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No. 38449

Why don't men like to wear it?
Why men wearing pink seen as gay?

No. 38450

Fucking spoiler

No. 38462

Literally because of other men.

No. 38553

Do people seriously link color palettes with sexuality because that is the dumbest thing i've heard.

No. 38596

I wish more men wore pink or lavender or if they went for unnatural hair colours to dye it pastel pink or lavender. I guess they don't because it's considered a "gendered colour"

No. 38639

Wasn't pink originally a masculine colour, reserved for warriors or something, and blue was considered feminine? Blue is a calming colour so that makes sense. I think assigning genders to colours is bullshit, not to sound tumblr, I just want everyone to stop wearing fucking grey and black and maroon all the time. and don't get me started on chartreuse…

No. 38645

File: 1443095863745.jpg (527.85 KB, 2700x2880, ffmcc024841erewld_01j_mainpict…)

It was red, not pink.

Pink/lavender can look great and classy on men as long as you stay way away from over saturated colors like in OP.
Pic related is how it's done right.

Men have a narrower gamut in terms of what's usually acceptable, but in a very casual setting really most colors can look great provided it's tasteful and they have the confidence to not go "OMG PEOPLE WILL THINK I'M A FLAMING HOMO WHAT DO I DO".

By the way, it's the same reason confident men can wear women fragrances (re taste: pls none of that diabetes inducing sugary crap, it's gross even on girls). I'd rather a guy smell Chanel 19 than One Million / Black XS / generic boring as hell cologne. I've even heard of someone pulling off Shalimar so clearly anything is possible…

Overall I don't blame men for going the lazy route: most don't have a good/confident enough taste to wear something they haven't seen on a hundred different men in commercials / life and still have 95% assurance it's going to look good, when a faux pas can be a social death penalty.

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