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No. 1923084

Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.
>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.
>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.
>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.

Previous >>>/ot/1747132

No. 1923087


No. 1923093

I can fix it.

No. 1923438

You and your BITCH ASS. Whoever mf was replying to me I hope you go fuck yourself soon and surely! Whoever of you fatasses that was replying to me sounds broke, pressed and retarded, literally just communicate like a normal person and quit the bullshit you're customer support retard you're supposed to hand me the info that it's not available in the damn page that's why I'm asking YOU in the first place you moron. I don't know who put you in that job but you suck ass at it, acting all petty what the fuck is your problem bitch? Go and flip some burgers if you dislike this so much, you can't even communicate yourself then blame for asking shit. I can't believe your musty ass even dared to talk to me like that you're a total menace

No. 1923446

If autism makes me an absolute bitch so be it fuck you

No. 1923453

worry bout your teeth before you worry about me

No. 1923463

My life without you is so much better, no matter how healed you say you are, you have accountability in what happened. Yes I'm a bitch yes I'm evil. Without you it's like I can breathe again. Nothing has changed.

No. 1923478

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I can't stand the meme that women are over emotional or sensitive. I swear, you can bring up the most innocuous thing and men will blow it up in the most ridiculous and dramatic way then when you can't take it anymore they fucking act like you've been the unreasonable one all along. I'm fucking TIRED i haven't slept in two days, he is loafing around when it's been MONTHS of wanting to get out more and meet new friends. Like, fucking GO but also maybe realize there are chores that need to happen each day and its fucked up that it's either you are totally free to come and go as you please OR it's like I'm saying you can never leave if I ask you to do some things before you go so i'm not overwhelmed. What the fuck??? Don't expect me to have to arrange my entire day around taking care of literally EVERYTHING like I have nothing better to do. You say you want to help me make time for myself when my shit is ALWAYS either working, training, or household errands. I also can't stand how autistically he hates change. Like, can't even handle planning a fucking VACATION because he can't stand travel, even if it's car travel like he prefers. I'm just in a fucking bad mood in general from not sleeping but so fucking annoyed at his behavior. I understand he's depressed and been going through shit for a WHILE but then…go to therapy instead of allowing yourself to be stuck in a cycle you fucking HATE??

No. 1923512

When people say cats are better than people they're absolutely literally right

No. 1923540

I just want to let this story die and I'll be alright.

No. 1923553

Fuck you dumb piece of shit!!!

No. 1923586

why does everything have to turn into shit

No. 1923779

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Constantly being deceptive and lying about literally everything and victimizing yourself after you were an aggressor isnt "trolling", you dont insist upon yourself as an elaborate Megamind troll, you're literally just a liar.

No. 1923792

At the very least, the side by sides will be a very damning lesson to the people who supported you and trusted you implicitly just how manipulative a person can be with seemingly very little gain.

No. 1924358

I don't know if I'm being completely retarded but its very strange to me to see libertarians consider themselves capitalist. Isn't the focal point of libertarianism the personal, individual freedom? How the fuck can anyone achieve that under the capitalist system, where everyone except at the top is a slave for something they are only vaguely a part of. Do they not see how many people are forced to actually give up their dreams and wants and opt for careers that are not personally satisfying to them but whatever will make money, everyone but the lucky rich ones isn't free. You have no choice if the other option is going hungry or homeless. And also, since I do see a lot of them be somewhat conservative and complain about trans agenda yada yada, where do they think that came from? That because those lazy trannies call themselves commie, it means that the gender ideology is a product of communism? I don't get it and it's making me crazy. It feels so simple to me

No. 1924410

Everyone else noticed you changed both physically and mentally and nobody likes you anymore lol

No. 1924528

Being in your late 20s and still posting the most unfunny cooked attempts at incel metahumor deep fried papyrus family guy memes is bleak

No. 1924612

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you unironically believing a woman was genuinely "in love" with a weird creepy retarded 40 year old gincel is almost as funny as said gincel not realizing he was doxxed and under a magnifying glass from the very beginning ctfu so online you've really convinced yourself youre some sort of main character

No. 1925261

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I wasn't even trying to connect the dots on this I wish I had never figured it out, I feel like shit now.
Why can't I stop spiraling. Why can't I be fucking NORMAL. SMASH MY HEAD WITH A FUCKING ROCK.

No. 1925265

Whatever this was something I was just never supposed to know. Put it out of my mind. Forget forget forget.

No. 1925627

instacart moids cant get anything right. make your one braincell function for once and rope, idiot.

No. 1925632

I am glad these two fuckers are out of my life now.

No. 1925668

Literally even the most obvious of facetious misnomers get you so excited and confident in your own lies its so funny

No. 1925685

The goading will never work. Keep making a psychotic cunt of yourself.

No. 1925746

Trevon Sellers is very you.

No. 1925880

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Rotating cubes in 3d is amazing.

No. 1925882

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It's hilarious that you are incapable of controlling yourself and have to try to make hints at your abuse fetish known to everyone its like you cannot help yourself. Ugly cunt.

No. 1925888

Remember that there is concrete proof of you saying you are an adult that came to your own conclusion fully independently when you begin your victim arc of crying and saying you were gwoomed and manipulated into taking part in all that nasty shit.

No. 1925971

I’m not, in fact, exceptional.

No. 1926152

You overvalue your own opinion on things to the point that you constantly chimp out and try to put your passive aggressive two cents in about literally everything in the most schizophrenic way possible. Are you even capable of having conversations with people that don't end in you trying to flex some weird faux moral superiority? When you refuse to empathize with or humanize people you immediately jump to attacking them instead and it makes you look like a sped. Most people learn things through earnest interaction, not you screaming about things you couldn't converse about out loud without crying because people ask real questions and want to learn in a genuine way, not have some asshole who spends 13 hours a day on their laptop and pc condescending them and purposely taking everything they say flippantly out of context because anyone you don't like is an enemy rather than being capable of having any neutrality or maturity about anything. It's either you're desperate for the approval of people who remind you of your elementary school bullies or you're going out of your way to bully and verbally berate and condescend people to feel the shitty little dopamine rush from being a bully. You want to be a bully and a rude bitch soo bad but the only way you can do so is by pretending everyone fails morally so that gives you an excuse to insult them and call them names to feel better about yourself. The truth is, you just want to insult people and call them names because you're a nasty person, and hiding behind your moral compass is the only way you can berate people without repercussion. If you really only cared about trying to teach people things (something you aren't qualified to do anyways) you wouldn't immediately devolve into demeaning women because you yourself are empty and insecure. You just want an excuse to bully people, idk why you don't just admit it makes you feel good because you're a bitch lol always have to try to manipulate the angle so you're a victim and everyone else is some evil entity you're fighting against. Really just speedrunning yourself into literal schizophrenia.

No. 1926190

Like you genuinely just love being angry and cunty because of how understimulated you are and how solitary and isolated your life is. Your entire life revolves around the internet and that would make literally anyone mentally ill and deranged. Turn that shit off. So annoying

No. 1926222

sometimes when you’re cruel to me, i get this sense that deep inside you actually do care about me and don’t just completely want me dead. i wish you could talk to me normally instead of constantly demeaning me. i would like to be kind to you and to try and fix the things about myself that make you so angry.

No. 1926232

My post wasn't about a lolcow user I dont know you fuck off

No. 1926245

I keep waiting for a shoe to drop and not only will the shoe not drop, it's glued to the wall. You have got to be kidding me. Not only is it spineless, I'm pretty sure everyone involved was born without a spine. Like it's this deformed lumpy mass of a problem and it's so gargantuan. A dune worm poised to consume everything in its path. But to the complicit it's not an issue, they'd rather be churning in the bowel of the worm than dare confront and slay it, even as a group, even with support. Yall are spineless dumbfucks consumed by your own pride and ignorance.

No. 1926247

"Just pissing yourself off imagining shit that does not happen" is such an apt description for you omg

No. 1926282

Anytime I start reaching a good weight for myself, it's always, "OMG you're ToOoO skinny"; by what, Amerifat standards? 10 lbs ago, you'd be calling me chubby and making snide comments. Ironically, you're projecting YOUR own unhealthy ideas about weight onto me. You, skinny as a rail, who complains about a little stomach pooch. Weight is more than just a number, and everyone gains/loses differently. My waist has always been the smallest part of me in comparison to my hips and shoulders. I just happen to know how to dress to downplay certain aspects and flatter my body type. You could do it too, if you had a lick of sense. Instead, you evil eye my progress and try to dissuade me from my goals. You, for some stupidfuck reason, seem to see me as competition when we're not even in the same lane. I'm not going to stay at a heavier weight just to make you or others feel better about themselves. I'm done being the punching bag for you insecure bitches.

No. 1926296

Glad this thread exists because the vent thread sometimes is too shitty and people reply with stupid shit

No. 1926299

Your amazing "project" that you're so busy working on is complete garbage. I know this is only but an excuse for you to get rid of me. You think you're the level headed one here but I see through you. You absolute grifter. Die. Lol

No. 1926306

I'm expecting male torture why the fuck am I looking at a woman's ass???? Are you keeping it a secret or something??? Do you think moids into that are going to be happy when there's no ass in the actual content and instead they get to see a man piss himself???? Shoot whoever the fuck thought that was a good promo NOW

No. 1926308

sometimes i wish we could reply here because there are days where i see shit that’s kinda funny and i wanna ask questions(please don't encourage it)

No. 1927276

pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig PIG PIG PIG PIG PIG PIG PIG

No. 1927282

Any attention is crack to you regardless of how negative. This is getting soo pathetic

No. 1927283

Fag fag fag fag fag fag FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG

No. 1927366

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This is soo you in a nutshell

No. 1927633

clear your throat louder i didn't hear you the first 50 times

No. 1928353

I'm in love with you. I really tried to snap myself out of it because I know it's crazy and unhealthy but I am once again thinking of you all the time.

No. 1929457

Look in the fucking mirror you delusional obsessive loser

No. 1929553

Lest we forget a woman was talking about using the train and you and your pathetic faggot friends made "jokes" about throwing acid on her. What the fuck is wrong with you.

No. 1930152

i rarely look forward talking to you anymore. it's the same shit every time we talk. is there anything fucking good going on in your life? i know you have it hard, but jesus fuck who doesn't??? do you realize that nothing in your life will improve or change unless you actually do something about it? i realize that it's tough but all you fucking do is complain and complain. and all we talk about is you! you ask questions about me and what's going on with me out of courtesy and not because you care. god, i fucking dread what's coming up with you.

