaos now the government can bring in the order which is what they wanted to do all along. Chaos and order, freemasonary. This means Martial Law can be finally implemented and national guard deployed, your rights completely destroyed. Next step is using the soldiers to administer the nano RFID chip Jill Hates vaccine (also has a gene in it to add itself to yours, modifying your DNA, genetically modifying humans - possibly making everyone permanently infertile who takes it) to everyone. It's also a nanotechnology interface between humans and 5G which will make them programmable. Your free will, will be completely gone. So, people will be forced and shot if they don't accept. But people should know death is nothing to be afraid of and everyone dies at some point. Taking that vaccine will seriously fuck you up.

No. 565093

No. 565094

me after 2 pulls of a joint

No. 565097

Anon, you're not real woke and you're still sleeping. When all this happens and believe me it will, i'll be saying 'told you so' to eevvery damn motherfuckers like you. Just wait and you'll see what I mean.

No. 565099

i'm sleeping alright, damn this shit fire

No. 565100

File: 1591250979266.jpg (104.31 KB, 1400x927, screen-shot-2020-05-27-at-7052…)

George Floyd (left), Stephen Jackson (right).

No. 565104

Look at both their face. Do you really think it's possible two people can look exactly the same? Look at that nose, it's the fucking same wtf. No stranger i've ever come across has ever looked strikingly similar like me. Have you ever experienced the same? 'Cause this is unusual and there's definitely some fuckery going on here. They play with people too much. Who's to say the image isn't photoshopped, put together? A photo prove nothing today there's so many things they can do with images.

No. 565125

>embedded into the American consciousness
I wanted to say this before, but that's the point of a psyop or a false flag. Although I'm not arguing the potential truth of the statement you're replying to, just mentioning a sort of side fact.

I'm not sure about the pedo stuff either, but I believe that's the ultimate goal, total control of free will, order out of chaos. But I don't know how soon that's coming despite the current state of things. Although yes, it's sped it up in my mind along with the mandatory Gate's vaccine chip bullshit being pushed during Covid19 and similar concepts prior.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Feel free to tell me to get off the drugs, or alternatively take my meds. Everything is down to the individual. I can't sway anyone's interpretation of where the culmination of events leads, just give my perception.

I'm trying not the be biased… but that looks just like him.

No. 565128

They don't even look the same. Look at the forehead, and the ears look very different.

No. 565131

anon they're just black

No. 565132

File: 1591255076915.jpeg (40.71 KB, 538x570, images (15).jpeg)

Yeah just looked him up… they look similar but nowhere near the same.

Totally different lips too.

No. 565137

File: 1591256263206.jpg (340.87 KB, 1080x1537, Screenshot_20200604-173056__01…)

Samefag as >>565132
This is ot, but does anyone remember when Zheani accused Die Antwoord of trafficking her and performing satanic sexual abuse rituals on her but then continued posting shit like this. What happened to that? Those who're aware of the symbolism can see she's controlled, but I'm wondering what other anons know/think about the situation. I believe her abuse story, I just never kept up with it and it didn't seem to go anywhere. From what I do know I think she's possibly a shill who doesn't understand that's the case.

No. 565141

>she's possibly a shill who doesn't understand that's the case
Sorry anon, could you clarify what you meant by this?
I think zheani is an unfortunate case where she really did idolise die antwoord and was groomed. She still embodies their aesthetic and will forever be entangled with them. I have a tattoo of the year the man who groomed me was born in. It gets entangled with you and part of your story and people get so suspicious of women who don't completely all holds barred disassociate from someone who sexually abused them straight away like if it was a stranger but grooming/sexual abuse within relationships is so different in its psychological effect. I totally believe her but she's in that grey area where some people will not be able to understand why she still used die antwoord's aesthetic after the fact etc.

No. 565165

File: 1591260325482.jpg (101.56 KB, 440x632, Mkultra-lsd-doc.jpg)

Sure, I believe it's possible she's been brainwashed and isn't even aware of it. I'm in no way doubting her abuse. I say she's controlled because she exhibits the symbolism of the system and those who abused her. I do not know whether it's done knowingly or not, regardless, she's still a victim.


>Die Antwoords aesthetic

It's not their aesthetic she's depicting baphomet posed in the "as above, so below" pose. That coupled with the 666 hand symbol and triangular necklace. Die Antwoord may emulate this shit but it certainly doesn't originate with them.

No. 565186

kek anon she's just trying to be edgy

No. 565211

That's the point of this symbolism. So people say "oh it's just art" or "wow that's edgy" but you're welcome to your interpretation. I actually hope you're right. Sexual abuse is interwoven with Mk-ultra so you can see why I thought it was applicable. There's legitimate survivors of these experiments, it definitely happened/happens.

No. 565221

I used to be into that symbolism as well, back when I tried to be all edgy. I guess I'm a rehabilitated MK Ultra victim.

No. 565265

No you're just programmed and brainwashed by all that crap you've consumed on your t.v. all the films, shows and music.

No. 565281

Zheani talked of ritual sex abuse, which is why I made the connection. I don't care that you used to like tacky crap, it's irrelevant to her scenario. Although on that note everyone I've met who gravitates towards this shit has been mentally unstable. Not saying this is the case for you anon, but it's an observation on the symbolism's effect as a whole.

Well said anon.

No. 565325

post proof or this is just your friend with a bike

No. 565334

I heard his uncle owns Nintendo

No. 565390

The Spanish news station is currently talking about George Floyd and the racism against black people while simultaneously playing gospel music in the background as if to pull at the Latin community’s heartstrings. It will become one whole hour of nothing but propaganda.

No. 565391

For any of us not taking the chip, what will we do? Learn to live off the grid or just pray to be unnoticed by those in power?

No. 565421

File: 1591299828568.jpg (4.59 MB, 2482x4032, 20200604_204252.jpg)

It's all by design and things are just unfolding as planned. Yes you may have to go off grid to save yourself but even that will be dangerous especially now after the current events; Peoples' crazy is activated and I think that's here to stay anon.
Seek out your creator and also build a relationship with Jesus, pray to him to protect you.
If you've read revelations, you will know what's next to come as a lot of it has already been fulfilled, as you can see around you.
Read the excerpt in the image and understand and follow it.

No. 565425

no please

No. 565432

Okay then suit yourself, you're on your own.

No. 565434

The black community has been despicable and racist to the Latin people, not a word or movement against that at all.
Just a week ago two blacks were brutally beating a elotero, cornlady and robbed her. The suspects recorded it and posted it on their instagram boasting about it. No #LatinLivesMatter then! And just recently a latin man was shot dead by a group of blacks driving by as he was defending his property and family from the blacks coming in and looting the Latin neighbourhood.
I forgot, racism only counts if you're black. Fucking pulling the victim and race card when they're very much guilty of disgusting discriminatory and racist attacks against others. They put their suffering above everyone else's. Fuck them and fuck their blm movement, fucking hypocritical bullshit and i'm sick of hearing it. Seriously, fuck it.

No. 565477

Can confirm the racism and discrimination against myself and my people. And I find it funny that they consider themselves as the “true Israelites” just because humanity originated from Africa.

We wuz kangz n shiet!!!!(racebait)

No. 565516

Where is Satan when you need him?he loves seeing humanity's downfall

No. 565521


believing religion made up 2000 years ago when civilized humanity has existed for 30000 kek

No. 565527

That's just the Hebrew translation for hater. Haters are everywhere that's why we got issues

No. 565539

This isn't going to be addressed on both sides for a good while. I doubt now is the time any black folk want to address their own racist attitudes against themselves and others lol

No. 565542

Ooh old English texts, I haven’t seen ‘em since my choir days!

I will continue to pray for protection and salvation because there’s really nothing left. Our freedoms are slowly being taken away and the COVID-19/George Floyd riots just sped up the process.

I hope Christ comes soon.

No. 565545

Kekking at the world as we speak.

No. 565748

The real Satan has always been here on Earth, the Devil comes from within the human psyche and mens cumbrains. I.e. the toybox killer, the Pedophile elites, my dad, etc

No. 565762

File: 1591337840607.png (837.31 KB, 600x600, 1324182733369.png)

>my dad
These fucking hidden gems in /ot/ recently

No. 565785

File: 1591340358818.jpg (110.7 KB, 295x640, IMG_20200605_165152_01.jpg)

Not black but I believe they're the real Jews. There's been an intentional conspiracy against them. The book of Enoch which is referenced and condoned as legitimate in the Bible, speaks of Noah's parents freaking out because their son was pale skinned where as they were dark skinned. That book was saved by the Ethiopians but condemned by our church leaders who wished to paint Jesus and the chosen people as white. The Torah references the Egyptian people who had enslaved the Jews as being lighter skinned compared to their slaves who were much darker. Jesus was described as having hair that was woolen an skin that looked like bronze. African Americans were taken from the land of Whydah which is another word for Judah which we at the time called "Negro-land". Why would the Jews during the Roman sieges flee towards those who're attacking them (aka into Europe) when there's the entirety of Africa? The Bible has prophecy that speaks of the Jews being in bondage for 400 years. The first slaves sent to America were in 1619, if you acknowledge the length after slavery was abolished that African Americans were still in servitude the timeframe matches perfectly.

“And God spoke on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land; and that they should bring them into bondage, and entreat them evil four hundred years” (7:6).

There's a lot more reasons than you think for the anger of African Americans, which doesn't condone what's happening atm but explains it. Aside from being decendants of slaves many times over, they've had their identities taken from them.


No. 565787

File: 1591340603895.jpg (99.34 KB, 295x640, IMG_20200605_165155_01.jpg)

Samefag. This isn't about whether you believe in the Bible or not. This is about the justification of who the Jews are. Israel uses the Torah as justification for their claim to being the chosen people. I am just doing the same without obscuring anything.

“The LORD shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;” (Deuteronomy 28:49)

“Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof” (Deuteronomy 28:30).

“Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand” (Deuteronomy 28:32).

“Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity” (Deuteronomy 28:41)

No. 566470

File: 1591465351529.jpeg (41.23 KB, 322x400, 6F663FD1-08BE-431C-AD3F-A93142…)

I think this might be the correct image

Btw do you believe some evil black dude named Yakub created “the white devils”?

No. 566590

Holy shit I'm witnessing literal kangzposting on Lolcow, my poor sides

No. 566639

Please stand for the national anthem.

No. 566725

File: 1591505780920.jpg (60 KB, 564x564, b098577a192429e1b02478fc0dedf5…)

I'm an ironic ally of the black hebrew israelites

No. 566728

he is so hot

No. 566736

Is it bad that i kind of find this to be a bop? This is going to be in my head for the next month

No. 566741

NTA, but isn't anon saying the opposite of the video? That Egyptians were lighter-skinned than their Jewish slaves.
I don't know what to make of any of this, honestly. I don't know enough about Judaism or the Bible to comment. I saw vid related a while ago, though.

No. 566789

Why is that even a thing? Like Ancient Egyptians/ Israelites are clearly what they are today, middle easterners.. like yes there are/we’re some black people among them and even whites but why does it even matter so much ?

No. 566797

One thing I have understood is why don't these types ever focus on actual west African history i.e the place where majority of African American ancestors came from, one of the richest men in history was west African, advancements in Metallurgy and architecture were made there, but they literally only focus on Egypt and Ethiopia

No. 566898

as the coronavirus lockdown has ravaged middle and working class society, the rich are still getting richer. I believe they are doubling down on RACE as the primary divide in society, Think about it the last time we saw an economic downturn this severe, the revolt was against Wall Street, not the police.

It is not a coincidence that this now a hot topic. It's a ruse to foment anger at a 'safe' enemy before it can foment against themselves.

No. 566943

Everyone seems to have forgotten about the coronavirus… although I'm guessing there will be a surge this week among people who protested. I hope not but I'm not holding my breath.

No. 566946

You need to take a break from the Internet my friend

No. 566950

agreed 100% fren
i assume you live in a riot free zone

No. 566952

Don't forget also infecting the protestors family at home, so African Americans and liberal white Americans will be disproportionetly infected with corona

No. 566979

Agreed. It's always what they do, use a topic like race to divert from class issues.

No. 567020

Not just because of protests.

Before the protests even started America had lifted restrictions across many states allowing businesses to re-open. No doubt the second wave guilt will be solely placed on protests by the media tho.

No. 567038

Is Netflix's documentary about Epstein good?

No. 567042

It's good but kinda long. It's a good overview of all the shit he did and the way he groomed and used victims to grooms even more victims but it sometimes felt like it was dragging on victim's testimonies (I mean, sure, it drives the point that they were a lot and that there's a pattern, but it also feels like they padded the overall time with it)

No. 567058

Just finished it, could've dropped at least 1 ep out as it was kinda long and repetitive but I guess it's good to get to hear some of the victims finally. Learned more about his right hand gross ass gislaine though, give it a watch, you can do stuff while just listening to it.

No. 567066

Thanks for the answers, i'll give it a try

No. 567859

The concept of the Middle East didn't exist until like 100 years ago. Prior it was all considered Africa kek. Personally I think it's an attempt for rich privileged classes to co-opt the inherent victim class the Jews receive due to their history. Not to say the European Jews didn't suffer during WW2. Basically it's a method of obscuring themselves and shutting down dissent. I mean it worked there's such a thing as "anti-Semitism" where as no other religion gets to pull a race card.. until recently with the advent of "Islamophobia". You can't say a bad word about the systematic destruction of the Palestinian people that is condoned and funded by the US without being accused of being an anti-Semite when you're critisising a nation's government not a race. Israel is almost morally infallible in the public perception.

Side note but obviously not discounting the the atrocities Palestine has committed by mentioning Israel's lack of innocence.

No. 567924

I also liked it and wanted to bring up how they included both political parties plus prince andrew, heavily hinting at trump being involved. But I want to ask why they couldn't include more of the evidence regarding trump? Was it because those victims didn't come forward yet as much as the ones in the documentary, or are they not allowed to show documents like that or something?
It also made me wonder about who Netflix as a whole is connected to. They gave us this documentary and the one about facebook/cambridge analytica amongst other things.

No. 568135

Okay so I think anti-vaxxers are a bunch of idiots, but I'm seriously nervous about the Covid-19 vaccine.

>"Who needs it after health care workers?"

>In the U.S., that would be black people next, quite honestly, and many other people of color.
>-Melinda Gates
Source: https://time.com/5847483/melinda-gates-covid-19/

Anyone else confused about why the Gates are deciding on who gets vaccinated? They can all choke. I'm not taking anything. If I die, I die.

No. 568137

Yeah, it's good that Netflix is showing these documentaries. I honestly wonder when they are going to be bought out by some rich person so that stops. I feel it's not going take long if justice is going after rich people because it's backed into a corner by public opinion.

No. 568178

It's better for the elites to have a race war than a class war.

No. 568269

File: 1591811252084.jpg (134.38 KB, 629x975, 1591799685436.jpg)

i posted this to the epstein thread but thought it belonged here too. could epstein be somehow connected to madeline mccann's kidnapping? ghislaine looks awfully like the sketch

another thing, someone on reddit has said to have found ghislaine. they have informed police of her whereabouts and they didn't do a thing

No. 569672

File: 1592067350004.png (847.33 KB, 1125x2436, 0C558C60-6662-4AD0-B6EC-2BC845…)

I stumbled upon this long ass paragraph through shared friends post:

Killary is supposedly going to court on September 20 for the killing and dismembering a 10-year old girl and that other celebrities are still on house arrest, Tom Hanks is responsible for those missing children (check his ig posts) and that George Floyd was either an actor or the whole murder was staged, idk anymore.

Oh and Trump is still our lord and savior, they’re still holding on to that.


I’m not sure if it got deleted but aside from the “orange man is trying to save us!!!”, I think it’s pretty spot on.

No. 569890

Idk tbh but I've noticed a lot of bots on twitters on political hashtags lately, especially Spanish bots.

No. 569895

Could someone explain to me what's up with the twitter bots making /pol/ tier comments on posts on certain popular hashtags lately? They even comment like a "normal" person but always like their own posts, have a small (if any) tweet history, generic pfps, and when I click their profiles, it's just sex links or similar spam.

No. 569900

(Sorry I saged by habit when I wanted to bump lol) Yeah no doubt this probably goes all ways but I really don't get the endgoal since like you said, it's not just english speaking bots.

No. 569967

I keep hearing about both of these, can you guys keep dumping info? this is shit I will tinfoil til lightning hits me on this hill I'm dying on

No. 570729

didn't hillary actually get into trouble for something though? right around the time things started getting locked dow due to COVID? stg i thought that was a real thing.

No. 570754

Wait, what? Anon the link is broken for me. I guess because it's a temporary story.
I'm hesitant about tinfoils involving trump being some kind of savior. It makes the rest of it look ridiculous. He is just as involved as everyone else. I don't know how people can pick and choose who they want to be guilty and who they want to be innocent when there are court docs. But what's that about Hillary going to court?

