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No. 1917973

>board rules apply
>no infighting
>if something looks like bait, stop yourself and do not reply
>have fun!
previous thread >>>/ot/1910247

No. 1917984

Sillypoo doesn't deserve all the hype

No. 1917990

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No. 1917999

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Take that back now nonna or else

No. 1918061

It’s true and I hate how it looks

No. 1918076

What hype? Sillypoo has under 2k subscribers and barely any views. Of course they’re big here, they’re probably farmers themselves. We should support our own

No. 1918077

The hype on lolcow, stupid.

No. 1918078

Idk man we’re not a cult, I just find the style too saccharine

No. 1918079

I don't find them much different than shit artists like Dobson and Stonetoss that try to use political topics to get popular. It's a low bar and you can tell from their channel history that it's the only thing they can do to get an audience

No. 1918080

Seethe more, dumbass

No. 1918081

It's kinda funny because one of them caused some controversy in the doodle thread a year ago >>1336590. I personally like their stuff, including their weird doctor show, but I can see why their style is offputting to some anons.

No. 1918085

I'm not seething, it was just a dumb question. Obviously I'm talking about here on lolcow.

No. 1918086

It was a rhetorical question, but I realize now that you’re probably just autistic

No. 1918087

A dumb rhetorical question.

No. 1918094

File: 1710030993274.gif (3.5 MB, 500x380, IMG_2796.gif)

anyone who refuses to watch black and white or silent movies on principle = uncultured swine. "bluhbluhbluh they're old" doesn't mean they're bad. you're a retard.

No. 1918108

what about people who refuse to watch movies in general?

No. 1918109

>if you have this or that face shape get this specific haircut
This doesn't work on everyone and sometimes it just makes the flaws stand out more. I have a long face (not extremely long but longer than average) and long hair soft waves looks way more flattering on me than medium hair with tons of layers and wispy bangs which is what is usually recommended to a long face shape. It gave the opposite effect by making my face looks harsh in contrast instead of shortening and softening my features. Same thing applies to girls with a round face, straight long hair makes their face rounder by contrast while curls and waves look amazing on them. They also pull off bobcuts and short hair better than anyone. I feel like you should follow the lines on your face instead of trying to shorten/lengthen it with stupid tricks. Embrace it instead of trying to change and you will look better

No. 1918118

Which ones do you personally recommend? I'd love to check out a few!

No. 1918121

What’s a good silent film? I love a lot of black and white movies but they’re all talkies. Everytime I’ve tried to watch a silent film I just felt it was a very strange, boring medium

No. 1918125

Not being interested in film is pretty normal actually

No. 1918129

Nah these trash films were the beginning of the male gaze, get that shit out of my face

No. 1918136

People who use mothers day as a way to vent about how much their moms were not worthy of celebrating are annoying losers. "Ommg I can't believe there are so many mothers day signs and advertisements celebrating mothers mine wasn't very nice!!!" Like ok, shut up? People with shite fathers don't screech about it on fathers day, they understand the day isn't for them and act like it's just a regular day.

I understand there is pressure with the blood thicker than water and how some people see reconciling with shitty family as the end all be all but still, shut up, your mom was bad cool but you're like single people who complain about valentines day, I am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me? energy

No. 1918142

I agree with you so much. I hate the way some anons talk about their moms.

No. 1918143

I find most movies pre 1980 boring

No. 1918144

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There is like zero female media that dumps on degenerate males like they deserve that doesn't care about being mean to trannies and also isn't a pick me rightoid. I can see how maybe the art style might turn some people off. I love it and especially love seeing some of the men seethe in the comments.

No. 1918150

I love the art style, I can only assume they were drawing pretty princess points rooms back in the day

No. 1918152

I actually prefer old films, including silent and black and white films to the utter garbage that has been shat out in the past 30 years. The limits of technology forced film makers to be creative.

Try German expressionist film from the Wiemar Republic
A few examples
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

No. 1918173

btw cute thread pic op

No. 1918191

Seeing how /lc/ are bunch of bitchy Dana Do Nothings to scared to post anything with there opinions attached I'd drag my tits through glass for a Sillypoo.

No. 1918202

I hate being fluent in astrology a language and when I sprinkle it in conversation as descriptors and for the full story to be seen and some cunt is like what's that mean what's astrology. Go Google or something I'm not teaching anyone shit. Furthermore I wish the astrology thread in /g/ was for actual astrology girlies who don't need placements and planets and signs explained and we can all just discuss people and issues alongside astrology using it as a tapestry to add imagery and emotion to the story. So when I tell you my boyfriend is a Virgo rising and Capricorn moon you can sympathise and understand what I'm going through often.

No. 1918204

I don't mind them but I can absolutely see them either going into hacky political cartoonist territory or dropping the radfem angle and leaning into the right wing male audience if their most recent video picks up.
Their previous stuff is not all that political except for some easter eggs, and it has less emphasis on references to ecelebs.

No. 1918206

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I don't like the barbie movie and I'll debate anyone about in an extremely autistic way

No. 1918215

I wish we did have the technology to make humanoid robots like the scrotes are always asking for. I wouldn’t mind a cute robot boy who cleans the house, cuddles me and does whatever I say.

No. 1918216

what did you not like about it?

No. 1918224

Astrology is not real.

No. 1918225

>I don't mind them but I can absolutely see them either going into hacky political cartoonist territory or dropping the radfem angle and leaning into the right wing male audience if their most recent video picks up.
Silly already did that stuff, so their trajectory is the opposite

No. 1918234

Yeah that is unpopular cause it is.

No. 1918245

what do you mean?

No. 1918246

it's a meme. astrology is way too shallow to really tell you something about a person. it's why horoscopes are always just general advice about work, family, love life. the descriptions of the signs are written in a way that basically everyone will be able to relate as well. I'm a very skeptical, almost paranoid person. why don't you tell me what sign I am astrologyfags

No. 1918247

uh oh looks like someones aquarium is in centigrade

No. 1918252

No. 1918254

People that say this don't understand how complex astrology is and that there are 12 houses each divided into 30 degrees, with all the major planets, aspects, bodies, and the angles which they interact and that it's constantly moving yet consistent. Sun sign tells you fuck all, its detrimental to the sun to be in libra, most libra suns are unimportant in the charts and if someone is dominant libra there will be other aspects influencing that sign depending on the house, depending on the degree depending on the planet. I'm sure you got taught pythagoras theorm at school, congrats, you learnt fundamental maths developed by an astrologer to measure those heavenly angles

No. 1918257

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>I'm a very skeptical, almost paranoid person. why don't you tell me what sign I am astrologyfags
I bet you have the same birth chart as infamous aquarius Alex Jones

No. 1918258

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Her comics were popular on /pol/ in 2017

No. 1918259

Psychics are real. Most of them are fake but gifted people do exist. I know a psychic and she picked up on personal details that very few people know about me.

No. 1918262

wtf, this is so incredibly disappointing. I really loved their animations and they are so funny but knowing this totally ruins it. I always got a little bit of an "off" feeling at times from their videos but I didn't know they were literal /pol/faggots, so damn lame. Explains why they're catering to kiwimoids though, they still want that sweet sweet racist moid attention

No. 1918265

wrong, try again, very nice pic though saved

I mean, ok, sure, RTS games are complex too but that doesn't mean goblins are real. maths is objectively correct but that doesn't mean that using those angles to chart moving bodies tells you fuck all about a person.

No. 1918266

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I don't understand the appeal of Hazbin Hotel at all and I'm really surprised it's rated so high on places like IMDB. I've watched 5/8 episodes and haven't been able to get into it at all, I don't find it very funny at all and don't like most of the songs. Really dislike some of the character design and animation. I just don't get it.

No. 1918267

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wow they're even on the le reverse racisms bullshit

No. 1918268

Doesn't bother me if someone doesn't want to learn the language used by ancient cultures universally. Who am I to deny someone being bitter over not wanting to read about an open secret.

No. 1918269

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No. 1918270

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omg… I always wondered if this was the same person and now I know. I always got a weird bimbo tardthot vibe from her newer art but I didn't say anything for the most part cause I didn't want to seem like a hater. kind of depressing but I guess she could have grown out of it.

No. 1918271

It's 80% samefagging, her youtube consistently has only 1-3k views, but her samefagging makes it look like she's a well known artist. Honestly disrespectful of her to derail the woman's day thread with her attention whoring.

No. 1918273

I'm not bitter. I just don't see how the movement of celestial bodies means anything about a person even if it is complex to analyse.

No. 1918274

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this is just straight up racism. are you kidding me, such a loss
>weird bimbo tardthot vibe
that always weirded me out too, like I don't understand what angle they're going for portraying all their women either as lipo-bimbos or hamplanets, it just seems misogynistic to me but I was almost ready to brush it off until I saw this.

No. 1918276

No clue why I'm just now connecting that hehesilly and sillypoo are the same, very sad

No. 1918277

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antifeminist comics too for the headpats from the moids

No. 1918278

wonder if she realised it wasn't worth it to pander to moids or what.

No. 1918279

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of course le white extinction + blackface joke combo, this just keeps getting worse

No. 1918280

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At least they realized pick mes never prosper and went a more terfy route, but it doesn't excuse their behavior. Still accumulated a fan base of kiwi scrotes and brittany venti simps, BEGONE.

No. 1918281

Is the author of this comic ESL

No. 1918283

is the balloon supposed to be jenkem?

No. 1918284

terf doesn't mean shit anymore, it's so infested with tardthots and conservatives that kiwifarms scrotes feel right at home. part of me wonders if its just cynical grifting at every point in her career because she couldnt compete in the "normie" cute girly comic space.
They speak Spanish for sure.

No. 1918285

Has she ever actually claimed to be a radfem though?

No. 1918286

Unpopular opinion: these are all unironically funny and you should share more of them.

No. 1918287

no, she hasn't, but she's obviously trying to appeal more to women, and references the suffragette colours, LC and all of that. it's funny in light of her blatantly antifeminist comics.

No. 1918289

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I was the anon who said she was overhyped, and all I have to say is: HA!

No. 1918293

I think users should post the year of their birth so we can try and pinpoint where society failed them.

No. 1918294

She seems like just an edgy gc, but I enjoyed her cybergirlz video regardless. There’s so much moralfagging itt

No. 1918295

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hey silly if you read here just know you'll never be one of us

No. 1918296

we know it's you, sillypoo, jig is up

No. 1918299

is it morally wrong though? it's just funny when people drastically try to reinvent themselves, kinda like how every breadtuber has a decade of skeletons in the closet.

No. 1918300

don't take her seriously, they'll always belong here.

No. 1918302

>racism is just being "edgy" guise
sorry i know we're an imageboard but i never bought this argument, her comics are nasty and her current animations have such weird bimbo vs ugly fatty overtones to them, + all the shilling from kf moids, it all adds up now.

No. 1918303

they aren't even that racist, Dave Chappelle makes similar jokes.

No. 1918304

I’m referring to the anons crying about edgy comics she drew in 2017. This isn’t twitter kek

No. 1918305

Who on lolcow gives a fuck about Dave Chappelle?

No. 1918306

at least have the nuts not to hide behind "it's just a joke tehe"

No. 1918308

Nta but anons are going to make fun of and/or dislike any /pol/fag pick me. It's like you guys forget that digging up shit on people is the nature of this site.

No. 1918309

if all your humour is about how women who get abortions are loose whores then I think it's fair to assume that's what you believe.

No. 1918311

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Ywnbaterf sillypoo…

No. 1918312

Her panel comics look like the exact shite that would be posted all over twitter and you can just imagine the pale overweight ugly girls that would be cackling st those comics and latching on in the hopes it'll attract them some terminally online moid who rates intelligence by how much you can talk in circles around a point on an image board. The type of people that didn't have one good night out in their youth or even felt hot.

No. 1918313

>she doesn't know about the prolife terves…

No. 1918314

I mean yeah, I've never once seen a hot girl butthurt about "sluts on tinder" or other moidal concerns.

No. 1918315

I don’t this at all and am feeling extra retarded. What’s racist about it isn’t it just like saying there are still racists outside irl even if they get kicked offline

No. 1918316

See mods, this is why we need a dedicated shitposting thread on /ot/

No. 1918317

What do those shit comics have to do with a hot women getting turned down? The author can't channel that perspective

No. 1918318

LC in general has gotten really moralfaggy lately. I do think it's very cringe she was a polfag, but the impulse to dig up 7 year old comics specifically to cancel her is also very cringe.

No. 1918320

Those comics are cringe. Our moral compass separates us from the cunts at 4chan

No. 1918321

Am I the only one who doesn't understand this?

No. 1918322

I was referring to the comic about women on tinder all being loose holes which no actual attractive woman would think/give a shit about.

"cancel her" amongst her audience of 11 thousand? but disagree, lolcow has always been about digging things up, that's the nature of this site. she should be fine with this since she's a true and honest farmer anyway.

No. 1918324

How groundbreaking men think of women as holes, she has a unique perspective that's never been shown before. Has anyone explored the male perspective before?

No. 1918325

reminds me of the ulcer on my tongue

No. 1918326

She thrives on the attention, so it's no different than her spamming her videos in multiple threads.

No. 1918327

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from sillypoo's old twitter, the sort of stuff they retweet would get them banned here

No. 1918328

do me 2002

No. 1918329

it's a reference to how people will type


in place of saying the actual n word and people will join in spelling it out letter by letter. used a lot for steam games with "forced diversity" or whatever.

well, you see, it's extra groundbreaking when a girl agrees with the male perspective.

No. 1918331

based, wish i had archived more of them back then

No. 1918332

I agree with you, I verbatim said her polfaggotry is cringe. Although I do want to point out that we have a lot of farmers who use 4chan. Edgefags are not new here kek

No. 1918333

Agreed. I always find it amusing whenever farmers preach about having a “moral compass” kek. If you don’t like her for pandering to scrotes in the past, that’s fair to me. But I’m glad her content is going in a new direction, I enjoy it even

No. 1918335

I think it's just a general thing, not just with lc.
Songs can't just talk about how Sailor Moon is a boom anime babe anymore, people have changed.

No. 1918336

idk, was it moralfaggy to bring up Lauren Southern's costhot past?