No. 1930347

No it's not

No. 1930348

Stupid twittertard newfags choking the site with their retarded non-integrative diarrhea bullshit I fucking hate them

No. 1931248

im a buddhist btw. did you know that? im buddhist. im sooooooooooooooo buddhist! also i want to murder and rape women

No. 1931399

I sometimes feel like i'm the only one putting effort into this LDR anymore while you take me for granted. Why, between equally great paying jobs, did you choose the job that has you working from 6AM-8PM with only weekends to spare, when you know that i'll only be there for 3 weeks, leaving us only weekends (if you're not too exhausted to do anything together, which you likely will be)? You don't seem to care that you won't be able to see me off, either. It's been 1 1/2 years since i've last seen you. Apparently, time with me is hardly even an afterthought for you. I don't want to hear "we can do x next time" or "when you live here we can…" again because there is no longer any guarantee that those opportunities will be available to me in the future since you change your direction from one week to the next. I have to make the most of it NOW. And another thing, i'm not keen on inviting other randos along to hang with us impromptu on what is MY vacation while I have very limited time with you as it is. If you're going to choose money over time with me, the least you can do is pay for me now and then…

No. 1931426

It's sad to see you become such a tankie tool and turn into an utter Islamosimp. "Islam isn't a religion, it's much softer…", " Muslim women can get divorced as much as they like", "they wear hijab by choice", and other such sugarcoated BS lies they tell you to get you to convert, i've had enough of it all. The sad thing is, you've turned me off from caring about the Palestine conflict anymore because of your utter retardation, i'm so fucking tired of your "WEST BAD" rhetoric and hearing about how China and Russia are AKSHUALLY the good guys in this whole conflict because you're so fucking stupid as to fall for that propaganda, because thinking in black and white "us vs them" terms and blaming tHe WeST as some monolithic singular evil is so much more comfortable for you than to acknowledge that everyone's trying to get their own chess piece ahead in the game and using the Gaza crisis to emotionally manipulate bleeding heart leftists like you to propagate their agenda.

No. 1931841

"Well this is why I only watch anime and do japanese media, so that i don't run into american culture war brainrot"
no you fucking moid, unfortunately i cannot reprogram my brain to be japanese only in order to avoid absolutely every cringy person in the internet, and you know what? even irl i cannot avoid cringe because going to irl places i still run into neo pronoun shit, and also i have a fucking job and live in the fucking real world and cannot shut myself away into a room and read subtitles 24/7.

No. 1932066

You reward yourself for the most fucked up shit. It's only funny to you.

No. 1932067

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This is you defending Poor Things

No. 1932427

Some of you all are psychopaths with no empathé or nuánce for your fellow human beings and it's mortifying to see you existing in the same space as the rest of us yikes

No. 1932501

Leave me and my family alone you retarded inbred faggots. You're just jealous we're normal and not cousin-fuckers like the rest of you ugly subhumans. Go back to the shitholes you came from, and leave us in peace.

No. 1933104

And you really thought what exactly would be the outcome of you being more sadistic, more abusive, more gross..? All you've done is ensured you'll be watched for life. You didn't drive anyone away or make yourself look better. You're so parasitic and don't exist unless you're lying and putting women down. There isn't anything else to you. You have nothing without it. You literally have no bearing, no pull, no presence anywhere unless you're dehumanizing and mimicking women hahahahahahhaa

No. 1933456

Love how overconfident you get and how you just lie even more

No. 1933750

"Sorry can I think about it later" No. You have time to be absorbed in creepy political/religious propaganda channels and switching your life's trajectory based on disinfo and virtue signaling bullshit because it boosts your ego to be a part of something you perceive as bigger than yourself with that savior complex of yours, but you can't get back to me about decisions that should have been settled no later than early this week and the deadline is fast approaching… I know you won't get back to me on jack shit. You "don't believe in marriage" after watching one biased youtube interview with a divorce lawyer and claim to hate others stifling your freedom but suddenly want to convert to a religion?? I hate weak willed faggots like you whom are so easily influenced. You have no strength of character or independence to speak of if you need a religion to decide everything for you and tell you how to live. All you do these days is parrot lies you've been fed and bring up said religion or things related to it in completely unrelated conversations and i'm sick of it. I don't fucking care. Shut up about it already. You fucking tool.

No. 1933759

I hope you fail at your new job. I hope you realize how horribly misinformed you've been to selfishly change everything on a whim without a thought as to how it affects me. You're taking me for granted, and if I find out there's another woman involved, i'll make sure you stay impotent for life. I will make you regret every thought and choice that led up to that decision and you will suffer sorely. I am so fucking tired of being forgiving and patient with your bullshit.

No. 1933782

man, life would probably feel stressful as fuck if I thought everyone around me was lying. Schizo behaviour

No. 1933802

just make sense!!! stop not making sense! I don't understand you!!!

No. 1933851

Some days I wish I wasn't autistic. Especially since I was more severe when I was younger. I wasn't able to communicate to my mom and dad why I had a meltdown b/c my socks were on the wrong way nor could I say why am I going to this new place called preschool? I was used to staying home with my mom and twin sister until then which is why I couldn't communicate my frustration about going to preschool at age 3. Then there's the fact I should've been kept in speech therapy and should've been in ot a lot longer. I'm still figuring out if I need certain services as most of my symptoms are very mild it's just social communication is moderate in severity like it's so bad where I'll piss others off unintentionally due to my obvious facial expressions being weird or walking away mid conversation unintentionally or not responding to communication. A lot of social skills I cannot learn despite trying. Even when I try to explain I can't learn them I don't think my therapist or parents understand like even my mom stated I have more moderate support needs in social communication like the fact I don't understand language and cannot understand a lot of it. Like I despise having to explain what I cannot do at all. Comprehension is bad just overall is horrible. And then you have to talk to me like I'm 12 and I try to explain this as I don't understand it otherwise. Autistics in general aren't understood like the severely disabled autistics are left out a lot of things so are the mild and then the moderate severity is overall ignored completely.

I'm glad I can use this thread to vent into the void.

No. 1933860

Why is this happening. I don't know what I want to happen. If he does go to prison it is 100% deserved but I just worry that it will put my living situation in jeopardy. Why is this fucking happening why did any of this have to happen, I hate you. BOTH of you. Fucking disgusting. I wish I had killed myself way back then. This fucking sucks. How do you live with yourself knowing your husband molested me, you either didn't care or didn't believe me, what the fuck is wrong with you to just live with this every day like it's nothing? You're a pathetic whore. That's all you'll ever be.

No. 1933871

I think I fixed my skin! It feels so comfortable for the first time in like 10 years.

No. 1934314

The best liar you know is not the best liar you know.

No. 1934318

And, no. Just you and the company you are drawn to. Birds of a feather for sure.

No. 1934321

"I hurt you in a way that's irreparable and irredeemable but man it must really suck to be hurt in a way that's irreparable and irredeemable. It must be your fault for feeling this way."

No. 1934857

but why are you still doing that?

No. 1935041

Floor, reverse, floor, reverse, floor, reverse.

No. 1935044

Wow, you really are the dumbest person alive.

No. 1935849

You willingly did all that shit and then did some more shit and I seriously detest you for being fucking stupid you shouldn't have done that.

No. 1935850

I wish I was never born

No. 1935918

just because you're an ugly bitch doesnt mean you have to project it onto me. sorry your mom is a drug addict and you're not far off, but dont make it my problem, you stupid cunt

No. 1935928

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lost the charisma and loved by people genetic lottery. my only salvation is a loving boywife.

No. 1935932

I still listen to 100 gecs sometimes

No. 1935941

im 22 i remember seeing some retarded zoomer complain about her 23 year old cousin living with her parents when i was 20 not to even mention fucking ratgirl when i was 19 it's fucking over im literally ratgirl???

No. 1936210

Oh god, there were undigested pieces of meat its so fucking disgusting foul foul foul foul foul i almost vomitted the smell was so fucking horrible. It should be illegal to feed dementia patients beans

No. 1936690

I lack the words for how much I hate the scrotes in my hobby. A-logging is not enough.

No. 1936722

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No. 1936789

Repeating the things said here and trying to apply them to something completely different because you're retarded doesn't waver the sentiment.

No. 1936791

"I'm a horrible fucking cunt because YOU MADE ME I do it as a joke see I degrade and dehumanize women AS A FUCKING JOKE. WHY ARENT YOU LAUGHING YOU STUPID UGLY BITCH CUNT I WILL KILL YOU. ITS A CHARACTER YOU UGLY BITCH." you really just make shit up and obsess over it endlessly I'm serious at this point euthanasia is the only thing that would fix you huh. You also always call warranted criticism projection which is crazy because you are a rare kind of psychotic that only ever escalates into violence.

No. 1936871

And only now are you pretending to ~break the 4th wall~ and claim its all some deeply genius parody when you really are just a rude, obsessive, vindictive stalker cunt who only kikis with the same. You're only just know pretending it's a persona "for fun" because you're being called a freak and now you have to do damage control and pretend it's like totallllyyy just a joke hehe.

No. 1936967

My mental health is not the best these days

No. 1937449

I really need my friend's hot bf's insatiably yuge dong pulsating inside me like a supergiant cepheid star all day long again(hornyposting spammer)

No. 1937476

It's been years and just now I remembered how consistently crazy it felt whenever it got even the tiniest bit inside

No. 1937519

This is not a vent rather a ramble but if it’s true that Isis caused the shooting in Russia then they are a bunch of dumbasses. Like ah yes let’s target a country where even it’s own citizens are oppressed by their own government let alone random terrorist forginers. I don’t like the Russian government or Putin but I hope this causes Russian troops to kill Isis once and for fucking all and leave Ukraine alone but the latter is a pipe dream atp unless Puțin and his goons dies. I hate Isis, I know that’s like a 911 was bad take but Jesus these Muslim moids are annoying as fuck.

No. 1937640

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You as fuck.

No. 1937642

Cubes aren't scary. You could explode a cube if you really had the resolve to. It's just a cube!

No. 1937718

i love wallowing. i love being a depressed piece of shit. i love the passive suicide. i love living in filth because there's no effort to be had anymore. i love closing my eyes and pretending nothing bad ever happens. i love the cracks in the veneer. i love to pretend i'm this infallible martyr, as though anybody really cares. let me rot.

No. 1937865

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"Baby boy lock the door"

No. 1937905

Also wrong about literally everything again because you're psychotic parasocial and fucking weird.

No. 1937909

sometimes i wonder if what had happened further caused my health to decline.

No. 1937916

My favorite posts of yours are the ones from 2020 especially. You are so harrowingly sad

No. 1939136

You will do or say anything for negative attention and think adopting the language of an abuse victim will somehow reverse your role from aggressor to a normal person but people aren't that stupid. You can try to pull the "I know you are but what am i" whenever you're called out as a psychotic abuser but it isnt like you're doing anything except showing everyone how manipulative you are.

No. 1939604

he was accused of rape. you are accused of threatening and harassing his victim so he would take you back, which he did not do. she hasn’t said one word to you for over six months and not much before beyond leave her alone and look in the mirror before you try and insult someone. you have harassed her every single day anyways. she’s not saying or doing anything, she hasn’t for a long time. you are the only one who can’t stop. both of the people actually involved in the horrible situation you are not actually a part of have been trying to heal and move on. why can’t you? is it a sunk cost fallacy thing that won’t end until you do something violent like you’ve been saying you want to? even the rapist doesn’t make violent threats towards the victim. what even is this???

