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No. 30102

CFL light bulbs give off UV radiation, high levels of electromagnetic radiation, mercury gas, and the effects on health are not known but with many reports of illness corroborated by doctors.



In some areas the sale of other types of lightbulbs is being outlawed.

No. 30142

No. 30331

This article basically admits that the mercury and UV are a thing, but not to worry about them. Either way, it's a mess that they are outlawing the old style of bulbs. Personally I don't want mercury or UV or even EMF in my living space if I have the option not to.

No. 30380

I use CFLs for my lizards. The UVB is kind of the point.

If you don't like CFLs, you can just use LED bulbs. It's not the end of the world.

No. 30381

LED bulbs have their own problems. GDI, I want to have the choice of purchasing incandescents without them being taken off the market. I like the quality of light that they emit and relative to the newer light tech on the market for mass consumption they are safer.

LED stuff-


No. 52336

Electromagnetic radiation is literally light.

High levels of electromagnetic radiation literally means bright light.

No. 52367

At least it's not as bad as dihydrogen monoxide. That stuff is terrible!

No. 52370

>give off UV radiation, high levels of electromagnetic radiation

Christ I wish people would take a science class before writing anything about anything

No. 52378

Why do people keep bumping shit threads that have been inactive for months. Fuck off.

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