No. 571286

The reason why boomer musicians like Madonna, Alice Cooper, and all the other boomer-bands continue to tour and make music despite making millions enough to be set for life is not because they actually want to keep going; they are bound by their contracts and the Illuminati/Satan has them by the balls until they are of no use for them anymore.

They will keep touring and making music until they drop dead.

No. 571288

They also live way beyond their means even for celebrities, and ride on the coattails of their diehard fans and nostalgia in order to make a coin every few years to support their bad spending habits.

No. 571597

They should have a couple millions in the bank, right? It’s not like they’re running out of cash anytime soon and their modern music can be mediocre at times.

Alice Cooper - $50 million
Madonna - $500 million
Metallica - $1 billion with James and Lars making almost $400 million respectfully
Guns n Roses - $200 million with Axl making $120 million at the highest

Y’all have a shitload of money, time to retire boomers.

No. 571794

This isn't even tinfoil, but I don't know where else to put it. My brain literally can't fathom this. Germany's government literally approved vulnerable children deliberately being placed into the hands of pedophiles for 30 years.
>Starting in the 1970s psychology professor Helmut Kentler conducted his "experiment." Homeless children in West Berlin were intentionally placed with pedophile men. These men would make especially loving foster parents, Kentler argued.

>A study conducted by the University of Hildesheim has found that authorities in Berlin condoned this practice for almost 30 years. The pedophile foster fathers even received a regular care allowance.

>Helmut Kentler (1928-2008) was in a leading position at Berlin's center for educational research. He was convinced that sexual contact between adults and children was harmless.

>Berlin's child welfare offices and the governing Senate turned a blind eye or even approved of the placements.

No. 571807

It's the same country that enabled human trafficking by legalizing prostitution, so I'm not surprised.

No. 571861


15 years ago.


I guess life moves pretty fast? I remember a 17 y/o girl at my school who was into 13/14 year old guys. People thought it was cool. Also a teacher who liked a 15 year old and told him to look her up when he turned 16. Different times….

No. 572162

No. 572185

File: 1592539724155.jpeg (602.44 KB, 1125x1204, F2BAA319-FDA8-4493-9489-EDD618…)

Anonymous being late again with this shit but hey, at least we can see the bath house video:


No. 573338

I mean I guess I'm glad people are reposting all of these things that need revisited to twitter because it's kind of in a more organized format instead of seeing things in pieces here and there. I didn't know much about Isaac Kappy or don't remember, but I remember the bath house video. And I didn't recall Kappy was the one that posted that video to begin with?
It's also pretty telling that to this day nobody can figure out what the fuck is going on in that video. Just that it's in a bath house and that's it. Usually the internet can debunk things pretty quickly or be like, hey this is from a family vacation video or something, but this video always has always zero context. Unless someone can share with me anything new about the video the has been unearthed since?

No. 573515

File: 1592831718382.png (171.18 KB, 1248x822, Screen Shot 2020-06-22 at 9.14…)

what do y'all think about this twitter thread?


No. 573519

Anonymous are controlled opposition by this point imo

No. 573557

Yeah it’s been happening in nyc. Was on a video Call with the fam as the fireworks were going on. She told me it’s been going on for a month up until 3 in the morning non stop.

No. 573661

Holy shit, I live in CT and this has been happening for weeks now. it starts around 4-5pm and doesn't stop until after midnight. I've been looking out my window to see where it's coming from but there are no flashes of light. It's just the constant sound of fireworks somewhere nearby. My brother lives further upstate and has been complaining about the same thing too. He says it's been going on for a long time as well. He called the cops but nothing stopped.

No. 573681

hoping this is some viral marketing or some shit..

No. 573688

File: 1592859867874.jpeg (386.62 KB, 1125x565, 3333F232-B21A-45D3-BA69-FB29A9…)

We really are living in a big brother state

No. 573694

Can I share a video with you guys? Covid-19 political intrigue and shit.

No. 573708

People are tinfoiling about the fireworks being psyop shit and used to make the general public get used to loud noises in order to fuck with them later if they start firing real rounds in neighborhoods. Lots of the neighborhoods that are hit the most with loud fireworks are the ones with a high population of protestors and black people. There’s also a thread of someone showing the fireworks coming from behind a PD and with the surrounding officers doing nothing about it.

No. 573712

Because they don’t want to spread a virus?

Also it’s not like they’re putting a gun to your head and making you wash your hands

No. 573720

I get it but this tracking is going too far. This is just testing grounds for more nefarious plans.

No. 573750

File: 1592869313265.jpeg (131.71 KB, 1125x504, EE23F0C3-7E46-4B46-A239-BCB72B…)

This dude was sacrificed, why aren’t the other families of the police brutality victims getting their their voices heard around the world and getting endorsement/stock deals? It’s like his family is capitalizing off his death.


No. 573754

tfw george floyd was set up to get minorities infected with corona.

No. 573759

Omg how cute! I really hope that Streisand is going to give some shares to that baby that George Floyd held a gun to before they were even born whist robbing their mothers home, maybe even help pay for the mothers therapy too after having gone through such a traumatic experience… Oh yeah, thats black on black crime and doesn’t fit an agenda, nobody cares about that /s

No. 573774

>George wuz a gud boi, he dindu nuffin

No. 573806

>muh black in black crime

Shut the fuck up Jesus Christ.

No. 573809

This is true and everybody knows it. Black women and children are at most risk to be murdered or killed by black men. Instead we have black homeless women being murdered after walking for that peice of shit George Floyd. No matter who it is it's always the one with a penis at the front of the stage.

No. 573812


I know this is kind of old but I wanted to comment anyway since I keep running into these videos.

Personally I think the covid situation response is complicated because if governments hadn’t done anything, people would have been upset, especially if we were dealing with a rapid transmission rate and a lot of death.

However, for all the moaning and groaning a lot of politicians did, they also didn’t seem too disturbed at running the economy down to the ground and having a bunch of angry unemployed people stuck inside for months.

I am afraid to just bite the bullet and say, “shit was planned” or like 9/11, there were probably rumors about something popping off.

Then you find shit like Crimson Contagion and Event201…..


Also look up Dark Winter, Clade X, Urban Outbreak, Atlantic Storm. All within the past 20 years, all dealing with either weaponized outbreaks or some sort of influenza. Wtf.

No. 573814

you know damn well that's because it incites racial tension. people aren't going to feel as bad for a man, especially one who is a criminal. the media cherry picks these incidents and focuses on them on purpose.

No. 573847

Even if George Floyd was an asshole, his daughter didn’t do anything. She is just a little girl who lost her dad. Go race sperg somewhere else

No. 573853

The media isn't cherrypicking it, BLM is and has put up black men before black women. Now troons and other minority groups are co-opting the movement. Open your eyes.

No. 573889

>Instigates race riots
>Releases this cancer shortly afterwards
Coincidence, I think not kek

No. 573891

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Samefag as >>573889
Don't doubt it. And you know it's true when mainstream news bothers to smear it with "right wing conspiracy" despite being public record

No. 573896

you mean troons and other minority groups are also on the hit list. look who's going to those protests, look at all the plants with no masks on inciting the group to follow.

No. 573900

Yikes, dude looks like he desperately needs a shot of baby blood

That headline screams “nothing to see here folks. Turn around, turn around!”. Doesn’t he own VICE and Antifa?

No. 573901

Please search burn the cape on youtube. There are various videos by actual black women who are againgst black lives matter because it excludes black women and want to hold black men accountable for how they treat them. There has been several videos of black women being brutalised by black men and a woman named Oluwatoyin Salau who was murdered and sexually assulted by a black man (and by black men in her family) whilst attending a blm movement.

No. 573909

and Haylie Duff, yes

No. 574139

Its so embarrassing to me to see all these women simp so hard for men that wouldn't piss on them to put out a fire

No. 574183

They should date outside or just ditch men tbh, most are not worth it anyway.

No. 574358

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Anyone seen these yet?

No. 574359

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No. 574360

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No. 574717

So what you’re saying is, this is a sandy hook psyop?

No. 575062

Most of these questions are nonsense and could have some kind of explanation, and I've worn my fair share of tinfoil hats. 0/10

No. 575392

The shit-tier badges are what make it more plausible in my eyes although I must admit it sounds like a B-grade art school film with no concept of continuity in combination with the questions

No. 575478

agree. a lot of these are nonsense, laughably wrong, disproved if you watch more of the videos/camera angles, or just flat out ignorant of how American police work (on a structural and social level). yes, American cops are stupid enough to kneel on a black man's neck for almost 9 minutes. this is clearly already written from a point of bias.

No. 575486

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Anyone hear about what happened in milwaukee a couple days ago?

No. 575583

So, I was bored and doing a lot of reading on the Wuhan stuff and as I was going back in time, I found out that the Wuhan lab was built with the assistance of the French government and another Lyon lab.


None of this, for some reason, was reported in any American papers and no one in the US is really talking about this, I guess due to the fact a lot of the info on the lab link is in French.

The interesting this about this all is that French scientists had originally planned or assumed they would work alongside the Chinese group for around 5 or so years as they got their foot on the ground. Once the lab was built, they were "frozen out" by the government and China locked down the lab to outsiders (as usual).


Many of the scientists who worked or have worked in Wuhan were also trained at various laboratories across the West, including the US.

The lab isn't that old anyway, as it didn't begin research and testing until around mid January 2018. So, for this to happen in such a short period of time is both kind of astounding and also scary. What the hell was going on in Wuhan?

No. 576361

when conspiracies like this turn out to be true, my stomach turns. that thread is making me so nauseous. god bless these people, i hope none of them go "missing" or "commit suicide". this has started being called Milwaukee Gate and has a dedicated subreddit.

i hope these people listen to the police scanners to see how the cops speak to each other about this.

No. 578159

File: 1593640971625.png (5.55 MB, 1125x2436, 99A92DC2-C11F-4DE2-A8ED-4C82F5…)

Yeah, this is purely coincidental

No. 578401

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Bai bai jizzlane

She’s gonna get suicided, watch. The elites always cover their their tracks, albeit half-assed but still.

No. 578507


Though this probably isn’t a case of FBI finally finding her (she was hiding in Boston ffs) as much as whoever was covering her ass deciding it’s time for her to take the fall for someone higher up the food chain.

No. 578510

Samefag, not Boston but New Hampshire, sorry.
Either way, it’s sketchy of her to just pop up back under the U.S. jurisdiction like that. Imo her former protectors gave her up intentionally or she wants to make a deal to save herself

No. 578624

How long do you think she’ll last on this realm before she gets an hero’ed? They didn’t let Jeff talk so why would they let her?

No. 578627

Epstein dying so fast caused such a stir last time, my tinfoil is that the purpose of her arrest is that she will leak out a certain amount of pre-agreed information and low level names to leak out to satisfy the populace about this case.

No. 578632

Pizzagate conspiracy EVIDENCE literally posted this in the Epstien thread already but I’m putting it here too bc nobody watched it. Y’all this is damning evidence this is worth watching. Everyone is involved, google, YouTube, Instagram, clothing sites!!! All of them help make it easier for pedophiles to organize and hide in plain sight with certain algorithms catered to pedophiles. Anyone heard of BH Kids?? Lots of people will be dropping like flies connected to this case. This video follows a suspect tied to Epstien and proves how he sex trafficked children on Instagram. https://www.bitchute.com/video/I7moa4wxCp8j/ Please someone watch this and tell me pizzagate is a conspiracy I used to think it was just a major 4chan tinfoil. This video is evidence.

No. 578665

Take your meds, schizo-chan.

No. 578672

I thought that BH Kids/Lisca thing was debunked last thread since kids walking around naked on the beach was considered normal in Europe.

Though I’ve learned to be weary of hipsters and their creepy businesses, I also remember voodoo donuts was featured on a Simpson’s episode.

No. 578691

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It just strikes me as odd that you can’t find the Lisca images of kids unless you search BH Kids before google shows it to you, and even their own website hides it. What’s to hide if it’s innocent? Why does the algorithm work like that? How are BH kids and Lisca even affiliated? Bh kids alone is really fucked regardless of cultural differences. What a coincidence that all of the people in this video are in the same social circle. The gordys business seems like a coverup sex trafficking ring in my opinion; no reason to tag children with known hashtags people use to promote their bodies in a sexual way on top of the people they were associated with, like Alefantis. It comes off as more than just edgy-hipster antics.. it’s up to anyone’s own interpretation of what’s normal.

No. 578694

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I tried to look for the “cvlt panda” movie (because it looks artsy) on YouTube then Google until I saw Morganpandahead’s Instagram account. Lo and behold, all the creepy pics showed on that bitchute video are gone and the only posts left are the typical hippie and liberal media ones.


No. 578698

But they have nothing to hide though, right? I can’t find the cvltpanda movie anywhere. Did they scrub it off of the internet too?

No. 578699

Alefantis is also connected to NXIVM who were also accused of child trafficking among the other shit they did.

No. 578701

File: 1593752549962.png (1.56 MB, 828x1792, 56250E76-8B2A-442F-81B2-E39C31…)

Google cvltpanda and you can see that they deleted almost everything they posted regarding the movie.

No. 578702

I found it! Use DuckDuckGo instead of google and it’ll lead you to an archive link.


No. 578705


>loud soft piano music was playing, people are chatting

>everyone shows off the eye taped on their backs
>everyone gets in a circle and starts chanting/praying with their hands up
>more chatter and moving about
>nightfall, people are praying again and everything’s in slow motion, all I could understand was “thank you for coming, salamander goat”
>they recruited some dude to the cult

It had more eye-symbolism and no pandas

No. 578711

File: 1593755783143.jpeg (27.48 KB, 400x435, 705FD266-A8D9-420A-B92F-CF1776…)

>voodoo donuts
tracy twyman was investigating that place (& neighboring dante’s pizza) last year for child trafficking and ended up hanging herself. ( & wow, simpsons really has a knack for relevancy)

No. 578744

These pedos sure have a lot of blood on their hands. Bunch of sick fucks they are.

No. 578885

I’ve been to a voodoo donuts in Austin, Tx and I thought it was really neat aside from the creepy amount of pentagrams literally everywhere. It seemed like they were trying to appeal to a certain niche culture and now it REALLY seems that way if you know what I mean. Here’s a thread I found where people discuss why they believe the company is involved in sex trafficking: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/979x3w/why_i_believe_voodoo_doughnuts_is_a_pedophile/

No. 578889

File: 1593793302334.jpeg (119.44 KB, 750x1126, EE463182-482E-40E0-89C8-92E0D9…)

Just gonna drop a few pics. Can confirm this is the actual sign and the main logo they USED to use back when I went in 2015. They made donuts with the triangle symbol on them!! You can’t make this shit up

No. 578890

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No. 578891

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No. 578901

File: 1593794712757.png (2.77 MB, 828x1792, 0BB3F0D8-0CE9-4F39-8A36-D1B64E…)

Not to mention it’s always been a CASH ONLY business. Hmm. Seems like they also changed their signature donut to no longer include the blue spiral. If they had nothing to hide why would they change their entire logo and signature donut? If the blue spiral was innocent why did they change it? Why are they a cash only business? Why would they even be investigated for being a possible sex trafficking location? Why are their locations ONLY in known and suspect sex trafficking hubs? It’s all just too convenient.

No. 578945

Why WHY did they set the house on fire? They destroyed the evidence

No. 578960

Why did they off Anthony Bourdain if he was one of them?

These donuts look like kids getting stabbed with a stake (child sacrifice?), I originally thought voodoo donuts were just trying to be edgy with their pentagrams and whatnot. Then again, I had bad feelings about them that I couldn’t shake off so this now confirms them.

Houston is also a known trafficking hub but we got no voodoo donuts here, I may need to do research on our local hipster boutiques aside from Whole Foods.

Well, duh.

No. 578999

Link to witness testimony who saw child sex trafficking take place at VD owners house on two separate occasions. https://pedophilesdownunder.com/2018/08/13/voodoo-doughnut-child-trafficking-witness-mikeys-banned-interviews/ Testimony begins at 48:55 in the video if anyone’s interested. I’ll stop clogging the thread now.

No. 579035

ithe blue swirl emoji

No. 579038

I hate to be a downer, but my first thought was that it was just a lazy website mistake where an old link was left up. I’d be curious how long it’s been like that. I just don’t get why they would intentionally have left it there. It’s like an Easter egg for pedos?

No. 579040

Yeah, there’s definitely shit going on, but tbh, if I went to grab a slice at Comet Pizza irl with no prior knowledge, the ~decor wouldn’t think twice. I’ve been to low-fi cash only places without giving a second thought. But with the context of sex trafficking, child abuse, etc in mind… it kind of does raise an eyebrow!