No. 1939617

I don't want to read about your husbands on fucking lolcow

No. 1939953

I wish karma would kick your ass in my place, you dumb bald moid.

No. 1940025

I genuinely don't think I can endure this. I love you so much I can't think straight any more. I hate myself for ruining everything when I could've just shut the fuck up and controlled myself. I am never gonna get you out of my fucking head and I can't stand how much my retardation has fucked everything up. I'm sorry, to you and to myself. If it's all I'm gonna get I'll be quiet and for once in my life learn a fucking lesson - I just need to keep you.

No. 1940030


No. 1940032

Just lying and lying and lying and lying. Why did you throw any semblance of a future away to be a pervert.

No. 1940063

You think rape is funny. You think misogyny is funny. You think stalking and harassing women is funny. You think trying to hurt women is funny. Yet you want people to give you the benefit of the doubt…?

No. 1940944

AI this, AI that. Shut up. No one cares about your chat bot conversations or your AI generated "creations" except for you. Soulless drivel.

No. 1940980

I'm done feeling guilty. I didn't cheat, I rightfully thought I was abandoned and I was moving on. My conscious is clear. Plus there were so many things wrong in the relationship, it was causing me pain, I deserve more than breadcrumbs and false promises, plus he just has too much baggage. I need someone that won't drag me down and make me feel crazy

No. 1941076

I'm going on a date with such a massive autist I think I'm only doing it because I feel pity towards her, I can't wait for it to be over so I can block her on everything

No. 1941379

Would not be surprised if it was someone you know who is punching women in the face in NYC currently

No. 1941401

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Men really can just violate a woman in any of the most horrible ways possible for no gain except attention from other low value men and then go on with their life like theyre God. They don't care. They will rape you in any and every way possible and they don't care. It's funny. It's a joke to them. Why aren't you laughing ugly cunt? You were asking for it!!! It's a JOKE ugly bitch!!! We hurt you obsessively AS A JOKE!!!!

No. 1941562

Every time you make another one of your autism fueled retarded faggot posts your lifespan is shortened. Cant wait til you're gone. Attention starved gincel faggot

No. 1941609

You pervert and sexualize everything even and especially when it doesn't make any sense. Please chemically castrate yourself

No. 1941634

Again objectively not true you're just an ornery freak that wants to dissect your object of obsession into anything it isnt to feel justified in being an evil cunt

No. 1941651

its always the ugliest people in the room who complain the loudest

No. 1941688

okay, fine. just.. fucking.. fine. you wanna know what I wanna get off my chest? I fucking LOVE bridezillas, fucking GO. OFF. QUEEN. fuckit. actually FUCK. IT. send it into the fucking atmosphere and be the most difficult piece of shit to work with ever in your fucking life because do you wanna know what being nice gets you? do you wanna know what being a "good" bride means? It means people will literally walk all the fuck over you while simultaneously telling you "oh its whatever you want, its your wedding! you just need to tell everyone else that" WHAT ABOUT YOU? YOU FUCKER. HUH? WHAT IF YOU'RE THE ONE PISSING ME OFF? but nooo can't risk being a "bridezilla", you wanna know a little secret? THEY'RE GONNA CALL YOU ONE ANYWAY. Genuinely. I have been the NICEST, most ACCOMODATING please-and-thank you bride in the fucking world trying to make everyone else the fuck happy, bending over backwards to make sure everyone in my life is heard and has a say and feels important and special, all while nodding and smiling and I STILL get called a Bridezilla. GENUINELY. If I say ANYTHING even along the lines of "hmm, you know X is a really good idea but I feel in my heart that it would be more special for the groom and I to choose Y." LITERALLY THE NICEST WAY TO SAY "no" instead of saying what I WANT to say which is "no thats fucking retarded, why would you ever think I would want that? YOU want that but guess what? its not your wedding bitch so keep it to yourself", but I don't say that, I take everything on board and listen to everyone and politely have my say and I still get THE LOOK. the "we got ourselves a bridezilla" look. and I know what everyone is going to tell me "you just gotta do what you want to do, its your day, its your special day, its about you" YEAH NO THE FUCK IT AINT. NOT ANYMORE. THat ship has SAILED. You wanna know what I want? What I REALLY WANT for my special day? Is for it to be fucking over. THERE. I said it. I'm fucking SICK of playing the nice bride who HAS to accommodate or otherwise everyone else will literally fall the fuck apart and go be a cunt to my fiance about it. and he is a DREAM. HE IS A DREAM OF A MAN. He's still a fucking man but DAMN IT HE IS THE BEST OF THEM ALL. He does not DESERVE the bullshit harassment because the "bridezilla" maybe liked something else a little different to what someone else thought. I just want him to be happy. I want me to be happy, but most of all nonna, I want YOU to be happy when you get married.

you know the worst part of all of this is im gonna go right back to being the please-and-thank you bride with a smile because I genuinely want everyone to be happy because that'll make me happy… i just wanna marry my husband and be his wife and have fun. i dont care about all the little shit that everyone else seems to care about. i dont care whos beefing and i dont fucking care if something is glitter or matte and i dont fucking care who is losing their mind over it. i just want my future husband and i to be happy and have fun… and i dont think he is happy. there is too much drama and i can't contain it all, im trying to keep it from him but it keeps getting to him and i see how stressed he is. im so sad. i just wanted to have a fun wedding… be a bridezilla nonna, and have a great wedding when its your turn, because mine already feels ruined and i dont want that for you.

No. 1941965

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I miss you. Wish we could talk.

No. 1941987

I had so much fun with you last year. I think about you fondly and often and wonder whether I ever cross your mind.

No. 1942133

The world is not out to get you, you just have the worst victim complex and negative attitude I've ever encountered in my life.

No. 1942248

Looking back, I never cared for the pity parties or stories. Call me condescending, but a lot of those issues could have been solved by common sense or making better choices. It was exhausting and depressing.

No. 1942255

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Nonna go the bitch you deserve to be! It's your wedding, you've suffered enough already, go give them what they gave you!
And congratulations on the wedding.(vain bitch)

No. 1942272

Why are "bisexuals" who would never have sex with a woman rightfully called straight, but a lesbian who likes anime boys and never has/never will go near real dick called bi in denial? Fuck this double standard. I hate the constant policing of female sexuality.

No. 1942370

I know the trash will take itself out but I can’t help wanting to push it toward the curb. I can’t wait to see you get what you deserve. Stupid messy ass lying bitch. Fuck yourself off a cliff

No. 1942449

Be as bitter as you want! You don't know the life I have lived, nor the challenges I have met. Sorry you don't have the support I do; Im sorry you are angry. Focus on building your support system, instead of attacking mine.
I doubt you are who you claim to be anyways.

No. 1942733

I don’t CARE if you don’t think I’ll be feminine or pretty I don’t CARE what men think

No. 1942735

ok listen I'm SORRY I stepped on your tail but maybe if you weren't trying to weave between my legs while I was carrying a pile of laundry it wouldn't have happened??? stop meowing at me and shooting death glares I already said I'm SORRY you vain bich

No. 1942903

I don't care about whatever story you made up in your head about my love life, truth is I’m in a long and healthy relationship and you can't stand it. You’re not allowed to interfere in this, I won’t allow it.
The person you try to hate so much (you’re not subtle at all, by the way, your jealousy is always showing) truly loves me for who I am, without conditions. All you did in the past is try to sabotage every little good thing that has ever happened to me. You’re not allowed to touch this, it’s mine and it’s perfect.

No. 1943224

get the fuck out and away from me, stop stalking me, stop watching me, stop pranking me and fucking whispering things. i do not consent. i do not have a fetish. i do not have any desire to be stalked.

No. 1943281

dont forget, im better than you

No. 1943371

When I don’t tell you shit, you accuse me of being secretive and not trusting you. When I do tell you everything, you accuse me of over sharing, only to tell me I should “forget about it”.
You keep deceiving me year after year and still expect me to be perfect around you all the time. It’s not fair, you’re cruel and inconsiderate.
I can’t even cry about him now that I need it more than ever because of you and your narcissistic tendencies.

No. 1943418

so many pets, killed unfairly. feeling, thinking beings born only to be our companions, then completely betrayed. and then people say "who cares? it's just an animal". it's fucked, makes me feel sick.

No. 1943427

Please just love me and obsess over me the way you used to, please still think I’m the cutest girl, please still find me irresistible, please give me attention and praise and gifts. Please forgive me and treat me the way you were before I fucked it up.

No. 1943701

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!! just shut up be quiet shhhb shut up shut it fuck off shut up shur up!!!!!!!!!

No. 1943728

File: 1711821447813.webp (30.43 KB, 500x562, IMG_3156.webp)

No. 1943759

Despite it all I do not regret telling you that you're a privileged bitch that makes her own life worse than it is. Keep drinking and doing drugs and ruin your life out of your own volition

No. 1943762

I'm happy I'm not in your life anymore, you were a handful to deal with. Can't imagine what your friend(s) are going through with your constant venting and retardation

No. 1943840

I'm sorry I ever tried to be your friend. All my actual friends rightfully think you're insecure, egotistical, delusional, and unwilling to see from anyone's viewpoint other than your own and I'm finally taking their opinions to heart. I wish I had ended it when I first wanted to instead of trying to stick it out, since it's clear to me now that you weren't worth my efforts. All your "efforts" to keep our friendship afloat are genuinely made up in your head, really I have no idea what makes you think you ever actually tried, and I regret forgiving you when you were first purposefully cruel to me. Your constant disrespect of me, your reliance on saying hurtful things to try to get under my skin when we have conflicts… I deserve none of that, and you don't deserve me. I won't cry for you anymore because I realize how severely I mistook you. I do wish you the best but I'm happy to let you go, and I hope moving forward you take this to heart so you don't ruin any other potential friendships.

No. 1943932

You're absolutely deranged

No. 1944507

Fuck you stupid bitch for putting your insecurities on him and making him stop talking to any of us. Cringe bitch, unfollowing on social platforms doesn't mean he won't goon to pron when you aren't watching. You're projecting because you are the dumb slut yourself. Fucking queer bait making out profile pictures and multiple retarded privates. You are a gross asshole and nobody cares about you, that's why you try to make your boyfriend just as miserable. Nobody you told him to delete from irl connections is as big of a hoe as you are, but you are really this deluded. Deleting his pictures won't make them unfuck each other!

No. 1944554

You still depend on us every time and you claim to be better than anyone else kek sure…

No. 1945030

If you talk shit behind everyone’s back when they not around and we’re supposed to be friends, what can I expect from you? I’m sure you do the same to me and at this point I can’t be bothered anymore.