No. 1918338

Zoomer case closed. Education standards have fallen, the increase in personal technology and accessibility has been detrimental to your brains and your generation with earnestly tell employers about your bad dreams in hopes of sympathy as many of your generation are so coddled you have to use your dreams as tangible evidence as why you're so depressed and pathetic when really you're just intellectually and physically lazy.

No. 1918339

>But I’m glad her content is going in a new direction, I enjoy it even
Same. I don't know what her political trajectory has been like, but I hope she saw the light sometime within the last few years. Realistically, it may just be a grift, but here's to hoping she's less retarded now.

No. 1918340

someone that insincere is always going to seem sus to me, politics aside.

No. 1918343

Not cancelling, I'll enjoy if they still make anti-troon animations and hate on moids openly, but they're pick mes and attention whoring on both sides (kiwi and lc.)

No. 1918344

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wtf even is this

No. 1918346

just cause this doesn't seem to have been picked up by everyone, Silly is one person while Sillypoo is two people

No. 1918349

exactly, seems like they have no beliefs they actually care aout, they just soak up attention wherever they can get it, as >>1918343 says:
> they're pick mes and attention whoring on both sides (kiwi and lc.)
they welcome support from kf tards and their old racist, anti-feminist fanbase while also
posing as LC allies because they like to dunk on troons, or seemingly any woman who isn't stereotypically petite and white and attractive? a la >>1918344

No. 1918350

Racist black women masculinizing and calling them troons.

No. 1918351

The fact its collaborative makes it even more tired and pathetic

No. 1918353

for real, that was exactly the same vibe I got. bet they hate gnc women too.


No. 1918355

Idk I just wanted to make a One Week reference.

No. 1918356

I feel like they must, since anything "girl related" in their vids is always about being a hyper-feminine bimbo hashtag based and empowering, owning the troons by being prettier than them (that's what it's all about, right?)

No. 1918358

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i mean this is just unfunny and cringe, "moralfagging" accusations aside. But yeah to be a moralfag for a second, I do also think it's distasteful to base your social circle around saying racial slurs together

No. 1918359

Honestly, learning that Silly and Poo had an edgy anti-SJW past makes me like them more. I relate so much to feeling alienated back in the 2018s and larping as an anti-SJW ethot for a sense of belonging kek, i almost even made a youtube channel because i was inspired by Shuwu. Them giving up the easy anti-SJW tradthot grift to become radfems kinda proves they have changed and are being genuine. Radfem/manhating politics are so fucking niche no one would do it 'for the grift'.

No. 1918361

Why are anons acting like they’re successful grifters who have deviously amassed a significant fanbase? They get barely any views and have barely any followers. No one outside a handful of users on lc and kf gives a fuck about them. I doubt they’re making any money off of this. Sillypoo seems like a passion project and nothing more

No. 1918364

hating troons is very popular with right wing circles, in fact it's pretty much the only way terfss get legitimacy. if were being real they swapped out one flavour of tradthot for another.

fair point. you can still pander to a niche audience though.

No. 1918365

People like you act like 4chan isn't one of the most popular websites in the world and Internet culture is niche

No. 1918366

>hating troons is very popular with right wing circles, in fact it's pretty much the only way terfss get legitimacy. if were being real they swapped out one flavour of tradthot for another.
did you ignore all the man-hating too? their last video is about sending all moids to die in war

No. 1918367

Never heard that joke before.

No. 1918368

>Them giving up the easy anti-SJW tradthot grift
they didn't voluntarily give it up, their accounts got banned so they went private and collected patreon bucks from racists
>to become radfems
they are not radfems in the slightest kek, they just mock troons

No. 1918370

There’s nothing genuine about them when all they’re doing is parroting shit conservative gc women say and what kiwimoids feel about troons. This is the exact reason why we had a huge influx of newfags when troonism shit started to hit the fan because everyone thinks you MUST be a feminist in order to say shit against it. It brings in retards that brand themselves as terfs when all they would really be is gc at most

No. 1918373

Do you think this site was created for radfems only? Kek

No. 1918374

ok this is going to get very niche and tinfoily but there's a certain sort of "man hate lite" that's not really like the true LC manhate. making jokes about "I wish all men would go to war and die" is very on brand for it. if you remember or have seen bimbo twitter it was full of it.

You Will Know Them by Their Fruits. Expect a disgusting newfag influx from this.

No. 1918376

She sounds like a huge bitch from this interview.

No. 1918378

Kek Where did they say that kek Can you greentext it kek Thanks kek

No. 1918379

I mean they're making videos referencing this site and posting on it. Nothing wrong with talking about their rocky past and how they're still pandering to both sides

No. 1918381

>They get barely any views and have barely any followers.
And yet, whenever they are mentioned, there are always immediately a handful of "anons" who know every little detail about sillypoo and derail threads in a minute tact, at usually dead posting hours. It reminds me so much of when Lucinda used to selfpost in her thread, but at least she had a decent following kek.

No. 1918383

They're cowtipping? Get to fuck you fat pickme bitches

No. 1918384

No. 1918386

Is that you, starfiretard?

No. 1918387

I don't get it either It's so Tumblr-y to me

No. 1918389

No anon that's not the meaning of cowtipping kek

No. 1918392

Cardinal rule of lolcow is do not mention the board offsite and bring newfags and snowflakes to the site who have no intention to integrate

No. 1918393

it's like the reverse of cowtipping? letting roosters into henhouse or something like that

No. 1918396

Anon this is almost incomprehensible

No. 1918397

Those pickme bitches are cows and their ilk and cowlike and annoying. We don't need the advertisement.

No. 1918399

sorry samefagging to add that if they were true man haters their comment section would be full of rape and death threats.

No. 1918401

Yes. That's not what cowtipping is though.

No. 1918402

Draw a comic about it

No. 1918404

I don't even like sillypoo.

No. 1918405

Are you having a fuckin stroke

No. 1918410

No "are" autocorrected to "and". Not sure how this is such a struggle when shite like this "unironically" reads well and is funny >>1918279

No. 1918413

I've seen 4 different posts in the span of the last 10 minutes rife with spelling mistakes. Pay more attention to what you're doing if you're going to try to play the bitchy role.

No. 1918416

If only I cared to be pedantic and semantic rather than moral.

No. 1918420

kek im gonna use this

No. 1918421

No the site wasn’t but that doesn’t mean we should be the same as polfags. This isn’t 2015 anymore you guys can stop trying to bring racebaiting shit to the site and further infect it with anons that can’t integrate.
Especially anons like this that try to throw words like twitter around to cover up the fact they enjoy comics from a pol pickme that wouldn’t think twice to change their stance just to get attention from males

No. 1918423

yeah, she didn't even have the conviction to stand by her retarded opinions.

No. 1918432

Dave Chapelle, the moid that made rape jokes lol. Pickme losers begone

No. 1918449

To be fair, most oldfags from lc used to have an antifeminist or if not that, a plain old edgy phase. Most of the comics are pretty in line with that, and the ones you're calling racist are mostly just making fun of an extremely small and annoying subset of online pee oh see. I can't believe LC got so sensitive kek

No. 1918452

The comics are not just edgy shit, they're just terrible, not executed well, clever or funny. It's low hanging unfunny shit. It's the equivalent of undesirable moids who still can't copy a picture of spiderman well even though they've been practicing since childhood and they've got a stunted dated sense of humour.

No. 1918455

>To be fair, most oldfags from lc used to have an antifeminist or if not that, a plain old edgy phase.
Oldfag here, stop with the revisionism. This was never an antifeminist community, and the average farmer wasn't a racist tradthot malding about abortions and licking Stonetoss's ass, kek.

No. 1918456

if disliking and negatively judging someone for mocking a black woman for looking "manly" and calling her the N word is being "sensitive" then sure, I'm "sensitive," i honestly don't care. plus she was literally retweeting shit like this >>1918327, either stop trying to downplay clear racism or just admit you agree with griftypoo's rancid takes

No. 1918457

This place really has turned into a twitter that's mildly flavored with manhate kek

No. 1918458

I'm so sorry that I don't think black women deserved to be mocked for their appearance and called niggers, I'll "go back to twitter"

No. 1918459

>calling people "twitter" to cape for faildaughters who spent years clamoring for worthless neckbeard attention on twitter
Stop coping, kiwitard handmaiden. Next you'll be crying because we don't like Shoe0nHead, kek.

No. 1918460

Nobody was that political about it pre 2012, but I absolutely do remember pickme tier shit being said on /cgl/ pre drama ban non stop. Being a blue haired feminist obsessed with rape culture was absolutely seen as cringe, nobody was waving around suffragette flags and talking about feminist theory. I believe this general shift happened around late 2010's, same as it did with sillypoo, since most of the population grew out of the edginess. But to deny it ever happening considering we came out of 4chan is ridiculous.

No. 1918461

iced coffee > hot coffee

No. 1918462

ntayrt but i'm pretty sure we're talking about hard R racism here, not being a little bit of a pickme. It's weird how you're trying to dance around the actual issue

No. 1918463

I already made up my mind not to give a shit about what female creators do unless it's genuinely heinous shit. You all will complain about moids getting away with pedophilia and rape while women don't get a fraction of that leniency, while you yourselves are the ones waiting with pitchforks the moment you find out a woman has made mistakes in her past.

No. 1918466

I consider racism against black women to be "genuinely heinous shit". I think that says a lot about you that you don't. Also just reply to the posts you're responding to instead of monologuing at the wall, not only is it weird but it makes your posts really identifiable.

No. 1918468

These are funny imo. The style reminds me a lot of those old /cgl/ comics kek

No. 1918469

Your obsession with 4chan is ridiculous, there's a huge demographic there you can feel at home with they've been rehashing the same recycled jokes from 2001.

No. 1918470

uhhhhh ok

No. 1918471

Nonnas can be way too harsh sometimes but i think we have to judge women harder because we often live with similar expectations in a sorta similar reality. you relate with other women, so you tend to judge them harder. observe people irl and you notice the same tendency

No. 1918472

>Nobody was that political about it pre 2012, but I absolutely do remember pickme tier shit being said on /cgl/ pre drama ban non stop
Yeah, we made fun of ugly fatties and 32 inch waist chans. We weren't mad at women for having abortions or seething about Michelle Obama because reeee black woman.
>Being a blue haired feminist obsessed with rape culture was absolutely seen as cringe, nobody was waving around suffragette flags and talking about feminist theory.
Sillypoo's brand of tryhard facebook-tier comics, racism and "#IDon'tNeedFeminismBecause" was considered just as cringe. Pretty much everyone but the pickmes and the /pol/tard incels involved saw it for what it was: dickriding and attention whoring.

No. 1918474

There were no racist or anti feminist old /cgl/ comics. Why are some posters larping now? Do you think we don't remember? Kek

No. 1918475

what are you talking about kek, I would judge a man posting the same le epic racisms just as hard as her, the coping you're displaying is creative though

No. 1918476

Looking at this thread could cause someone to say "wow, seems like sillypoo is in here doing turbo damage control." But no one is saying that, certainly not me. That would be ridiculous.

No. 1918480

And this mentality is why female solidarity is a pipedream. When men do something wrong they have legions of men backing them, when women fuck up all other women abandon them.

No. 1918481

I made 2 posts I'm not obsessed with anything. A few posters here keep assuming everyone is the same person it's weird. I don't even find this stuff funny but the gasps of frightened anons that talk no different from twitterfags got to me, not going to lie.

I'm willing to agree on the fact that these comics are a specific unfunny post gamergate flavor of /pol/ retardation I never gave much attention to, but they're a product of their time. There absolutely still is an audience for that kind of humor today (kf and worse places than kf) and if they wanted to they could have continued that grift, but they didn't. So it shows some maturity on their part that reflects the general vibe of lc as well. Maybe it's a grift too and I'm coping kek

No. 1918482

no. this is very cringe 2016 tier humor. cant even do edgy jokes right lmao

No. 1918483

Do people still say based?

No. 1918484

Smelly and suspicious.

No. 1918485

Yeah sounds like you are

No. 1918487

Do you not use this site? People say it in every single thread

No. 1918488

I'm not talking about pedo shit, racism or controversial topics, I should have explained myself better. Women often judge other women harder than men, it's what I've seen in most groups I've been irl.

No. 1918491

File: 1710056119473.png (1.83 MB, 1080x1399, 1699513164231.png)

If we forgave Jodi for her pickme past i dont understand why we cant forgive sillypoo. I stand by sillypoo, I hope they add a Jodi reference is their next video for maximun moid tears.

No. 1918493

When she’s based enough to kill a man

No. 1918495

Who's we though? Maybe it's just me but I got the impression that most of us don't even care about Jodi that much. Not like I hate her or anything but shes not super interesting to me.

No. 1918496

File: 1710056249184.png (367.67 KB, 480x349, jodi arias.png)

omg them sharing a cell with jodi and doing art collabs would be so cute

No. 1918497

>I got the impression that most of us don't even care about Jodi that much
go back, newfag

No. 1918502

Based and jodipilled. #IstandwithSillypoo

No. 1918504

If they're racist, they can fuck off. Jodi wasn't, and she moid-removed.

No. 1918506

I've been here for years dumdum. I know that there are anons who love her but I didn't think she was as universally (for lolcow) beloved as like, JKR or Dworkin or anyone else. Like I said, could be my own bias coming through.

No. 1918507

Most child soldiers aren't uwu helpless victims. Child soldiers in war zones are almost universally gleeful to be part of the war, constantly pester older teenagers to let them come with and do things, and are the ones responsible for the most horrific war crimes and rape.

It's such a power fantasy for kids and they don't really come to regret it. During the Bosnian war you had 14-16 year old "cowboys" who got borderline blackout drunk 3x a week, barely cared if they lived or died and were like fanatic robots in how they fought.

Law abiding adults are the ones who suffer due to child soldiers, it isn't "poor widdle kids".

No. 1918508

File: 1710056628352.gif (464.64 KB, 500x483, 1699602444582.gif)

>I didn't think she was as universally (for lolcow) beloved
your newfaggotry is showing

No. 1918511

Everyone except autistic soyteens who say "keyed" instead. Even the far left uses it, though only as an adjective, not an exclamation.

No. 1918512

File: 1710056964394.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2194, IMG_7069.jpeg)

The farms used to be casually racist, picrel

No. 1918513

Call me a newfag all you want, but she is no Aileen Wournos to me. Sorry.

