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No. 38623

Bye guys, it's been a pleasure :(

No. 38624


No. 38625


Meteor is scheduled to do a flyby today/tomorrow and it's coming dangerously close to our orbit and it's legit big enough to fuck the entire planet in the ass.

No. 38626

I used to have dreams about something like this hitting earth but after it hit everyone was in this place that was really cool so I was comforted. Hopefully that's how it will be if it does happen.

No. 38628

source?? I tried looking stuff up but all I found so far was this


No. 38629

Well shit, I guess I'm gonna die a kissless, snuggle-less virgin. Not that this has anything to do with the meteor, it's just something I remember occasionally.

No. 38636

I know its fake but I really want this to happen

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