No. 1945296

Literally shaking

No. 1945362


No. 1945556

FUCKING HIRE ME ALREADY MOTHERFUCKERS. I've only been a NEET for 6 months and I want to kill myself, I want to make some fucking money to buy stupid shit and help at home already, FUCKING HIRE ME YOU PATHETIC WASTE OF SPACE BASTARDS OR DIE ALREADY FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

No. 1945756

File: 1711962176810.png (209.23 KB, 680x680, 23f.png)

I used to think I would miss you but in actuality thinking about you now just makes me annoyed/repulsed so I win I guess. Have fun making your shitty angst playlists fucking dumbass

No. 1945954

You are delusional to think I won't put you on blast for showing up again after how you treated me. You fucked up

No. 1947997

You're just disgusting. That's all I have to say. You'll never be close enough.

No. 1948116

File: 1712099710956.jpg (710.03 KB, 1181x1181, Orion.(AMNESIA).full.1397487.j…)

I had a dream about you this morning. You appeared twice, the first time I just felt sad seeing you again and we talked briefly. I remember wanting to tell you it was good to hear your voice and see you once more. The second time I saw you in the dream, you were irritated with me for an unknown reason. You were holding a kitten in a blanket and told me I needed to bring this kitten to your boyfriend. Not sure what that meant. But it still was nice to see you in the dream. I hope you're doing well, I still think it was the right thing for us to go our separate ways. But I do remember you fondly.

No. 1948671

File: 1712152271148.jpg (22.95 KB, 640x360, Im-not-reading-all-of-the-temp…)

Whenever you would send me your long ass vents and drug induced rants I should have sent you this instead of replying.

No. 1948872

There's nothing I really want to say to you, except maybe it would've been us in a different time and place. We would've been cute and sexy together. But enjoy your vampire, and don't stare at me next time I'm there shopping. Faggot.

No. 1950596

Fuck you stupid bitch. You know nothing

No. 1950690

You keep saying you want to be a provider and a family man but I think you only like that because of fapbait manga like Okusan and not because you actually care about your partner. They are accessories to flaunt to you, not people with feelings.

No. 1951201

Wait, just to be clear– so you were fully aware that your online "friends" were stalking that woman and sexually harassing and exploiting her, but you want to pretend you're some sort of victim in a situation where you were only ever the aggressor? It isnt enough that you're incapable of experiencing real empathy and only parrot it so you can receive online attention and some sort of alibi, but now you're constantly throwing out language used by victims of abuse to describe yourself? You're an evil fucking bitch for real. You've lied so much and had so much fun taking part in this that I wouldn't be surprised at all if you actually did know about how most of it was lies on top of lies and wanted to take part anyways. You want to be a bully so bad while pretending you're someone completely different and it's ironic given you're constantly chiding and criticizing literally any and everyone else at every turn because you're a miserable bitch who spends 14 hours a day staring at a computer screen and voyeuring people. You don't even have a soul cunt omg you straight up took part in that and you only care because you're afraid of getting caught. When names are given publicly its going to be fucking hilarious watching you stutter and throw around buzzwords to justify all of that disgusting shit. You probably knew about his nazi tattoo and the fake ai nudes all along. You probably don't care that you're "friends" with deranged sexual abusers at all. It isn't like you're any different from them. Jesus christ. Have fun scrambling to fix the reputation you gladly destroyed for eternity because you thought watching a woman be hurt like that was hilarious. No sense in fake suicide baiting, we all know you're way too narcissistic and self obsessed to do anything. You love manipulating people online too much!

No. 1951224

Why do you still associate with that account when you're fully aware it's an abuser, Chrissy?

No. 1951356

And when Jake says "another cow in my pasture" what he really means is "another woman to stare at and distract me from the fact that I'm a 30 year old man whose life achievements sum up to absolutely nothing except trolling stalking and lying"

No. 1951428

Yeah abusing women is like "licking a livewire" to you because you're a fucking lowlife with nothing else to live for lol.

No. 1954344

dont ever be labeled as crazy. everyone who reads this is crazy out of principle of being on lolcow, but hide it. don't let anyone know, because once they do, you'll be seen as forever incompetent.

No. 1954345

Legit thinking of cursing a mf so I can make his life more miserable

No. 1954356

Like clockwork. You want attention so bad.

No. 1954363

I thought it was love but it was just a trauma bond. We would’ve made cute kids though. Future lolcows, but cute.

Tbh I’m beginning to feel like the concept of love is simply a matter of opinion. These days the idea of a feet sweeping romance tires me out.

No. 1954433

I feel this. Hang in there nona and keep sending them out(vain bitch)

No. 1954434

An actual Easter island statue staring at the computer 12 hours a day

No. 1954438

Why'd you have to die on Saturday?? Nothing is open I can't even get a tan for the funeral. I'm not showing up to your stupid funeral if I'm pasty. I hate you. Why couldn't you have died on a week day like a normal person? Idiot. God. Now I have to spend money on airfare just to collect your stupid ashes. The urns better be cheap. I have to wait until I get my spray tan but fuck you for dying on a Saturday even if I feel bad that your cats ate you.

No. 1954496

I hate my faggot boyfriend i Hate him so much.

No. 1954617

My boyfriend is a horny retard and at this point our 'relationship' is only transactional. He avoids talking about anything serious, best case scenario he's retarded. He's the last person I want to see but I don't have any friends left. Bitch also accused me of cheating, he's too ugly to cheat on me he's just super insecure. I wish he'd just break up with me already instead of ignoring everything and throwing a shitfit once he can't take it anymore. Moids.

No. 1954849

I might have to break up with my partner of five+ years because he might be too mentally unwell and I am afraid he won't get help I'm currently at my parents' and I need to move out but I don't want to I want to believe in him but I cannot live with him if he won't get help. I feel lost I'm 30 and I might have to start rebuilding my life all over again I'm so depressed and I might be too co-dependent on him but damn I love him more than anyone I just want us to be happy together with our cat and a future family.
I wish I could just not care and drop him but he means too much for me, we just had a great holiday and then he lost it how can my whole life go upside down in a week

No. 1955020

Ok well maybe I just dont fucking like the guy maybe hes just a prick and I dont want to talk to him about his gay sex life or what uni hes going to I dont care I literally dont care

No. 1955258

fucking tranny neo pronoun bitch you'll never stop talking about me to any other wrist slitting attention whores u meet cuz im the only valuable person to ever enter ur worthless life
hope the anorexia hurries up and kills u loser

No. 1955419

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How I feel after fighting on the phone with my bf for 4 hour

No. 1955449

My bfs mental health issues affect our sex life and have from the very beginning. He gets upset that I just don't care anymore, but YOU are the one who made things this way!! If I have to choose between having lackluster sex 1-2 a month vs not having sex at all, I'll just not have sex. I don't care, I spent most of my life not having sex. I just wish he would stop accusing me of cheating.

No. 1955470

what did you fight about anon?

No. 1955483

wow. anon that sounds very toxic.(vain bitch)

No. 1955607

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Oh nooo the bio clock oh nooo my eggs!! Oh nooo I’ll never attract a man now that I’m nearing 30 oh nooo-SIKE. I will never be psyoped into liking old men and settling with some loser with autism sperm. Your words mean nothing to me you genetic dead end. You will die alone malding in your room while I fuck my 19 year old bf that’s twice your size and actually has a full head of hair. Die mad about it lol

No. 1955610

dangerously based(vain bitch)

No. 1955658

I want to die so so so bad I'm willing to cancermaxx just for this reason. I really need to get out of this world

No. 1955670

This post literally could have been me writing it, suffice to say I agree wholeheartedly nonna(vain bitch)

No. 1955692

I was in a similar situation once, also relationship of 5 years. He was always mentally unwell and couldn´t hold a normal job for that reason. I tried to be supportive since I also have anxiety so I get it, thing is he never told me really what his problems were. Not really depression, not really anxiety. It got worse and he developed ticks from it?? I saw no way out but to split. I wanted a future together, yes but not under these conditions. He didn´t work and oh he refused to go to therapy, he only hat meetings with a family therapist because his parents also didn´t know what was going on.(vain bitch)

No. 1955695

I hate my tech job. I only stay with it because its easy and convinient because of the flexibility it gives me. I´m not the best at it and I don´t care much about it. I would quit but idk what else to do, that gives me so much freedom. I rather do something I´m passionate about but I´m not sure what I´m passionate about kek

No. 1955925

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The sexual tension between me and ending it all…I need a fucking friend. A REAL friend. This once in a blue moon shit is killing me I think genuinely being alone was better than the highs and lows of this shit.

No. 1955953

wtf with the vain bitch? are the farmhands ok?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1955958

Retarded newfags can’t read thread rules kek

No. 1956173

Ok im sorry for being fucking weird im trying really hard not to ok its hard

No. 1956325

The mods here really have s stick up their ass(take it to /meta/)

No. 1956858

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I do not know you. I've never spoken to you. I have no emotional attachment to you. You'd think verbally abusing people on one of your half dozen burner accounts constantly would be enough for you but no, omg how much fan fiction are you going to keep writing. I don't fucking know or like you, your personality is extremely off-putting, there isn't a single alignment in life where I would think differently. Why do you have to take all of your misery out on me and everyone else, we don't like you. We don't think you're funny. You're fucked up

No. 1957167

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No. 1957177

holy fuck LEAVE ME ALONE. Stop coming up to me and making weird small talk. Stop looking over at me every chance you get. Stop inviting me to hang out outside of work. Stop being fucking weirdly protective over me to other people. Its like you WANT people to think we're fucking or something. If it's not related to work, I don't want to talk to you about it. There are ways to be friendly with coworkers and I have no problem being friends with all my other coworkers but you make it so fucking weird and uncomfortable.

No. 1957194

oh and i forgot to mention. NO ONE BELIEVES YOUR MADE UP STORIES. Stop trying to one-up everyone around you by making up these crazy stories about how you've had the same exact experience only 10x worse/better. Stop trying to convince people that you're gods gift to this earth.

No. 1957406

I am going to kms oh my god you stupid fucking clipboard. Crying.

No. 1957414

It's completely pathetic to drop a friend over a suspicion you're having about someone they date. You could just fucking talk to her and ask, but I guess two decades of friendship don't mean much to you. You're a spineless, weak person and I wish I'd been meaner to you. If I'd known this was how you're going to act I would've said it all outright and added that you're a paranoid loser.

No. 1957428

I'm tried, just tired of life.

No. 1957452

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No. 1957461

I’m tired of my job and I really want to quit however it’s comfortable and it doesn’t require a lot of effort plus it’s from home. Im stuck in a dead end.

No. 1957467

how does momo have a better nose than you

No. 1957499

Stop fucking looking at me. I dont want to know you. Stop doing it. It is so fucking creepy I want to vomit at the thought of your face

No. 1957501

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Nothing blackpills me more on women's fandom spaces than this website. So much excuse to only pay attention to male characters and are averse to any kind of attention on female characters while performing mental gymnastics about how gendies are actually misogynists. I can see why nonnies come to so some threads here thinking that no one will give a shit about their OCs if it's just a man so they feel compelled to turn them into men and honestly after sifting through some threads here that fear is justified. From fujo shipping to anti-fujo infighting to media discussions and obsessing over characters it really all boils down to "just don't make female characters" just as all the bullying artists make for drawing small mistakes just pushes them to not draw poc characters.