No. 1918515

That's not an average lolcow post from back then, enough coping.

No. 1918518

File: 1710057222300.jpeg (21.89 KB, 219x275, 1654675920640.jpeg)

I like her more than Aileen because Aileen isn't a girlboss, she's sadly a woman who was raped and victimized and had to kill her rapist jhons to survive. Meanwhile Jodi killed some scrote just because, humilliated him in front of everyone by airing his dirty secrets, and people still believe her and, dare i say, stan her because she just exudes stacy aura. Idk i just like evil women and aileen isn't evil.

No. 1918523

So female solidarity is when we stand with polfags all because they were born with XX chromosomes? Fuck that if you’re gonna be retarded moid or woman then you deserve to get shit on. Stop acting as if we’re shitting on poor misguided autists when it wasn’t just them hating other races but their own women as well by making comics about them being loose whores that don’t deserve access to abortions.

No. 1918526

women are capable of change, unlike moids.

No. 1918527

I thought it was just referring to shrunken heads which are… voodoo, which originates from brown people anon

No. 1918528

i disagree because i think she killed the moid because she really tried to appeal to him and he just didn't care
nta btw

No. 1918530

Yeah I stand for disagreeable women’, edgy women, autistic women whatever but I’m not going to support someone who makes stuff like this. And actually men police ‘weak’ men who act like ‘beta cucks’ rather harshly within their ranks so we should we allowed to do the same.

No. 1918531

I specifically said the style, learn to read.

No. 1918532

File: 1710057685361.png (73 KB, 1012x922, oewfwpoe.png)


No. 1918534

No. 1918535

Anon look at the filename..

No. 1918538

File: 1710057808811.jpg (190.77 KB, 720x1368, 1000003311.jpg)

Trigger happy

No. 1918539


No. 1918540

File: 1710057836970.png (61.58 KB, 300x300, 1689018938529440.png)

ofcourse it has to be a NGMI faggot that cant draw that's vendettafagging this hard

No. 1918541

>So female solidarity is when we stand with polfags all because they were born with XX chromosomes
Kind of, yes. Men support each other even when their fellow men are rapists, murderers, racists, whatever. They've got strong class consciousness. Women's stronger moral compass prevents us from doing that usually.

No. 1918542

I'm sorry I can admit my wrongs. Ew

No. 1918543


No. 1918544

No. 1918545

go back

No. 1918547

The farms also used to have moids casually posting here too. Doesn’t help that the few threads here about black women are constantly filled with anons fighting and reporting racebaiting moids and trannies.

No. 1918548

Seething lmao

No. 1918550

kek alright now I'm happy I caused this derailment, even though I like Sillypoo. I got a soft spot for ms paint comics

No. 1918551

Theyve always been here and they've always posted really over the top racebait, a lot of their posts got deleted but not all. You could see random polfags almost daily.

No. 1918553

Unironically yes.

No. 1918554

was thinking the same thing, i'm actually embarrassed for them how transparent the seething is

No. 1918556

I thought she dropped all that shit in like 2017. She was still a right-wing pickme, even in 2019?

No. 1918559

take your bunny hat off and go to sleep, you're not gonna get LC to agree that being racist and misogynist is based

No. 1918560

its so obvious you are just jealous of more skilled artists, it's sad.

No. 1918561

>wall-eyed derivative ms paint scribbles

No. 1918564

if it's so easy to draw in sillypoo's style how come anon's attempt is 10 times worse and looks like dogshit?

No. 1918565

It doesn't, though? You're just mad.

No. 1918567

OMFG… kekkkkkkkkkk. Do you not see how you're coming across right now? dignity down the fucking drain oh god this is the bad end for the sillypoo saga(integrate)

No. 1918571

File: 1710058428835.png (208.63 KB, 1000x1000, 1696455860621.png)

Please pick up a loomis sensei book, crab-chan

No. 1918572

The day they drew that shitty pearly clutter meme was the beginning to the end tbh

No. 1918573

Not her but that was obviously a 2second doodle to make fun of them not art submitted got critique

No. 1918574

>loomis sensei
You're trying so hard to fit in with this stale weebspeak and staler /ic/ memes, it's cringe.

No. 1918576

If you guys can understand and extend empathy to women who deprogram themselves from misogynistic religions and the tranny cult who also held anti-woman amd homophobic sentiments when they were younger, why can't you guys extend the same understanding to women who move on from right wing edgelord phases?

No. 1918578

Well mainly because it’s funny tbh

No. 1918581

for some reason i didn't think they would be so shockingly sensitive to a 2min parody shitpost. Like this is the least graceful way to handle being clowned on.

No. 1918582

because they are obvious trolls, anon. They want to be lolcor's sweethearts but don't have the talent for it.

No. 1918584

They can dish it out but can’t take it, classic.

No. 1918585

cuz it doesn't seem like they moved on? They just went private and continued taking comms and patreon subs from their polfag audience, and decided to play it safer this time on youtube by leaving out the racism. At least that's what it looks like to me. They stuff still has a lingering stench of weird polfagottry imo

No. 1918586

This is hilarious because you don't sound like an oldfag you sound like a lonely zoomer whose current special interest is pouring through old ib archives to try to capture the lore for your current Aesthetique. No one cares about these old, used up, uninteresting time capsule memes. Move on

No. 1918588

peak newfaggotry to think anyone who disagrees with you its your boogeyman.

No. 1918590

I'm actually so sad about this, like it's one thing to be a cringe moid suckup racist but then they come on here and start acting just like an unintegrated cow who found their own thread with no self-awareness?

No. 1918591

Lots of projection going on.

No. 1918594

You wish.

No. 1918598

I honestly can’t believe you people have been arguing about this ugly garbage for 9 hours. FUCK SILLYPOO SHE FUCKING SUCKS.

No. 1918600

ywnbsp(you will never be sillypoo)

No. 1918601

SPWNBJA (silly poo will never be Jodi arias)

No. 1918602

Idk this sounded like someone was taking it kind of personal to me >>1918560

No. 1918603

The master baiters are here

No. 1918604

I’m content with that.

No. 1918606

They haven’t moved on at all and its obvious in their shitty drawings. All because they shit on troons and pretend to be man-haters doesn’t mean they should be suddenly praised as lolcor legends. Its the same issues we have with tardthots, they’ll hate troons but demean themselves for moid attention points

No. 1918608

your art is ugly, sorry anon its got no sovl

No. 1918609

watermelon tastes icky

No. 1918610

I've never watched a sillypoo video and I don't care to but I find it insanely retarded to argue over whether lolcow as a whole can like them or not. Who actually gives a fuck

No. 1918611

Uhh… I don’t make art but noted.

No. 1918613

Ayrt, I apologize anon. I think I opened Pandora's box.

No. 1918614

Theyre minors

No. 1918621

KEKKKKKK they really went off the rails with that one

No. 1918641

After reading the sillypoo infight and the comics silly used to make I can safely say now I understand why I felt off seeing the way black girls were drawn in some of their animations. Not off enough that it upset, angered, or disgust me but just off enough that it kind of made me raise a slight brow.

No. 1918648

Anyone who puts that much time and effort into trying to get attention from anons is a red flag.

No. 1918650

i am pretty sure they are both hispanic though

No. 1918652

I did some more digging on sillypoo and shit, she really is a pickme tradthot from LA. LA being the worst offense kek. I still like the sillypoo channel and I have a sliver of hope she moved away from the /pol/ shit, but I don't think she has.

No. 1918653

Kek how would you even know this. Unless…

No. 1918655

NTA but they’ve made shorts en español

No. 1918657

Even so, I can't help but find it just a tad weird. I mean, I still found the animation kind of funnt. I probably shouldn't have said that and I'm being rude. Sorry about that.

No. 1918658

is she really a tradthot though?

No. 1918661

Ahahahah no way. Why are poltards always Hispanic.

No. 1918663

File: 1710061496643.jpg (138.82 KB, 1080x1440, dpIm8I2TFiYwSY98SZY563rvnXiZ71…)

Around 7:10 in >>1918376 this video she basically implies she's conservative and then says she wants to be having kids asap so she can't have a career kek. Also in the same interview talks about hanging around dick masterson and co.

No. 1918665

i am glad she snapped out of it.

No. 1918667

Hispanic/latin countries have our own problems with racism and even being indigenous looking can make people openly shit on you. I wouldn’t put it past them to be racist pickmes because our culture sadly puts importance on being white/descended from spaniards only instead of being mestizo or indio

No. 1918672

I've noticed its always half white people that pick one of the two most extreme sides of the coin–either they're disgustingly racist or they adopt a cringe tryhard "omg guise white people amirite xd" persona that makes everyone uncomfortable because they're visibly white like Logic. It's always some ridiculous form of overcompensation.

No. 1918673

File: 1710062532030.png (479.45 KB, 1134x665, Screenshot_6.png)

The reason why I don't think she did is because she's involved with https://backed.by/, a relatively new platform started up by dick masterson last year or so and hehesilly did art for it. Disappointing in any case, rightoids are obnoxious kek

No. 1918675

eh i will still support her if she ramps up the manhate

No. 1918676

I thought they were British?

No. 1918677

Manifesto Chan and silly collab when???

No. 1918680

File: 1710063111584.png (176.45 KB, 598x452, W1rQwPz.png)

Their alleged "manhate" is most likely Anna Slatz and xxclusionary, in that they will go after visbily ugly left-wing men, but will conflate a man being attractive as being morally superior, but claim it's actually sexulizing men.

No. 1918683

Gross and embarrassing. Sucks cause I liked their woman’s day animation but I can’t be a fan of a forced birther pickme

No. 1918685

is there proof that they are dating ugly scrotes or are you making shit up?

No. 1918695

Ugh this sucks

No. 1918697

You're so sad and pathetic for reacting like this.

No. 1918707

It's because they think they can climb high enough on the race ladder to be honorary whites. Many cases like this.

No. 1918708

Manifesto-chan wasn't a sad pickme.

No. 1918709

that's not what I meant, I said that they hate men in a very safe way, about how ugly, liberal and gay men are evil one's.

No. 1918711

i am pretty sure they shat on the whole moid spectrum in their lattest animation

No. 1918717

they pandered to disgusting moid null so whatever

No. 1918719

not really, there wasn't a male portrayed positively, it still had the usual bias of saying "men should be real men and fight and die in wars"

No. 1918733

they were making fun of keffals, not pandering to null

No. 1918751

fine, but they have way too many males praising them to be truly pinkpilled thoughever

No. 1918756

a lot of men praise jk rowling too that doesnt devalue her

No. 1918761

JK Rowling isn't racist and she doesn't worship alt right scrotes lol

No. 1918763

>Lolcow is now agreeing with openly racist rightwing bullshit and calling it based without an ounce of irony
This is what zero gatekeeping does to a community nonnies. If Shaymin didn't abandon the site for like a year and kept monitoring it we wouldn't be up to our necks in this mess.

No. 1918765

she used to cocksuck trannies though

No. 1918767

please take your meds no one is agreeing with right wing politics

No. 1918778

kind of ot but this is something i've noticed in more 'normie' circles, the safe way to manhate, it still makes moids seethe but it's a different sort. kind of like "yeah most suck, but there are good guys out there!" or they'd romanticize men from the past.

No. 1918779

The majority aren't agreeing with them. They're just doing angry damage control ITT and there's maybe like two actual anons that aren't (rightfully) calling them retarded.

No. 1918780

Most women like this take that route eventually because they aren’t used to male attention. The main reason most of them hate men is because men in their real lives didn’t find them attractive.

No. 1918792

>The main reason most of them hate men is because men in their real lives didn’t find them attractive
men are so fucking ugly though, i seriously doubt they are dying for ugly bald minecraft playing post wall scrote attention.

No. 1918794

They clearly are, they happily cocksuck misogynist scrote Dick Masterson.

No. 1918797

I absolutely hate mental health "professionals". Just saw a guy with a PhD on YouTube saying that mentally ill people shouldn't be integrated in society and that they shouldn't have friends

No. 1918804

the mental health professionals trying their hand at becoming influencers are an embarrassment.

No. 1918811

I think big voluminous (wavy or circle) hair looks great on everyone, I’m tired of seeing sleek flat hair or buns. I’m glad my hair is naturally poofy cause if it weren’t I’d use mousse

No. 1918813

But anon it’s such a feminist movie about standing up to the corporation and ken is like a woman! And we learn empathy for him

No. 1918817

He’s based and funny for making fun of troons

No. 1918823

The culture of the original LC was formed during gamer gate. It's not so much that LC was anti-feminist or pro-/pol/, farmers have always been anti-SJW and anti-libfem. The number of pedo troons involved in gamer gate is also a probable cause amongst others as to why the site became GC and welcoming to radfems. The problems came later when former SJWs and tumblr users found LC after being banned from mainstream sites like reddit for being GC.

No. 1918824

Forreal. Even the farmhands will ban you for mentioning countries for racebaiting.

No. 1918828

They’re like groomed into it from a small age, they learn counting on their kindergarten worksheets with guns

No. 1918830

No. 1918832

It receives so much praise here, I don't get how it has this many defenders on LC

No. 1918833

Was this the same cartoonist who made that comic that portrays a woman's implied mixed race child as a literal monkey type creature? I can't find it but I remember it having a very similar art style.

No. 1918836

It's the zoomer newfag invasion's fault. Everyone hated on it before.

No. 1918839

I agree the writing is unbearably cringy and tactless. for some reason all the asian artists I follow have been drawing fanart for it though?

No. 1918841

It was an amerimutt meme

No. 1918848

File: 1710073347510.jpeg (70.54 KB, 624x492, IMG_3562.jpeg)

It was this.

No. 1918852

>their weird doctor show
I fucking love that one so fucking much, one of those kids definitely had childhood cancer, they nailed the experience too fucking perfectly, it was incredible

No. 1918859

>are you one of them are parents?
are you alright?

No. 1918862

>one of those kids definitely had childhood cancer
are you saying one of them are parents?

No. 1918866

No, I'm saying that as children, at least one of the two must have experienced childhood cancer
I had it, that's how I know they nailed it, and why I loved their cartoon

No. 1918872

I haven't even seen the animation, but what do they get right about it?