No. 579048

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>the magic is in the hole

No. 579051

I truly believe Anthony Bourdain just went there because it has some acclaim and he just offed himself because his brain was fucked by hard drugs. Voodoo donuts is very popular in my city and all the tourist go there so it's not surprising.

No. 579081

Houston does have a voodoo donuts but it isn't nearly as shady as the aforementioned places

No. 579100

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Yeah, I checked it out after rereading their Wikipedia page, it’s in downtown and they accept cards.

More pics to follow from there.

No. 579101

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No. 579102

File: 1593823331665.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1125x1519, C1614192-3C77-4000-85EA-22D6B3…)

She knows what she’s doing.

No. 579105

https://www.bitchute.com/video/idcobbWZwDXX/ Part two Pedogate 2020. Incredibly incriminating. No wonder YouTube censored it.. why isn’t the media covering this again?

No. 579109

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It’s been mentioned in the Onion threads about Jeff Holiday’s “interesting” tattoos (I’ve seen x’s on the doughnuts as well). In a recent dp podcast featuring Stevie Wolfe, he denies the existence of thr pizzagate conspiracy, calling it “fake news” while everyone either agreed or was being rational with the subject.

No. 579111

Someone tried to cover it when it first came out. They were blacklisted afterwards.

There’s news footage in the earlier posts on this thread and the previous if you wanna look around.

No. 579309

>clear pedo symbol tattoo
>kek flag shirt
>shitlord hat

the numbers are adding up

No. 579399

I never saw this before anon, thank you. It freaked me out. Hollywood and the rest is next after Epstein for sure. Hopefully. I didn't know there was a woman that said Tom Hanks abused her until now.

This is so obvious, why would he not cover that shit up

No. 581728

I thought it was also ignoring black women aswell, I see more “transwomen” being posted about and e-begging for money online to get surgeries. Talk about narcissism. Black women are so marginalized.

No. 582004

Their practices are shady as fuck but changing the swirl color just so that the lips and the swirl aren't the same color is basic design sense. You can't have bright red lips because racism and yellow might look jaundiced, so blue is the only thing left if they wanted to keep to simple primary colors. A red swirl could also be deemed too violent to have as a signature design I'd guess.

No. 582397

File: 1594423948128.jpeg (436.36 KB, 1125x1907, 3646AC3C-7038-4601-A8C9-E6A43F…)

Wayfair has been caught trafficking kids, supposedly the names of the furniture are the names of kids being trafficked.


No. 582403

Not surprised. They provided beds for the child camps at the border. Of course they'd do this.

No. 582420

Something isn't right here. Even if they're not trafficking kids why are they naming the expensive products after unique names like Neriah, Yaritza, Alyvia, and Samiyah which are also the names of children who recently went missing? I get that they might just have a system to assign random names to products but there's too many coincidences going on.

No. 582476

It’s also a coincidence that the online pages of the named furniture got deleted as well.

No. 582478

This is so creepy. They took the page down but you can still find a basic storage bin for $9k. I'm so glad someone noticed this but I am scared to imagine what other sites are doing something similar. I remember hearing about an adult lingerie site having a hidden version of their pages where there was a children modeling the lingerie. This type of shit is so evil and sick. I really hope this is not human trafficking and just a glitch or mistake but I can't really brush it away.

No. 582483

Wayfair's public statement (and some articles that covered their public statement) chalked the entire situation up to a "pricing glitch"… I have a tough time believing that. What kind of glitch that raises prices up by thousands of dollars, making the company less likely to receive customers, wouldn't the company fix immediately after spotting it? Why would they leave up for a prolonged amount of time a glitch that scares customers away? How does a "pricing glitch" give each product a completely different human name, most of which are also the names of minors that have recently been declared missing persons?

If Wayfair expects people to believe them, they can explain how all of that occurred. Paying "journalists" to write articles covering the situation, deeming it another "wacky trump qanon pizzagate (insert buzzword here) internet conspiracy!!" is going to do nothing but make people more suspicious. Even Twitter normies are wildly on board with this.

No. 582488

I was reading the responses on the twitter news events and a lot of them are trying to debunk this VERY quickly. Twitter accounts that are appearing "official" with the check mark barely seem reputable. They're all cut and dry with little to no speculation, including instances of being condescending to anyone for thinking its trafficking. It just seems off and seemed to happen way to quickly. Whoever manages these twitter events only picked the ones debunking it and not any other viewpoint.


No. 582502

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No. 582509

>They're all cut and dry with little to no speculation, including instances of being condescending to anyone for thinking its trafficking.
Exactly. There seems to be little to no rebuttal to the speculation other than "if you think that's going on, you're so stupid/crazy/insane/unhinged!" or saying "people who believe this are distracting from real issues!". It wouldn't do them any harm to explain how, exactly, that's the case…

No. 582517

Honestly this has GOT to be a dogwhistle or code of some sort. Its not normal. The average person is gonna go for cheap or at least in a certain price range. Its like all of these specific product offers are code for something else if they are in that price range.

No. 582529

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If this isn't trafficking, it's definitely money laundering. And what the fuck are with those names? You can't tell me those are names for designs, because all the items look the fucking same. I don't know if someone's already posted pic related, but it's what made me stop and wonder about this shit.
Anyone who defends Wayfair and tries to call the people noticing this "crazy" is a definite moron whose attention span is too low to look into anything too deeply.

No. 582532

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The crazy thing is that literally none of this is linked to QAnon or Trump (if anything, with what >>582403 said, it'd be proof of Trump turning a blind eye to child trafficking re: detention camps), but they're already trying to force the two together.
Can't wait for retard anons who didn't read shit to pop into this thread (and any thread where people mention this) with the
>"Ugh not this QAnon tinfoil. It's fake, debunked. Remember how Pizzagate totally got debunked too? These things have all been investigated and proven as false!"
>links to article that shows no investigation, just the company insisting they're innocent and the journalist going on a personal rant about Satanic Panic, Trump supporters, how the internet is bad, how brands are Oppressed, the hacker known as 4chan, the evils of doxxing, and something about quarantine to keep it topical
Actual tinfoil: Soon, there's going to be a shooting or attack on a Wayfair building, or a store that sells their products, the perpetrator will be the classic crazy conspiracy theorist who knew about the rumors, and the media will use it to try and silence this discussion further. Any more discourse on this topic will be banned from Reddit.

No. 582540

Anon this is so cringy and bitter. Get help

No. 582541

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Does anyone else find it kind of weird that Snopes was on the Wayfair thing to call it "false" literally a day after the original post was published?
Original r/conspiracy post, July 9th:
Snopes article, July 10th:
And all the "proof" that it's false is basically the author just typing a long version of "Ok the names are weird, but it could just be a coincidence. Lots of kids go missing. One kid that went missing whose name is on a cabinet is already dead, by the way (please ignore that I just argued lots of kids go missing and that names don't mean much in this context, there's only one missing child in the USA or the world with that name ok? thx). Wayfair said they did nothing wrong, btw, it was just a price glitch. Anyway, there's no credible evidence for this, bye (oh and russia's search engine has pictures of kids if you punch in numbers with "src usa", slavs are weird)".
If there's no "credible evidence" yet, and they also don't have credible counter-evidence or even an actual investigation to really disprove it (all this so far is just their own speculation, and a damage control e-mail from Wayfair), wouldn't this go under "unfounded" or "unsolved" rather than "false"?
Their first "source" for this article is literally Know Your Meme, ffs.

No. 582542

How, though? I'm just pointing out the typical arguments made by people who don't look into things. They literally act like nothing can ever be true if the media doesn't co-sign it, as if propaganda has never existed.
Are you one of those people or something? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but it's way cringier to be that way than to point it out, lmao.

No. 582543

I mean idk about the rest of it, but it's not really weird that snopes was on it so soon. They have a strong social media presence, and this was trending on twitter earlier. Of course they'd want to make use of the subject while it's still fresh in people's minds.

No. 582549

It's odd to me because typically, it takes like 2-3 days at least before these things get picked up, and that's because the author is trying to do some sort of research and write a decent article before jumping on board.
This seems very haphazard and rushed, no actual proof one way or the other, but with the "false" stamp slapped on ASAP.

No. 582550

its not weird honestly
snopes is known for dismissing everything even slightly conspiracy related right away

No. 582556

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All I can say about the Wayfair situation and the ridiculously high pricing on mundane items (similar to >>582502) is that this is really similar to a money-laundering-esque scheme I used to be involved with on Neopets. For a long time it was against the rules to have more than one account, and once users were allowed to have other accounts it was against the rules to use more than one account to make neopoints. I made multiple accounts, gained neopoints on all of them (through playing games, doing challenges, etc.), opened an item shop on each account, sold items at the highest possible price (99,999 points), and then bought all of them from my main account where I'd hoard all of my points. If I needed to move my items to another account, I'd log into an account, give away all of the items as a "gift" to the other account of mine, then log back into the first account and accept the items. If I needed to transfer my points, I'd put the items that I received up for sale, log into the other account, and buy all of the items, sending the points over. Sometimes I'd "sell" an item on an alternate account and buy it using my main account, and then I'd resell the item in my main account's shop for someone else to buy. While doing this, I also played games that rewarded items rather than points, and I'd sell these items (since they didn't cost anything to gain) in order to get some points from other users to keep funding the process. At one point I had more than 10 million neopoints.

Good times.

No. 582574

This is so cute.

No. 582575

I think people want to believe it's false because the concept is so awful, however there's literally no evidence to prove it's false and trafficking is certainly a thing. I'm certain it's intentional, though I'm not sure why it's public rather than on the dark web.

No. 582631

Didnt someone on reddit or 4chan discover it though? Their weaponized autism is no joke. However, it is possible they could have put it on other sections of the site that arent accessible to normal people you are right. But what if its part of the thrill for them?

No. 582690

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I'm no expert on the dark web but I imagine it's on the clearweb as opposed to dw because on the darkweb it's expected and is easier for LE to find cause it's all in one place. I kinda doubt the dw is as secretive and private as people think. putting it on clearnet is kinda like the net equivalent of a front business, and I guess the DW could be likened to a trap house. one is more criminally conspicuous.
even just a year or two ago no one would have even noticed this or listened. idk what it is that turned the tide and got Twitter normies involved and finally giving a shit, perhaps a general increase in suspicion among people…

this stuff kinda reminds me of the weird guy selling "used hard drives" for absurd prices on eBay that people found in the heyday of PG8. I can't remember much about that lead, does it ring a bell for anyone? something about Hawaii, a vodka distillery, etc ..

No. 582888

Ok not to tag everyone but I missed you good tinfoil anons. You summed up everything I had been thinking about this whole thing. It's refreshing to read some common sense. I mentally went apeshit whenever I read an "explanation" that just glazes over the matching names. Also anyone who was making a big deal out of the prices. The prices aren't the issue. There's totally explanations for that. It's the names. I love debunks and explanations but I did not read a single good one for that. They could have chosen literally anything else to "name" the products. Normal words in other languages for example. Or if they used some kind of automated list, why not just a baby name list? It'd still look weird, but at least there would be an explanation?

And I was just thinking about the difference between the pedo stuff today and before. How I think it's a myth that it all happens on the darkweb. After people found out you can literally search for pictures of children on the surface web on yandex? It'd also be insanely easy to hide a website nowadays since it's so hard to search for anything anymore. Twitter is full of dumbasses but I'm glad they're talking about it now. It used to be impossible to bring up in casual conversation despite being so frustrated about it. Epstein plus people being bored from staying inside probably caused it.

No. 582934

>And I was just thinking about the difference between the pedo stuff today and before. How I think it's a myth that it all happens on the darkweb.
If you mean sexual media involving minors, you (unfortunately) absolutely can find that on the regular internet. Not speaking from experience, but because I've been browsing 4chan since 2010 or thereabouts. That kind of media is nowhere near as "hidden" or "underground" as it's sensationalized to be. Part of me thinks it's made out to be that way particularly by governments and law enforcement forces as a sort of excuse to not have to deal with it as much as they should be dealing with it.

No. 583035

Opinions on the 'Ghislaine was a redditor' theory/conspiracy?

No. 583291

I absolutely think there‘s something up with this whole Wayfair thing and it’s shady af.
However, I’ve read two things that kinda make me be wary.

One of the girls that supposedly went missing - Samiyah Mumin - went live the other day and said she was never missing in the first place.

And the SCR-Yandex thing supposedly is due to the Russian modeling agency SRC Models and a coincidence.

Those two seem plausible enough to make me doubt the whole thing to some degree.
The fact that (especially Russian) child models are pretty unethical and the pictures are often liked by pedophiles is out of question and as I said, I do think this whole thing is incredibly fishy. But idk. I’m really on the fence.

No. 583299

I’m on the fence too. But some of the names make sense, ex Annabel. I’ve heard of all kinds of things having cute names like that as the model or brand. But I’ve never heard of very black names being used that way, so it’s suspicious to me

No. 583313

Actually the names are part of what makes me believe it’s true. Like, I’d get if there was a coherent pattern with the names, but they’re all over the place (in terms of ethnicity, popularity etc) and it’s supposed to be a coincidence that they all are names of girls that went missing?
And especially the zodiac/star sign pillows. Giving them ~cute names just doesn’t make sense.

Also the fact that there are several listings for the same item just with different names and prices… it just doesn’t add up.

No. 583315

Retardittors are having delusions of grandeur.
Next thing they'll claim the Queen of England is modding r/adviceanimals.

No. 583320

That’s what I’m saying. There’s really unique black names that could never be good for marketing.

No. 583328

Oh, sorry, I misinterpreted your post.

Also: The pillows have the last names of people. Like… what kind of coincidence is this supposed to be?!

No. 583329

Iirc anyone can make listings on Wal-Mart's website, kind of like how anyone can be an Amazon seller

No. 583330

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This is only vaguely related to the furniture thing, but someone on 4chan found this shit back in late 2019.
A person on e-bay was selling used prayer rugs "filled with tears for the sake of Allah" for $330 (and $330,000 in shipping) with actual photos of children as the display.
Kind of disturbing.

No. 583895

This. I don't think that Walmart listing is too suspicious. It's specifically a customizable toy box, and sometimes sellers will put a high price instead of deleting them. But I don't think people were able to find anything on walmart or amazon that compares to the wayfair thing as far as I know, which makes it all the more suspicious. Surely if it were a "normal" thing, other websites will have a similar thing going on.
I can't remember where I saw it (please forgive me so no image) there was someone saying they worked for wayfair and that the item names needed to be checked before they're posted. From what I can gather, wayfair seems slightly different from the walmart and amazon marketplace.
If wayfair would just give us a good explanation, then this would stop. So why wouldn't they? Instead they gave some bullshit?

Creepy as fuck

No. 585354

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I was originally gonna post this on the Epstein thread until I saw this:


Topkek jizzlaine

No. 585358

For insidious pedo cult ringleaders, those people are surprisingly retarded. I read the confessions Epstein's driver/enforcer put on /x/ and some of this stuff suggested they're completely divorced from reality.

No. 585583

i definitely don't think the names are a coincidence considering how uncommon some are, but one possibility that popped into my mind is maybe they (or some kind of algorithm) was basing names of items on names that had been recently searched or repeatedly searched? like if someone was looking for information on a missing girl, their wayfair listing would also come up as a result, bringing traffic to the site where something like "katie storage cabinet" has terrible SEO because its so common. i dont know if that makes any sense kek im a little drunk but its the only reason i can fathom these names would have even come up.

No. 585855

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Fast food companies offering soy-alternatives like pic related sounds fun and whimsy, but I think they have an agenda beyond saving animals that they've had no problems abusing for years.

I think it's a test to see what they can get away with replacing in a person's diet. Soy, wheat, and pea protein isn't as expensive to raise and produce as animal products. Yet these products are often as expensive as the animal products, for less nutrients and weight. 12 of these nuggets cost $15.99. A big box of their popcorn chicken costs only $10 and I think it's more food by weight too.

I feel like a crazy person but why would anyone pay so high for this bullshit? It's like a government experiment to see how high people will pay to eat soy. Unbelievable.

No. 585879

Why would anyone eat fast food? Because the US exists.

No. 585881

>a eurotrash missing the point to dunk on americans

No. 585886

I'm not a vegan or even vegetarian, but I welcome this stuff, tbh. I'm always afraid of mystery meat and gristly parts, so at least now I can eat that stuff with no fear.

The higher price doesn't bother me, since I eat fast food only about 3-4 times per year.

On the other hand, you have a point, and if people really wanted to promote non-animal products out of environmental concerns, they would sell it for less.

No. 585905

Last year I’ve read a lipstick alley thread discussing beyond meat/fake meat products causing stomach problems and people being at risk for cancer. KFC probably wants to get on it too.