You can have a male character suffer as much as you want and people will go crazy over it and hyper analyse and write essays upon essays about it but if you have a female character suffer just as much all of a sudden the writer has a fetish even though the suffering isn't sexual because "dude trust me the vibes!". You want to write problematic ships? dw just ship BL no one cares because they're men (I don't care about them being men I'm not defending this shit you room temp IQ idiots) rinse and repeat until no one can explain why BL is spicy and more interesting than anything that involves women and het stories are either boring af or just written by men for men. Don't try doing GL because hey most fangirls are straight and are uncomfortable reading storied with complex female characters anyway. Even now people involved in media can't write complex female characters for shit and surprise surprise they were involved in fandom culture! Like it doesn't surprise me.

I assumed that because anons here are self-aware of the fandom problems they wouldn't perpetuate it but I guess it was my problem for assuming you can have discussions on here anyway. You have to join a shitty mob mentality.

No. 1957509

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I wish I were the skeleton of one of those Alchemy Gothic illustrations, they seem to live exciting magical lives despite actually being dead, I wish I lived in medieval Paris and knew alchemy and shit

No. 1957517

File: 1712698696027.gif (129.59 KB, 640x330, IMG_5205.gif)

It is so, so hard to not eat foods that make your body age 10x faster kek. I wish I could eat brisket for each meal daily, but the last time I did that I looked so wrinkly by the end of the week.

No. 1957521

Brisket does what now?(vain bitch)

No. 1957536

Anon… brisket has collagen… are you sure you're not dehydrated?(vain bitch)

No. 1957585

Seriously, why would I want to be friends or get involved with someone who already hurt me?

No. 1957602

Why do people who know how their partner is wired sexually, and know that there's a fundamental compatibility still proceed to marry them and then do the surprised Pikachu face when things understandably do not change? Like, if this is a dealbreaker for you, why subject yourself or that person to something that is only going to lead to resentment? Oh, and cheating in your case. I've learned so much about what to be wary of in a partner through knowing you. I really do hope your wife doesn't dismantle her boundaries and indulge your kinks, but as your relationship was built on lies, is still sustained by a massive lie, and also codependency, I wouldn't be surprised if she finally has.

No. 1957628

Brisket can be super high in sodium depending on how you marinate it, so if you eat too much brisket soaked in a big salty sauce, the amount of sodium can start to outweigh the other benefits from consuming a good protein like briskèt, mod I wish you didn't redtext them

No. 1957631

Samefag but basically I'm saying eating too much sodium is whats making me look wrinkly kek I should've just said that in my initial post

No. 1957651

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Some people are so fucking retarded and illiterate I hope one day they get poor luck from their inability to read.

No. 1957708

Girl you're lucky it would be so weird of me to retrospectively or whatever the fuck call you out on some petty bullshit, but you were never my friend! I do not need to explain why I decided to do a deep dive on your fb mostly because mine has been hacked and deleted throughout the years none of my old tagged photos show so I visited everyone who I thought I'd have photos with. Well bitch. I did not realise how much you loved to creepshot me. Was there a need to make every repulsive photo of me the album covers as well lol Jesus christ. I want some of those photos removed I'm so drunk and I'm clearly not aware of half of them being taken. It's funny too because we're millennials so there's other people with the exact same albums of nights out on their pages and not only has this bitch made essentially highlight reels of the most unflattering photos of me, good ones exist even with me standing hugging her and they're not on her fb. Bitch no wonder your sister was your only bridesmaid and the only women there were family. I did not realise how insecure you are. One of the groomsman took me for a drink before your wedding asking if I was going and I didn't even know about it. No one understands you. You looked miserable on your wedding day too. Why did you even send me a friend request lol

No. 1957825

You're a moid YouTuber who plays a Nintendo game and you talk about cumming in your asian girlfriend, I think you're the one who is a danger to society here

No. 1957900

Taking my vain bitch ban to say this post is based af(vain bitch)

No. 1957904

My moid took us to the fanciest hotel in our state over the weekend.

He told me there he had fucked a bunch of hookers before me.

We're fighting now and he sent me a picture he still had of a hooker all naked and bent over.

My self esteem in is the gutter.

I have bruises on my neck from the last times he had me in a chokehold.

Nonnas, it's so hard for me to leave. I'm a Stacy and I don't have to deal with this, yet I do.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

This is my second time posting. Last time, one of you said he's going to kill me.(unintegrated posting style)

No. 1957930

There’s nothing Stacey about being in an abusive relationship nonna. Get a thousand miles away from that dirty dick moid before he gives you superAIDS or HPV or some shit. Are you going to let some scrote who fucks hookers define your worth? I would genuinely rather live in a shelter than deal with some devolved male laying hands on me.
Leave. He will kill you if you don’t.(vain bitch)

No. 1958311

Lied your face off for five years pretending you were totally getting back with a predator
was somehow still above you, only to be humiliated and mogged by a toothless girl who draws like an afflicted eight year old. Screaming you’re better to literally no one while you clean up after children throwing up and dogs shitting for minimum
wage with a partner who is sexually repulsed by you. I could just die laughing at your spiral of shame.

No. 1958479

Sorry about the typos. I just tried to reread when I wrote and had lost a few brain cells(vain bitch)

No. 1958813

I'm the samefag from the bi thread

Bigoted Heterosexuals and homophobic bisexuals are the ones who do bi erasure the most.

I'm so sick and fucking tired of men and older pick me women claiming bisexuality doesn't exist, telling me to pick a side, generally claiming I'm homosexual and occasionally heterosexual, when I'm not exclusively attracted to one sex. Even get the creepy comments "how do you know what you like when you haven't tried ot?" "Lesbian sex isn't sex" "its just a phase" and other retarded stuff. The men that are like this claim lesbians are secretly attracted to the opposite sex when goldstar lesbians aka TRUE AND HONEST lesbians exist and aren't attracted to men AT ALL. I blame the fakebians, fakefags, and the bisexuals with internalised homophobia who inaccurately label themselves as straight. some of these retards will either say I'm straight and it's a phase or the latter that I'm lesbian, queer, dyke, and homosexual. These same males will spout bullshit saying 25-30 is the wall despite the best time for women to have babies, if they desire them is 25-34. They're also the same men that'll screech faggots and dykes are degenerates yet be porn shills, and are also hebephebe whatever's.

What's even worse is that some younger elderly women (aged 55-64) also spout bullshit about bisexuality not existing. They'll claim to me that I'm actually a lesbian and the bi male is actually gay and call homosexuality a lifestyle. They're so homophobic and bigoted that if I was younger, I would've hit myself and meltdown (classic autism/low to medium support needs, and would've been worse with the men as they are even more bigoted about this shit) they're also the same women who support "progressive" homophobia, but more subtly. It makes sense as it's repackaged in a different way, but in a woke way.

Just because I prefer the same sex doesn't mean I'm a homosexual/lesbian. Bisexuality isn't a phase, I'm not confused, and I don't need to pick a side. And you can know what you like, even if you never had sex in your entire life.

Now I just roll my eyes over the retarded stuff but it irritated me more than usual so I just wanted to get this off my chest.

No. 1958867

How do you not even for a second feel ashamed. Is it stupidity

No. 1958872

There is literally no angle at all where you could deny its actual sexual abuse you're fucking nasty.

No. 1958950

I've always been a fan of androgyny, but gendies, especially the horrendously ugly "enbie" look have made me want to dress more feminine. And by that I don't mean the prevailing ig thot look with caked on make-up and filler face, but idk how to describe it. I'd love to get a rockabilly dress, but at least where I live my only options are cheap Chinese knock-offs from Amazon.
Anyway, unwashed gendies made me want to look more classy.

No. 1958963

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genuinely in love with you in the unhealthiest weirdest way

No. 1958981

I don't know.

No. 1959110

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All this time I thought you were someone else.. who were you? Were you lying to me all this time? Was it funny stringing me along this lie? I feel as if Ive woken up from a very cruel dream.I want to help you and make you stop hurting everyone around you but all I see is a stranger staring back at me

No. 1959147

I wish you loved me the way I love you, but you're always looking at someone else.

No. 1959157

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I see what you’re doing and see who you are.

No. 1959266

i wish i had the self confidence back then to try and get a hot bf bc now i feel like i settled for the first guy who had the confidence to pursue me who wasn't absolutely hideous

No. 1959277

I miss her so much, it hurts knowing that its my fault we lost touch. If i had known i was never going to meet another kindred soul again i would have never made the dumbass choices i did. Now I'm stuck here with a bunch of leeches and people who think they relate to me and understand me but really can't and always disappoint me. I didn't know how rare it is to find someone who always (or almost always) knows the right things to say. Someone who can actually comfort me when I need it. Now I'm just forced to run to drugs because talking to anyone else just pisses me off.

No. 1959345

Sometimes I see some takes in here that are blatantly so retarded that anons swear by and yet I've decided not to infight anymore because anons will never stop being stubborn and will always think they're correct no matter if someone else has another perspective on whatever outrageous shit they just said. And most of you are 19 so who gives a shit

No. 1959394

I have a younger family member, who has been compared to me throughout our lives. Mostly that she reminds others of me and acts similar to me when I was her age. Not 100% obviously, she's still her own person and it's not like she's a carbon copy of me, just similar personality traits, ways of acting. She is growing up in much different circumstances than I did. Her part of the family is very, very wealthy and she has access to a lot of awesome things and opportunities. I don't begrudge her those things at all. In fact, if I did feel jealousy or envy, it would make it all a lot more easy to understand. I want her to have everything she has and more. I was raised in a far, far more controlling household with the typical immigrant ideas of what a woman should do/be. When I would share my naive interests, my mom would turn around and tell the family and everyone would tease me. My parents barred me as long as they could from getting a drivers license, and prior, I was not allowed to take the bus or leave the house unaccompanied. Even as an older teen. I wasn't allowed to work, or even spend freely birthday money on things I wanted. If I did buy a thing my parents didn't like (not even inappropriate clothes, things like a fit and flare cut dress, or thrift clothes) I had to return it or toss it out. I say all that to say, the similarities between me and this family member is painful. Doubly so, because I feel like a monster that when I look at her, it makes me weep for myself at her age. It's like getting the closest glimpse to what life could have been like for me if I lived another life. I have a well paying job now, and can buy myself whatever I want or would have wanted at her age, but the feeling persists. I just want to heal and move past this but I don't know how.

No. 1959445

i hate working with speds so much. such a waste of everything.

No. 1960440

You do the bare minimum, act like you're a saint for it, try to manipulate me into thinking you're actually so so sweet for coming to see me despite being 2+ hours late already, what the fuck do you expect? I'm too pretty to put up with this shit, you make me feel lonely, isolate me, use me for sex and still bitch at me when I cancel plans hello? YOU are the one who's never followed through with any promise no matter how simple, why do you think I would be so eager to see you? Why are you dragging this out? Depressing little victim.