No. 1918873

very tl;dr: no one in the hospital cares about you unless your parents are present, no one believes children, and staff can treat you however they want because they know that

No. 1918894

File: 1710076375472.gif (3.13 MB, 480x480, giphy (3).gif)

I thought these were made by a man. Wheres the proof it was made by sillypoo?

No. 1918895

they were definitely made by a woman, her interview was posted uptbread. But there isn’t 100% evidence, just similar name and art style (happy to be proven wrong).

No. 1918897

Nonna I’m terribly sorry you had to go through childhood cancer but I really really don’t think those videos are indicative that one of them had childhood cancer at all. That’s just how nurses treat everyone, if you’ve ever been to a hospital for anything those skits are relatable

No. 1918902

I'm just confused, hehesilly speaks with an American accent but I remember someone posting a video of silly and poo and they both seemed to be in England and speaking with Biritsh accents.

No. 1918904

No. 1918905

File: 1710077463026.gif (6.93 MB, 360x360, Tumblr_l_160389808465793.gif)

Oh shit I missed that, I remember seeing those comics back in the day and their being a debate if it was a man or woman but this settles that… I only skimmed the vid, I don't know though. If it was her, it's obvious she had some change of heart, grew some common sense about right wing moids. But people saying she's grifting as radfem… eh idk cause being a terf/radfem really isnt lucrative like being a rightoid grifter is. Also the art style isn't exactly the same, but I noticed SillyPoo comments "we" when describing themselves so I thought ot was multiple women. Idk how to feel nonnies…

No. 1918910

there's a guy on twitter who says he does the actual animating for them, also the two girls shown to be them both had british accents

No. 1918912

Are you going to post proof?

No. 1918913

scrolling for it right now

No. 1918918

>a moid did all the actual work

No. 1918920

well don't get scared yet, if I can't find it, maybe I dreamed it

No. 1918921

I’m hoping hehesilly is a totally different entity from silly and poo of sillypoo. You’re right that the art isn’t exactly the same cause the sillypoo characters don’t have the distinctive eyebrows that all the hehesilly characters have.

No. 1918924

fuck, I found it, it's real
twitter.com/drippydreich(this is an imageboard)

No. 1918927

except Scottish, not British

No. 1918931

File: 1710078499906.jpg (5.22 KB, 224x224, 1707447390174.jpg)

Uggh wtf I know im coping but why do they not seem to recognize him in any posts?

No. 1918932

File: 1710078562942.png (1.11 MB, 1471x1199, 1644872401051.png)

It's been over 10 hours of derailing, if most of it isn't just the artist attentionwhoring/wking herself, can't you make a separate thread?

No. 1918934

if only there were some sort of a thread for like, dumbass shit

No. 1918935

This doesn't even deserve to be in dumbass shit tbh, maybe in one of the art threads.

No. 1918936

Nah let’s make her a thread. It’ll be like a tribute, heh.

No. 1918939

People like you are ruining the word pickme. By your definition, since you're siding with white supremacists by mocking a black man, you're a tradthot pickme.

No. 1918940

I had to mute the HH tag on Twitter because I was getting some artists I follow got into it and I never asked for this.

No. 1918941

nah they're alredy selfposting let's not give them the attention

No. 1918943

Someone already posted the picture, but did you see the actual baby it was based on? I've never seen an uglier child in my entire life. Paris Hilton's megamind baby was more normal looking than that little girl.

No. 1918944

File: 1710078961236.jpeg (582.69 KB, 828x1136, IMG_7726.jpeg)

Even if they have additional help for animations from that person, I think hehesilly is still clearly apart of sillypoo.
>similar name
>similar art style and hand writing
>both accounts have always been mutuals with the same circle of twitter edgelord girls encompassing brittany venti, sheepdawgie, and others
And the most obvious stuff:
>picrel is from the hehesilly patreon and it’s just a rougher and earlier version of the sillypoo duo we see now

No. 1918945

File: 1710078997185.jpg (Spoiler Image,295.24 KB, 1536x2048, GIPWQ99W8AEq8Ls.jpg)

is that a guy? is it a troon? there are some mirror selfies posted on the twitter account.

No. 1918946

Oh shit, my bad, that certainly looks like a girl, I had never seen any pics and it's hard to tell much about this entity in relation to sillypoo because they seemingly don't interact publicly

No. 1918948

We’re gonna get slapped with bans pretty soon if we don’t move this discussion elsewheres

This is the confirmation I was looking for

No. 1918949

why is this zoomer trying to larp as a mid-30s millenial

No. 1918951

I was gonna ask for proof they were male but felt like it was cope, but this does look like a woman. I'm just wondering why they don't acknowledge them for some reason.
Damn ok that does look similar, thought hehesilly shut all their accounts down. Idk how to feel.
Yeah I agree we need a new thread, we need somewhere to post all this info.

No. 1918956

File: 1710079613873.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.55 KB, 1080x1697, GITqhRPWgAAH2hQ.jpg)

maybe it is silly or poo? or a third woman? i don't want to scroll more because it's boring and a derail, but i can't imagine a some moid being a kpopper like this twitter user seems to be.

No. 1918958

File: 1710079629842.jpeg (454.51 KB, 1170x1993, IMG_7141.jpeg)

Hehesilly confirmed as the silly part of sillypoo. Posted a link to Drama MD skit on the hehe silly Patreon. >>1918951

No. 1918959

gotta love the autism on here

No. 1918962

brings me back to the shoplifting and furry ice cream parlor placemats

No. 1918963

Ugh so this is real. We really can't have even semi-nice things.

Well I think that scrote might just be mentally ill

No. 1918964

No. 1918965

File: 1710080035998.png (373.12 KB, 733x677, ubnmo.png)

same audience

No. 1918966

File: 1710080057613.png (256.12 KB, 1048x816, hehhesilly.png)

they're still pandering

No. 1918969

oh so her making fun of female coded things isn't just self awareness type of humor, it's plain misogyny. would not surprise me if either people involved this were trannies.

No. 1918973

>those hands
remove the cuffs, I want to see the entire hand size.

No. 1918974

File: 1710080230420.jpeg (35.44 KB, 580x434, IMG_5034.jpeg)

No. 1918976

yeah it pretty much ruins any cope that it's them being ironic, I did not care for the milk trucks cartoon, now I get why, that stank was not ironic

No. 1918978

goes to show a lot of people in this board are just the usual misogynist pickme tradthot flavor instead of RF or GC.

No. 1918980

File: 1710080417150.jpg (155.67 KB, 913x1200, F_C_w6hWkAAYmcg.jpg)

Eh, she looks to be in her mid 30s to me

No. 1918984

this picture is a perfect example that dying your hair black doesn't hide your female baldness pattern.

No. 1918985

How is that true, a lot of us are disappointed. But I feel like this is a enough proof to make a thread on them so their is papertrail on who they really are…

No. 1918989

This is poo, while hehesilly is silly. In some videos there's two girls introducing themselves, 'silly' has an american accent and 'poo' is scottish. There are also videos of them in real life with their faces covered in masks.
They are definitely women.
I think they're just edgelords and the right wing thing got stale so they've moved on to pseudo-radical feminism. People like this don't really believe in anything, I would guess they just want to be provocative.

No. 1918991

She definitely sees beating da troonz as solely being prettier than dem uwu and is just so brittany venti bimbo-ness teehee

No. 1918992

shuwu is no longer so she saw the pseudo left balding pick me influencer spot vacant and is trying to fit in it.

No. 1918994

Or maybe…just maybe… people don't hold one single political opinion their whole life that never ever changes or evolves.

No. 1918996

I don't like his other comics but that's pretty cute.

No. 1918997

I'm so disappointed.
Yeah I thought that was nasty too

No. 1918998

unless this was a very recent change because >>1918966 is not even an year old

No. 1919000

They're making fan art of stonetoss

No. 1919004

I would agree if a lot of the stonetoss and racist shit wasn't all less than 2 years ago.

No. 1919006

What exactly does that drawing even prove? She made a drawing in stonetoss style oh no she's a nazi

No. 1919007

File: 1710081083166.jpeg (598.11 KB, 1085x1098, IMG_7144.jpeg)

And for nonnies unfamiliar with stonetoss, picrel. Truly wonderful company.

No. 1919011

being friends with stonetoss is pretty milky unless you're a racist like them.

No. 1919012

Stop white knighting, stonetoss hates women. No women should support that scrote

No. 1919013

She made a drawing in their artstyle = they are now friends??? What

No. 1919015

>anyone that doesn’t have the exact same opinion as me is a pickme tradthot!!!1!
Please stfu

No. 1919016


No. 1919017

Silly is that you?

No. 1919020

Are you a troon?? You dont like silly so you must be a troon??? Get out tranny

No. 1919021

hit dogs holler

No. 1919022

Your posts stink, why are you so heated to defend her suspicious behavior…

No. 1919023

she at least doesn't mind his horrible politics to draw on his style, are you fucking retarded?

No. 1919024

Please, keep making yourself look retarded

No. 1919025

File: 1710081672634.png (261.94 KB, 641x588, stonetoss.png)

They are friends and have been for a while = she hasn't changed. I will say that I don't think we're "cancelling" them. I'll still enjoy their anti moid tibits, but they aren't one of us or a good example of us.

No. 1919026

Nobody is defending anything, pointing out details and asking questions isn't allowed here I guess.

No. 1919028

I mean, stonetoss is a fucking cow and retarded, so being friends with him or even liking the ugly drawings he makes is kind of cowish to me.
I guess this was bound to happen, only someone who is a cow would make so many lolcow references outside of lolcow.
I wonder though, what do you even win from acting like you support terfs and radfems if you know you're a misogynistic retard? Is it some
>lol ebic win dey totally thought I support them lmao what a bunchbof idiots
Retard shit?

No. 1919029

please keep defending people who advocate towards the removal of your rights kek unless you're a moid or a tranny then you feel right at home with sillypoo and stonetoss.

No. 1919031

This is such a stretch. Regardless, she’s been confirmed to have been /pol/tard adjacent in 2017, it’s just that some of us believe she may have changed since then. Really, why are you people so obsessed with cancelling any woman who doesn’t perfectly encapsulate your radfem politics?

No. 1919032

The way your brain can only think in two extremes is sad

No. 1919033

I went to bed and someone actually made a comic about these daft cunts lmao and they're still going

No. 1919034

Forget stonetoss, they're racist either way.
I'm feeling pretty vindicated kek I always found their art gross.

No. 1919035

there isn't a personality to be "cancelled", they're a literal nobody but happened to post a thing or two in this board. the fact this idiot is friends with stonetoss surprises me but I expect nothing from people trying to get attention in any sort of imageboards.

No. 1919037

the way you defend someone like stonetoss or being friends with them is really sad but you wouldn't know what is someone being hateful towards you based solely on your gender because you probably have very little life experience to begin with so it's understandable.

No. 1919038

Several nonnies were pointing out her misogynistic shit the very first time she posted on the drawing board and she then continued to make the pearlclutcher comic in response out of butthurt.

No. 1919040

Are young posters like this the result of how schools are teaching children to read by trying to guess context instead of just giving them spelling tests and learning definitions of words? Christ Lord almighty.

No. 1919041

she's confirmed to be at least involved with it last year, stop being daft.
people ITT right now defending it and saying it's no biggie being friends with someone like stonetoss but ok.

No. 1919042

You didn't point out shit, your mad at nonnies for pointing out shit.
These have to be the same cow, getting this defensive and angry over someone on the internet they don't know… unless
It was literally confirmed they were posting right wing moid shit less than a year ago retard. Im not against people changing their mond but it doesn't seem like they truly did.

No. 1919044

No, nothing that advanced. Her politics are basically a fusion of the rw /pol/ shit with some gc points, about how some things should be for women and that mothers are important. It’s that bimbo twitter strain of “women’s business”/I just want to go shopping, work isn’t for women teehee/I want a strong husband/starbucks is for the girls/I wish men would go to war and die that flirts with trad shit but doesn’t say it explicitly. They invariably have tons of male followers. Her politics are basically Brittany Ventis politics.

No. 1919045

NTA but what the hell are you talking about. Calm down victim-chan, you’re acting like stonetoss personally showed up to your house and called your mom a slur while stabbing her

No. 1919046

that's how zoomer politics work, it's like a point system, being a black man is stronger than being white woman so therefore you're the tradthot for pointing out a black moid makes rape jokes.

No. 1919047

I’m ashamed that I was one of the people who was like tehe it’s just harmless fun, god I feel dumb now.

No. 1919049

oh yeah because the only way people can be hateful is that if they do it irl and in a physically violent manner but not by platforming hateful ideas to thousands of people… I'm getting secondhand embarrassment from you defending stonetoss.

No. 1919050

People always complain about "long philtrums" but I personally think lips that are too close to the nose look worse and it makes the chin look even more massive when they smile

No. 1919052

File: 1710082286414.png (716.14 KB, 1202x842, cyber.png)

Said it in the way that nonnas are reacting to her past being pulled up is threatening
>they're a literal nobody but happened to post a thing or two in this board
I sort of agree but their new video has multiple references of this site and it was on the front page of newgrounds and has 14k views on youtube. Takes anyone to ask "what is that site?" or have basic knowledge of imageboards

No. 1919053

read the room we're not talking about shoe right now

No. 1919055

I feel like I'm the only person who doesnt care about sillypoo either way

No. 1919057

I’m not defending stonetoss, I’m telling you to stop acting like a little faggot(infighting)

No. 1919061

would be nice if mods exposed her posts like ritard or mistery.jpg tbh I bet this bitch posts 24/7, she seems jobless
stop being a little handmaiden bitch to a racist retard then I'll stop being a faggot(infighting)

No. 1919064

Classic pickme looking bitches. We all know women like this and we know the men they attract and that they take out their low self esteem out on other women.

No. 1919066

Same, the video was funny to me and I don't give a shit about the creator itself lol

No. 1919067

It's literally just them wking themselves kek. Very obviously too.

No. 1919068

I never even thought about philtrums in my life glad to have another normal body part to be made to feel insecure about.

No. 1919070

File: 1710082529273.gif (192.56 KB, 200x150, 200w.gif)

I have to say, this sillypoo analysis is very entertaining to me. Doing this sort of deepdives and getting autistically obsessed over a subject for hours is the true spirit of lolcow and, regardless of what anons say, this is the kind of energy we need in a time where the interest in cows is severely decreasing. Also if you keep drawing attention to yourself by mentioning/referencing lolcow and becoming a notable figure here, farmers WILL look into you eventually. Again, that's the true spirit of lolcow. I love to see it.