No. 585996

holy shit this is hilarious

Fast food chains obviously don’t start offering vegan (or at least meat-free) alternatives because they suddenly care about animals so much.
But they also don’t do it because they’re testing something kek.

The only reason they’re doing it is money.
More and more people stop eating meat for several reasons. Veganism is becoming more popular, especially through social media. Naturally for those people most fast food chains become quite unattractive because usually their only options are bland salads (often even without any dressings) or fries (which aren’t even guaranteed to be vegan either).
So, in conclusion, they’re losing (potential) costumers.
To appeal those, they offer meatless options. McDonalds and Burger King have had decent success with their vegan options. Hardcore vegans still tend to boycott them because they’re still mainly offering meat AND the companies behind the patties belong to Nestlé or other problematic corporations.

The reason why they’re so expensive is because a) the production is more expensive (the factories need to be prepared for an entirely new product AND vegan options are produced in a much smaller quantity) and b) because they can. Vegans are used to vegan options being more expensive. Most people are also ready to pay a higher price when it’s convenient and to keep their routine alive (i.e. continue going to their favorite fast food chain).

None of your tinfoil makes sense.

No. 586020

Whats wrong with mystery meat and gristly parts? Thats the healthiest parts of the animal, fat, connective tissue, etc. Soy replacement thats full of lectins and loads of salt and trans fats are unhealthy and is what should scare you.

No. 586065

>The only reason they’re doing it is money.
That's the reason behind 99% of all moves and choices corporations make. I think people forget this sometimes.

No. 586233

Anons who go on (and on, and on) about scrotes are mtf troons trying to pass as radfem lesbians. I’ve heard way too many mtf’s shitting up the chat in ‘female’-centric discords in this exact way for me to even consider it much of a tinfoil anymore.

No. 586276

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Often the pedophiles are so brazen they will hide in plain sight

No. 586277

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also in Belgium the Detroux affair. Where the kidnapper openly admitted a pedo ring operates with bribes and blackmail. Victims came forward testifying against politicians, judges, bankers, royalty. Only Detroux and his subordinates were charges. No other investigations were launched.


No. 586280

Most the spergs are neither lesbians or radfems. Femcel is what you're looking for.

No. 586287

>The only reason they’re doing it is money.
That's OP's point.
>the reason they're expensive is because production is expensive
Nah. Don't believe this fam. To raise cows and chickens takes extensive care, feed, water, and shelter. Then you need to send em off to production to be slaughtered and butchered. Then comes the processing like additives.
It is not more expensive to feed people soy products and they love the people who think this way.

It's kind of weird how you agree but then say none of it makes sense lmao.

No. 586289

Soy is a byproduct of farming, it's a cheap feed for cows. If you're vegan and you eat soy, you're eating what that cow would've eaten. It's so, so fucking bad for the enviroment, too.

No. 586306

I have a visceral reaction to biting on anything that might be gristle, tendon or fat, and, in extreme cases, it's enough to induce vomiting for me.

>It's so, so fucking bad for the enviroment, too.
Except cows eat much more than humans do, come on now. This is why raising cows for meat takes so much resources (I know basically the entire cow is later used for various products, but still).

No. 586310

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No. 586312

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Former famous porn star and trafficking victim Jenna Jameson speaking out on pedophile elite activity.
I thought this was fake at first, I'm kind of speechless. I thought the whole "hunting children for sport with dogs" thing was fake.

No. 586323

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No. 586365

Coverup, but why the dad won’t believe the corroboration? Doesn’t he want answers?

>hiding in plain sight
So much for “it’s jus a conspiracy u guyz, faek news!!!”

Vid related


Though I wonder if the original “World’s Most Dangerous Game” was based off the hunting game and how long have the elites been doing shit like this? “A Modest Proposal” from the 1800’s talks about the elites eating babies and how much for the price.

No. 586519

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Oof and it plays it off as satire too. Disturbing material for any tinfoiler to read. I don't doubt the depravity of the elite, there's countless instances littered throughout history that reaffirm the ruling class are sadists. Elizabeth Bathory, Vlad the impaler, Ivan the terrible ect.

I mean the current queen never accounted for the disappearance of multiple indigenous children. AND THEN the only survivor conveniently died when he gave was scheduled to be a witness. Also kek at the amount of pro royalty "fact checking" websites I came across. I can't imagine as an innocent person bothering to dispute claims of child hunting parties, and stealing almost a dozen children but whatever. The websites are so blatant with agenda it's almost laughable. Since when do literally "fact checking" websites come up when searching any other topic?

On that note, I swear they've intentionally gentrified the internet within the last few years, it used to be easy to get search results or video recommendations for this stuff. Eradicating this stuff from existence only makes the numerous accusations/conspiracies appear more credible. And soz forum post reporting it was the best I could do in 2020.

Link to the post: https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1669764

No. 586715

You know that a modelst propoal is satire right?

No. 586775

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I found out that pedos refer to “panda eyes” as the effect that torture has on infants. Apparently the pressure and abuse (probably a skull fracture?) causes them to develop black eyes. It’s not widely known information for obvious reasons. Really makes you think about Cvlt Panda / Pandaheadmorgan and their ties to Alefantis. Here’s an unrelated documentary on pedophilia in the elites / child sex trafficking among celebrities that is worth watching. https://youtu.be/MY8Nfzcn1qQ

No. 586851

Another child sex trafficking victim’s account- he mentions the hunts. His name is Michael Whalen. He says they locked kids in cages then released them into the wild to be hunted by people and dogs (like animals) Basically the only ones who survived hid really well and then would be put through the same thing all over again. I tend to believe him based on his body language? It comes off as someone who has endured a LOT of trauma in their lifetime idk. Also, he hasn’t been heard from since agreeing to do this interview. I hope he is just in hiding for his safety.. https://anony.link/https://pedophilesdownunder.com/2018/08/13/voodoo-doughnut-child-trafficking-witness-mikeys-banned-interviews/

No. 586877

He seems very credible in terms of body language and story. I believe what he's saying.

No. 587010

Manufactured meatless is garbage just as much as any meat. Vegetarians and vegans need to wake up and give that shit a wide berth.

No. 587194

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I am conflicted

No. 587195

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No. 587347

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This is uncomfortably accurate for anyone who wants in insight into where we're at right now.


No. 587370

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Yes that sounds about right. Social media, television, (most) politics, and consumerism are all objects of distraction and indoctrination. Most people won’t believe you even when faced with facts because they would rather choose cognitive dissonance to protect a system that they feel cozy in, a system that benefits them. The masses have been brainwashed, our parents were brainwashed, and even our grandparents. We never really had a choice in anything

No. 587382

Where’s Donald Trump?

No. 587407

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Found on twitter, is it legit?

No. 587419

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Well said anon. The image is really accurate too. Tom Hanks had a mad stink face on during Ricky Gervais' speech at whatever that ceremony is.

And obviously we can't %100 confirm anything second hand, but even Australian press is reporting it.

No. 587437

nah this sucks

No. 587473

this is the type of shit that makes "conspiracy theorists" look retarded, jfc there is a reason that they use simple and common symbols so that they don't stand out. Just because at some point the fbi found these are used by pedos doesn't mean that every logo of a heart or a triangle is there to signify pedophiles ffs

No. 587531

SJWs are the useful idiots of the establishment and always have been. It's a repeat of the Red Guard in China.

No. 587629

Yet the world is controlled through symbols, maybe you are the retarded one.

No. 587648

No. 587975

Kek accurate anon. I think you made them sperg in unpopular opinions about how dumb "tinfoilers" are, ironic.

>Nah this sucks
>Can't explain why it sucks

No. 588265

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Ha found her! What a dumb bitch lololol

Edit: forgot to sage

No. 588305

I really hate how the motivation of this man being an incel and taking his revenge out on this judge's family is getting swept under the rug in favor of Epstein conspiracy.

No. 588383

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Either she will die or orange man wants her to keep her mouth shut.


No. 588396

ntsa but this does suck. i'm not a commie but i'm sure as shit not going to believe the "sjws are a plot paid for by soros as some advanced 4-d chess game by the chinese communist party to take down american traditionalism and eventually america" narrative this is clearly trying to spell out.

secret document allegedly authored by the communist international for their young revolutionaries just sounds like a more intellectual and easily digestible way of wording the exact same tinfoil that Trump supporters who believe injecting drain cleaner into your eyeballs would harp on about antifa, soros, the ccp, etc.

yes, this does seem uncomfortably accurate, if you're already aware of/leaning towards believing these existing conspiracies, particularly about some underground organization looking to "destroy american traditionalism to take down america and democracy". sounds like red scare bullshit but hell maybe that's from my own bias considering i personally believe a lot of these "american traditions" these tinfoilers believe are trying to be destroyed are based in outdated, untrue, or patriarchal bullshit.

No. 588403

>2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial issues of no importance
Lmao, legit.

No. 588430

Had me until
>Take them away from religion
Come on, now

Uuuh did Kappy even say all these names? Thought it was just Seth Green, Steven Spielberg, and Tom Hanks he said unless I missed something? Chrissy Teigan and John Legend for shits and giggles? And throw in politicians when Kappy was just an actor?
Also fuck these memes that are clearly one sided politically. I'm american and don't understand why we can never leave the dumbass two party system out of all of this. Both sides are rapists, both sides are pedos, both sides are criminals. It was the same with that supposed Epstein flight log that keeps going around. Just ~mysteriously no republicans or Trump listed.
We will never get anywhere as long as people keep making shit up for no reason and running with it or can't get out of the mental programming that is the two party system and good guys/bad guys. Truly cursed for nothing ever to change.

No. 588667

I'm op and I see what you're getting at. Reading the whole post I was able to draw a lot of parallels between the rehtoric and things we're experiencing in the modern times. I don't think the people trying to enact this are explicitly communist either, I think communist divide and conquer tactics are just the catalyst used to enact stronger methods of control. It's fine you feel that way about traditional values and religion, I can understand that, although I feel people should have the choice. Destroying something isn't providing people with freedom but more so limiting their freedom of choice.

Ot but not an orange man supporter either. Imo he's a puppet of the elite, much alike the opposition. They're two sides of the same respective coin which does wonders to superficially divide us.

No. 588960

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I found this interesting paper on a proposed theory that SARS-CoV-2’s intermediate passage was through some miners who had come down with a severe pneumonia illness a few years ago.


No. 589490

So did Kanye really went coocoo or was he really mk’ed?

Anyone have Kardashian tea they like to spill?

No. 589498

Probably just coocoo imo, his mental health slowly degraded after his mother’s death, which he definitely feels responsible for (she died because of complications during plastic surgery he paid for), on top of being famous and hollywood substance abuse thats just a perfect recipe for his mental health to worsen, its a very cut and clear case, also they haven’t sectioned him yet which ironically makes me believe he’s genuinely just nuts.

No. 589512

Well he did sacrifice his mom to get where he is so he’s kinda responsible, intentionally or not.

No. 589550

I think it's a good even mixture of not taking his meds and regretting being associated with the kardashions and knowing his children (who I believe he loves) could be taken away from him. From what I know, Kanye REALLY wants that divorce. He just wants his kids to grow up normal and not like Kim, not pimped out by Kris.

No. 589561

Being associated with Kardashians for as long as he has would make anyone lose their shit, or aggravate any issue they already have.

Mark my words, he's not getting better unless he gets away from that family and starts surrounding himself with better people. Which in Hollywood is pretty difficult to do. I've always found him to be kind of annoying and I'm not a huge fan of his music, but damn do I feel for the guy.

No. 589584

Does anyone have good Kardashian tinfoil to share? I really want to know more abt this family

No. 589590

This is retarded but yes I agree.

No. 589591

Here’s one:

The Kardashians are witches/succubi who drain black males of their energy and essence.

Edit: Kim is friends with Marina Abramović, that should be a clue

No. 589593

I think so too I actually feel bad for Kanye. He seems like a good Christian dad and I think having kids made him less of a materialist which is why he even got with a Kardashian in the first place. Sucks for him I mean he should have had more foresight to begin with. Those plastic bitches don’t have souls and it’s obvious lol

No. 589594

>He seems like a good Christian dad
what are you smoking anon

No. 589598

You can watch all of his mirrored live-streams on YouTube and bitchute for yourself if you’d like. from what I’ve seen, yes he listed those names and a lot of them correlate to the Epstein flight logs. If you want to see his deadman’s switch you can easily find it yourself.

No. 589684

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>NYT report mentions 'Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth'

so…aliens confirmed?


No. 589685

> having kids made him less of a materialist

Uhum, absolutely not

No. 589687

Holy shit lol. Forgiveness doctrine is so fucking stupid. You aren't redeemed if you dont STOP being degenerate. Same goes for Trump. It doesnt matter what you profess if your actions are sinful and you continue to glory in sin and just ask for forgiveness every night(or sunday or mass), you arent redeemed or cleansed. Do Christians even read their own bible?

No. 589723

We have an “I hate religion” thread somewhere if you wanna sperg, jsyk

No. 589738

This happens every 10 years it seems. They always tease something big but then the papers are really vague.

A lot of people in the para community think it is distraction bait.

No. 590014


It's hard to know. If the things the Navy pilots reported were real and not some psy-op bullshit, then it has to be aliens of some kind. China or Russia wouldn't sit on this kind of advancement they'd be making us kiss their pinky ring.

No. 591085

Idk anon. The current tinfoil seems to be that it's possible a meteor may have crashed somewhere in China or Russia, and that material was then harvested and used for making military vehicles / equipment / etc. If that was the case it'd be highly unlikely those governments would publicize what would be a huge tactical advantage were we to go to war.

No. 591968


Leaving aside the Wakanda meteorite part of it, if they were wanting to keep it secret why constantly buzz an aircraft carrier and planes with top of the line radar and cameras?

No. 592332

Even if it's not Aliens they'll market it as such to draw us away from the truth.

No. 593352

Pastor has spiritual dreams of the US and the world burning/going to shit, money inflation and the president being nowhere in sight. He states this will happen between September and November.

>I saw schools close. I saw school rooms with cobwebs hanging in them and like things like papers falling off the wall and posters… like no one had been in them for months.

>I saw banks. Bank buildings with the roof being taken off. It looked almost that alien abduction because money was flying through the roof into some type of like a vacuum cleaner. It sounds kind of strange, but I was watching wealth, just being taken. I saw politicians in back rooms, making deals with people. Patting people on the back and laughing and smiling and smirking.

>I saw monuments,….. I saw Washington DC, burning. I saw Washington DC blazing. I saw fires, everywhere. I saw people being rounded up. I saw Chinese and Russian soldiers on the ground. The Russian soldiers would tell the Chinese soldiers to go “pick up these people”…” secure this quadrant”….” secure this area”… I saw blue helmets of the UN. I saw a military things taking place. I also saw no sign of President Trump. I saw no sign of leadership in Washington DC


Many people have reported having the same prosthetic dreams and see the current inflation as a sign.

No. 593685

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you see it come up repeatedly, but no one wants to believe it.

No. 593690

File: 1596174470375.jpg (158.45 KB, 850x847, soros.jpg)

how is it tinfoil when they admit it? We are literally pointing out what people are doing/saying

No. 593714

I mean you could just feed the cow grass and make use of unfarmable soil, which supports insect life and wild plants and binds CO2, instead of planting monocrops which destroys the enviroment. Veganism is a scam, it is way worse for animals and it isn't a sustainable diet for humans. Killing an animal to eat is is "immoral", but destroying their environment to plant monocrops, killing way more of them to protect the crops, having your crops picked by slave hands and shipping food across the globe is somehow "moral".

No. 593724

Adding that I 100% believe veganism is a part of the anti human agenda pushed by nwo to create dumb, docile, infertile sheep who will buy waste products(fake meats and dairy, shitty useless supplements) for big bucks, be a constant income for doctors and big pharma, and die at at early age so no retirement to pay either.

No. 593737

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According to a guy back in the 80's who said he was a contractor. Multiple countries have recovered craft, they've been trying to reverse engineer it for 70 years. But its so advanced they still can't figure it out.

No. 593749

Not only veganism, but pushing the worsening of living standards in general. I'm not talking about taking away muh gas-guzzler hummers and mcmansions but overall making average people live in small, cramped apartments because they're cheaper to build and paying more for inferior products due to "ecology" reasons. Most vegan food and "eco-friendly" products are just garbage stuffed into a nice packaging and being sold with a higher mark up for more profit. "Recyclable" and "biodegradable" stuff are notorious for not actually being so ecological as they claim to be. If the big companies actually gave a fuck about the environment they'd work on improving their production to use more sustainable sources of energy (as energy production is the leading cause of co2 emissions) and pay their field workers a fair salary instead of pushing consoomers to buy their latest piece of shit fair trade ecoproduct to feel better about themselves.

No. 593922

Based anons.

They heavily publicised their cover-up from day one to make their deception look reputable. Imo, alien's are a surface level scam that is engineered into the population's consciousness to obscure greater evil.