No. 1960514

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When a woman is like this, she's hated by both genders, her own biology and seen as worthless by men and probably is autistic meanwhile suicide rate of autistic women is really high. When a moid is like this it's natural and "cute" (to some women)

No. 1960689

Gonna break things off with the moid I've been seeing for a month. I hope he doesn't murder me.

No. 1960766

i feel like alot of teenage e-girls in this day and age of the internet are too online, ill in the head and genuinely the most evil and vile people i've come across on the web in the last 5 years. i'm not interacting with them, i just happen to come across their silly high school drama on my FYPs whenever i use tt, twt or instagram. it's interesting, but the shit these kids do when they want attention or feel threatened is wicked. i hope my old self is right and they do eventually grow out of this

No. 1960784

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I think I sperged about it before but yeah, I fell for a gay friend who I figured wouldn't reciprocate romantically or sexually
Well it turns out he is more or less questioning and does feel sexually attracted to me but is very closed off about romance still, and regardless– it has been great!… but at the same time I feel so conflicted.
I feel silly and naive to had been thinking my feelings would subside and that a platonic friendship with a moid who is not sure about where his sexuality falls would work
It's not even a relationship, I just fear the second something goes south it'll be impossible to mend since we've stepped into such an intimate stage (we are both emotionally retarded) and he's genuinely one of the greater friends I've ever had

No. 1960797

I feel so depressed and hopeless. I was ran out of a job due to harassment and bullshit and I thought I could find another one quickly. I've applied to so many jobs where I fit the qualifications and I get ghosted every single time. I thought I'd try my luck at unemployment benefits, since the harassment was physical and there's documentation, but the dumbass workforce employee says that because I didn't write it on the silly resignation paper (even though I provided everything else from HR), they aren't going to take it into consideration. Screw the unemployment office, and screw my previous workplace and all the assholes there. They can rot.

No. 1961446

you would have zero custody, zero assets, zero anything without me, you owe me everything, I owe you nothing, and that is why I refuse to coddle you, grow the fuck up and be grateful and appreciative that I put up with your continued bullshit instead of being a snivelling little man baby bitch

No. 1962653

I think I've come to the point where I genuinely don't like people or they just make me feel apathy or pity at best most of the time. It's weird because I still seek companionship and connection (even posting here and wanting to heard by someone is a sign of that), but at the same time, I don't like anyone. I feel tired of others and their inability to ever understand me no matter how much I explain myself, of how anytime I talk it's a pointless effort which at best ends with friendly, empty interactions, and at worst with people acting retarded and being literally too stupid to even talk to me (and this outcome is far more common). I don't even consider myself particularly intelligent or socially gifted, so the bar is pretty low and yet others still manage to go lower. I find it so hard to respect anyone in general when I hate myself and they somehow manage to be worse than me. I'm just filling a quota of socializing whenever I talk to others, since unfortunately I still have social needs. Not because I actually like spending time with anyone. It's to the point where I find it preferable to talk to myself or post something here instead. I have friends yet I simultaneously wonder, is there really someone out there I could feel connected to? Surely, with this many people on earth, there must be someone out there who I wouldn't feel this with, someone more like me. Someone I could actually like and admire and wouldn't inevitably disappoint and hurt me with their actions. Someone that would actually meet all my criteria for a good friend , which are just things I already do myself. But it seems like a person like that doesn't really exist, and even if they do, I don't know them, so isn't that basically the same as them not existing? Do you exist? I'll never know.

No. 1962742

These are all just simple coincidences, remember. Simply just coincidences

No. 1963306

I dislike when american anons think everywhere in the world operates like america does, even 3rd world countries have their perks imo.

No. 1963343

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I cannot DEAL with seeing people grow old!! I CANT!! Please i never want to see someone i know grow old again!! Especially beautiful people! What is this curse?? I want to scream and throw up and rip my hair out! I dont want this to be real. I want to wake up and be relieved that im not actually on this earth and it was all just a bad dream

No. 1963654

Fiorello???(vain bitch)

No. 1964120

I feel unwell, and I know I have to voice my concerns tomorrow. I so desperately want to be happy, and I know I must secure that happiness for myself. I can't keep being polite and quiet. It doesn't do me any good, and this is the case where I absolutely must stand up for myself. Please listen to your intuition.

No. 1964285

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I'm convinced that the reason why there's been an uptick in retards, baiters, and lying newfags is because there's been an influx of twitter users. Like 4chan getting ruined by redditors using the place as their toilet, lolcow is going to be a toilet for twitter femcels using this place to vent their frustrations while bringing their stupid retard drama onto /ot/. It's either a crypto that uses lolcow to vent all while lazily retweeting an e-begging tif, or a tif wanting to have their cake and eat it too, but being more clear and hypocritical due to their anonymity instead of trying to save face with their public account. I honestly all hope they fuck off because for some reason despite being on this site for years there's a specific energy I believe they all bring that makes it completely insufferable.

No. 1965453

Not going back to you, unless? Unless what?

No. 1965660

I know you're aware that you're a bad person who is just vaguely manipulative enough to string people along into thinking you have some sort of vigilante moral compass to excuse you're wholly grotesque behavior and actions but just so you know every single time you put on some act like you care about people I remember you calling that girl an ugly spick online when you thought no one was looking. You're not paranoid enough, actually.

No. 1965661

You are mentally retarded(vain bitch)

No. 1965669

You and your fucking weird obsession with making fat black women as your pfps is fucking nasty you weird faggot. You absolutely failed at life being obsessed with stalking women as a GAY MAN.

No. 1965688

And seeing as you purposely turn a blind eye to interacting with an actual, genuine abuser and his ilk because you feel they afford you online attention–has it really never occurred to you the type of people he interacts with regularly? You think those weird, locked down, misogynistic Twitter accounts are just white noise and not the people he regularly convenes with because he's exactly like them? He still talks to the creepy one who said Palestine was being raped btw and has a host of racist content from the past, he just does it off Twitter so no one can "cancel" him. He will never stop communing with abusers because he has the exact same mindset as them. If you haven't seen that you're a pawn being manipulated and strung along lazily, idk what to tell you. It's so weird how you routinely throw people out over the most insignificant greviences but continuously give him the benefit of the doubt in spite of all the bizarre, dubious ""coincidences"" surrounding him. I know you're completely aware of what they were doing to that women, and if you think that's the only woman you're more sad than I ever could have imagined possible. You look at men who routinely round tabled to the sounds of a girl crying and pleading for them to stop and made memes about it and thought that was in any way justifiable behavior? What the fuck is wrong with you.

No. 1965754

Of course I have a dad kek who do you think warned me about Scrotes in the first place? Who do you think bought me pepper spray and a knife? My dad doesn't even trust other men so please keep malding about how I don't let my guard down around any piece of shit scrote I come across.

No. 1965762

i love it when a moid nuts too fast and acts all sheepish about it like bbgirl my pussy is too much for you to handle it’s okay don’t even worry about it as long as you make me cum still

when a man is moaning like he’s a classical phantom? for no good reason?? obsessed. i’ll gladly put a dudes whole dick in my esophagus if it seems like that might make his brain explode

i think this behavior is probably bad for feminism on the whole but i love to be the best sex some loser has ever had and then never speak to him again

No. 1965777

I fucking love it when guys are noisy holy hell(vain bitch)

No. 1965832


No. 1965835

how did you guys manage to hide that one from me im genuinely shook.

good game guys.

No. 1965840

literally cannot believe this is what he’s doing with his life while he avoids prison time for being a rapist. you guys sure showed me SOMETHING. not sure what. but holy shit, well done reassuring me he is not fooling fucking ANYONE into thinking he’s just a normal quirky guy now. i was getting antsy but damn he is actually ruining his own damn life and employment opportunities.

No. 1966053

I made it easy for you and simply asked if the dress looked flattering, saying there was no wrong or right answer, but you took over an hour to reply, leaving me on read, then with a barely lukewarm "yeah the color's good" proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the day. I know that if you had actually liked it you would've hearted it or replied more emphatically without hesitation. I guess you're not attracted to me anymore because of the phub coomer brainrot that has you thinking your very own slavic costhot g/f with the implants that you're too dumb to sus out is out there waiting for you somewhere. I should never have let you think you were hot shit. Socially awkward former loser men always let it get to their heads. You don't deserve better, I should've never raised you up. What a fucking idiot I was, and that's the last time i'll make that mistake with anyone.

No. 1966059

I hope you bloat your face with fillers and lose all of your precious moid attention. I can't wait for you to be yesterday's forgettable cumstain.

No. 1966094

I can't feel relief or anticipation for your empty promises anymore. I did feel something for a moment when you offered to treat me to a nice meal for once when i've been the one this whole time treating both of us, only for you to take it back the next day. Can you be a man for once who stands by his word and treats me like his loved and treasured partner instead of pushing me to the back burner for every random acquaintance you decide is a friend after a 5 minute conversation? Honestly, that makes you such a loser in my eyes. You collect acquaintances, call them "friends", only to never deepen your relationship with them and complain of being lonely while lamenting about how you didn't have many friends in high school (like who tf cares, most high school friends grow out of each other anyway). What the hell do you have to prove to anyone but yourself? I hate that you have zero exclusivity to yourself and let every Tom, Dick, and Sally into your inner social circle without first vetting them. You're setting yourself up to be betrayed or manipulated because you think everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

No. 1966173

Why don't you fucking hurry up and help me make these goddamn reservations that I need you to do your part on instead of just ignoring me for random shit?? We don't have time to fucking drag our feet about this and i've been trying to get you to stay on task for months now! If I could do everything myself, I would; this is why I had to rush to make the goddamn flight reservation in the first place because you're so goddamn unreliable and don't know how to prioritize. You better fucking reply to me tomorrow and quit leaving me on read. It wouldn't even take that much of your time, maybe half an hour to an hour at most. There is no excuse now. I'm so fucking sick of your shit.

No. 1966200

I hate my genetics that make me build muscle in as easily as 1-2 weeks and never lets it shrink even after a year. Doing something as simple as tricep dips thickens my forearms while the flabby upper arms remain. Even doing light resistance on the Peloton bike widens my calves within a week. I don't want to replace fat with muscle bulk, it defeats the purpose. I want to have slender, healthy limbs and look good in skirts and dresses that are sleeveless and/or above the knee. Instead, I look a combination of flabby and stocky and it isn't my imagination because I measured my calves, aside from the photographic evidence. They grew. It's so hard to find clothes that aren't something some frumpy christian wine mom would wear but since I can't really show off my arms or legs i'm relegated to long sleeve blouses, layering with cardigans, and knee length skirts at best with a heel to elongate my thick peloton calves. How tf can I weigh between 117-120 lbs at 5'5" and have such awful body fat distribution where my once C cup chest now barely fits an A cup but my thighs and arms have plenty of fat to spare. What kind of fucked up genetics is that. I would be grateful to go back to being a 36B but no amount of weight gain is going to bring back my chest unless I become overweight. Fucking skinnyfat bullshit.

