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No. 1949168

talk about cars you currently have, had or want to get. experiences with models/makes you driven or just sperging about how shit cars became, how women got psysoped to buy crossover suvs or how there's no cute small cars anymore and about mechanics ripping off woman

No. 1949195

File: 1712178357601.webp (118.13 KB, 1200x664, IMG_1169.webp)

this is peak car design and I’m tired of pretending otherwise

No. 1949201

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I don't know anything about cars, but I used to see an old lady driving car similar to picrel a few years ago

No. 1949202

File: 1712178735878.png (83.65 KB, 386x336, d56mb6h-12eb3714-b9ce-42a3-920…)

This is peak car design in my modest opinion.

No. 1949205

I really want a green Volkswagen Beetle.. Anyone know the best year to get? I'd love to have beetle stickers on it

No. 1949208

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adorable car! i got to take a spin in my teacher’s convertible beetle for a school trip and it was awesome. i’m so sad they’re discontinued.

No. 1949209

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citroen represent
honestly, anything a suv can do the humble c15 can do better. yeah it looks like shit but you can drive a milion miles in it

No. 1949213

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I want a hippie van

No. 1949222

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My favorite cars. They don't make stuff like that anymore, it's all cheap plastic.

No. 1949321

File: 1712185575572.jpg (74.05 KB, 633x473, bdaddd2a76162f651c99abf99e72d2…)

Woah .. saw this thread right when I went to go look at a used car with my Dad. I don't know anything about cars but I think Volkswagen Beetle's look adorable despite supposedly being unreliable. I have really bad driving anxiety and have been putting off learning to drive but hopefully having a car of my own will push me to learn.


No. 1949325

I don't know why anyone who can't really afford it would get a shit-ass volkswagon beetle. Or a Kia/Nissan/Hyundai. You see modern Kia/Nissan/Hyundai cars on the used market for cheap all the time because they have poop from a dog's anus engines and transmissions. Also fuck Ford.

No. 1949334

Ah yes, found on road dead.

No. 1949341

I've always been curious - what's that beige thing on the top?

No. 1949345

a cargo carrier, you can put sports stuff or camping gear in it.

No. 1949358

I drive a 15-year old hyundai. it cost me $5k cash, came with 150k miles on it and I've already put on 50k more with no major repair costs besides usual maintenance. i love her very much and will be sad when I inevitably have to get a new car because the market right now is ass.
Also at least in my experience the "BMW drivers are assholes" meme is very very true kek
beetles are so cute! i love how they tend to come in unique colors too

No. 1949359

I'm surprised we didn't have a thread like this before

No. 1949361

Can we discuss motorcycles here?

No. 1949362

Please do.

No. 1949363

I'm sorry nona but I find these boxy Kia cars (and others like them) to be so ugly. But again, most cars are pretty ugly.

No. 1949369

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Wow, threadpic was my first car. I need the money but it has too much sentimental value to sell it. OP, it's genuinely a "cute small car" I'm sure will go up in value in the coming years, it's a poorfag meme but it's genuinely a practical, convenient, resilient and cute car that parks anywhere.
I'm driving my roommate's picrel and the fuel economy is retarded. We're done with it soon so I'm looking for something used between 4-6k, >2009 that just holds up fine for delivery work. What's the most reasonable option?

No. 1949370

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A bit cliché but my friend owns a Kawasaki Ninja 400 and it's a pretty cool bike. Sadly, she doesn't ride it anymore due to an accident. If I ever learn how to ride a bike, I'm definitely buying one.

No. 1949455

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Still the goat to me

No. 1949486

I like the japanese mini trucks they're so cute

No. 1950003

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Nice thread! The car that has my heart (maybe an era of cars?) is the late 80's Nissan Skyline. I love a boxy sharp car, love a velveteen interior, something about Japanese cars of this time period just makes me smile.

Currently I'm planning a trip back home so my family member can take a look at my car instead of paying out the ass for some scrote mechanic to upsell me blinker fluid.

No. 1950012

Do y'all prefer manual or automatic? Personally I'd only own manual cars, the gear shifting makes me much more alert when driving.

No. 1950037

OP here, motorcycles are welcome here too!
new beetle is such a cute car
twingos are cute but now they fallen as victim of moids from /o/ who memed them. in my country getting one in good shape (and in interesting color) is so hard. i like how it was designed as small practical car, a niche that died after 00s
s2000s and miatas were ruined by moids tbh, especially the latter one. i'd want one of them as my fun, weekend car though

No. 1950057

I would avoid the 2005-2010 model years, the interior is really cheap and the car starts falling apart before there’s anything mechanically wrong with it (which inevitably there will be, they really don’t last past 15 years in my family + friends experience). I haven’t heard anything bad about the 2012+ ones though, and I like the shape of the newer ones more anyway.

No. 1950061

File: 1712231287512.png (588.72 KB, 660x401, shagginwagon.png)

>how there's no cute small cars anymore
The big car arms race sucks so bad in burgerland. SUVs and pickup trucks used to be rare and the latter reserved for people who actually used it to haul/tow, now they're most of the cars on the road. Most of the people driving them are objectively bad drivers (this has been tested and proven multiple times) and buy a big car to compensate because they think it will make them safer in an accident, but it just makes them more likely to kill pedestrians compared to smaller cars with lower front grills. And companies don't even market their smaller cars in the US anymore because everyone's drunk the SUV kool-aid.

