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No. 44942

I don't know if it's just me. But everyone seems to have taken a turn learning Japanese these days. Noticed?

No. 44945

Prevalence of popular anime + an increase in distribution and digital accessibility + the fact that languages like German and French are now considered redundant as Germany and France are no longer the business/trade hubs they once were.

I am a student of the Japanese language at university but it's because I've always wanted to learn a second language / I wanted to opt for something challenging and because Japan currently possesses the 3rd largest economy in the world after China and the US which combined with their increasingly heterogeneous society and dipping birth rate means a very good opportunity for a legitimate career path in the future, especially considering that requirements in English are only increasing.

Also consider that with Japanese and English under your belt you can effectively teach (as a backup career) in virtually any country in the world since there is always demand for English and demands for Japanese is rapidly increasing.

I used to watch anime as a kid but I stopped as I grew older.
The people that start learning the language exclusively because of weeb reasons are typically the ones that fail because they don't take it seriously at all and I don't want to put the effort into memorising grammar points and syntax when they can just scream hashed out stock phrases like "KAWAII DA NE" or "KORE HA NEKO DESUUUUU~*".

You always encounter a couple of faggots like that on any formal course and they always inevitably vanish once the tutors start busting out the kanji and actual vocab.

No. 44947


Hi anon,

Thank you for this.

I am currently studying graphic design at university, I work two jobs and I am TRYING to learn Japanese on the side. But I don't have the time to do another degree and I know probably doing a GCSE/A level would be better than just "Japanese classes". There is so much you need to learn in depth and I want to take Japanese more seriously. Books aren't good enough, Youtube videos CAN help but I do need the proper lessons. I've learned things by myself here and there but I think I need a boost. Self study is NOT enough.


Reckon I could find work in Japan within Graphic design if I kick myself up the ass and get those classes sorted properly? :)

No. 44950

just ask yourself if you are better than the native japanese people that are applying for that job? why would they hire someone that can't speak japanese fluently from out of the country when they can hire someone that is fluent in japanese and already lives there? if your job will have something to do with english, maybe that will help you out, but i think you have to be exceptional at graphic design and also near fluency/fluency in japanese (i think that's a requirement for a working visa that's not in teaching, too? not sure).

No. 44957

I wouldn't be surprised if in every country where there's graphic design jobs, the market would be saturated with citizens applying for those jobs. So why would they want some random foreigner? Unless you're already famous and sought after or something.

It seems to me the vast majority of jobs that foreigners get in Japan (that aren't government stuff like diplomats, etc) are in business, translation/interpretation, or teaching english (then maybe the minority of entertainment jobs or modelling or something). That being said, teaching english can be fairly lucrative if you manage to get into a school or program that caters to famous/high class/important people. I know a girl whose mother made a bit of money teaching at some place for rich people then moonlighting private lessons with those clients for slightly cheaper/more time than the school offered (so she didn't have to pay her employer whatever % they take)

No. 44960


Who cares? It can be done.

No. 44961


If kota can photoshop, blag and lie. Then learn some gook for a few years of being there. Japs not calling her out then anything, ANYTHING seems possible in Japan. Alas workplace is quite different but still.

No. 44992

This is not a new trend.

former weeb who took Japanese in high school a decade ago

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