No. 1967199

I can't sleep and I wanna go to space!

No. 1967542

A fat whale following a japanese musician to Malaysia and Japan. I hate that bitch fucking parasocial piece of shit they even laugh at your big ass when you record them outside the hotel you fat ass hoe.

Can they kick her out the country damn she so big she lives in japan still she's a obese fat fuck

No. 1968104

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You WILL be nice. You will stop finding small reasons to hate everyone and be an asshole. STOP IT.

No. 1968148

please just put it in an email. you’re a great boss in every other aspect but this. put it in an email so i can have it in writing what you want and don’t have to confuse myself with my own shitty notes

No. 1968176

Youre so fucking self absorbed. could you consider thw world doesnt revolve around you? no, not just when youre called out for it, always. can you think about ANYTHING other than yourself. woow youre sooo self aware! just stop just syop just stop youre embarassing yourself.

No. 1969349

I can hardly be arsed to care deeply about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict anymore because you had to turn into a virtue signaling Islamosimp retard over it. I'm starting to feel disgusted by seeing Muslim women in hijab/niquab in western countries knowing that many of them falsely represent Islam as fair to women and have convinced you that wives are treated well and can just get up, leave, and divorce if their husband beats them. I don't like feeling this way but i'm starting to resent them and everything Islam stands for, because you're falling for these shills. About to change your entire life for a religion you only know about on the surface. I don't care what those lying, ignorant so-called "Muslim scholars" said in some book that totally wasn't biased at all. I wish you'd cut off all contact with that creepy Muslim group chat that's slowly radicalizing you. They're not your friends. They see you as someone they can use. I don't want you in contact with any similarly fanatical, deluded activists that feed your savior complex. You haven't lost all your co-dependency. It's hardly different from when broken people were your cause to align yourself with. You just want to feel apart of something bigger to boost your ego. It's really self serving. You think by converting to Islam that gives you social clout and credibility among them. You better not be engaging in any of these bullshit, performative protests and putting your job at risk. I dgaf if you find out the company funds Israel in some way. If you actually wanted to do something you'd be smart, make money, and use it to make a real impact. If you fuck everything up over your need for social validation again i'll never forgive you.

No. 1969409

Your personality disgusts me. Hanging out with fellow trash. You love all things shallow. Clubbing with other losers, sketchy designer drugs. The biggest turn off for me these days is someone who lacks discernment and care about who they associate with. It's so unattractive, it's the sign of an idiot. May we never cross paths again, even indirectly, not even through mutuals. I want zero connection to you whatsoever. You and the trash you hang around look like you reek. It's a wonder you haven't picked up chlamydia or AIDs yet.

No. 1970424

nothing is more satisfying than seeing you two cunts talk so much shit on each other. not even just that, you both are in the most miserable relationships imaginable. i genuinely revel in both of your guys' misery and it's incredibly funny seeing this unfold

No. 1970925

this albums gotta be a hard listen for you lmfao

No. 1970997

Schizos hijacking the thread to fuel their parasocial relationships by talking to themselves like they're talking to who they're silently orbiting

No. 1971726


No. 1971727

ASK before making plans that involve me you steaming pile of shit. Your ugly mug is the last thing I wanna see.

No. 1972199

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So tempted to start poking the hornets nest again… but that would undo every ounce of progress. Fucking cretin doesn't deserve my attention anyway.

No. 1972228

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why did i have to grow up to be so worthless and without future? why do i have to die so early?
i hate that i'm going to die without even achieving anything, i hate discovering all of this in a moment of weakness
i hate the man that showed me all of this and made me "wake up" in a sadistic way to make me suffer just for talking to him in a friendly way
the worst thing is, i appreciated him, he got me to watch a lot of nice stuff and made me more aware of my flaws in general just so i can be a better person but he still hated me and wanted nothing to do with me bc i'm a sheep
i know dude, i know, and i'm going to pay for that
i guess it's my punishment for being a bad person all these years, but i'm so anguished for my bf, i've done everything to be better for him and i won't have time enough to give him what he deserves, the world, he loves me so much even tho i'm trash
i hate this world and its people, why did i have to vaccinate when i didnt even want to? why did i comply like a sheep? is this a lie? is this real? i just want to live my life and complete my goals and be happy with the person i love, even if it may be in my late twenties instead of early twenties like everybody else
idk just wanted to rant, thank u

No. 1972278

I'm just a little frustrated and this'll sound like a post made by a moid or a pick me, sorry…
I have a pretty tightknit irl female friend group and now I really want nice female internet friends but find some nonnas from this website can be so grumpy and too catty. Some kind, but I don't really wanna be like "hey, got any socials?" on a public thread lol… I try use Discord of all things and am hit with an abundance of egirls who are a literal dime a dozen. Nothing interesting about their personalities all BPD, competitive and fake with all this attention whoring… it's like highschool? But I've come across so many my age even. It's tiring.

No. 1972387

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I always wonder what happened to the girls I knew when I used to lurk r9k (yes, I was a retarded 16 year old). There was this one girl who I was acquainted with who was 17 and banging this ugly 25 year old or something she met from there and it viscerally disgusted me every time she’d brag about him. He was extremely fugly but they’d go on about having superior genetic babies, kek. Another girl I knew had some bf in Florida and talked about how she was gonna move there to be with him. I hope they’re doing ok and managed to grow out of it (I did after a few months thank god) and realise the error of their ways, especially the girl who was dating the pedo. I hope she realises how fucked up that was

No. 1973238

he could have defended you and blocked me after but he didn’t

No. 1973665

leave him get a job make some friends find something you're passionate about god stop relying on men so much for no reason when you hate him you're ruining your entire life when it could be so much better i don't want to say it but this hurts me as well because i care about you but it's always the same please and you're not yourself anymore please stop i hate it so much and i want you to be happy when will you even decide to do what is good for you? i wish i could wake up tomorrow and hear that you've blocked him, it's not even that much of a difference in your life now, i don't know what else i can do to help you without going overboard

No. 1973674

why is it hell to live as a woman. why would any creator make us live and be judged and tortured like this and then specifically make us ultra sensitive and unable to numb the pain. i've tried so hard to numb it, consciously and subconciously, out of survival needs, but still every other week something comes and hits me directly in the chest and reminds me i have so many more years of this and that it will only get worse as i age.

No. 1973679

I think I’m a narc but in a good way. I once got into an argument with a tranny as a gender-identity having teen and I straight up told him I hoped he got prostate cancer so I could get a dick transplant. I’m not immune to propaganda but I’m pretty resistant to handmaidenry because I see myself as superior to other people. I was labelled a manipulator throughout my childhood but I never did anything on purpose. I have a massive heart and tons of empathy but I guess it’s just encoded in my genetics. I literally can’t help but see other people as accessories due to my upbringing. It’s my parents fault but I’m glad they fucked me up

No. 1973799

I am taking a break from that website because of YOU. All you do is stalk other peoples accounts, and rage at other women just because your internet ex boyfriend doesn't pay attention to you. Not only are you pathetic, you're a delusional, arrogant twat who is a skinny-fat lardass who abuses substances, goes on fad diets, and chimps out on internet relay chat whenever I or another woman comes on there. You constantly drag down the pyramid of debate and gaslight me and other people whenever I point out you didn't make one bitchy comment to me, but you made MULTIPLE. I hit my breaking point with your bullshit two days ago. All because your internet ex boyfriend doesn't pay attention to you. You seethe and screech at me all because of that. You're a lowlife NEET who has nothing better to do in your life other than that; I don't even pity you.

You stalk other people's accounts just because somebody hurt you. You need help and you're a psycho. Absolutely hysterical. You use stuff against me like things I was born with that I had no fucking control over, while you can control being a vapid, emotional cunt to others. You call other people names on internet relay chat yet you use the chat yourself. You're a huge hypocrite and are genuinely toxic. I could alog,but I'd rather not get a temporary ban just because of a loser like yourself.

No. 1973858

you need to learn a new way to conceptualize and describe people outside of perpetually online terminology. there are more than two kinds of people and when you’re so far off base, it becomes confusing what you’re even attempting to reference. it just kind of makes me write off everything you’re saying when you talk about people because i know that what you’re saying is literally untrue in the most basic objective sense.

No. 1974112

You useless MORON you had to fucking show up despite having a literal virus, I've been sick and in pain FOR OVER A WEEK and you won't even fucking apologize? You got 3 other people sick too you RETARD WORTHLESS SCROTE

No. 1974245

How do you not financially prioritize having teeth over fandom shit I can’t wrap my head around it.

No. 1974271

Fucking idiots, I suppose it's your time and water to waste as you like. Add a useless extra step for no reason if you want. If it takes you 5 litres to prevent sticking: stir your pasta, fucking retards!

No. 1974339

i honestly don’t understand why people would waste money on cons instead of traveling or spending their money on literally anything else. the costumes are always expensive, bad looking, ill fitting and embarrassing. look at the people you’re allowing yourself to be photographed with? then you just act cringy spend more money on more plastic garbage that looks like shit and leave? how has being completely hobbyless other than media consumption led these people this far down, it’s like that’s all there is in their brains now.

No. 1974345

and no drawing fan art and yourself as a character does not count as art when it’s that low effort and quality, is literally just a badly drawn character you can sort of recognize in some sort of white space, like what meaning or emotion do you think this is inspiring besides second hand embarrassment that you’re way too old to be this bad at it and not have moved on to creating your own art style and ideas? you can’t even make it aesthetically pleasing it’s all an ugly eyesore? like if you don’t even know basics like perspective and negative space and color theory and basic anatomy, how invested in this can you even claim to be

No. 1974779

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I am so embarrassing. All the people that tolerate me are saints. Sorry everyone.

No. 1974882

I agree. It's pointless in the modern era. I can only understand it if the con is close by, cheap admission, and there are real guests and good dealers you want to see. There are people who could fly to the real Japan for as much as they spend on anime cons and Walmart polycotton cosplays.(vain bitch)

No. 1974994

im so sick of hearing about taylor swift in any capacity. i dont care that she’s a bad songwriter or that she’s harming the environment just like every other celebrity, i dont care if you think she’s a genius poet and her songs are representative of some universal female experience. i just find her so mind meltingly boring

No. 1975116

You are are supposed to be FUCKING ADULTS. For the love of God, actually ACT LIKE IT without forcing the family sped to step up in your place. All you had to do was try to be nice to each other and get real about why you're hurt but nooo that's just too much fucking effort now isn't it? It's too much fucking effort to just act like adults when you can flounce off and suffer no consequences for your actions. No. Fucking. More. I'm going supernova and I'll swallow all of you up in the process. Just fucking watch.

No. 1975345

Hate this fucking weather!!!