No. 595104

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I already posted this on the Epstein thread along with the documents jizzlaine’s lolyers tried to shield the public from which you can look on the thread.

Anyways, here’s the flight log/island list that includes many who are rumored to be involved in occult practices

No. 595134

If people care about the environment, veganism isn't the exact answer, but eating local is.
I'm a vegan (but eat eggs) and try to do both, and never buy alternatives from big supermarkerts and just stick to the farmer's market.

No. 595151

Hate to break it to you but you're not vegan

No. 595156

Nta but no one sane adorns themselves with vegan like it's some sort of title. Anon was clearly just trying to explain the vast majority of their diet isn't animal products kek.

No. 595169

this is fake and was debunked fucking ages ago.

this thread is the worst on this website but it acts as great containment for the retards.

No. 595170

I dont think anyone thinks veganism is the answer to fixing/changing the environment for the better? Maybe some extreme vegans do but I think most people recognize eating a plant based diet is just one step to being more environmentally friendly. And that goes for buying from local businesses too.

Also, you're a vegetarian.

No. 595175

That explains why you're here and bothered to type out that post. Welcome to containment fellow tard.

No. 595263

Originally, I was gonna post this on the unpopular opinions thread but I didn’t feel like arguing with people.

MK-Ultra was a real thing that happened. However, “Project Monarch” is up for debate.

No. 595268

There's so much hard evidence and witnesses/victims. There's even a Wikipedia dedicated to it kek, I'm not sure how normies can deny it at this point.

Personally I believe in Monarch, I've seen enough to suggest it's ongoing but we don't exactly have government confidential files to back it up.

No. 595294

People are saying MK Ultra is fake?
You have to wonder at what point are conspiracies not conspiracy/tinfoil anymore. I know people use things like that and Epstein to connect other things, but it's funny how people are so quick to discredit something that is based on fact. It's like pizzagate, which was based on Hillary's emails. It's not a lie or a conspiracy that her emails are out there and that they use every kind of pedo lingo in them. And it's not a conspiracy that the pizza place and owners were suspicious as fuck. We need a new descriptor. It doesn't make sense for this kind of stuff to be in the same category as cryptids or aliens starting the human race or some shit. I know we basically "tinfoil" about the stuff based on fact and in threads like this it's fine to call it that, but if you tell anyone in public that you're into conspiracies, they automatically think of the dumbest shit. I think that's part of the reason why we never get anywhere with the child trafficking issue.

Yeah some names were debunked but no need to be so upsetti

No. 595326

Maybe we should stop blaming the Jews for everything… well, almost everything; the Rothschild’s aren’t even Jewish at all. They supposedly the modern-day Canaanites

“Black nobility”


No. 595328

how can your rant about being lumped in with fake news and shrug off anon for trying to make sure we don't have debunked lists floating around the thread?

No. 595430

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Not much of a tinfoil for myself but it will sound like it.
Most vegan documentaries are fake as shit and intentionally select the worst borderline blackmarket slaughterhouses in the us, which has a horrible standard for farming anyways.

My family has been working with agriculture in south america since the dawn of day and let me tell I’ve spent way too many boring hours of my childhood in medium to big factory farms to hear that chickens are kept into tiny cages and bullshit like that, the space is fucking gigantic.

Its not profitable to torture animals, it makes the meat shitty, it downgrades the workspace, and most of all you get fined like hell.

The amazon is being destroyed mainly for pasture space, yes pasture, because we let the cows roam around wow isn’t that surprising!
Soy is an additive for the feed for when we put them in their little cow houses, which have plenty of moving space and are not crowded, they only sleep there btw.
Also artificial insemination does not hurt the cow, a human arm is actually more comfortable shoved up there than a bull dick, they don’t make a single peep during the process, and let me tell ya cows show you when they are mad.

Yes, being vegan is better for the environment but no one is treating animals like garbage, those are all lies made to appeal to people’s feelings.

Don’t belive me? Ask in the butcher’s counter what brand of meat do they sell, then got to that business website, contact them and arrange a guided visit.
Most reputable meat sources will never deny a guided visit and you can see with your own eyes how your food gets to you.

Yes there are shitty black market places that do indeed treat animals badly, and sell poor quality quasi-rotten meat, but thats a problem that exists in literally any industry, and most of all its not the norm.

No. 595549

Most anons here don’t believe Kanye, Britney or any other celeb were mk’ed that’s why I said Project Monarch was “up for debate”. They don’t believe shit’s still going on.

Anyways, here’s an old Rob Dyke video discussion different styles of mind control used by the glow-in-the-darks:

No. 595603

I don't know if this is super conspiratorial but I've been going down the "Pyramids are power plants" rabbit hole lately. I want to believe. It is interesting to think civilization arose and was totally annihilated much earlier than we thought. I definitely think we're in some Kali Yuga stage, though. The ancients knew something we don't.

No. 595611

That's all part of the system to which discredits us. Conspiracy theorist is a term with negative connotations, coupled with the outlandish tinfoils that are grouped into it make for a good way to obscure facts.

Tell the rich and powerful to stop LARPing as Jews then. WW2 was probably in some part designed to protect them with their victim card so that all dissent can be chalked up to being "anti-Semitic". That, or it's certainly worked in their favour. Millions of innocents killed and a free pass to run rampant in society as long as they keep the LARP up is surely a win in their books.

No. 595613

Forgot to add but obviously Palestine/Israel was a big win for them out of WW2. Something about falsely enacting Bible prophecy is attractive to them. Idk if they're trying to kick start the apocalypse, or they just like the biblical backed prestige they get from claiming to be the "chosen people".

No. 595615

Wasn’t Hitler rumored to be a Rothschild?

No. 595662

super sekrit klubs aren't super secret because they're hiding pedos. they're super secret because they all know you'd laugh if you saw them prancing around and chanting in silly costumes.

No. 595697

This. Same goes for someone like George Soros. He likes to play the "jewish" card when he's under critics but he's mainly a greedy old fart and don't give 2 shit about some little jewish-europoor like me. The richest family in my country are good catholics (Bernard Arnaud, Lagardère…) so no, there's no "Super Seekrit Joo Klub".

No. 595811

That doesnt really hold water now because the average politician is willing to dance around like a tard in a silly costume because it will go viral and they'll be ~uwu~ relatable to zoomer speds. Wasnt that the entire concept of Tik Tok? To look as stupid and clowny as possible because everything in life is a meme?

No. 595948

Meh… what they mean sekrit kubz is usually groups like the Bilderberg Group, skull and bones, Freemasons, Jesuits, the trilateral commission, CFR and even the UN.

No. 596043

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More names have been released in the flight logs and visits to the island. This includes the Disney Corporation, NXIVM/the Bronfman clan and the pizzagate people (the Podesta’s and Alefantis)



No. 596044

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There are more names on the list than the two screen caps given.

No. 596047

weird because these all seem to be people who have had rumors and scandals related to sex…its almost as if all the names were leaked years ago and just happened to be the names officially connected

No. 596062

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you think they want people to see this shit? they're not fucking around they really believe in it lmao!

No. 596066

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how dare you anon, he would clearly be considered thriving in todays society

No. 596112

If Miley is on here wouldn't it be more likely that she was a victim? Weren't the flight logs pretty old?

No. 596200

Idk but I remember when pizzagate broke out, rumors and reports circulated that she and Courtney Love went to comet ping pong

No. 596256


that's why i'm hesitant to believe that everyone on the list is automatically a predator. there could be many other reasons as to why they were on the flights. and correct me if i'm wrong but the lists don't really say they were specifically going to the pedo island, they were just using his plane? so i think that while everyone should be investigated, it's better to not jump to conclusions

No. 596258

i haven't been able to corroborate all of the above names with the court dox thus far (i'm like 200 pages through out of 2000). it's mostly old stuff relating back to virgina's abuse.

hopefully more information will come out of jizzlaine since she's bursting at the seams trying to gain immunity in all this. assuming shes not suicided first

No. 596263

What if some of the artists weren’t pedo’s themselves but had flown there to provide “services” to the elites? If project monarch is for real, they or their “alters” were forced to service and possibly do other degenerate things for entertainment.

A few years ago, Katy Perry revealed “I kissed a girl” was about underaged Miley Cyrus

No. 596360

I disagree, but you're welcome to your interpretation. I don't expect to dissuade you but I'll do my best to inform you of my perspective. True Christianity is anti-establishment with love being its most prevalent and important message. Not to mention it consistently warned against the kind of debauchery elites engage in and prophecised it long prior to the concepts becoming common knowledge amongst "conspiracy theorists".

Jesus was killed by the collusion between the Roman Empire, the sadducees, and the pharisees who are extensions of today's elite/occultists. Catholicism is an effective smear campaign enacted by the remnants of the empire when Christianity challenged their spiritual control by spreading like wildfire. It's thinly veiled paganism, almost mirroring certain aspects of Satanism - with a little Jesus thrown in almost secondary to Mary, who's sneakily representative of Ishtar. Christianity was co-opted in order to regain the power/methods of control that they lost, which was evidently extremely effective.

In its unadulterated form it is supposed to be a personal relationship with God which is the opposite of organised religion, although it's almost always depicted superficially by men/elite: mega churches, bigoted off-branches, music/media ect. Ancient Aliens is a shill campaign perpetuated by the agenda, as well as the "chariot of the gods" books it's based on.

Due to the "gentrification" of search results I couldn't find the original video I had of a step by step explanation of the blatant lies and inconsistencies in ancient aliens, essentially debunking it in 10 minutes. Sorry this long ass video will have to do. I don't expect anyone relate to the "religious" aspects of my explanation, but on a historical level it gives context.

No. 596369

I forgot to mention I do agree that the majority of religious are worshiping the same deities. But from my perspective they're not "Annunaki", they're "nephilim" which is apart of the alien deception perpetuated onto the masses.

No. 596408

the occultist aleister crowley had a motto, love is the law. what do you make of that?

No. 596436

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>Walt Disney

No. 596458

There are rumors he molested or groomed Virginia Davis, who was one of the first Hollywood child stars, actually. Its an old one, but its floated for ages.

No. 596460

Sorry meant to edit to add this to the other reply but, that being said, you are right in calling it out because he couldnt have had anything to do with Epstein. As pointed out in this post, >>596047 it seems its all people who had rumors about them being associated with pedophiles, trafficking rings, abusers, or mk ultra. It reads like Q anon shit and not something official.

No. 596471

Oh okay. That makes much more sense.

No. 596482

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Its really hard to keep up with all of this, and to figure out how to differentiate between Q stuff, and reality. Especially when one of your only sources is clover chan because everything gets banned and deleted elsewhere. But it is good to at least see all the photos and sources of the connections.

No. 596648

I think they mean the company, obviously not the man himself.

No. 596655

So QANON was some boomer sick fuck Dershowitz shill all along???

No. 596658

Then it would just be Disney.

No. 597135

Don't tell anyone you ever took that shit seriously.

No. 597221

I see it as an intentional muddying of the waters. The most prevalent tennant "do what thou wilt" is the antithesis of Christianity.

No. 597624

The apocalypse has already begun.

No. 597705

I believe you

No. 598953


anon what is this picture from

No. 599472

Drag Race

No. 601682

Communists held meeting at Trump Tower

No. 602322

File: 1597177824705.jpg (35.05 KB, 678x381, 1597177317805.jpg)

Yep. Kamala Harris is the antichrist. Just announced as Joe Bidens VP. Joe Biden dies in office. Kamala becomes president.

No. 602497

I hope Trump wins again.

No. 602702

No. 602934

Found this old ass video, do they mind control leaders too?

No. 602951

Enjoy having you reproductive rights stripped.

No. 602952

File: 1597253018706.png (74.2 KB, 473x353, get out.PNG)

No. 602954

nta, but enjoy having any child you actually have be exposed to sex at less than 5 years old and be taught in school that they should start masturbating anally that young, and they should change their gender medically and that its perfectly normal for them to have sexual feelings for adults before they even hit their preteens

we're screwed either way

No. 603037

why do homophobes always make up pedo shit, calm down

No. 603038

first of all, im not homophobic and nothing in my post implies as such, and secondly you're in a tinfoil thread and the majority of it revolves around allegations of pedophilia in the government and entertainment industry so….

No. 603043


Imagine believing this unironically

No. 603056

Yes, because theres absolutely nothing online that is easily findable with a simple google search referencing age inappropriate sex education in California specifically, and theres absolutely no instances of online magazines that are targeted to young girls referencing why they need to prepare to have anal sex as young as 11 and 12 years old by sticking random objects inside themselves without having the mental maturity and capacity to understand what they are doing and how to actually be safe. Because theres absolutely NO reason why these publications and school systems want young girls to grow up being groomed and raped, to provide anal intercourse for older men instead of natural vaginal sex with a same age partner. And theres absolutely NO cases of young children being put on hormone blockers as young as 10 years old, despite medical professionals' attempts to quell parents' over enthusiasm to turn their child into a sexual fetish for pedophiles. Also, sex trafficking, especially targeting children does NOT exist!

No. 603137

I really have nothing to add directly to this conversation but I am extremely fascinated by Christianity's history because so much of it has been changed/manipulated, with this strange murky veneer over it to hide uncomfortable truths within. I guess being a former crossfag I just feel like there's something there that people don't want you to know about Christianity and if only you could peel back that potato skin we could understand it better.

No. 603408

Well I hope we’re all happy, we’ve now became the laughing stock in the “funny” posts thread.

No. 603422

Tom Hanks must have posted that as a distraction

No. 603596

it's not homophobic propaganda at all. today the average age of a kid's first exposure to porn is 9, and kids as young as 6 are turning into rapists and sexually abusing each other on the playground. teen vogue, which is aimed at tweens, teaches young girls how to use sex toys and endure anal sex. and kids are obviously being brainwashed into questioning their 'gender identity' earlier and earlier and eventually sterilizing and mutilating themselves. drag queen story hour, drag kids, jazz jennings, puberty blockers, etc are all a part of this programming.


No. 603636

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It’s true though and it’s really only western and first world countries experiencing this phenomenon. Absolute brainwashing, heard of the newest Disney show for kids staring a gay couple? Each decade you see the slow pushing of “gayness” onto the general public and children. we are seeing more “queer kids” and “gender questioning kids” than ever and I swear it’s not just the brainwashing of their generation, but ours too. It used to just be called playing when a boy wore a girls dress or played with dollls. That’s normal. What’s not normal is telling that child he wants to be a girl. We were conditioned to slowly accept more and more degeneracy, to tolerate more. We were brainwashed to believe it’s normal and now we are pushing it on our kids.. kids shouldn’t be exposed to sexuality period! It’s not something kids naturally think about unless the seeds are planted into their brains by an outside stimuli. Being transgender used to be classified as a mental illness, you know. Now it’s technically not. Who decided to make that call? If you read psychology encyclopedias from the 50s and 60s they classify being gay as a response to either trauma, such as being molested by the same sex (percentage wise most homosexuals were) or as a sort of arrested development sexually and emotionally-it’s normal to be intimidated by the opposite sex. Having gender issues and being gay is essentially a developmental issue / response to trauma and I don’t know why they’re trying to regress the progress they made in the mental health field which in turn just reinforces people’s mental illness. (Well maybe I answered my own question there.) Animals only exhibit homosexual tendencies when kept in captivity, not in the wild. You aren’t born gay but you can sure as hell be conditioned in many ways to make you gay, stunting your emotional and sexual growth, and even passing it on to the younger generation through example.

No. 603645

Homophobe-chan is back huh. Trans and gay isn't the same thing.
>Animals only exhibit homosexual tendencies when kept in captivity
Also that's plain false.

No. 603646

so much of this is incorrect i don't even know where to start…

No. 603672

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No. 603683

Sometimes I genuinely can’t tell if she’s a troll or just a retard because I’ve seen people on the internet be dead serious about shit like this.

No. 603725

Disney is putting tHe GaY MeNaCe in everything because their adult fans are stupid tumblrite woke womenchildren that'll throw their money at an evil corporation for having two cartoons kiss each other, it's not a conspiracy they just want money

Anyway fuck me for responding to obvious bait

No. 603763

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i agree with this actually, there’s no good reason for characters in a kids show to be making fuck me eyes at each other like in above pic - jesus christ

oh boy, woke AF fighting 24/7 for sexual liberation & slam dunk with the wikipedia link. i imagine every uncomfortable factoid you encounter is transphobic, homophobic or racist huh.

disney was making gay shit under smaller production companies like touchstone. look at the movie powder - young boy starring in this was abused by disney execs and went on to hill himself. one of many

No. 603776

>fighting 24/7 for sexual liberation
lmao. Sounds fun.
Sorry that you're too lazy to do basic google searches about homosexuality in nature yourself.