Also, I miss shaggin' wagons. If I ever have to get a different car, I'd want one of those. Perfect party car and family car.
Sorry for repost, accidentally posted when attaching the pic.

No. 1950107

Manual. Manuals are the most common where I live, and after getting a manual license you can also drive an automatic if you wish while with an automatic license you're not allowed to drive manuals.
I agree that shifting makes you more alert, because you're more aware of which speeds you're moving around in when in lower gears. It's also more fun.

>I would avoid the 2005-2010 model years, the interior is really cheap and the car starts falling apart before there’s anything mechanically wrong with it
I've had a different experience, I've got 3 2007 cars that I drive regularly at the moment and one from 2011, all of them are holding up amazingly interior wise, although all of them have around 200k km which if you're a long distance driver/american might be a small amount of km. They're also the most common shitboxes around, at least in my country. Tbh when buying a used car it's best to just look at it irl to tell how beat it is. Pre 2010 cars come with some qualities and quirks that later cars don't have but that's just my bias talking.

No. 1950237

Automatic. My anxiety about driving keeps me alert, I don't need anything else.

No. 1950238

I rarely if ever see manual cars in the us, but I visited europe recently and rented a car, and the car was manual. I couldn’t fucking drive it so I had to ask for a different one kek

No. 1950243

Ayrt, I didn't know internet moids contributed to the cringe Twingo meme, I grew up in France so that car always really was a funny running joke for 15+ years. The one I have is from '98 in decent shape (though dark blue) and I've been wondering if I shouldn't actually wait for that kind of people to drive the price up. I don't want a moid to flip my most sentimentally significant car because it's become some kinda flavor of the month

No. 1950294

Ayrt and yeah I’m an amerifag, our standards for cars is holding up for 250k miles at least (400,000 km). My mom’s 2010 beetle just shit out at much under that, she got a Ford instead because it’s more difficult/expensive to maintenance Euro cars over here. but it had been having electrical problems for years which my friends 2006 beetle also had.

I love vw tho, I’ve had a 2015 golf sportwagen for 5 years and I’ve put 60,000 miles on it (95,000 km) since I bought it with 45k miles and have never had any issues with it, I’ve only had to do routine maintenance and new tires, a new battery and new brakes which should all last me another 5-10 years or so. I plan on driving this car into the grave and having it for at least another 10 years if not longer.

No. 1950305

I rarely drive save for a 50 mile round trip I have to do once or twice a month. I think a super scaled down EV would be great since I have no charging concerns and there's less fluids and wear parts to worry about but I live in the US so I don't think I can get one. I'm so jealous of Europe and China. It looks like you can get all sorts of cars of different scopes there but here it's all moderately expensive because I'm paying for a much larger battery than I need. Fucking hate how protectionist the car market is here. We get nothing but shit cars so we can protect GM and Ford from bankruptcy. Like, how the fuck is the Ford F150 lightning a thing but a $15k MSRP EV with like 100-120 mile range isn't? The best fit I can think of for my needs is a used Chevy Bolt.

No. 1950311

I love this kind of car, wish I could have one but in my country is impossible, shit would cost more than some brand new car. Makes me want to cry, especially since most cars nowadays look so damn ugly, why are they so round.

No. 1954709

wdym s2000s were ruined by moids?

No. 1954716

ANONS!!! I've been without a car for over a year and I've been dreaming of owning a honda accord and I JUST BOUGHT ONE YESTERDAY!! 2007 accord EX with little over 100k miles on it. Bought it from a guy who regularly has his mechanic buddy to look at cars he plans to buy, then buys them and cleans them up a bit. I'm a little worried about the transmission and the possibility of a timing belt replacement. Does anyone have advice? Like I could buy a timing belt for 100 bucks or whatever and then pay a mechanic to put it in right? I know timing belt replacement is a laborious task so the service cost will be expensive but would it be definitely cheaper to just buy the timing belt myself?

No. 1954753

Nonnies…don't get a Volkswagen as your first car. I had one of their mid-2000s sedans and it was like driving a rotten apple for seven years - good looking on the outside/interior and a stream of problems under the hood. Bugs in particular have been discontinued for a while so it's just going to get more expensive to replace parts as the years go on.

I'd recommend looking at Mazdas if you want a kinda stylish looking car that won't have a lot of problems

No. 1954769

File: 1712504963171.jpg (118.27 KB, 1200x675, honda-insight_mp22_pic_38815.j…)

1st Gen Honda Insight with 60mpg average. Now this is peak car design for me. I'll be forced to learn manual, but I love the spaceship/boat look lmao. I used to have a 3rd gen Insight, but if I could find one of these babies in decent condition, it will be mine.

No. 1954829

I have a 2016 golf hatchback and it's been nothing but an angel to me. Now that it's a little older (120k miles I've put on it) she burns through oil because of the turbo but haven't had a single problem beyond that. Best car I've had.

No. 1954918

At one point I was considering getting a VW because they were one of the few cars who run on diesel fuel. Is it totally worth it compared to driving a hybrid?

No. 1954950

I used to keep two pints in my car because of how quickly my VW burned oil

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