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No. 4698

Why do weebs and other losers from non-Asian countries love K-Pop, J-Pop and all that stuff?

Just because they have slanty eyes and are hot doesn't mean they aren't the people who bullied you in school

No. 4704

>tfw a kpop cutie won't bully you

No. 4705

>Just because they have slanty eyes and are hot doesn't mean they aren't the people who bullied you in school

..Except that they aren't because I neither know these people personally and, uh, the fucking obvious which is that they weren't the people who bullied me in high school. My bullies were bored white kids and one half nigger who were obnoxious potheads.


>trying to correlate attractiveness with bullying

Fuckers like you are an eyesore. Stop using 90s fucking teen shows/movies to scapegoat people because your jaded ass is insecure and probably fat.

No. 4706

everyone is assumed fat until proven otherwise

No. 4713

Mmmmmmmm CL is the true kpop queen.

No. 4729

what's the point when they all look and sound the same

No. 5310

exactly why whiter than wonderbread american retards listen to rap written and performed by niggas who would gladly bust a cap in their asses.

No. 14941

bumping in light of recent events kek

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