No. 603782

>fuck me eyes
anon wtf they're kids who are looking smugly at each other, get a grip!
No one tell anon about disney princess movies like snow white or Sleeping beauty cause she'll have a meltdown once she sees the one second kiss scenes
this is bait isn't fml

No. 603815

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i can find a plethora of articles google supporting any dumbass theory - what’s your point? including and up to debunking homosexuality in animals. just cause some monkeys rub up on each other doesn’t mean they’re in gay love. and why the fuck does it matter if frogs are gay? what is even your point, that gayness is natural and we stood just do whatever other species do? everything on fucking earth is technically natural, and humans will project their gay fantasies on whatever they see - even wild animals

to the mind of a child maybe something like this all looks completely innocent. making a huge fucking deal about the characters’ most essential trait - namely, queerness - does imply sexual activity. empowered queer POC checks all the right boxes all while delivering nothing of substance

No. 603848

Anon, you were the first one to bring up animal homosexual behaviour to be relevant to humans and now you're saying it's irrelevant.

Are you against all romance in children's media? If that was your stance I may understand.

No. 603855

Nta but I was just thinking about it, children's (and maybe even teenager's) shows would be so much better if they didn't involve romantic relationships or attraction at all.
Generally, they aren't the main focus of the storyline but I just think it's unnecesary. Friends, families, communities > Romantic partners

No. 603884

Nta but I agree

No. 603888

I was typing out a response to this, but then I finished reading it and realized you're on some level of bullshit that's not even worth unpacking and correcting. I'm just going to comment on the screenshot and pretend you didn't post shit, kek.
I don't see a problem with the girl/girl relationship in The Owl House. It's not sexual, and there's no weird subtext about one of them having a dick and trooning out to be a girl or something.
If a boy and a girl can have a crush and go on dates and kiss and stuff in cartoons, it shouldn't be different for the same gender. It's not inherently sexual any more than het content is.

No. 603893

>the characters’ most essential trait - namely, queerness - does imply sexual activity. empowered queer POC checks all the right boxes all while delivering nothing of substance
Do you actually watch the cartoon, though, or are you just assuming things based on a screenshot?

No. 603957

Of corse the libtards would show up to defend this shit, like always.

Don’t you people have something better to do, like sperg about orange man or something?

No. 603968

Look at this boomer lol

No. 604003

And look at the libtard making herself known. Fuck homos and fuck you.

No. 604143

>unironically spergs out about cartoons
>thinks they can make fun of people sperging out about a president
Not a "libtard", but the jokes write themselves.

No. 605457

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I was one of the people who defended the gay stuff in The Owl House, but I'm starting to change my mind. Shit is looking real funny in the light.
It didn't stop at the prom episode, the episode after that is full of Amity (the teal-haired girl) constantly blushing and lusting after Luz (the main character). At one point, Amity gushes about "being sweaty in cute uniforms" with Luz while blushing, and runs off screen saying she "has to go".
That was just kind of weird, until I found out Dana Terrace made Amity as a self-insert.
So, a 29 year old woman puts herself into a children's cartoon, and has what she describes as a "queer kid" relationship with a middle schooler. Yeah…I don't know about all this, anons.

No. 605459

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To be clear.

No. 605461

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Samefagging again to post this, just found it.
Jake Goldman is a writer for the Powerpuff Girls who put himself in the cartoon just so he could ship himself with Blossom (who's in kindergarten or something). He was rightfully called out on being a creep.

No. 605482

File: 1597566064150.jpeg (82.24 KB, 1125x375, 500ABB23-BBD3-4019-9F59-F1AED3…)

So Hollywood’s been doing this shit as early as the 1920’s?!


Found our mystery celeb (may she rip):


No. 605547

Iirc she dyed her hair to match the character afterward, but I'm surprised you omitted the weirder aspect of the gossip, namely that Luz is modeled after her coworker and college roommate. I'm willing to give Dana the benefit of the doubt but if you want to indulge the gossip it isn't that she is shipping her self insert with her made up fantasy waifu its that she is shipping her self insert with her coworker's self insert (the character is even named afterward). Odd if true. Personally I doubt it but the scene you mentioned is in such poor taste.

No. 605986

That's just creepy and bizarre if she were to be a man she would have been cancelled by now
No wonder I felt something off about this show

No. 606016

why are the creators/animators of childrens shows so fucking weird?? whether it's fucking butch hartman or rebecca sugar, they all are different types of weirdos that insert their weird fetishes/beliefs into their work. please dont ruin my life and tell me bryke does the same shit or i may have to abandon cartoons forever.

No. 606101

I'm not sure I'm understanding the big issue here… basically it's that The Owl House author has always intended to write a a story about teenage bi/lesbian girls romance, and after the show premiered she dyed her hair exactly how one of the characters of the show? This doesn't necessarily have to mean she is a pedo; like, I really enjoy stories about teenage lesbian romance because it's something I wish I had when I was a teen so it's appealing to me, and I can relate to the characters as in, "ah I wish I was teenage too and had that happening", but it absolutely doesn't mean I would want to have a relationship with a teen right now; so my first thought would be that this is the same case here, feels very extreme to assume the worst in this case with zero other leads.

No. 606762

This is a seriously underrated post. Here's an example of what you're talking about within the toy industry. There was also a controversy surrounding the "lol dolls" and their water colour change revealing highly sexualised undergarments, and even erect nipples on dolls that look like toddlers. Not to mention a baphomet tramp stamp of all things. Suprisingly that wasn't the worst of the controversies either. I grabbed the first video I could find and I honestly couldn't think of a toy more suitable for pedos to normalise inappropriate sexual contact with children than this. This so called "expert" ofc completely missed the point as well. It's obvious sexual acts are outside of most young children's frame of reference, that's why the insidious placement of the button would work in potential grooming situations.

Kids are being exposed to this kind of stuff from all angles nowadays, and this is coming from someone who like many of us, grew up with the "shock value" media from the 90s and early 2000s. There's even independent perverts on YouTube selling kids their idea of "sex education" and gender neutrality, let alone the proposed government schemes getting younger and more risque/less anatomy based.

Anecdotally, I was taught to put a condom on a dildo fresh into my teen years and I remember the whole scenario being treated almost as a big joke. There wasn't an emphasis on being informative, rather the nurse exposed us to this kind of thing whilst simultaneously treating us like we were all already sexually active. Even at that young age I didn't sense any professionalism or feel that I particularly gained anything from the way the scenario was handled. She normalised it to such an extent that I feel like it (among other things) had a negative affect on the way I viewed sex, which could have gotten me into more trouble than it already did. But maybe that's just me.

I hope I don't come across as puritanical, but I can't help but worry about the accumulative effect it's having on modern children's psychological development. There's a fine line we're walking, one which was swung too far one way, only for the pendulum to swing the opposite way creating a whole host of new issues. does anyone else notice this phenomena in a whole range of issues/throughout history? Just when we think we've found a solution, too much of the solution becomes the problem.

It doesn't confirm she's a pedo, but imo it doesn't bode well for her mental stability or intentions that she's self inserting (despite being an adult woman) into her teenage fanfic.

No. 607383

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Yeah I feel like kids toys are becoming overtly sexual, which I guess has been happening for decades. What weirds me out the most about loldolls is that the boy dolls are anatomically correct as well. Its just odd..

No. 608432

Does anyone have info on the WAP conspiracy? What’s it about?

No. 608447

Jesus fokkiiiin christ fuck. Can I homeschool my kids and let them be free of this bullshit?

No. 608460

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when people downplay this kind of stuff i find it so bizarre. its clear that childrens toys are increasingly more sexualized nowadays but people go out of their way to “debunk” it like its not a concern. that video is particularly disgusting to me because the so called expert treats it as such a non issue as if parents are crazy for having these criticisms. this article further downplays it https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/trolls-hasbro-doll-pizzagate-qanon-1041202/amp/. sure, maybe the sensor was misplaced or whatever theyre claiming but acting like people are weirdo conspiracists for thinking its wrong is just unbelievable.

No. 608465

>get curious
>click link
>"The claim was partially debunked by Facebook after it went viral, with independent fact-checkers labeling it as “partly false” — the button between its legs wasn’t actually a button, but a sensor that was intended to be activated when the doll sat down."
I know this is General Tinfoil (and I'm not trying to paint Facebook's "independent fact-checkers", whoever and whatever they are, as more reliable than any other source) but this seems quite literally like a case of paranoid pearl-clutchers interpreting a benign feature on a toy as some kind of horrible, malicious reference to sex, and obviously some sort of an attempt to groom children into mass acceptance of pedophilia instead of what it's far more likely to be, which is a company trying to profit off of children AKA the entire point of children's media/toy franchises. The people accusing this of being a sexual thing seem way too mentally preoccupied with sex or anything remotely resembling human bodies and human sexuality, more so than any kid I know.

No. 608468

On the bright side, we’re making progress so let’s keep fighting the good fight!

They can’t stop all of us

No. 608470

So why is there a button down there? They could have placed it anywhere else but chose not to.

No. 608476

If it's only supposed to be activated when the doll sits down, it makes sense to put the sensor on the spot that would be the closest to the surface/object it's sitting on when the doll is in that position (assuming the sensor is activated when it detects movement there), which would be the crotch/butt area. Much like how the closest spot to the chair when you're sitting on a chair is your crotch/butt area.

No. 608496

It's about how it it can horribly misused by predators, anon. You don't need an active imagination to understand the straightforward process of grooming a child with that doll. You know there's creedence to the critisisms when they're bringing in the "fact checkers", who contest even the most solid of claims to maintain the status quo, and they're slandering concerned parents with the "conspiracy theorist" label. It's a weird toy in itself, but in the wrong hands it's so much worse.

No. 608505

this is exactly what i was getting at! sure, theres a "sensor" there but doesnt change the fact it could be concerning.

No. 608550

So, a female doll that giggles and moans when a button between its legs gets pushed seriously passed through inspectors, panels, tester audiences and absolutely no one thought "Hmm, this might be considered inappropriate. There must be some other way for this toy to make noise on its own"? Nobody at all? It's more than a little shady.

No. 608557

I didn't know about Luz being based on her coworker. That's really odd, especially considering Dana's boyfriend (Alex Hirsch) works on the show. I actually think it might make things a little less disturbing, if they were dating at some point IRL. Still weird, though, and they're clearly taking some of their shipping shit too far.
I usually hate the "If the genders were flipped" argument, but that one line about "sweaty in cute uniforms" really rubbed me the wrong way (and I'm not even straight).

No. 608636

I saw an atrocity guide video on this Russian chick screaming randomly at her at her camera and doing interpretative dancing while looking straight at the camera.

She was a former dancer working for the Russian federation then got institutionalized and drugged a few years later for speaking out against Vladimir-sama and the regime.

The videos seemed skeptical but I kinda believe it, knowing what we know about the US and Soviet governments and their fucked up experiments.

No. 608648

Isaac Kappy isn’t dead

No. 608649

Edit: Ignore the Trump fanaticism if that’s bothersome

No. 608663

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Idk if this had been posted yet but QAnon is totally a psyop which could be utilised for multiple purposes. What immediately comes to mind is controlling and predicting public behaviour ("conspiracy theorists" need a method of control too). Data collection/information on dissenters (particularly useful when paired with a social credit system). And lastly, to study the psychological effect such grievous information has on individuals - which I believe is the very nature of a psyop.

No. 608667

I just watched the entire thing and I’m not following? How does this prove or even insinuate that he is alive? And yes I’ve speculated on it as well, people can absolutely fake their deaths and go into hiding. I’m just not 100% sure that’s the case here. Sorry but can you explain? The video seems like it’s mostly about him either doxing his followers or doing something worse like he said. I feel like even him faking his own death wouldn’t be considered treasonous or worse than doxing his followers but maybe that’s just my take

No. 608671

My mom used to work for a life insurance company and she said they they essentially already have social / health credit systems in place that the majority of the public doesn’t know about. It scores everything about you and has info on basically every aspect of your life in a database that it really shouldn’t have?? Idk how true this is bc my mom is a little out there she could have exaggerated but that’s what she said. It just wouldn’t surprise me bc I know we have the technological availability to do so and the government/ conglomerate social media companies/ google have no problem invading your data and selling your personal information

No. 608703

So what would that mean for those who dissent? Now that people are opening their eyes

I knew the whole QAnon thing was bullshit but part of me wanted to believe, it was too good to be true.

The comments and the uploader were talking about it but not given much info

No. 608726

If you are opposed to it I’m sure they won’t care. Friends and I have talked about starting our own commune/ society basically if shit hits the fan that bad idk. Become (literal kek) farmers and self sustain. If you’ve looked into the ID2020 thing that’s basically our future. Actually read the patent- they’re working on it as we speak. Patent ID2020- https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 Bill Gates Sterilizing women in Kenya through “tetanus” shots- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320641479_HCG_Found_in_WHO_Tetanus_Vaccine_in_Kenya_Raises_Concern_in_the_Developing_World A conspiracy tier documentary about ID2020 that scares the shit out of me -https://www.bitchute.com/video/XSvEKJKAUiBD/

No. 608728

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No. 608729

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No. 608731

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No. 608742

I'm probably stupid as fuck but what the hell do they mean, "body activity data"???? Is this shit tracking your movements? What are they talking about? I have tried to look up news articles too but everything is (probably deliberately) vague.

No. 608744

>publication number: WO2020/060606
Welp, the end times are officially here

No. 608748

Skip to 14:08 on the documentary to watch an interview between a scientist / physicist (Anthony Patch) talking about the coronavirus and how it would be used to manipulate the masses. Idk what year this is from exactly but it’s definitely pre-pandemic. Also I think lots of people have been speculating on the implants for years now, basically since he started advancing the quantum dot technology. It’s just finally happening so yeah it’s scary.

No. 608761

Yeah basically it can read your body’s data such as movements, electrical impulses in your brain, monitoring heart beat, ie, can tell your emotions essentially. It’s attached to a cryptocurrency so essentially if you do and think the right things (moral/ social credit system but more advanced technology than what China has) you get points that can be used as currency. The economy has been collapsing for a long time and with population going up, and technology advancing so much, there won’t be enough jobs for everyone. Lots of people theorized that the corona pandemic (the original Covid strand was man made) was spread on purpose to basically make an excuse for our economy changing, our currency switching, socially conditioning us to accept staying at home, conditioning us to accept essentially socialism ie the unemployment rates. I know this is a lot of tinfoilng but a lot of it also isn’t bc the fact is that the product is in place. Just look at the state of joblessness. You can see trends in the population always steadily rising. This could very well happen in our lifetimes I mean science fiction predicted it long ago

No. 608784

What will happen after the elites get their hive mind? Will those who receive the mark just “go with the flow” after being basically turned into literal drones? What a sad existence.

Are they gonna leave the rest us us who don’t want to be part of the “Luciferase” to rot or kill us all?

I hope the rapture come soon and I hope the lord forgives me for seeing Greg’s disgusting body among other sins I have committed.

No. 608816

confused anon again, thank you for clarifying this weird ass shit!

>It’s attached to a cryptocurrency so essentially if you do and think the right things, you get points that can be used as currency.


No. 608823

>Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.
What the fuck? So, they're going to use people's physical bodies to mine crypto?
Imagine lifting for BTC.

No. 608831

Talk about cyber-socialism, yikes

No. 608900

Who knows?? Control the world more than they already do?! I guess propaganda isn’t enough these days. I tried to discuss it with my family members and some of them said they would take it just to be apart of society. Like what?!!’ Branded like fucking cattle. Yeah this is just some scary shit god help us

No. 610073

I totally agree with the current conversation going on, sorry this is off topic. But on the subject of sexualisation of our children did anyone see this disgusting movie trailer? Why are they telling 11 year olds they're women now, should dress as such, and dance provocatively because it'll get you likes/attention? That's definitely a rhetorical question. Judging by the like to dislike ratio, I've still got a little faith in humanity.

What's worse is the description isn't even what was originally written. It's currently:
>Amy, 11 years old, tries to escape family dysfunction by joining a free spirited dance clique named "cuties", as they build their self-confidence through dance.

It used to read:
>Amy, 11 years old, becomes fascinated by a twerking dance crew (cuties), hoping to join them she begins to explore her feminity, defying her families traditions.

Yeah, this one's gonna have to be a "no" from me.

No. 610715

They are working really hard to blur the lines and normalize this shit.

>inb4 some anons come here to justify this

No. 611594

I don’t even subscribe to Netflix anymore after 99% of their content being either propaganda or just garbage. I even watched the Epstein documentary and they lied about some facts regarding the professors who helped him kick start his career and their relevance and just played dumb which makes me wonder who the fuck is running the company and behind all of these documentaries? still came off as like a controlled opposition thing to protect certain people involved idk. If anyone wants to hear that broken down this is a two hour long video with Ryan Dawson : https://youtu.be/yum36zuFxPQ yes Netflix is pretty garbage and definitely trying to normalize and encourage degeneracy in all age groups, sexes, and ethnicities in our society. Unsubscribe- you can find people with amazing plex servers to watch from/ rip movies from the library onto plex.

