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No. 205329

self care tips/activities for when you're feeling down?

i'm overworked at the moment and too tired to do things i normally do on my day off like exercise, go out to lunch, whatever… i've been feeling my mood slipping downward for a few weeks now and with personal issues it's no surprise i'm feeling very low today.

i have no friends, it's really hot outside and i wanted to go to the beach with my boyfriend (who's not really my boyfriend, but actually just a guy who takes care of me and resents me) but he had to work so now i'm just stuck at home with his parents and it's both boring and annoying.

i'd love to chill out and just get high but i'm out of valium and have money for weed but nobody to get it from because i'm a loser

it's still early, i have a whole day to kill, and no hobbies. help

No. 205335

i clean everything and reorganise all the stuff i own
i find it kills time and you end up with a tidy room/house/whatever

No. 205337

30 minute yoga session, listening to music while taking a hike/bike/walk in a naturey trail, hanging with friends, buy yourself a new outfit, eat at your favorite restaurant with friends, make new friends, take a boat ride, make a crafts on pinterest, find a new hobby like gardening or sewing, go to the park at night and swing while listening to music, explore abandoned place, lay out in the leaves and relax, go to the bar and find random people to talk with and make friends and stuff, just don't be awkward about it, just be a chatterbox, go thrift shopping for weird things, camp out in your back yard, make a recipe, carve pumpkins, decorate your place, etc etc

if that doesn't really fit you well, buy some lingerie, get a bath bomb, your favorite tea, a face mask, rollers, eye pack, make a diy scrub (I find these work better), paint or buff your nails, shave, mask your hair, put argan oil in it, then curl it with rollers, do a facial routine and relax with an ice eye mask, exfoliate, buy a good smelling perfume or body wash, moisturize, dance, etc, write poetry or something, the usual, cheesy "treat yo self" shit

if that's not for you, order pizza, get on netflix, buy a movie, or rent one, rent or buy a game, get your favorite food, cookies, chips and drink then spend the night playing games or watching movies curling up in a blanket, I highly advise making friends, it can help a lot, rewiring your mind to be a chatterbox can help, find random things to jibber on about to whomever, since its fall, talk about festivals in your area, events, plans for life, interests, life events, etc, and jabble on, chances are you'll get invited somewhere or you can find friends at work, or school or whatever, I met my friend at a shisha bar, since it was a vacant bar, the waitress was just chatting with me and smoking shisha with me and we chatted about fall and food and boys and stuff, simple stuff like that, friends can really you

No. 205338

also reading and buying magazines can help

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