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No. 27262

anons do you have any goal in life? do you wish to achieve something? like write a book, become a doctor, painter, billionaire etc
what do you do to make it happen? how do you motivate yourself?

or is internet as far as you go?

(oh, and btw "I want to travel to Japan" doesn't count)

No. 27263

i want to go to the glorious lands of nippon

jk i just want to make a ton of money. long term i'd like to research & develop pesticides
I'm finishing my bio bs this semester and it would be cool to find work before i have to go back to school

No. 27264

rip in peace old leo

No. 27269

my ultimate dream in life is to be able to not have to work (like NEET but independent of family etc.) but the only way to do that is to just overwork myself while younger and that takes too much time and effort

uh so i suppose a realistic goal would be to be able to draw my own porn. what i did towards it so far is download an archive of art books, should start actually drawing soon. maybe i'll learn to draw anthro ponies and furries fucking each other so i can make bank and fulfill my neet desires

No. 27271

>to be able to draw my own porn

i love this goal

No. 27277

hahaha yeah, if by any chance you're looking to try it too, the most common recommendation is to start off with betty edwards' "drawing on the right side of the brain", and bert dodson's "keys to drawing". then follow up with andrew loomis' "fun with a pencil"

good luck

No. 27291

thanks for recommendations

I'd recommend "Steal like an artist", it's great when you're in slump/confused/don't know where to start etc http://www.brainpickings.org/2012/03/08/steal-like-an-artist-austin-kleon-book/

No. 27293

Hot dream. Mine is basically the same.
To get rich, move into my own apartment and never ever leave. All day I'll play games, watch anime, shop online and kill myself before I turn 40.

Maybe I'll start a business of some sort? I don't really have a passion for doing anything but I do have a passion for money. I used to like drawing but I haven't done so in a long time. Hmm.

No. 27295

To have a job that will earn me enough to travel few times a year.
I also made a promise with my friend that one day we will go by the train on Trans-Siberian railway all the way up to south Vietnam

No. 27297

>I don't really have a passion for doing anything but I do have a passion for money.
become a banker/embezzler/loan shark
it's a profitable business

No. 27318

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To divorce myself from society, I've acquired a plot of land innawoods, has morning sun and drinkable water. Working on my carpentry apprenticeship ATM, once I'm qualified I'll be able to construct a legit Aframe on a budget. still researching electricity options, both solar and micro-hydro seem promising.

No. 27323

Be rich, work in the video game industry, have a cat and a dog, get happily married around my late 20s, work for a few years in industry while owning a nice small house, "retire" with coffee shop/bakery that me and my husbando will own, and finish life with husbando.

But if none of that works I wanna be a house wife that cooks and cleans and shit. The typical stay at home mom with an awesome husband.

No. 27756

Take me with you, anon.

No. 27761

Kind of boring, but I really want to write a story or a make a comic and have it receive some recognition. Even the smallest of followings would make me happy.

No. 27762

Are you Ron Swanson

No. 27766

No real discernible goals beyond finding true happiness and getting a pot-bellied pig in the future. Also, a soulmate would be nice, too, but I'm not that lucky.

No. 27768

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Fuck you, God. Why did you smite this beauty?

No. 27769

Find a decent job that's sustainable long term, become damn good at drawing (I'm decent right now), have the space and resources to get a cat and dog (and get them), improve my physical and mental wellness, be a better friend, and stop sucking at anything related to fashion. Maybe date some cute girls too, if I build up some courage and get more done on this checklist.

Also want to continue learning new skills throughout my life, so I have a few things planned that way too. Currently between learning a language or pick up piano again.

No. 27772

Japan tbh.

But I would quite like to own a houseboat or barge one day. This is actually the most attainable dream for me. I'll never earn a vast amount so I'd rather own my own qt boat than rent a flat for the rest of my life.

a husband would be nice too.

No. 27777

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My dream is to have my fucking diploma that my parents absolutely wants me to have, then I'll be free to live my life however I want.

First of all, I plan on moving, I'll left the small town I'm living in to go live in a smaller one, l want to be lost in the moutain of Provence, I do believe I live in one of the most beautiful place of the world. I really want to have a rich husband so I don't have to work and I can concentrate on my passion ; sculpting.

I want to buy two Borzoi or two saluki and start breeding them. Ethicaly of course, like, one litter/year.

No. 27781

Make at least 200k a year.

It's not a realistic goal, though.

No. 27784

ugliest dogs tbh

No. 27792

I like them, they look so funny and stretched out.
Like dog-noodles.

No. 27796

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I find them absolutly adorable. I'm obsessed with any levrier tbh.

No. 27797

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wrong pic

No. 27806

- be fucking rich
- do it while being young
- be able to make some kind of purposeful contribution to the world and generations to come on whole that is timeless.
- somehow act in a movie and grace the cover of a major magazine (rolling stone preferably)
- have my own band, sell out a show, tour the world
- write or direct a major motion picture
- design a fashion collection or label
- write a book
- master french, japanese, and russian
- run my own creative business, be CEO
- have 2 homes in 2 different countries
- visit tokyo, paris, and rome. basically be able to travel whenever
- i really want to be able to study abroad
- be able to afford to finish my degree lmao
- be happy in my relationship
- fix my depression?? ?

ah, one can dream

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