No. 612385

Second this. Even the most random irrelevant shows sneak in "progressive" ideals whenever they can. Everything has to somehow relate back to race and sexual orientation without ever acknowledging class, or other potential factors. That and the trailer for cuties is probably indicative of where the "progressive" push is leading the service. It's always been shit, but it's definitely only going to get worse from here.

No. 613252

Here is an article I found discussing the social credit system used in America by life insurance companies- https://futurism.com/america-social-credit-system-china

No. 614634

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No. 614651

My theory: I think the government wants us to create less and less children, promoting the LGBTQ and being "helpful" when young children (or their parents) want force sterilization and/or changing their natural bodies with frankenstein results. I also think the pushing of abortions, birth control, and plan-b is also a step in their direction to bring the number of the population down. Next thing you know, perhaps the COVID vaccine is going to have the sterilization affect like the Kenyan vaccines. Major tinfoil but it's all been making more sense to me. The natural family order is no more.

No. 614661

You say that like it's a bad thing

No. 614665

Sterilizing Kenyan vaccines?

No. 614667

>the pushing of abortions, birth control, and plan-b
Have you been in a coma for the past 4 years? I only know what's happening in the UK and the US but women's reproductive rights have been going backwards. Last year around 30 states in the US brought into anti-abortion legislation and in the UK it remains very difficult to get one in parts of Ireland.

No. 614682

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I don't entirely trust the credibility of the source because
But this article makes a good point.


No. 614697

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Samefag but obviously if the corporation was started with that intent it's legacy continues today even if it's with the best intentions. On that note, press X to doubt because their clinics seem to intentionally replicate the "high places" where sacrifice took place in ancient cultures. Kind of makes you think there's more to it than just the culling of the lower classes, and the monetary incentives in selling the discarded "tissue" under the table.


No. 614938

This. I think that the way the Covid vaccine mutates our RNA is going to cause some sort of genetic defects like maybe passed onto our kids generations. It may be harder for them to have kids or like 1 in 20 will be sterile and they’ll say it’s from basically anything but the vaccine.

No. 614942

No. 615174

Honestly, something needs to be done. The world is overpopulated and people need to stop having so many kids.
Some people aren't fit to be parents. I used to work with mentally challenged adults. These are people who couldn't take care of themselves, who had to live in care facilities if they weren't with family. They could have kids. Even though they couldn't take care of themselves. I'm pretty sure most of them didn't even understand that this could happen if they had sex.

I'm so tired of the puritanical views of the people in this country. If someone wants an abortion, it doesn't affect anyone else. Who cares, it's not their business. Pregnancy and birth are fucking horrifying and no wonder younger women who are educated are more likely to avoid it. There's a reason people used to die from it all the time. No thanks.

No. 615217

doesn't hold up. governments aren't stupid, they know that less children spells a death sentence for the economy and capitalist nature of society. see japan and china. children are expensive and useful for propelling an economy forward, they go to college and enter the work force and are going to consume and build wealth like any other. while the (us) government can and has sterilized and limited reproduction of populations like natives or african americans, this was selective and based on racism, not some grand scale conspiracy. population control is not in the best interests of most first world countries from nearly every angle….military, economically, culturally. the only countries where population control would ever be considered to benefit are places like china and india where the standards of living are low and the structures of society cannot handle surplus people. but these measures almost always fail or have detrimental side effects in their own right. it would be suicide for the us government to entertain such an idea when overpopulation is a non issue and the birth rates leveled off in the 90's. most people in high offices are elderly and rely on a booming economy and surplus of youth in order to secure their social security.

No. 615228

I wish the tinfoils about mass sterilization were true. Letting people reproduce at this rate anywhere is a massive disaster. We're already at capacity. Reproducing shouldn't be a right. It's a egoistic privilege that should be taken from people especially if they are not even able to properly care for a child.

No. 615239

there's 7.8 billion people in the world and we really don't need any more. yes, even if they're mostly chinese. i don't care.
but more importantly,
>the pushing of abortions, birth control, and plan-b
bitch, where????

No. 615242

Kenya has one of the world's youngest populations and many are born to parents who can't even feed themselves yet women keep popping out kids because they think that's what they're supposed to do and don't have many other options in life for self-fulfilment. I don't think this is a bad thing.

No. 615250

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>Imply western companies responsible for the 1 child policy in China, sterilization and brutally forced abortion wouldn't do it again, and to their own population

No. 615265

Sorry for samefag but I found a breif video among many other sources that dispute the "overpopulation" agenda. Fabricated crisis is what the modern world thrives on, be it the red scare, global cooling (the crisis 30 years prior to global warming), the war on drugs, the war on terror ect. If anything we have a resource management issue (eg. Pollution due to improper disposal, disregard of finite resources such as the components found in batteries), not a population issue, but unfortunately the common person doesn't have the influence to change that on a mass scale.

But in what world is it ethical to push the agenda on unwilling participants? Yes, it's a massive problem but at what point are we playing God with other people's lives? Is it our right to continue to meddle in the affairs of less developed countries? And looking back on history, where has this indifference reaped?

No. 615278

Is it ethical to not help them out of poverty by pushing them into demographic transition?
Civilization is basically planning what people will do. If there's no plan, no real evolution can happen. Like I said, having babies shouldn't be a right. At best it should something you should earn. By proving you can at least sustain yourself and your child. Permits to have kids is a thing that need to happen.
People don't die enough anymore. The selection can't happen naturally. Without intervention, we're just doomed.

No. 615786

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My school posted a former alumni’s work in my notifications.

Why the symbolism? What does Jacob Blake’s murder have to do with this?

No. 615825

What are you saying anon? I don't see any symbolism except for a man with some flowers in his hair.

No. 615831

The one-eye symbolism do you know where you are?

No. 615833

> Like I said, having babies shouldn't be a right.
Spoken like a true eugenicist.

No. 615835

Yes, dummy. I wasn't aware Jacob Blake had one eye or was shot in the eye. I have been ignoring that situation as it doesn't feel good to experience it.

No. 615837

Oh I thought anon was crying about the Illuminati smh

No. 615843

I mean, this thread was made to talk about the Illuminati

No. 615849

I wasn’t complaining, just didn’t know about other the other current happenings

No. 615966

>implying china isnt dumb enough to sterilize and enforce shitty policy on their own accord

No. 616397

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No. 616719

Have some lightheartedness everyone

No. 616723

I actually got recommend this on YouTube a few months ago. 10/10

No. 619095

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30 separate attacks on horses all around France in 2020 with no known motive. Along with other attacks usually the right ear is removed. One horse-owner encountered two attackers who had knives. Any idea who or what could be behind this?


No. 619128

I think it's an internet challenge of some kind. It's really bizarre because if you've grown up in the country, you either know horses and see them everyday or had at least ONCE find a runaway horse chilling in your backyard (both for me). Apart from being a psychopath, you know there's no fucking good reason to hurt a horse. They're either chill enough to eat a carrot out of hands or will avoid and flee.
So yeah, my bet is on city weirdo who drank too much internet liquid shit. Like all those Picardie (?) attacks? Really close to Paris and it's degenaracy.

No. 619171

Wtf. Apparently something similar was going on in the 80s and 90s in England and Germany. I remember satanic animal sacrifices of the goats in our local petting zoo. I hope they catch those psychos.

No. 619172

It's just some random psycho who gets pleasure out of killing horses and/or shocking people while doing it.

No. 619240

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CIA guide to subverting organizations. Can also be used to derail any and all discussion on "conspiracy theories" (another term made up by the CIA to downplay talk of topics they'd rather people ignore).
A lot of people online/offline unknowingly do these things, thinking they're just approaching a subject with rationality, but they're literally just copying someone who was following a script to muddy conversation. Kind of scary.

No. 619273

Thought it was obvious Lolcow had glow-niggers posting as anons to “debunk” things we were talking about. 4chan, Reddit and LSA ain’t special.

No. 619357

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This and controlled opposition are instrumental in destroying any chance of constructive discussion. For instance, Alex Jones is quality entertainment value but that's exactly it. The scote's a massive shill who's soul purpose is to make us look insane, mislead with half-truths and collect data on us. QAnon is more legitimate by comparison but to the same effect.

Kek, I never get tired of that term. This bait here >>615278 sure does glow.

No. 619667

Yeah, it’s like we can’t have constructive criticisms or “theories” of the gays/gay agenda, abortion, symbolism and still pizzagate. Every time someone begins conversations on these topics; anons “debunk” them in a hot minute then bam, topic over, move along folks.

Can’t trust them glow-niggers, man

No. 619680

margaret sanger wanted to help black women. her intentions are taken out of context here.

No. 619984

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>Can’t trust them glow-niggers, man
Kek speaking of


No. 620428

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Hotwheels, the founder of 8chan, says that the identity of Q is actually Jim Watkins, the next owner of 8chan after him

No. 620835

Is he the guy null scammed into letting him fix the 8chan site?

me dum

No. 621857

Personally I think it's someone who's been through multiple administrations of government and is being paid to be controlled opposition. If it's really Hotwheel's successor, they must be feeding him the information. Although I don't know why they wouldn't do it internally… Unless 8chan was a psyop.

No. 623130

Where do you all think the COVID-19 man-made origin conspiracy theory stands now (in terms of believability)? Regardless of whether or not its release was intentional, I am 95% certain that it was engineered in a lab (Wuhan lab most likely). What made me certain is the fact that people in their 20s who have been infected have had strokes from it. Aside from the common long-term damage to the lungs, they've found long-term damage to the heart and brain in young people as well. SARS was bad but at least it killed people before it had a chance to spread, unlike COVID.
Anyway in the grand scheme of things, I doubt any country is going to pursue an investigation that goes any further than China's wet market excuse. Why? Because no country wants to fuck with China because of their economic and political power. China's current diplomatic control extends past east Asia to African countries and even to South America (Ecuador). But even then I think the hesitance mostly remains due to China's economic control.
The only country that would be eager to grill China is the US which is only if you consider Donald Trump's twitter ramblings to be the voice of the America. I'm not anywhere near right-wing but the Democrats probably wouldn't agree with an investigation. Even if the US pursued it any further I'm not sure if our global allies would back us, so imo it's pretty doubtful that we'll ever get the actual truth about COVID.
I want to hear other's thoughts on this.

Anon this makes no sense. The birth rate has gone down tremendously, specifically among college educated women. If there's any tinfoil regarding a birth rate agenda, it's that the government is trying to take away the right to abortion so educated women will be forced to be pregnant as >>614667 said.

No. 623135

Same OP, forgot to add that my certainty is mostly just common sense although I've read a bit about the structure of the virus containing HIV and SARS. But imo any person with common sense without a medical background can look at the range of long-term damage from the lungs, to the heart, and the brain and get the feeling that this is not merely a coincidental illness coming from a bat.
To think that we might never get an answer as to the actual origins of this virus is terrifying.

No. 623437

Nta but
>The birth rate has gone down tremendously
Gee I wonder why?

not trying to discount the whole host of contributing factors, but abortion is directly linked to birth rate

No. 624252

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Thought GT might be interested in this article from August of last year.


>In 2013, a team of researchers led by… a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington, and… a research assistant professor in psychology also at University of Washington., conducted the first noninvasive brain-to-brain interface signaling… Rao and Stocco sat in two labs at the opposite ends of the UW campus. The two labs coordinated the experiment using a Skype call connection though neither Rao nor Stocco could talk or see each other. In Rao’s lab, electrodes running from Rao’s head connected him to an EEG machine, which read and recorded his brain activity. Stocco sat in his lab with a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) coil hovering right above his left motor cortex… The TMS allowed control of his left motor cortex.

>Rao imagined playing a simple computer game where he controlled a cannon that shot targets down by pressing the space bar on the keyboard… In Rao’s mind, he imagined moving his right hand over to press the space button to fire (though he ensured that he didn’t move his right hand in real life). Almost immediately after Rao imagined himself doing it in his head, Stocco (who was receiving Rao’s thoughts) involuntarily moved his right hand in real life to touch the space bar. “It was both exciting and eerie to watch an imagined action from my brain get translated into actual action by another brain, this was basically a one-way flow of information from my brain to his.”

>This year, a group of scientists at Harvard University built on Rao’s and Stocco’s work by introducing BrainNet — a system that allows more than two subjects to communicate, seemingly like a group chat using telepathy. This system is no longer limited to one-way communication and also allows multiple Senders (people who imagine actions) to Receivers (people who involuntarily carry out the thoughts of the Senders). Groups of three people (two Senders and one Receiver) were made. The two Senders imagined playing a Tetris-like game and collaborated on whether to turn the Tetris block left, right, or keep it centered. The two senders worked together by thoughts and their thoughts were subsequently picked up by an EEG and decoded to send via the internet for execution in the Receiver. The collaborative actions and thoughts of the groups had an average accuracy of 81.25%.

The article discusses the possibility of these capabilities being in the hands of governments or corporations. What do you farmers think?

No. 624396

Obviously? But controlling for that, birth rate is heavily correlated with socioeconomic indicator, especially student loans in the US in particular. I have no research study to cite but I developed a model myself as an undergrad that was surprisingly solid.

No. 624529

A disturbing amount of missionaries who go into third world countries, and foreign "peacekeeping" troops, are pedophiles, traffickers and other exploiters.
99% of the time, there's no good reason for them to be there. Their "support" is all a bullshit front. They need to stay the fuck home and get euthanized. There's multiple articles on this phenomenon, but people still pretend it doesn't happen and whinge endlessly about how "kind and giving" their countries are to these places that never even asked for their "help". It's insane.
This isn't even bringing up regular old sex tourism outside of these sectors.

No. 624532

I don't think that's tinfoil material, I think that's typical men doing what they always do in poor countries- taking advantage of women and children sexually every chance they get. It's sickening but unfortunately very easy to anticipate.

No. 624538

I think what fucks me up is the silence about it. It's always one narrative with all this so-called "goodwill" of a savior from the enlightened first world country.
It's like some sort of deliberate blind spot in the discussion of "aid" and international relations.

No. 624810

Laura Silsby, a head of some Christian organization was caught trafficking or trying to traffic children from Haiti and was helped by Hillary Clinton in getting pardoned. She is also the head for amber alert.

Some chick named Monica who tried to expose the human trafficking in Haiti was suicided, some blame Hillary.

No. 625051

File: 1599538242054.png (177.44 KB, 518x420, hjfghdfg-copy.png)

Jesuits have been doing this shit for hundreds of years under the guise of "humanitarianism". That, and they insidiously weasel their way into positions of power and political authority to subvert nations.

Pic related is a list of nations they've "officially" been thrown out of.

>It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe.

Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)

>The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…

Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)

There's too many notable quotes to include.

No. 625217

Don't want to spam the celebricows thread, but I feel like this needs to be talked about.
Paris Hilton recently revealed that her parents sent her to Provo Canyon School, a "mental health" facility for children. She claims to have faced abuse that damaged her so badly she had nightmares, and that she wouldn't have been a part of the "One Night in Paris" sex tape or trusted the man she did if it weren't for that abuse.
The school is an incredibly fucked up place, and the reviews alone will tell you that much.

No. 625219

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Multiple accounts of rape and/or sexual assault.

No. 625220

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No. 625223

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Extreme neglect, and a therapist who sent "love letters" to one patient.
Attempted forced religious conversion.

I forgot to point out the FBI/CIA connection in the second review in that screencap.

No. 625224

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Overmedicating and poisoning children.

No. 625229

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This is the most telling one I've found. 6 years old. The poster accuses the staff of using brainwashing techniques and mind control, on top of the forced drugging and normalized pedophilia in the institution. This is the text I couldn't get in the screencap:
>Many kids in there do not truly need to be there, and they were sent there by incompetent parents. With most kids there, the parent failed, which made the kid act out at home, and then when he acted out it was framed to be the kids fault. While in reality, they are just confused victims of poor parenting.

>This place is too harsh and corrupt. and the human rights of the kids in there are not respected. They are simply treated like prisoners, with a sick mind-control twist to it.

Hope this link works: https://goo.gl/maps/6gFEtSiZqmoxsVTJ6
So, put together 1 and 2 for Pedogate, reform schools and their existing reputation for child abuse, FBI connections, brainwashing tactics, the prevalence of abuse and abuse victims in Hollywood (and in general, the hypersexuality that often manifests as a result of sexual abuse in many people). I doubt Paris is the only celebrity with a past like this.
I personally think a lot of schools like this are used as hubs to break people in very specific ways, maybe for later use/profit. There's no reason for the authorities to let this go on when so many people are openly exposing these places and how evil they are.