No. 1919072

All I'd be worried about is a possible newfag influx, but that is nothing new in lc history.

No. 1919073

just wish someone made a thread already

No. 1919074

Nah I don't think that'll happen

No. 1919075

nta but kek I was a huge poltard in 2017. Now I hate all men instead of just a specific subgroup of men.
Anyway change or no change I don't think it's a big deal. lolcow is filled with hate towards moids, any woman who posts here obviously discriminates against others in some way. Like seeing some nonnies say they draw their line of hate at racism is so funny to me.

No. 1919076

newfags from where? sillypoo has no platform.

No. 1919077

its hilarious how quickly anons found her history, surprised she didn’t anticipate this being a true and honest farmer. or maybe she thought ~dumb foids~ I mean, uh, silly girlz wouldn’t be able to connect the dots.

No. 1919082

Do it yourself.

No. 1919083

Silly made art for Dick Masterson's platform >>1918673, paid actual money to own a shitty book he wrote >>1918663 and talked about supporting Trump, being more conservative/right wing/politically charged than other people around her in this podcast >>1918376.
Poo made several posts on her Twitter >>1918924 talking about adoring and following a right-wing Christian podcaster, "DiscoKino", and his following/general circle is tradtards, incels, Milady/kaliacc faggots and accounts with usernames like "DropkickNiggers".
Yes, they are racist tradthots around their 30s who use this place for "cool girl misandrist points" with the gross men they worship, not le based radfem farmers. The Stonetoss thing isn't a one-off. I don't know why there's suddenly a quick succession of posts trying so hard to gaslight about this.

No. 1919086

>instead of just a specific subgroup of men
What subgroup was that?

No. 1919088

Which do you think genius.

No. 1919089

a classic trait of cows is that they think the public is too dumb to notice their milk.
thank you
I'm awful at making threads sorry nonny

No. 1919091

Its funny because the same dudes she dickrode will say shes hit the wall and used up at 30 kek

No. 1919092

File: 1710082748696.png (135.55 KB, 1717x802, LC2015.png)

No. 1919094

I want to hear you say it, I can already guess

No. 1919095

You can hate moids and not be racist, why is that so hard to grasp?

No. 1919096

Then you're a retard. Racism is such a plague on society and anyone that has to use it to be funny is genuinely stupid and ignorant as fuck. Great comedy gives a new perspective to an observable phenomenon. Pandering to 4chan moids is cringe and so are their gay little outfits. Frilly collars doesn't make up for their shapeless bodies

No. 1919097

I hate abusive POS moids. I don't hate women, and that includes women who are different races from me. I'm sorry if you have personal problems with the latter, but don't project.

No. 1919098


No. 1919099

I agree but it’s genuinely shocking to see nonnas acting like SJWs itt when I see racism all the time on lc with barely any pushback. Just check the britbong thread kek. Like where has this energy been? Does only anti-black racism matter to farmers?

No. 1919102

Then you obviously can't pick out obvious baiters and trolls

No. 1919103

I personally don't care to bite racist baits and just report them. it's attention they want and I'm not giving it.

No. 1919105

What a fucking cop out. Thanks for the worthless response, nonnie

No. 1919106

Do you honestly believe this? Like really really? That anyone who doesn't agree with your personal opinion must be the person you're talking about?

No. 1919108

Why don't you just samefag a response you would like then you delicate little prick

No. 1919110

The point is other people would tell you the same thing about being sexist against moids. You aren't morally superior for discriminating against a whole group of people on the basis of gender but not on their race. My point is that we're all hatefull and on the internet and it doesn't matter.(baiting)

No. 1919112

Are you kidding me? Anti white racism doesn't get you a (racism) ban but quoting rape statistics does. One of the mods is pretty classic SJW.

No. 1919113

Yeah, we had attempted incel containment threads back then, and all that happened is that scrotes posted incel garbage (duh), constant racebait, spammed their jack off folders, and got mad whenever they got clocked as men while larping as women.

No. 1919117

A woman is 100% superior to the male sex even the men will admit that lol

No. 1919118

Unfortunately, this kind of behavior is typical retardation here. Anons are always accusing other anons of samefagging or being the cows themselves as soon as they have a different opinion from them. I wish it was treated like scrotefoiling and banned, it’s so damn annoying

No. 1919119

The only time I got banned for racebaiting here it was against my own race and I am white

No. 1919120

I don't hate women of other races either (only moids).

No. 1919121

I feel the same way, nona. What a milky weekend it's turned into.

No. 1919123

>The point is other people would tell you the same thing
And they're wrong.
>"You don't like moids, why won't you be racist too?!?!"
Lmao give it up

No. 1919126

But now silly poo won't make silly poo lolcow references anymore sad face I liked the pixielocks jokes

No. 1919127

What male would admit that?

No. 1919128

>"Misandry is the same as racism!"
Reads as some sort of imposters trying to convince us that hating men is not ok. It will not work.

No. 1919130

If she were a real farmer she wouldn’t be bothered by it

No. 1919134

It really is. I would find it funny if it wasn't so common and didn't derail threads so often. There's like five super common posters who have very specific opinions and they accuse anyone who doesn't hold those same opinions of being males/troons/racists/pickmes/tradthot/etc. What's even funnier is being accused of being opposite things in the same thread.

No. 1919135

I'd like to think sillypoo is reading us talk and is laughing right now

No. 1919136

So you're just plain retarded. Being racist is not only idiotic but also useless. So you hate moids and women that happen to have another skin tone than yours? Good job at getting completely isolated like a fucking retard, because let's be honest, racist people only want to see their exact skin tone everywhere, any slight variation is wrong and evil.

No. 1919137

It doesn't matter if they're wrong or not. It's just silly (heh) to be on a sexist image board but then get offended when a fellow hater hates moids in a different way than you do.

Nonnie pls i've been saying i hate all moids since my 1st post.

No. 1919138

Majority of them. Men can't reproduce on their own. They're expendable. They're the most worthless demographic even insurance companies will tell you that. A lone male has fuck all capital or use in this world, when they can't find a pack to boost their self esteem and wank each others egos off they turn dangerous and likely to passionately murder as vengeance for their shit lot.

No. 1919139

The discussion of sillypoo in this thread has devolved into infighting. Rulebreaking posts beyond this point will get twice the normal ban length. We are currently looking in to some of the posts above, so in case anyone needs a reminder, posting about yourself deceptively in the third person is against the global rules.

No. 1919140

No I only hate moids (of all flavors).

No. 1919141

More like raging, especially at the joke drawing one anon did.

No. 1919143

Is this a hint that one of them is sillypoo?

No. 1919146

No. 1919149

fucking kek

No. 1919150

File: 1710084071421.gif (189.97 KB, 111x124, 1368154117994.gif)

No. 1919152

Yeah this actually is a valid critique since it involves siding with moids and being against women.

No. 1919153

File: 1710084267421.gif (550.1 KB, 200x204, 200w (1).gif)

No. 1919154

Its kinda worse, racism is hatred of outsiders, but misandry is hatred of all mankind.

No. 1919155

File: 1710084370743.gif (62.13 KB, 199x188, 1000014196.gif)

No. 1919156

No it's just hatred of moids which is based

No. 1919158

Will you let us know the results?

No. 1919164

Misandry is hatred of men I think you got that wrong

No. 1919173

Is someone going to make a thread for sillypoo or

No. 1919176

File: 1710085530487.gif (667.39 KB, 498x233, popcorn-eat.gif)

This suddenly got interesting.

No. 1919188

Incorrect, it's the hatred of moidkind.
>Its kinda worse
Kek are you for real?

No. 1919189

I'm honestly upset that sillypoo turned out to be racist and misogynistic and I regret calling her based tbh

No. 1919190

called it. They weren’t even being subtle kek. Please report back the results dear farmhand

No. 1919194

I kind of agree, but
>didn't know she was misogynistic
Her art didn't tip you off?

No. 1919199

File: 1710086631522.png (77.45 KB, 1288x371, kf.png)

it's funny because I lurked on kf and they were saying how they're too misandrist and femcel, as well as they're too misogynistic and racist for here. Pick me pandering never works I guess kek though the scrotes are more lenient

No. 1919202

boys sure are fucking crybabies

No. 1919205

I'm wishfully wanting to believe that sillypoo has evolved from those earlier pieces since there was a time period online where "le pwning the snowflakes" gained a lot of attention.

No. 1919206

nta, call me a clown but I thought it was ridiculous on purpose and that it was fully satirical. I'm truly a retard because it always turns out it's the opposite and I should know better kek.
This is practically thread tax at this point but pearl clutch-chan is still funny though.

No. 1919211

hatred of all mankind is 'misanthrope'

No. 1919214

File: 1710087142214.mp4 (6.42 MB, ssstwitter.com_1710087070694.m…)

Do you guys think silly he he's voice here sounds like the one on this video? I'm retarded so i can't tell for sure.

No. 1919215

That’s what I thought too and now I feel like a retard. I really liked their videos, it’s a shame.

No. 1919216

It's the zoomer newfags who still don't understand how unwellcome they're for the normal audience on this siteand the fact that they colonized 4 or 5 doesn't mean it's desired behavior here. ywnbafarmer

No. 1919220

She's putting on a funny voice/accent in this video but it does sound like her. In the interview, at 45 mins, she mentions having a Scottish friend and starting up a project with her so it's definitely silly.

No. 1919224

They never give a fuck about blantant misogyny. God I hate males.

No. 1919225

File: 1710087907317.png (25.22 KB, 685x168, poo.png)

They're lurking kekeke

No. 1919227

"idc about politics" is the current dogwhistle for all /pol/tards who have never abandoned their bigoted views but are now trying to break a career as a centrist fencesitter on social media so they don't want their true persona to surface.

No. 1919228

They should have just stayed silent omg what a retard. Someone please make a thread bc I've never done one and don't even know where to post it

No. 1919230

If you continue to identify as bisexual while in a monogamous relationship, then it's not a sexuality anymore, it's an unfaithfulness kink

No. 1919231

We've investigated the posts above and as far as we can tell neither Silly or Poo are defending themselves in this thread, there is just one very dedicated whiteknight.

No. 1919232

It would go in snow, and the thread description should include a bullet point rundown of the milk so far with links back to the posts in this thread. I would do it but I have to leave to go help out my grandmother in 10 min.

No. 1919234

Kek must be someone they know. They are lurking so their circle is clearly aware >>1919225

No. 1919235

Uncreative bait

No. 1919236

>that's never been part of my art
Sure bud

No. 1919237

I'm sure their gay little discords are very active at the moment.

>fun or cute
Shit fashion sense, shit bedroom, shit humour, shit fans

No. 1919238

People better start being nice to Ariana grande because based off what she’s looking like she’s only got a few more years to live and I know she’s on ozempic which is going to speed up the death spiral and the same people calling her a home wrecking whore are gonna be sad

No. 1919239

File: 1710088580842.png (46.7 KB, 661x326, poolurk.png)

They're trying to win back their precious scrotes since we know now?

No. 1919240

That's not hehesilly's account but her friend's.

No. 1919241

of course they're going to start simping for their moid audience now that they lost lc anons

No. 1919242

>Apologize for internet wrongthink!!
I don't like sillypoo but we're straight up in Tumblr retardation territory now.

No. 1919245

Thanks for checking farmhand!

No. 1919247

>the same people calling her a home wrecking whore are gonna be sad
I won't

No. 1919251

Kek I always like a good ol' post reveal but where were you when Lucinda was selfposting like crazy in her threads ?

No. 1919255

Literally different admin.

No. 1919258

I wish they'd go even harder with the misandry in the future, pissing off kiwis would be great.

No. 1919261

Yeah, I know but still a huge regret for me

No. 1919264

They're not. They're fence sitting now saying we don't actually hate males guyz but they're also not pick mes seeking out confirmation from scrotes amirite??? Seriously not political, it's all about kawaiiness uwu. My prediction is they need their pol beta bucks so they're going to start egging at women now to make it up

No. 1919266

their art jas always had this weird misogynstic undertone and bimbo fixation. i recall some art on the doodle boards was really bizarre bimbo shit and they called ppl pearl clutchers when they voiced objections. i wouldn't bet in it.

No. 1919276

Sanity post in a sea of shit. Watching lc moralfag over jokes is fucking embarrassing.

No. 1919277

same nonnie, it would've been so milky.

No. 1919278

You will never be one of us so you dont need to feel embarrassed

No. 1919282

>cancelling sillypoo because she used to draw (gasp) le hecking ebil neonazi comics
lolcow really is twitter/tumblr: the imageboard

No. 1919284

Not to "no u!" But I truly believe that the anons calling other admins newfags are actually the new ones. Been here for 7 years and /pol/fags, pickmes and overly edgy people have never really been all that liked along with SJWs. It's the newfags who think we're some edgy femcel site. I'm also so certain that a few years ago, anons would not have got so offended over farmers making fun of someone who keeps looking for attention from us.

No. 1919285

you can keep trying this angle I guess but it’s not worked so far

No. 1919290

Yeah I don’t really know what is up with these anons, shit like >>1918258 has never really been accepted here. Brittanyventi/Sh0e have been criticized for the exact same things for years.

No. 1919292

I still like sillypoo's creations, they managed to capture something special and they've got a retarded but fun sense of humor in their joint videos. It's a shame they love to pander to men so much, that's the part that gets me personally. Anons wanting a personal apology or some kind of a statement are cringe though, that's true, but digging through people's online histories is also a general lolcow thing so this was bound to happen.

No. 1919294

I'd rather be on the twitter/tumblr imageboard than the /pol/ imageboard

No. 1919298

Sad but true

>the political spectrum is tumblrtards vs. /pol/tards and there is no nuance or any world view that is possible outside of these two extremes.
How about neither? Both sides are fucking retarded.

No. 1919301

no one is cancelled; some of us don't like misogyny for brownie points

No. 1919303

I'm sorry but you're just stupid if you call this "cancelling". Digging up people's dirt is what this site is. Lolcow is so dead, now it's just a bunch of people who aren't even here for gossip. Maybe admin was right to start a war on chatroom threads

No. 1919304

same. there's a spike in edgy and rightwing shit on here lately and it's shit. i'd rather have twitter types than ppl who think edgy neonazi shit is omg le funny and based

No. 1919305

I don't like artists that pick at low hanging fruit (scrote politics) for attention, simple as.

