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No. 44786

Sorry I didn't know what to name this. But what is with every "kawaii" white girl jumping on the bandwagon and cosplaying the most generic, bland, annoying and uninteresting anime girls? In spring it was Hestia and now it's Umaru or whatever her name is. Half the time they look weird and can't pull it off. It's just annoying to me because I see girls do it all the time and they somehow feel *~unique~* when everyone and their moms are dressing up the same way. Any opinions ?

No. 44787

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I also found this gem a few months ago. She looks like she's wearing a white trashbag. Why do flat girls think they can pull off hestia?

No. 44788

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No. 44789

Same thing happened with super sonico way back. Everyone wants to do a shitty cosplay of flavor of the month anime chick before they're forgotten. No one even cares about hestia anymore that's like 2000 & late at this point. I'm getting sick of umaru though and I actually liked the anime. It's annoying but U just gotta deal with it I guess.

No. 44790

this tho. i liked umaru but seeing it everywhere has ruined it for me kek

chestlets are really tragic

No. 44805

They all look the same tbh

No. 44884

I loved Umaru…But I feel like Umaru is the new Tsukimi cosplay. It's just the easiest and laziest thing to do. Can you purchase a cheap strawberry blonde wig and a hamster hood? There you go. Cosplay finished. It's kind of annoying @-@

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