No. 625241

It's insane how easy it is for people like this to do the exact same shit over and over, and none will be the wiser as long as they change the name.

No. 625254

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One of my family members was forcibly removed from their parents and put into one of these schools. They're damaged to this day despite not experiencing the full horrors themselves. I'm getting serious MK vibes from these accounts.

No. 625255

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No. 625264

The chilling thing about MK Ultra is the fact that there doesn't seem to be any proof that they ever stopped the practices described in the documents. They were and are free to continue doing the same things (or worse), putting it under a different project name.

No. 625291

there's all sorts of these "special reform" or "therapeutic boarding school" or whatever the fuck for kids in the US (and elsewhere) that are super abusive, you should read up about Élan School, they forced the kids to beat another kid to death and one of the kids they traumatized went onto murder a girl, his uncle was Robert F. Kennedy

a guy who got sent there and escaped is publishing a webcomic about his experiences, hard read but important insight into brainwashing practices (they had most of the kids completely conditioned to abuse each other and do whatever bad shit the staff told them automatically) place was founded by a psychopath who had loads of political connections to the extent that police just let him abduct screaming kids off the street in front of them


also read up about the Judge Rotenberg Center (founded as the "Behavior Research Institute") where they straight up torture autistic kids with electric shocks trying to condition them and have killed 6 students, all public knowledge and had three legal attempts to shut it down that all failed, there's also shit like this for adults, like the Synanon "drug rehabilitation program" that brainwashed people into a violent cult

No. 625326

I've read about Elan School. It's horrific how much power the people running that place had, even over the police and courts.
The worst part is that there are plenty of schools still like it running under the banner of "rehabilitation", and not just in western countries.

No. 625671

In the early stages of the virus mania, I was more inclined to think it was man made but as time goes on I think its origins are mostly natural with some human intervention mixed in. But honestly, I have no fucking clue. It could be anything.

I think the US gov knew something was up (Crimson Contagion), perhaps this whole thing has been for a complete restructuring of our world. I do think the economy is going to boom after the pandemic is over (big business is obviously not suffering), so y’all might as well start investing in stocks now while you can.

I do think the axis of power with China-US will shift to other countries - India, and even many African countries. I think like with 9/11 and TSA, you will probably need proof of vaccination for international travel, not just for high risk countries, but globally because of the trends of old world diseases resurfacing. I do think people will be encouraged if not forced to use digital currencies more because of liquidity issues, and it will create a new type of inequality/class system. I think globalism is going to increase even more, not less, and anyone who isn’t party to it is going to be left out of the “new” world that first world economies are prepping for. A lot of powerful people benefitted from covid, clearly.

No. 625679

Samefag but I forgot to add. If you look back at the news last year and so, I remember headlines about another global recession, worse than 2008. And all the stories about localized outbreaks of meningitis, measles, rubella, and vaccination.

Either it is a ripple of the future into the past or an overlooked premonition of something coming. The same thing happened with 9/11 if you look at headlines before the date. So I think you have sources leaking this to the press, knowing most people won’t take it seriously, but obviously pointing to something happened.

No. 626236

It’s called Project Monarch now

No. 626298

I don't commonly participate in "tinfoil" stuff, but I'm really stuck on my theory that the psych industry is fully aware that their manual is based in shoddy science and that their drugs don't work, yet they continue to fund research with fudged data and claim effectiveness of these treatments/diagnoses purely for sake of money at this point. Like I am to the point that I think all of it is a scam and that every adjustment made to the DSM is just done to make it easier for any person to receive a diagnosis so that someone can prescribe them drugs or expensive therapy. Is there much evidence to back up anything I'm saying? Like have any former psychologists/psychiatrists come out and admitted this?

No. 626580

I think that everyone pretty much knows that diagnosing and prescribing is basically guesswork in that field

No. 628483

9/11 #neverforget…that the government was involved one way or another in blowing up the twin towers.

No. 628485

I mean

>funds terrorist groups to overthrow arab governments to gain acess to cheaper oil

>terrorist groups eventually turn against them but now they have bombs and assault rifles

The US government didn’t want 9/11 to happen but it was their fault anyways, but it doesn’t matter because the war on terror is even more profitable than fossil fuel, freedom boys always come on top.

No. 628509

Since this is the tinfoil thread, I'll let it out right here now.

The greatest gaslighting tactics done by the Eugenists was the reimaginations of rapists only coming from the extremely primitive and violent stock. I see this trope leaked into minds of regular day people or even in the media (cold, intelligent psychopaths are always portrayed as ace or sexually disinterested despite being some of the most sex-crazed people on the planet). Despite history of sexual abuse and rape rampant in nations with "colder" cultures this stereotype has managed to prevail.

It's quite disgusting when you think about it, considering European males' crazed rape modified the DNA of the entire Americas (Amerindian and Africans). But everyone ignores that fact.

No. 628511

I feel like social media controls my brain into being a toxic dumbass who spents her time arguing with strangers all the time so I believe it.

No. 628513

I think COVID is too coincidental to be a manmade disease… imo. It's like it was purposely engineered to hit all of the right spots in a way natural diseases don't necessarily do, you see what I mean? Something feels uncanny and very much 'alive' in the disease.

No. 628515


No. 628516


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 628555

Yes but this is America!

How dare those dirty Arabs try to destroy our country?! Damn sandniggers are jus jelos of our freedom, apple pie and Jesus! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸


No. 628676

I don't think it is, look back at swine influenza, it was smaller but very similar, there's just much more general awareness and media coverage of covid which naturally raises suspicion. I can't see how anyone would benefit from covid's existence and - if you're not one of these people who distrust science in general - scientifically the virus doesn't seem like it was artificially constructed because it's exactly alike other coronaviruses which are all natural viruses present in birds and mammals - which makes them tough to beat for humans as our immune system doesn't know how to fight them.

No. 628682

>Catholicism is an effective smear campaign enacted by the remnants of the empire when Christianity challenged their spiritual control by spreading like wildfire. It's thinly veiled paganism, almost mirroring certain aspects of Satanism - with a little Jesus thrown in almost secondary to Mary, who's sneakily representative of Ishtar. Christianity was co-opted in order to regain the power/methods of control that they lost, which was evidently extremely effective.
This is so true, anon. Also, notice how easy it was for Vodoun and Santeria practitioners to weave their religion into Catholicism during colonization. It's all from the same source.

No. 628827


No. 629139


A day late and the post is too long to screen cap but this is what really happened with the towers.

No. 629144

this is so retarded, god bless you schizo-chan

No. 629500


No. 629565

I hate to be that guy, but they couldn't have convinced people to accept another war in the Middle East without it. The towers also fell at free fall speed, in a uniform fashion. Nanothermite (an experimental/advanced form of thermite being researched with government funding) was also found in the debris by an independent scientist… That's not even accounting for tower 7 which inexplicably collapsed in the same fashion with minimal superficial structural damage, and the fact the towers were engineered to withstand a plane crash (it's literally specified within the blueprints).

There's honestly too many "coincidences" to mention but I'll leave you with the fact they were somehow doing a military drills that same day, for that exact same scenario. That's why flight towers reporting the hijacking weren't taken seriously.

Of course don't take everything as gospel, and from one specific source. There's always forces trying to convolute the narrative with half truths. I'm convinced that even if most of the claims were false that there's still too much evidence to suggest there wasn't unseen forces at play.

No. 629665

Anon we can’t compare the flu and swine flu to a virus that is or is going to be the third leading cause of death in the United States. Unlike SARS, which was horrific but killed people BEFORE it could spread as much, this virus has the longevity to be spread and carried for months before the infected person is killed. I’ve seen people who died of covid-19 that had lung damage, strokes, heart failure, kidney failure. Anon was right in that it hits all the right spots (the circulatory system, nervous system, respiratory system for instance) which is too well engineered to just be from a bat imo. This virus in both numbers AND long term effects seems just too good to be true if that makes sense. Previously healthy young people who have recovered from covid now have lung damage and heart issues that will plague them for the rest of their lives. And that’s just a coincidence?
I heard Australia has or will be starting an investigation on the origins of the virus. Hope they get some backing from other UN countries.

No. 629741

Coronavirus actually made me believe 9/11 was planned more than I did before. The reason is because our deaths from the virus are so high right now and nobody cares, it doesn't make sense that people would still mourn 2.9k deaths from 19 years ago. We even forget the mass shootings that happen right away. It is so uncanny that we are still on this after so many people are dying this year, from the virus, fires, hurricanes, police, etc. I just can't wrap my mind around it. There's no reason why 2.9k deaths could change the entire country this drastically
They shoved the footage of the towers being hit and being destroyed down our throats even as children. Every American can see it happening in their head. They fucked us up with all that footage of people dying and the audio of people calling their loved ones and there has to be a reason why.

No. 629870

Totally agree. It was a psychological operation, much like Covid19.

No, God bless you Ancient Aliens-Chan.

No. 631302

No anon, may God bless us all when ID2020 comes in full-effect and we are forced to take that dreaded “vaccine” if we still want to be a part of society…and that is coming very soon.

No. 631648

I'm opting out of society, gonna survive on condensation and the moss that grows on rocks. Unironically hope God blesses us when the time comes too.

No. 631838

Same. Maybe we can start a new society or something

No. 632117

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This is a tinfoil regarding Richard Spender and that he's actually a Russian agent meant to cause discourse, he helped organize the unite the right rally that basically snuffed out the alt right at its start. Given how the authorities in Charlottesville used it to set up a violent confrontation (read the official report) and just the over all cluster fuck of the event I guess it was easy pickings. Not to mention his appearances on CNN and mainstream media.

No. 632183

Anyone else reminded of, whats in the bible about the mark of the beast,,,

No. 632186

>need mark of beast to buy or sell
>it would sense levels in your body including brain waves, pulse to award cryptocurrency

No. 632207

this is what actually happened
Osama bin laden and pretty much all the main members of Al-Qaeda belonged to a group of middle to upper class Arabs who went to Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets(most only had a support role) but many of the Arab speaking Mujahideen fighters started forming their own little groups and organizations to farther the Jiahd even after the war, pretty much every Jihadist group in the last 20 years can be traced back to the Soviet Afghan war and these small groups who created their own off shoots eventually leading to groups like Al-Qaeda , ISIS and Al-Nusra

All the 9/11 Plane hijackers were Saudi Arabians including Osama bin laden but as you can see the US did no sanction that god awful country, instead it invaded Afghanistan were Al-Qaeda had taken refuge. the US war with Iraq was collapse mistake but it wasn't for Oil, on some level both the regional powers of the middle east(Iran and Saudi Arabia) wanted the Iraq out of the picture, Saudi Arabia cause it was a secular state that promoted Arab nationalism and Iran was still afraid of Iraqi rearmament and to avoid the damage of the Iran Iraq war

No. 632229

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>This what actually happened
>Neglects to at least mention the CIA funded Al-Qaeda


No. 632251

the CIA Funded various Jihadists groups during the Afghan war, the Israelis supplied captured AK47's that they acquired from their wars with the Arab states and the Pakistani's supplied the access route to Afghanistan

No. 632254

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the more conspiracies I read the more I realize huey was right about everything.

No. 632265

oh god are we now going into Jesus Christ was black hotep bullshit, seriously everything hoteps and black woke men say is 99% cringe

No. 632339

Was he not a Palestinian? All the wars go back to the abrahamic religions and control over the biblical narrative. I wish we could all just be enlightened so we could all get along lol. Jesus was a good man, didn't he appear in all the texts as a good guy. Let's just be good guys. That's the bottom line.

No. 632342

OK not all the wars I honestly have no idea about religions further east.

No. 632440

but he was most likely a light brown skinned man with black or dark brown hair, like how is that so hard for Americans to grasp

No. 632579

Doesn't make sense for him to have been light by any standard, IMO. He was a carpenter who was constantly going out with his disciples, lmao. Brown though, definitely.

No. 632650

cool, we agree jesus was an arab and not black

No. 632660

Definitely not the white Aryan one we see in western art either way, lmao. That never made sense and always made me cringe.

No. 632746

not an Arab at all, Arab cultural imperialism spread on the neighboring areas, Jesus was a Semite but not a Arab

No. 632778

That's a lot of nuance for an American to grasp

No. 633062

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Nta but yes, yes it is. Thanks to the we wuz kangz retards people can't conceptualise history accurately. That, or have no concept of anything prior to a few hundred years ago. The black Israelites (as in the modern extremist group) mixed fact with too many ridiculous half truths and lies creating a situation where believing anything accurate they co-opted is difficult, lest you be categorised with their kind of crazy. (They literally believe black people invented everything of value and all European rulers were all somehow black too). I mean the Jews are literally depicted on Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics with brown skin, (darker than their Egyptian slave masters in some cases), and woollen hair. That descriptor is also used in the Bible to describe Jesus, but it's easier in the West to glaze over that because of the climate created.

Ot but some anon spilled out from this thread and triggered the anons in the mtf thread. I don't want to derail that thread so I'll just leave this post here in the hopes >>>/snow/1041023 sees it kek. Realising some celebrities have secret dicks is not equivalent to believing in reptile overloads. Hell, it's not even that far fetched considering the infestation of tranny culture. Sorry in advance for the twitterfag pic, it's a thumbnail from some YouTube video.

No. 633064

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No. 633076

bad photoshop and a youtube thumbnail. solid evidence you got there.

No. 633127

There is no proof Hebrews were even enslaved by the Egyptians, about the closest people to the Hebrews that Egyptians would have interacted with would be the Hyksos, The Hebrews were likely desert nomads who conquered a more settled land(Canaan) and made up this grand narrative to justify their conquest

No. 633129

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This is retarded, even for this thread

No. 633157

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No. 633158

File: 1600448661614.jpeg (71.67 KB, 495x619, images (4).jpeg)

Can you blame me? That's a Troon if ever I saw one. Her hands and head are the same size as Obama's.(racebait and retardation)

No. 633160

>hand size
>head size
Back to /lgbt/ with you.

No. 633178

Why are trannies all over lolcow trying to claim cis women today?

No. 633179

You’re the same anon who thinks Cara is a troon too aren’t you? Sorry successful and powerful women seem like such an impossibility to you kek cry about it

No. 633181

It's weird how people go after Michelle and yet say nothing about Melania who looks like a post op plastic nightmare. Guess leftists are too pro-trans for that narrative to kick off and conservatives don't pick on their own no matter how ugly.

No. 633182

they're feeling confident because the jkr drama is giving them uwu strength

No. 633186

Kek the accuracy, though to be fair the old bitch with too much plastic surgery and troon FFS look are very similar, so I’m sure she gets the benefit of the doubt bc being normal makes more sense.

No. 633187

Misogynoir, anon. Nothing new.

No. 633205

Melania is pretty masculine

No. 633322

yes I blame you

No. 633556

Nope, cope harder kek.

Because Michelle has the body of an athletic man which is easier to clock for some people. Making this about politics is exactly what they want you to do.

No. 634387

This was posted on celebcows awhile ago but the discussion might fit here since the Provo school is probably an MK-Ultra site

Spoiler: the mom never really gave a fuck about placing Paris there and nobody in the comments section believes her crocodile tears

Weren’t they done with this shit in the 70’s?


No. 634415

File: 1600589648857.jpg (116.17 KB, 1710x900, obama-sisters.jpg)

>Can you blame me? That's a Troon if ever I saw one.
Then explain her children resembling both her and her husband.
Super-secret tranny womb technology?

No. 634418

Nta anon and sorta off topic from the conversation but the Obama kids look more Indian then black

No. 634420

I disagree, they look like a lot of Nigerian and Trinidadian girls I've seen.
Malia definitely took more from her dad's side of their family than Sasha did, though.

No. 634421

You come across as an unhinged troon with this spergery. Are you trolling or do you just want every prolific woman to be a tranny anon?


No. 634425

They are very obviously an unhinged troon lol

No. 634479

I thought this was just a dumbass boomer joke but wow y'all actually believe this.

No. 634480

WOw, that's a blatant racist farmer if I ever saw one.

No. 634585

I mean it had to have originated from the far right boomer media.
Some farmers think this is a containment thread for tards and occasionally people come here and prove them partially correct.
This is why some "conspiracies" worth actual attention and mainstream knowledge (the kind backed up with real documents, or tied to them) will never get past threads like this.

No. 634754

Is it time for a new thread already?

The troon conspiracies are also bait, stop falling for them.

No. 635185

I hate myself for reading about MJ from both sides and now my head is spinning.
The guy did sleep in the same room with kids AND he had powerful enemies in the biz.

Interesting that Kurt Cobain defended MJ during the 90’s pedophile scandal. They weren’t friends but both were fighting for their masters/creative freedom with David Geffen.

No. 636072

Nicky Hilton is married to a Rothschild

No. 636796

Braco's dead

new bread: >>636795

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