No. 1919309

It used to be done for the lulz. Now it's done so people can be cancelled.

No. 1919312


No. 1919329

no one is ~cancelling~ sillypoo. some people don't like their content. get over it.
they've been referencing lolcow in their art for attention, they got that attention, not all of it was going to be good.
what's the difference between nitpicking nasolabial folds and nitpicking comics? this is the place for shittalking.

No. 1919330

Im attempting to make a thread but I've never done this before. How should I write the description. As far as I can tell there isn't much know about Poo?

No. 1919331

File: 1710094315199.jpg (85.87 KB, 479x781, no.JPG)

Really tired of this shit taking over my insta.
There is nothing wrong with 50/50 a bill on the first date, the amount of women throwing hissy fits and acting like complete bitches because he doesn't pay full is fucking wild to me.

No. 1919332

How can you write a thread when you know barely anything about them? It's still questionable whether they even deserve one.

No. 1919333

I don’t like people who are 25+ who can never stfu about how their frontal lobe has developed and how mature they are. I’m 32 and I’m just trying to not be an alcoholic, I can’t deal with these people because they’re judging me for not being ~~~~~mature~~~~~. Yeah I’m in my 30s, I still feel insecure about my appearance, I still get jealous of people and I do shit like binge drink. People also don’t understand that some people 25+ just aren’t mature because we weren’t doing the stuff most normies were doing in highschool. I wasn’t dating 25 year olds at 16 and they weren’t interested, I wasnt drinking and I didn’t start dating until my mid 20s. I didn’t go to a night club for the first time until I was 30.

No. 1919335

dude just stop

No. 1919336

Women wouldn’t even have these issues is they just opened their mouth and tell men they want them to pay before the date. If he acts like a pissy little baby just block him and move on.

No. 1919337

Nothing questionable about it. They were a moid pandering pickme in the past. It's debatable if they have even changed, they literally made a Stonetoss drawing August 2023.

No. 1919338

Just bullet point from this thread and we can go from there, I think they do deserve a thread even it doesn't last long there's milk incoming for sure

No. 1919340

Ok baby mod

No. 1919342

If you can't see the difference between digging up someone's internet history because they look fat in J-fashion and digging through someone's internet history because of their political opinions, I don't know what to suggest. Both are done with malicious intent.

No. 1919346

Seek help if you're struggling to stop drinking. Binge drinking is unhealthy at any age and yes you'll be deemed immature even if you "started late". stop coming up with excuses and stop destroying your health.

No. 1919349

stop being a drunk and maybe you won't have to keep re-posting the same comment until you get it right

No. 1919350

There are existing threads to discuss artcows and animation. There's not enough content to go off of for an isolated thread.

No. 1919351

From what I’ve noticed the people who go on and on about being mature aren’t even mature, that’s what I find annoying about them.

No. 1919354

Ok baby mod. I have to listen to you. I won’t post anything else because you run the show.(infighting)

No. 1919355

Aw I think its so cute when newfags like you discover imageboards for the first time and you always think its your safe haven from le evil twitterfags because you can finally say retard behind anonymous.

No. 1919356

gross, crybaby(infighting)

No. 1919359

>There is nothing wrong with 50/50 a bill on the first date
If he liked you enough he’d pay it all

No. 1919361

Someone said post it in snow and others say in art animation. I have it ready just not sure best place to post

No. 1919363

I vote the art animation thread

No. 1919366

Yeah that’s probably best

No. 1919367

Samefag but make sure to add context of who sillypoo is and her lolcow origins (doodle thread) for those who only use /snow/

No. 1919369

nitpicking a cow's retarded takes has always been part of the game. threads investigate a cow's entire online presence, not just their selfies. no one's stopping you from critiquing outfits btw, but if a someone makes dumb comics they're gonna get dug up like the rest. maybe you find edgy poltard shit funny but ithers think it's cow material, that's all

No. 1919370

Well if it’s not going to be a new thread and is going in animation cows instead, I say post what was going to be the thread description just as a regular post to serve as an intro

No. 1919372

Cringy but I'm excited to watch Mike Tyson and the Paul brother fight. I bet it will be very underwhelming, but the idea of a world champion putting a spoiled YouTuber in his place seems funny. Tyson is decades older than Paul so there's a small chance he will win. I don't hate him btw, I actually don't know much about him besides the corpse drama.

No. 1919375

Yes, but I'm saying anon should add context of who sillypoo is and how they were introduced to lolcow as well

No. 1919379

May as well just link to this thread.

No. 1919383

I think the point is that these kind of moids will use equality as an excuse to be stingy and crusty.

No. 1919385

I hope Tyson knocks him senseless.

No. 1919387

Can’t get into Radiohead. I think they’re pretty boring besides a few catchy songs like Karma Police.

No. 1919389

I disagree with that because I want a man who is willing to be generous with his money. If he's stingy, then there's hundreds in line behind him so I'll just pick one of those instead.

No. 1919390

You know how Nyanners still does her pedo-pandering LARP under the same name and persona despite pretending to have moved on from her 4chan days ? It's kind of a similar thing. If Silly actually wanted to move on from her past she would have picked another name and not linked herself to her old stuff and most importantly she wouldn't try to pander to the same audience that liked her edgy shit. You can't have your milk carton and drink it too. Quite a few women on this site "grew up" in degenerate online spaces, it's not like we can't understand.

Good thing they look fat in Jfashion too

No. 1919391

kek proof that the anons trying to spin her into a cow are bonafide PULLfags

No. 1919393

This whining about "cancelling" is the most staggering thing in the entire discussion, oh noo someone is pointig out shit they don't like about some terminally online attention whore on LC, that has never happened on LC before. Oh no someone is "digging up" stuff about their past that isn't even hidden and wasn't that long ago either to "cancel" them oh no (as if any of that was comparable to farmers doxxing corpsehusband and not pointing out shit that is on plain sight). I don't even have strong opinions about sillypoo but where did these whiteknights (or whiteknight kek) come from and what were they expecting?

No. 1919394

Why? All it has to be is like two sentences and links to the doodle thread. E.g. "Sillypoo is an art duo who makes animated mspaint videos about (insert whatever the fuck their videos are about). Sillypoo was first introduced to lolcow through the /ot/ Doodle Boards, where a drawing of theirs stirred controversy. Anons quickly recognized their art style and were able to trace it back to the Sillypoo YouTube channel /ot/>>1517160 "

I'm a shit writer and practically ESL but you get the gist

No. 1919395

You're troonishly embarrassing and a newfag for thinking this "y-you're just twitter, omg it's cancel culture" cope works on anyone who's actually been here long, especially to defend unironic twitterfag pickmes who ass-lick scrotes who'd call them fat, post-wall attention-seeking roasties with no eggs left.
Please throw another, bigger tantrum about the fact that we've mocked and shit on other pickmes and tradthots for years. You probably don't realize that because you're an actual newfag who thinks this is "muh edgy femcel board, /r9k/ or /pol/ for foids!!1" or something brain dead like that.(infighting)

No. 1919397

No. 1919400

i think “quacky” medicine that’s considered to be pseudoscience is often the most legitimate and effective, because they’re remedies we used for millennia prior to the medical business being borne

No. 1919401

there's one dedicated whiteknight acting like eveyone who dislikes sillypoo's edgy /pol/shit is a sjw/twitterfag/pullfag/moralfag/tumblrina. throwing everything at the wall to see if it sticks

No. 1919402

>I don't hate him btw
You should start, and it has nothing to do with the corpse drama. Hope Tyson fucks him up

No. 1919403

A short description couldn't hurt, but this thread contains their polfag comics and existing milk already, so no need to recap those in another therad.

No. 1919404

Kek so MySpace bebo badoo Reddit yahoo Google bing youtube Pinterest neopets of them

No. 1919406

>It's the newfags who think we're some edgy femcel site.
We're not femcels, but this site was created to document and mock people. It meets the definition of edgy and is widely mocked by everyone else on the internet. Just seems weird that the people here openly mock people for things they can't control (mental illness), but then get up in arms for people mocking others for things they can't control.

No. 1919407

yeowch those jill tweets are basically cowtipping. embarassing

No. 1919411

They can easily change from being uneducated fat dullards, racism is low hanging fruit to social retards. The bedroom mirror selfie looks dusty and autistic as fuck and like a childhood bedroom. Seems majority of their experiences have been gained through a screen which is just pathetic and not a congenital condition. Being a loser is a choice.(infighting)

No. 1919412

I honestly wish all of you would shut up about it. You're contributing to the infighting just as much as the one (maybe) person.

No. 1919413

I see it more as referencing than cow tipping tbh

No. 1919416

I still don't know why I should hate Sillypoo. They made a cool thing for the girlies. The rest is just noise.

No. 1919417

Will do, is this fitting for western animation cows?

No. 1919421

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imo some of the jill pics are funny but posting them in twitter using hashtags like confetticlub is basicalky asking for her to find them… maybe not straight up cowtipping but it's getting close
you can discuss sillypoo without replying to the wk

No. 1919423

You don't have to hate her if you don't want to. Just think he history as a poltard pick me should be known.

No. 1919424

Not really because isn't animators from Cartoon network and stuff? They're unique from the others because they're associated from here which is why I believe they should get their own thread. I don't think we should trash up another thread like Youtubers either

No. 1919426

I don't either. I thought their videos were funny and I'm going to continue to watch them. The people who seem hellbent on hating them don't seem to have any substance beyond throwing every insult at them and hoping something sticks.
lol, what?

No. 1919427

That's what I wasn't sure about

No. 1919429

We should rename the unpopular opinion threads to sillypoo general. Here's to 117 more.

No. 1919431

Did you delete your previous comment making fun of women who had abortions because you knew everyone would be able to identify you as male?

No. 1919432

You can stop being openly BPD online and get help (or at least self-reflect and quit embarrassing yourself), you can lose weight, you can stop having retarded pickme opinions, you can detransition and stop taking horse piss pills, you can stop being a retarded incel. You can't stop being female, you can't undo an abortion and you can't change your race.
There's a reason we've never had threads mocking people simply for being black/filipina/whatever or female, because that'd be retarded. Unfortunately, sillypoo are retarded and value ugly men's attenton over all. That's the difference.

No. 1919433

You posted and deleted the same comment three times? Damn, that's some high quality seethe.

No. 1919436

I never mocked women who had abortions? Sillypoo did, though. I deleted my post to add extra thoughts and remove the part where it sounded like I was implying you're a tranny. If you're new, I understand you might not be used to that. Take your meds, though.

No. 1919439

They just have to jump on any post, who cares about getting your point across, as long as they can keep bumping the thread and assume others have the same short attention span as theirs that it's mental illness to scroll up and read the not very long thread

No. 1919442


No. 1919445

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My unpopular opinion is that picrel is right and a lot of so called "gulity, anxious" people are coping with their shitty lives and that they either can't change it or doesn't want to change it. "People pleaser" is also a code for bippie/convert narcissism

No. 1919447

Are you guys serious? Just post in the art salt thread or revive artcow general.

No. 1919448

In that case I deserve to die as punishment

No. 1919449

Come on, you can't just bring another controversial artist into the thread like this, anon

No. 1919452

What are you feeling guilty for, nona?

No. 1919453

embarrassing. reminds me of omocat making fanart of nicki minaj to try to get her attention on twitter

No. 1919457

>Anti white racism doesn't get you a (racism) ban
yes it does, several anons in /g/ have received that redtext for complaining about white women (they called them "yt" tho lol)

No. 1919458

Women are socialized to feel like they should feel guilty over everything, though. There are women who feel guilty for leaving men who beat them, women who feel guilty for being wary of troons, women who feel guilty for being attrated to other women, etc.

No. 1919460

That may be true. I very rarely leave ot. That was just what I noticed on this board.

No. 1919461

Dogisaga might be schizo, but IMO she's better than Silypoo in the sense that she's not really pandering to any demographic besides herself, and never seemed to care much if her work was incomprehensible (that's part of the humor). She also isn't racist anymore after actually marrying one of the /pol/tard scrotes and finding out how worthless and abusive they are, being told to lie about her ancestry to seem "whiter", etc. It was wild when she posted his face and he looked exactly like the chud meme. Her anti-nazi/anti-racist art is funny, too.

No. 1919463

She’s gone off the rails and is a troon now drawing weird racial porn. But you’re right, I don’t hate her because it’s clear she’s legitimately insane, like “thinks she’s been having sex with a demon spirit” insane, so you can’t really judge her with the same intensity as griftypoo who are fully functioning but just choose to act like retards for polfag bucks

No. 1919465

That goes into the "coping with their shitty lives while refusing to change" category. Also hundreds of women are murdered because they pretended to help their "friend" who refuses to let go an abusive moid thanks to her beautiful princess disorder. If they recognize that its a problem, there is hope though. If they can't even do that then it's the best to get away before you get into the crossfire.

No. 1919466

Dogisaga isn't a lolcow in the traditional sense but still has her moments in self ID'ing as a FtM and unironically trying to now opt out of being white and connect with her aboriginal ancestry. She's is also absolutely schizophrenic and a woman-hating porn addict.

Still a fun character to watch, but can't be at all compared to.

No. 1919469

>she's not really pandering to any demographic besides herself
I guess you don't want to recall how desperate she was self-posting her comics on reddit and 4chan/pol/ic/ for attention back in the day. All these totally-not-political-I-swear artists are all pickmes

No. 1919472

Mixed children never look anything like their white mothers and it's really weird to me when people will say some completely Black or Asian looking kid "looks like her mom!"

No. 1919473

Made a post in art salt thread. Never done this before hopefully it's ok summary >>1919470

No. 1919474

tbf Asian and black genes are really strong, like my GREAT grandmother was from Uzbekistan and to this day a few of my family members have smaller eyes.

No. 1919476

I'm becoming convinced that BPD doesn't actually exist. It just seems like a label that scrotes slap on any one who they don't like to discredit her.

No. 1919478

I pray you never have to deal with a BPD coworker or loved one. Male or female they're monsters.

No. 1919479

Thank you for your prayers nonnie. I too hope your path is untroubled.

