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No. 32516

Britfag soap

Have a good bitch about what's pissing you off right now in Eastenders

No. 32517

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I cannot stand Shabnam, I actually want to run her over and I can't stand Stacey either.

No. 33041

I actually want to start watching it properly again just so I can contribute. I get tired of the really drawn-out storylines and just give up, but I kinda miss it at the same time.

No. 33044


Ah you're not missing much anon tbh

No. 33078

The last time I saw Eastenders was when Christian and Syed were in it. I had the hots for Masood.

I dipped back into it a few months ago but couldn't be arsed to find out who all the new people were.

I'll watch it this week and report back.

Past crush - Nick Cotton. Fwoargh.

Isn't there someone still buried under the tree in the park in the Square? Pretty sure they never found the body and now I can't even remember who was killed.

No. 33086

Hollyoaks all the way.

No. 33091


LOL you're a bit late love!

You need to catch up ASAP

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