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No. 314517

Have you ever encountered someone really strange from your school or work place, that one person everyone agreed and knew was a total nutcase and popular for the wrong reasons? Share em all here

No. 314595

There was a girl I went to middle school with who wrote friendfic and lied compulsively. She was very popular until senior year of high school, when everybody dropped her narcissist ass.

She's now an obese loser who never went to college and still lives with her parents.

As far as creeps go, there's this incel I go to college with who creeps out literally every woman he talks to. He's said he wants to kill himself, so I try to hang out with him out of pity, but he's so weird and creepy it's hard to spend even ten minutes around the guy.

No. 314618

tfw I was the weirdo from school.
For some reason being quiet and keeping to yourself, and dressing mostly in black warranted me that nickname.
I wasn't aware of that until some of my classmates after spending some time with them would tell me things like, "Wow, you're actually a nice person." And a girl that became my best friend admitted that she thought I was creep because everyone called me that and I walked fast and hunched just like in that femcel comic.

When I went to uni it was the oppositeland. For some reason everyone thought I was cool and I was constantly invited to events, parties, trips, etc. tbh I still don't know why. Eventually, I dropped out and I'm sort of neeting at my parents but I'm trying to work on my agoraphobia and self-esteem and other issues.

I do have a story about an actual weirdo that followed me from work. He was like those creepy sinister people in horror movies but he wasn't acting. The people that lived in the area told me to not be alone with him and just watch out because he was arrested for assault on girls before.
He would randomly popup on my way home from work, he would then start walking with me saying he just happened to go in the same direction. He would sometimes sneak up behind me and say things like "Boo" or other nasty stuff, he would grab my arm and drag me back when I'd start to speed up etc. He also drew me in his comics that he showed to me and I was either seriously hurt or almost naked. Altogether, it was a scary experience. I started to find alternative ways to get back home and that did the trick luckily.

No. 314663

Most of the men in my store are creepy and weird. I'm sure everyone can say the same shit here.


No. 314725

i was a freshman in highschool when i met this one guy. he had friends, but everyone knew he was a creep. he was a total pervert, and i heard stories of him groping girls in middle school no matter how hard they hit him in response. i was kind of a weirdo myself, so i spent my lunches in the library with another nerdy girl. this guy had come to the library every day to bg me, and he knew it too. and this guy had a foot fetish. he was very open about it. he told me that if i let him hold my foot, he'd stop bugging me at lunch. i eventually caved and let him hold my foot in his lap while i was looking for books. he kept trying to take my sock off and i kept saying no. at one point i lost my balance, and pressed my foot into his crotch. i felt this fucker get hard under my foot. i didn't say anything, i'd never been in a situation like this before, i tried to rearrange myself so i wasn't pressing into his erection but this guy was purposely holding my foot and pressing it on his dick. he did leave my alone at lunch after that, but after that day he messaged me on facebook asking if i knew he was hard and if i was doing it on purpose. i played dumb because i didn't know what else to do, i just wanted to sound very uninterested. this guy even used cringy emotes like ">///<" in his messages too. he was also the type where if he sent you a message and you didn't reply in a few minutes, he'd send a question mark until you did. hated that guy

No. 315766

Had a job at 17 where I got close to a manager. He was 26 and he'd drive me home sometimes. It was a sort of sibling like relationship. Anyway, this guy's ugly lol. He was about 5'4" and had ape teeth (he was funny and outgoing though) and was constantly horny and had shit luck with girls. He'd tell me all about his dates with girls, how he would sleep with girls then ghost them, that kind of shit. So one night we were sitting in his car and he tells me that at his previous job there was a 17 year old girl that was after him and he told me that he said he'd wait for her to turn 18. Cue alarm bells sounding off in my head. Here was this adult man telling a 17 year old girl this stuff. Might not be the creepiest thing but it still fucked me up; I thought he was someone to look up to for some reason and here he was talking about waiting for 17 year old to turn 18 so he could pump and dump her lmao. Quit that job like a month later.

There was also another manager there that was super touchy touchy with all the high school girls. There was one girl in particular that got the brunt of the touches. He tried doing it to me until I came out as a lesbian lol.

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