No. 1919483

You're a retard. But I'm willing to consider that a lot of the social impact of bippies would be reduced if scrotes weren't obsessed with fucking them (not dating not helping not dealing with: fucking. On the mind of scrotes bpds are the prostitute caste)

No. 1919484

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picrel has a point too imo

Do scrotes even know what BPD is ?

No. 1919486

BPD exists, I knew a male who had it and he was all sorts of fucked up and out of control. But yeah some assholes use it as an excuse to harass people and get away with it, what's new

No. 1919492

Reminds me of my boyfriend when he was younger. Guy was obsessed with BPD sex.

No. 1919493

I don't know enough about him to hate him and I don't care to learn, the dead body drama was enough. He looks and sounds like a douche tho

No. 1919494

My unpopular opinion is that regardless of sexuality, depending on someone else's money and not being able to live alone financially speaking if you're single is a bad move. You should always have your own money to fall back on and never have to rely on someone else's money or living in someone else's house. It just seems dangerous to me. If I unfortunately got in a relationship one day, I'd still live in my own place and use my own money to buy what I want, so the inevitable breakup wouldn't get me in financial trouble. I also don't like the feeling of owing someone money or being owed money because it also can lead to trouble.

No. 1919495

It can also be replaced with poverty tho. "i have no emotions because i'm poor and i have no time for those" "i'm angry because i'm poor" "i'm depressed because i'm poor" in fact that is the background of 99% of people that "became mentally ill" suddenly
A literal menace.

No. 1919507

Why would we want to be like men?

No. 1919509

I've never cared about this either. Maybe it's because I work in software so I earn good money but I really don't give a shit if my man earns less than me provided he's attractive to me physically, emotionally and intellectually, has something productive going on in his life and is most importantly a good person.

FDS style "get dat bag" mantra is how you end up married to some Indian or Asian dude you feel no physical attraction to and will inevitably cheat on.

That's my unpopular opinion. Most of these Taylor R style relationships are probably borderline sexless.

No. 1919510

>while women don't get a fraction of that leniency
kek a lot of pedo women irl don't get sentenced because….you've guessed, they're women, they even get away with crimes, there have been so many cases of this shit

No. 1919534

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If we're going to set a precedent with sillypoo/hehesilly then we should treat dogisaga the same

No. 1919550

Dogisaga came before sillypoo, that's not a precedent

No. 1919572

I dated a guy who I later ended up finding out was bpd.
Never again would I do that to myself. It was horrific, I couldnt understand why they did the shit they did. Hes one of the only truly nasty evil people I've ever come across. It is for sure real.

No. 1919603

When I was hospitalized at 18 a male psychiatrist who spoke to me twice, very briefly, handed me a 5 page pamphlet on BPD and asked if I related to any of it. I said sort of and he immediately started treating me differently and saying I needed to get over the stuff I had been through because it had been too long. Like, yeah, I was young and still in a bad environment and didn't have a chance to process anything so obviously it was still affecting me. Thankfully it didn't go on my record and my current therapist doesn't think I fit the criteria at all. BPD is a thing but I do think it's overdiagnosed, especially in young women.

No. 1919625

I mean if you were hospitalized for a suicide attempt or self harm and were engaging in reckless sex and what have you I don't really blame the psych tbh.

No. 1919647

She never said anything about reckless sex kek. And even if she did, that can also be a symptom of other disorders, same with self harm and suicide attempts. It is well-known that BPD is overdiagnosed in women, generally because of misogyny. A psych who has been through years of training but just looks at a troubled woman and decides she must have BPD (and therefore be mistreated at every turn when she's looking for help) should lose their license.

No. 1919657

File: 1710109372015.png (73.5 KB, 1235x1118, dsm bpd criteria.png)

I looked it up and you're not going to believe it, but that nonita is right.

No. 1919663

My take is that any psych that diagnoses a young adult with a personality disorder is a quack. All of the professionals I've seen are really hesistant to diagnose
anything when the patient is young because 9/10 times a person grows out of it the weird behavior they're in a stable environment and gain a few years

LOL anon

No. 1919666

We're on lc after all. We've all been there with the reckless sex with e-moids tbh.

No. 1919668

I had a stroke while typing this I'm sorry

No. 1919675

incredibly based nonna
>provided he's attractive to me physically, emotionally and intellectually, has something productive going on in his life and is most importantly a good person.
this a million times

No. 1919686

What did he do?

No. 1919720

I will use what you said as inspiration for my manifestation page in my journal.

No. 1919769

Exactly this. Moids who are genuinely into you won't be afraid to drop some cash.

No. 1919815

Most of the anons posting on threads about camgirls and the like are definitely a-logging scrotes bitching about the women they fap to. In general I think most of the nitpicking in cow threads sound very male. Also the fact so many women on here grew up on male-dominated imageboards is painfully apparent, you can tell from the brainrot and obsession with age. I’m convinced most of the dumb nigels nonas are venting about are that way because they picked them up fresh and stinky from 4chan.

No. 1919819

No. 1919828

I've always thought the same especially seeing posts like >>1919666 and how lots of nonas seem to be either ldr discord kittens or married to smelly gamer scrotes. tbf normal people don't use imageboards and in some ways this really is female 4chan kek

No. 1919839

Yeah normal people never used forums before 2019 before social media took off only hackers could converse on the world wide Web.

No. 1919842

>We've all been there with the reckless sex with e-moids tbh.

Kek who is we? What kind of a retard do you have to be to trust an online man?

No. 1919852

Going to let my ocd take the reigns and kms (not really mods)doing everything thanks to this comic, i get guilty for shit like not having my cans organised or eating the proper amount of almonds

No. 1919875

>hm maybe i should log into lolcow it’s been a while
>goes to unpopular opinions
>1 day ago
>600 posts already

oh lord

No. 1919882

you missed a lot kek

No. 1919883

No. 1919885

insulting is a fun art and you should be able to laugh at shit even when you’re being clowned upon

No. 1919891

This site is unironically an offshoot from 4-chan because they didn't want gossiping women on their site. Idk why you are surprised unless you are a newfag.

No. 1919892

Sorry not everyone wants to play the overfamiliar game with freaks who think they're funnier than they really are

No. 1919899

No one said it wasn’t, doesn’t mean the anons with their neckbeard nigels and ingrained 4chan-rot aren’t cringe.

No. 1919901

Nta but I agree. The people who want to do this (they call it "banter" lol) aren't close to me, and the people who are close would never do it.

No. 1919902

Yeah people who are like "lighten up" "have a sense of humor" are never on spaces like lc where you're just trolling, it's irl and it's ALWAYS men who think their aggressive, obsessive, overtly-familiar way of insulting you and trying to get your attention is somehow normal. NO thanks.

No. 1919903

I get not liking banter but I don’t understand those who get offended by it. Seems a little overly sensitive unless they genuinely crossed the line.

No. 1919907

>overfamiliar game
What is that

No. 1919920

No I'm tired of having to explain simple phrases to you people omg. Every single day it's "what's that" "what does that mean" I am not a teacher and you have google

But people usually do it in inappropriate scenarios with strangers that don't want to watch you play court jester for attention. A lot of times people are tired, high strung, want to go home. Coworkers especially like this are the worst. I'm not sensitive but I would not attempt this with people I'm not friends with.

No. 1919923

It's noko not age

No. 1919925

That was over 10 years ago though the comparison is tired. Some anons go through a phase of finding that out and never shutting the fuck up about it

No. 1920005

you must not know what it means either

No. 1920008

>you have google
i’m not doing research on your post when i could just ask you what you meant

No. 1920011

I think they meant people acting too familiar with you and it's like a game that they have to go through

No. 1920014

You shouldn't have to ask. It literally is right there. Sound it out.

No. 1920020

Are you 12

No. 1920031

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No. 1920043

I disagree, they’re mostly scammers trying to wring money out of desperate sick people with their fake ‘remedies’. Fuck them.

No. 1920069

i fucking hate honey BLEAURGH

No. 1920072

You probably have never had good honey cause most filtered pasteurized honey is pretty fucking gross

No. 1920087

i've tried a bunch and honestly eugh just not for me. much too sweet, like sickeningly sweet. thank you bees for your effort though

No. 1920090

Nonnie you’re supposed to eat it with something else like mixed into baked buttery oats for a granola or on a salty cracker

No. 1920092

This seems to be a special topic to her. Like a fixation. Instead saying it’s cringe, she just makes the same jokes over and over again

No. 1920093

i know… i haven't been just eating it out of the jar with a spoon i promise.

No. 1920095

Why are there tradthots on this site? Do you not have your husbands children to pop out? Get those birth rates up, handmaiden!(infighting)

No. 1920096

Why do conservatives hate Michelle Obama so much? They still mention her years later.

No. 1920097

For having the audacity to be a tall black woman involved in politics

No. 1920109

Racists exist between both terfs and troons. If troons didn’t have so much disproportionate power, I wouldn’t give a shit about this stuff

No. 1920110

Do me 1997

No. 1920112

His jokes were funny 20 years ago. He’s out of touch today

No. 1920119

What the fuck happened to feminism

No. 1920122

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As much as I hate religion, I understand that it’s a load bearing belief for many people and philosophies. I try to see it from the perspective of it being a utility. Very few people can create their own philosophies from scratch and it’s interesting to see how religions change over time, like polytheistic to monotheistic.

No. 1920126

Feminism has always been like this. A lot of the original suffragettes would go on to support fascism.

No. 1920128

God I’m allowed to think these people are disgusting. Would you call it moralfagging if she made pedophila jokes?

No. 1920130

terf is applied to anyone and everyone who hates trannies. i've seen the word applied to like, trump kek

No. 1920133

A lot of so-called feminists don’t actually think of black women as fellow women. Which is why American feminism is like that, focused exclusively on PSL sipping swifties and her grievances.

No. 1920137

what grievances do "PL sipping swifties" have that don't apply to all women?

No. 1920140

If you’re racist get the fuck off this site

No. 1920141

No. 1920155

Depends on the kids, but it’s usually like similar features or facial proportions like Obama and his grandpa having the same smile

No. 1920164

you literally have a neurological disease

No. 1920168

tbf from what I understand, these were just anti-Semites more then anything.

No. 1920177

The suffragettes were a diverse group of people that included both women and men as well as people of various races, religions, countries and political opinions. The only thing they all had in common was the belief that women should have the right to vote.

No. 1920190

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I kinda get what your trying to say, the movement included women with various political leanings, from out-right proto-fascist eugenicists to more moderate centrist women, to women with communist leanings, but the majority of them were white english women usually from the Middle and Upper classes. that doesn't make them wrong per-se. but other then a few exceptions they weren't a modern mult-cultural progressive group and there's nothing wrong that. most of the feminist fascists were from the UK, were it's party was kinda different from other Fascist groups, but as stated it was primarily driven by anti-Semitism.

No. 1920197

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The fact that it's become an unpopular opinion to think Poor Things sucks (costuming and set aside) is so sad. Everyone is like "yeah movie about a toddler masturbating with a chicken bone and fucking for two hours is sooo chic and deep". At this point I think people are just so desperate for innovation that being a contrarian to common sense is fine as long as you get to look at something new.

No. 1920205

File: 1710139159922.jpg (379.68 KB, 1170x750, 1000003333.jpg)

I've been saying this for years but english people are LIARS and their language is false. You have to speak in cursive italics but you sing normal? Okay.

No. 1920207

Kek a spitting image. I'm so tired of seeing that dumb poster of Emma Stone sulking like she's just heard her movie didn't win the most oscars.

No. 1920212

Yes, spelling competitions are a clear indication that a language is dumb, there is no reason why pronunciation and spelling should differ. And what is up with letter "W"? Isn't regular "V" enough?

No. 1920214

Hearing Connor cdawgva from trash taste talk makes me mad sometimes because it sounds like a severe speech impediment. Like why do you all talk like this but sing normal?

No. 1920222

It's not even innovation is the same old moid movie pedophila and perversion towards women.

No. 1920226

I'm not referring to the storyline, people like the costuming and set and have decided to defend the plot

No. 1920228

The articulation that causes most of their accent is lost when singing and makes it sound like a neutral accent that just happens to sound like a neutral American accent. Singing wouldn't be singing if it was identical to speaking.

No. 1920237

But when people sing in their other languages, it doesn't sound American at all. British people singing sounds like American English

No. 1920240

Ummm yes anon, languages other than English probably won’t sound like American English. They probably tend towards a neutral version of whatever language it is also.

No. 1920252

I know what you're saying I just intend to continue to derail because I dont like British accents(derailing)

No. 1920261

I hate them too

No. 1920264

this is probably retarded but based off what little I know of it, it seems like a film roman polanski and lana del rey would make if they worked together.

No. 1920266

It just isn't good, but it's dressed up very pretty and we haven't been getting anything interesting lately so people eat it up.

No. 1920267

Either consciously or emotionally, but brits acknowledge american superiority and adjust their culture accordingly, similar to japanese, but arguably funnier.

No. 1920292

Emma Stone is gorgeous though.

No. 1920296

Everyone I've asked has actually no idea what the movie is about. They just know that it's some artsy movie about a zombie kek. Once they learn the plot they've all been horrified. I think only those in pedowood like it.
now THIS is unpopular kek

No. 1920297

Most pop songs are sang with an American accent so to sound pop you use an American accent. A lot of people aren’t aware of this but they do it without thinking.
When I did school choir as a bonglander child the teachers had to tell us not to use American accents even if the song was pop inspired. Though we sang in our natural accents automatically for typical hymns.

No. 1920299

No she isn’t

No. 1920306

She looks like a frog to me, and her being a fame-hungry pickme doesn't help.

No. 1920308

I love the picture. "Very few people can create their own philosophies from scratch" This is a good sentence, something i didn't think abut much as a person who always thought of my own philosopies. It's hard to understand for me, like autistically hard, that some people ust aren't capable of that. Can't compute. I wish we had better religions for them though.

No. 1920313

There are a few brit singers who retain their accents when singing, Robert Smith is all I can think of right now. I find English accents really grating too, whatever Eleanor Neele and Mel B speak with is the worst but they all sound perpetually drunk or like they've been kicked in the head by a donkey.

No. 1920373

She’s pretty to me, but I don’t like her for being in that movie. I always get her confused with Emma Roberts. Emma Roberts is an alleged man beater and the one that got called a transphobe based kek.
No I think that British people’s accents and slang are the real deal. There is no way any serious people are just going along with calling cross guards lollipop ladies/men.

