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No. 27097

AMBW (Asian men/black women) / (Asian men/white women)

Does anyone else think it's starting to become a little bit of a trend now? You know, asian arm candy?

Tumblr and its tags…

No. 27102

not a trend but if you want it to be a trend its a trend

No. 27121

Genuine sympathies for AMWF couples that aren't just based on race fetishism ala "wee I love japanese men or asian men as long as they look japanese lol SO KAWAIIii COUPLE DESU!! marriage visa to japan pls"

No. 27132

I have a preference for asian dudes but I'm afraid to pursue them out of fear of being called a fetishist.

No. 27138

Asian guys are like Chanel bags in the weeaboo community. Even if he's ugly other weeaboo a will be dying of jelly

No. 27139

this kind of threads remind me of a movie real blonde where a guy is obsessed with dating a real blonde and ditches his girlfriend after finding out her hair were dyed - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AusIzTjrDSk

liking someone because they're blonde/asian/french/black/whatever and desperately searching for a person that fits these criteria is fetishism and like someone mentioned similar to treating people like designer bags. just lame.

No. 27141

blasians babies are really rare so no

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