No. 1975366

guess he agrees with me

No. 1975452

Well damn. I saw your face, your priorities, and your fathomless depths of awful. Hope your shoulder devil loves you lots, because you've lost everyone else. I am such a goddamned fool. Maybe there's still hope for me, but not for you.

No. 1975531

I would stop checking your shit if I knew you'd keep my name out of your mouth, which of course you don't. Yesterday you blame me for something YOU were the one doing? I can't even put into words how much I hate you

No. 1975585

You shot yourself in the foot by talking shit about me but you will probably never realize it. Hilarious

No. 1975598


No. 1975842

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>maori woman posts about her and a friend being beaten up at a pub
>provides no extra information
>obviously labelling it a hatecrime
>still refuses to provide extra information
>other maoris making it a point to threaten establishment with violence with only one side of story
>hard defenders calling people who assume there might be more to the story racist
>hard defenders also calling these people racially charged insults
decided to get this off my chest in here rather than vent thread because i don't wanna stir any pot, it must come off like racebait but i'm just genuinely tired as a maori woman myself. i've seen this scenario of crying racism at any negative or any inconvenience so much growing up that it's starting to give me a headache. i don't hold any disbelief for the woman, but at the same time i think it's stupid to take sides so early with such vague knowledge.
it's always paranoia first, violence second, logic fifth. why are my people like this? (rhetorical)
it's not exclusive to my culture as many face prejudice and discrimination around the world but i'm venting my experience.

No. 1976573

I wish anons would stfu about north african and stop insisting we're white, black, arab, eurasian, etc. without even knowing where the countries are located or the basics of the history of that region. Just shut the fuck up. I pray every day that we'll get even less representation in media and fandoms.

No. 1976721

Okay, i think i finally know the path back to normality. i can do it. all is not lost

No. 1978029

Every time i see someone rant about hunting and how it’s unethical i just want to scream. Maybe it’s my upbringing. Maybe it’s my autism about animal diseases. There’s a huge difference between people who for trophy and then people who hunt for food. You eat every piece of the animal. Yeah sometimes you keep a skull or antler but every piece of that animal that you can consume is consumed. When you field dress a deer there’s a high chance of what organs you leave will be eaten by predators. A large deer is just a cool plus because more meat. Trophy hunting most of the time isn’t even game animals. Just random animals. Is it more ethical to let populations run wild? Spread disease? Became more of a nuisance to humans? We would then have to cull them just to control population and just dispose of them. Our predator populations are spotty af. We have to cull them sometimes too. For not even population control but getting into our trash (bears). The North American wolf population has been shaky and low for decades. I should be allowed to spam photos of cervidae with CWD to crazy vegans.

No. 1978422

Sorry, but just because my bra size is a 32FF, doesn't mean I have large, projected breasts. 32FF fits me well, but compared to other women my size, they look a lot smaller than theirs, meaning my breasts are moderately shallow. You don't need to seethe about my bra size when you see the goddamn cup size because I literally look like a stereotypical "b" or "c" cup. My older sister (who's also a FF cup, a 38FF and hers are actually big boobs like projected and large!) Jokingly says I belong in the itty bitty titty committee! Like you don't need to fucking police whether or not I have small breasts because I fucking do. Jesus Christ maybe get off your high horse and find bras that actually fit you because my chubby ass wears a 32 band; you're in no way a fucking 34 band, but keep on wearing those ill fitting 34A's

If I actually had large tits, I would've been in the large boob communities, but since mine aren't large and projected, I don't participate in them jfc.

No. 1978602

If you want to get bullied and betllittled go to LOLCOW VKEI BANGYA LASTEST THREAD.(shitposting)

No. 1978604


No. 1978764

Please don't have kids. Please. Don't bring someone into this world. You don't even know if the child will be able to handle life and you don't know if they will be born healthy. The good in life does not outweigh the bad and your child will suffer and get sick and eventually die. Why would you want to put someone through that? I'm begging you, don't have children. I wish with all of my heart that my mom had aborted me and now I'm stuck waiting for my expiration date. Even if you are a good parent and do everything you can for your child, so many things can go wrong. You can't build a future for your child because everything is too unpredictable and out of your control. It's too much of a gamble. Don't do it.

No. 1978771


No. 1978802

Don't worry, I won't.(vain bitch)

No. 1978807

that baby wolf was not hunted for food, the moid ran over and tortured it FOR FUN. how are you not getting this.

No. 1978872

i used to be online friends with this kind of weird but nice and creative guy when we were kids. he had a female sona and at some point confessed he wished he was a girl. the groupchat we were in kind of laughed it off and moved on. last time I checked up on him he had that white-haired loli from something-something dragonmaid anime as his profile picture. idk I just needed to put this information somewhere to purge it from my mind

No. 1979377

if i were male id be a puppygirl whore with my linux polycule besties

No. 1980669

You know it might be easy for you to be so indifferent towards what we were as your brain chemicals work in such a gifted way where they just flip a switch but mine doesn't do that, and I'm still fucking suffering

No. 1981358

You really can't make everyone happy, there's always someone who has to complain and make me roll my eyes. I'm so glad I closed it, it's a burden off my shoulders.

No. 1981478

I'm so tired of being let down and neglected every day.

No. 1981493

Non-autists are fucking diseased. I'm going to lose my shit if I have to patiently navigate around one more defensive ego-ridden fuckhead who thinks they're oh-so-normal and therefore justified in acting like a careless asshat to everyone around them. I've literally never had a problem correcting an autist because most of us grew up being treated like we're always wrong no matter what and we're usually willing to do better. But holy fuck I can't say the same for "normal" people.

No. 1981567

I ain’t gonna let you down

No. 1981714

don't create a self-fulfilling prophecy. you're not totally fucked until you give up

No. 1982659

I'm the friendless loser here when your friends only tolerate you because you provide them a free space to hang around in, draw for them for free, and you let them insult you without crying…in front of their faces
If that's what being popular and lovable is all about then yeah I'll be a friendless bitch, you dumb fucking doormat
Also instead of getting a job or fixing your hoarder den you really thought spending a whole months on your sycophant cabal squads art requests for free (27 pictures!!) was a good idea and then you wonder why is there mold and leakages and why are you so broke

No. 1983918

I hate you, Charlie. Or should I say, Lily? Yes, I’m talking about you. Fuck you.

No. 1984175

you didn’t need to hear it, but i did for years upon years??? why can’t you people just apologize for what you did to me??

No. 1984353

get out of my way you fucking cunts get away fuck off fuck off fuck off youre all in my way i hate you all fuck off fuck off

No. 1984364

i think i might be the most hurt person on earth. how do any of you justify it.

No. 1984395

I am so fucking tired of AI images being used on lc. They even felt the need to make an "ai images thread". Just stop, it's ugly and cringe.

No. 1984829

how fucking difficult is it to respond to my text? you're forcing me into a situation where i have almost no choice BUT to be clingy. i get that up to this point i've been pretty chill about stuff and making plans or whatever but seriously, how difficult is it to not make me wait around all day and wait for you to text that you want to hangout now???

No. 1984874

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No. 1984931

Haha. I'm actually a UK size 6 not an 8 and the mirrors in the changing room were great I could see myself from all angles and I looked good and it's great because I'm thinner and more beautiful than every bitch that's ever annoyed me so I win. And im early 30s this is my body type. I'm going to be a sexy old lady like my grandma. Peace out fatties

No. 1985223

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I'm really sorry for getting back in touch with you, I thought I would be capable of sustaining a friendship this time but I was wrong. You didn't even do anything wrong it's all me. I'm becoming a loner for good this time please forget I exist. Sorry

No. 1986029

great, and i’m alone again. i know i took you for granted. whatever emptiness was inside is spilling out again. i can’t believe you’ve given up on me. i knew it would happen inevitably but i didn’t know that it would be like this. i didn’t know that it would hurt so much. my heart hurts so badly. i won’t bother you anymore. why not just remove me? i should be grateful because you’re listening to me, letting me go. i hoped i was worth fighting a bit more for. but it’s selfish for me to expect that. at least i know what to do now.

No. 1986436

what the absolute fuck do you think you are doing? what information about me do you think there even is on that account? you’re going to end up in prison, rhiannon.

No. 1986583

I came all this way to see you, only for you to make plans with other people during the limited time we have together. Why’d I even bother making plans? After constant hellish flight delays with little sleep, with you promising you’d “take good care of me” while I’m there, it’s the same ish as last time where I’m paying for everything including groceries and transportation for the both of us, with the small budget I allotted for travel expenses and activities/gift shopping. I haven’t gotten to spend money on anything I actually wanted or planned to do. You’re the one with the new job making all that money which you use to treat other people, but you haven’t treated me, your partner, once. The dick ain’t THAT good bby.

No. 1986768

you might as well respond i don’t know where you get off pretending you didn’t make sure i saw all the fucked up shit you were posting in a fucked up place. i guess it’s not only me you negatively obsess over but wow. there’s no plausible deniability here and you already got exposed. you like actually made all of this about you somehow which is. it genuinely blows my mind you are that self obsessed. this is your L, there are many L’s that look just like it, you are in no way an original in the way you behave, but this particular L is uniquely yours. i finally understand why he kept bringing up that topic to me but it’s incredible how there is no dealbreakers for you. he could murder someone, he could fully post the extent of his sexual degeneracy, and you would still be in. i called you karen homolka as a tongue in cheek joke about how you were defending a criminal yet threatening to call the cops on me. i had no idea how right i was four years ago. you scare me. the lengths you go to are fucking scary. stop trying to get into my accounts. stop driving past places you know i frequent. stop threatening me. literally just stop. it has not brought you any closer to your goal. you are literally foaming at the mouth.

No. 1988340

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What you hate in what you see is what you hate in yourself. La la la.

No. 1988395

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Don't forget, you're living in China. Your anonymity is a complete illusion. There's written law, and then there's instinctual law. Whether or not we say it or act on it, everyone knows exactly what should be done about an animal-torturing, mentally dysgenic, literal carcass-raping piece of shit. It's not even a question. You know that, too. It's why you hide and freak out when you get found, despite chittering that it's "legal" all the time. The revulsion I'm talking about transcends race and nationality, so there's nowhere you can run to. Try a lawless country, makes it easier to get rid of you.
The CCP tried to keep it under wraps, but people found out anyway. Normal, everyday people are spreading it around, ambassadors are talking, and more and more skilled people are getting on board to help find you. That public dox list is getting longer every month. It will be redistributed and reposted for as long as it takes. You will be punished to protect your country's image, you will be rightfully thrown under the bus and dropped by any establishment or innocent person(s) unlucky enough to be associated with you, your life will be destroyed even more than what you would get from being exposed today, and you will be pushed to the brink of suicide.

No. 1988400

What if I hate everything in your picture(vain bitch)

No. 1988429

I don't prioritize all humans above animals. If I had to choose one, I would gladly shoot a rapist or an animal abuser to save a kitten's life. I'd do it to save a worm's life. I'd do it to save a tamagotchi's life. I'd do it for free, even. Nothing of value lost.

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