No. 1920376

I think American accents sound retarded. Why can none of them say ‘squirrel’ or ‘caramel’ correctly? Is it too many letters for them to comprehend? Also I hate the way they over-pronounce the letter r.

No. 1920387

This but with british accents. Especially southern ones.
It doesn’t help that the amount of british assholes or two faces I met in my life are an overwhelming majority rather than the nice ones.

No. 1920389

>getting on Americans for speaking incorrectly when Brits pronounce the th sound as an f for some unknown reason

No. 1920401

There are a lot of british accents and most of them do not do that kek
t.burger accent

No. 1920420

Just curious if you want it to sound like skworl or skworelle? and is it karrmull that irks you or karamelle?

No. 1920425

Sorry if this was said already but I’m reading the thread starting from the beginning cause I like sillypoo and want to see what’s going on, but this cartoon was made by hehesilly, which could have been sillypoos earliest name but I think it’s a separate artist. Hehesilly edits stuff for Brittany venti and still has active social medias, if it were sillypoo wouldn’t they have just retired their old handle instead of continuing with two?

No. 1920431

Silly+Poo is a duo, keep reading.

No. 1920451

Nta but I agree with this, I honestly think anons stan Jodi more than Eileen because Jodi is very beautiful so they see her as a Stacey. Eileen targeted johns who weren’t trying to rape her (allegedly, this could be wrong but it doesn’t change my opinion of her) she just wanted to kill as many johns as she could, that is extremely based and Stacey ish of her. She was traumatized and victimized by moids throughout her entire life and decided to retaliate 10 fold, it’s admirable. Jodi comes across as a scorned pick me who was willing to go along with her victims pedo fantasies when she thought she would be his girlfriend, once he started pulling away she killed him because of the rejection. Good for her for killing a moid, but Eileen is an actual Stacey.

No. 1920452

Double post but sorry I’m seeing that itt now, I should’ve read further before posting. Disappointing honestly

No. 1920489

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tbf a few of their comics were genuinely funny, it's like stonetoss, if he wasn't a neo-nazi, he could have been an actually decent webcomic artist.

No. 1920525

No. 1920530

>"being a prostitute is Stacy behaviour"

No. 1920531

Men are not people.

No. 1920538

I don’t really think it’s wrong to raceswap real people for biopics/movies because it’s at least more interesting than a strait laced biopic, which are almost always boring. Genderswapping real people or like that film where Pinochet is a vampire are also interesting to me

No. 1920539

File: 1710167350056.gif (43.75 KB, 220x166, 1000020461.gif)

>misconstruing the point to start shit
No. Outside time.

No. 1920541

Have you ever read anything about Aileen Wuornos?

No. 1920556

File: 1710168372805.webm (4.67 MB, 480x360, duckmanrant.webm)

I like satire. Controversy is good, those who say otherwise are hiding something. Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.

No. 1920567

I agree, satire definitely has its place. Art doesn't always have to be pleasant or comfortable.

No. 1920570

I’m a rube, can you explain exactly what this is satirizing?

No. 1920574

That’s not what I said

No. 1920586

Does anyone have her Shaun King version.

No. 1920588

I agree with this. I didn't want to say it but anons only like Jodi because she's pretty and they want to project onto her. If she was ugly she would be called a pickme.

No. 1920591

File: 1710170301284.jpg (175.21 KB, 960x720, ReubenSandwich_6.jpg)

Ruben sandwich?

No. 1920626

Anon is delicious.

No. 1920638

i agree, Amelia Earhart biopic staring john cena fucking when?
Marie Curie biopic staring Chris Farley fuckin when?
Queen Elizabeth biopic staring Henry Cavill fuckin when?
Straight version of Broke Back mountain fucking when?

No. 1920646

I don't believe controversy and "disturbing the public" is good for art when most men use it to show naked kids/violence against women/kids. I also hate when they depict rape for this sole reason.

No. 1920664

File: 1710174123551.png (412.36 KB, 827x586, Wr8v1Gm.png)

I agree with >>1920646 feminist Victoria Smith talked about these gen-x "liberals" in her book Hags, these men took comedy and drenched in raunch and mockery. They painted anyone with a shred of care as villains aiming to spoil their fun. Feminists, Christians and Communists were all damned by these men (and a handful of degenerate women).

No. 1920689

Idrc if anons don’t like sillypoo, their art style is not for everyone, but this cancellation attempt is honestly disappointing to see. there’s so much black and white thinking here lately thats exactly like wokeness but with a pseudo-radfem pseudo-marxist flavor applied (pseudo because only 1% of them read books) it’s still the same conflation of liking X = agreeing with all the creator’s opinions and that thinking an opinion is acceptable = agreeing with it

No. 1920706

Sillypoo fucking sucks and their art is unfunny as hell. Omgg shitty ms paint doodle but they say /pol/ stuff and women are dumb holes am I right kiwifags hahaha!! And um black women look like men haha!! Seriously what is there to even like? Anons here speaking like they produce groundbreaking works of art. Oh I guess they made fun of tims once so they must be based!! Pickmes are pathetic.

No. 1920708

This is lolcow. No one is "cancelling" anyone, especially not Sillypoo who is irrelevant. If you can't handle people discussing milk then go find another site, newfag.

No. 1920712

I was never invested in sillypoo one way or another, but I’ve been thinking this the whole time too kek. Where the fuck did anons get the idea that sillypoo was anywhere near pro-woman? That video where they are riding the himbo moids ends with them being abducted with a sexy bimbo alien female for sex. Literal male fantasy shit kek. The rest of it is just lolsorandumb…SPORK! tier attempts at humor said in that retarded “funny” accent everyone did in 2015

No. 1920716

Tired of pretending young women don't contribute to pornified culture, encouraging depraved fetishes like choking/strangulation rape etc. Tired of the babying of these same young women by feminists saying they "don't know what they're doing they're just babies!" etc.

No. 1920727

Shes not gonna fuck you

No. 1920734

i agree, they should be judged as adults if they ever get drunk on a party on they end up on danger, we can't just blame it on the alcohol, it's her fault she got drunk.

No. 1920756

i think going 50-50 is outdated and at one time it was so that men would know you take care of yourself and they can’t rape you on a first date. Now men are lazy and adapted to women going 50-50 so you should drop a scrote who expects you to be 50-50 cause he’s just gonna be a leech who doesn’t give a shit about you and will probably try to rape you anyways.

No. 1920766

I mean they are retarded because young people lack the foresight and life experience, literally. They won't believe that they're playing themselves and hold no power because they feel like they're in the spotlight, while older women see the backstage of men with shitty intentions leading the young women on. But it's impossible to show them this perspective, because men will always build up a "they are jealous of you" narrative to keep them isolated and feeling empowered until they get bored of them.

No. 1920768

the smell of oranges is repulsive

No. 1920798

There's way too much journalism about journalism itself. I follow multiple political podcasts from my country and there's constant episodes about "the state of the media in this country" and stuff from all of them. It's interesting sometimes but I mostly don't give a shit.

No. 1920814

When did they say black women look like men? Genuinely curious.
And as for the holes comic, the point is that the moid browsing the dating app thinks all the women were holes. The comic was unfunny because it was not funny, not because it was offensive.

Oh thank god, I’m not into Brits.

No. 1920858

File: 1710187255498.jpeg (8.78 KB, 120x103, IMG_9221.jpeg)

moooooooooo goes the lol cow(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1920860

You demon.

No. 1920867

my steak before i cook it

No. 1920869

Yeah this is the kinda bullshit I'm talking about. They don't need men to build up the idea that other women are jealous because they gleefully believe in that idea themselves as an ego booster.

No. 1920889

they're silencing you because you spoke the truth

No. 1920899

A cat wrote this post.

No. 1920951

Those words should sound like: ‘skworelle‘ and ‘karamelle’. Also I just remembered, I hate the insane amount of vocal fry Americans have, no hate to you guys, but you sound kind of faggy.

No. 1920960

Nobody’s really ‘canceling’ then they’re just digging up their old shit which this site would do for anyone. If that’s your definition of it then this is a canceling website. Nobody is flooding their comments or making callout posts we’re just discussing their past. A few individuals might decide not to give them patreonbux

No. 1920965

cancelling who? cancelling usually implies damaging someone's career over unfounded claims. we're dropping her ass for things she has done. also someone needs to be famous to be cancelled to begin with.

No. 1921011

This song is brutally honest about men's self awareness. Wish incels would just get into music and channel their frustrations into art like Daddy Kingston

No. 1921033

Dune 2 was shit in a pretty wrapping. Marvel formula movie. Obvious the director didnt give a shit apart from pushing out a movie to earn more money, there was no love or attention to detail in the whole movie.

No. 1921037

That's fascinating and all, but all that autotune makes it impossible to listen to the song.

No. 1921039

This song is probably before your time I'm going to ignore your opinion.

No. 1921040

So true, nonna

No. 1921050

Ofc cancellation has no formal definition, but imo it isn’t necessarily outright lying about what crimes someone committed, it has more to do with surveilling for wrongthink and punishment that is out of proportion to the crimes. Those comics weren’t offensive in the first place, yet anons jumped to making unfounded claims that these women “think black women are manly” or are “antifeminist” and “want our rights taken away”. An anon even said they should apologize. It’s a tumblrtastic reaction that lowered my opinion of LCF nonnies.

No. 1921061

I was born years before it, didn't say it's bad, just too much autotune.

No. 1921077

>Wish incels would just get into music
That's all of James Blunt's popular songs kek.

No. 1921100

Isn't there an incel genre called e-punk or incelcore or whatever

No. 1921144

How is pining over a woman incel stuff? They hate women.

No. 1921159

The lack of respect Gen Z has for the elderly/boomers really makes me sick. It's kind of reached a point of just plain malice.

No. 1921182

Oops, I confused James Blunt with Maroon 5. I don't know how adult women can listen to songs like "she will be loved" without cringing to the moon and back. It's essentially the incel delusions of expecting the beautiful and young woman to fall for them just for showing basic decency.

No. 1921249

I think authorial intent is important here. I very much doubt James Blunt or Maroon 5 are incels.

No. 1921263

No. 1921267

At best they're "nice guys". All moids hate women but there's varying degrees for sure. Incels won't even pretend to be romantic.

No. 1921276

Yes I see it taken too far, but I would include millennials in that too. I get having boomer fatigue and annoyance but not all of them are bad.

No. 1921284

I'll blindly support you on basis of both of them annoying the fuck out of me

No. 1921440

Troonery wouldn't be so widely accepted if homosexuality wasn't so normalised. I don't care if any of you who might be lesbian or bi think that you're not like the other alphabet letters aka not being "queer" degenerates, homosexuality acceptance still made a way for troonery to became very mainstream and became a threat for women that it is now. Not helping that we're also dealing with many more ways of hating women. Whole I recognise that some LGBs can live mostly "normal" lives, their perversion will never be normal.
Lesbians can be also as degenerate as gay men, they just won't admit it.(bait)

No. 1921443

true, I am a degenerate lesbian

No. 1921450

Tradthot spotted

No. 1921453

It's bait, report and ignore it

No. 1921455

Sexual deviancy is pathological, i don't think its right to label someone as degenerate just because one is sick.

No. 1921459

you might be surprised how many LGB people agree with you on the first one, tbh i agree with almost all your points. it's a pretty widely discussed thing that in 2015 when gay marriage was legalized in the US, american gay rights advocacy groups ran out of things to fight for but wanted to keep raking in corpo cash, so they pivoted to troons. it looks like gay 2.0 to many well meaning straight people. gay people will never be 'normal' in the sense that we'll never be the majority and that's okay with me. statistically we're more normal than gingers. and ofc lesbians can be degens, just like straight women can.

No. 1921477

I think anons falter to very black and white thinking on here. Like someone being homophobic automatically means they're a tradthot, (example above, unless the anon was truly baiting) or that an anon being racist or antisemitic automatically makes them a poltard, or that using certain words or saying certain phrases means they're a twitterfag or a zoomer or jealous or fat or an anachan etc etc. And don't get me wrong that could definitely be true, I just think it's a very juvenile and lazy tactic to just sum up one aspect of someone's beliefs into an entire category, I'll give an example, an extremely unpopular one.

I don't care about sillypoo making potentially racist comics, I'm bothered by them aligning themselves with stonetoss because he's very clearly misogynistic, but I don't care when people make racist jokes. I think even if they were to come out and admit to being racist I still wouldn't care, you can think of me as a racist for thinking that and I honestly don't care. The point I'm trying to make though is anons will automatically label me as a polfag or a tradthot because of this, without taking into account the other aspects that would make someone fall into one of those categories. I'm not homophobic, I hate pretty much all men, I don't think it's a woman's duty to be a housewife or a mother, I don't want to ever be a mother, I don't look at women who have had abortions poorly and think they should always be legal and available, I detest 4chan moids and "manosphere" bros, I hate rightoid moids and the women who think similar (Candace Owens, Brett Cooper types), I'm not white, I don't believe in white supremacy and I'm not against "race mixing," when people are racist to women it bothers me but when people are racist to men I couldn't care less. So yeah not that any of this matters it's just so cringey to see some anons jump to calling someone a tradthot or a polfag based off the one thing that they might share with a group like that, it's so tired and twitterish. Inb4 "tradthot!!" "go back to pol!!" "It's sillypoo defending herself!!" None of you are very clever, and you're all extremely predictable.(racebait)

No. 1921479

this argument makes zero sense, bisexuals and trannies have been historically excluded from the gay rights movement because they were seen as a hinderance. All those boos come from gays and lesbians in the video.

Most LGB would agree that there is an element of heteronormativity in being a transsexual/transgender. This is why it can be considered a form of conversion therapy towards lesbians or masculine women.

No. 1921484

What even is your point?

No. 1921489

Reeee how dare you call me a racist, polfag or tradwive for saying racist, polfag or tradwife shit.

No. 1921492

If you see more bait than usual, someone made a comment on sillypoo's video about "terfs interacting with soyjack party" and directly asked about a female imageboard and two idiots redirected them here and to crystal cafe.

No. 1921498

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No. 1921499

I hate stupid faggots that tell people about this site so much.

No. 1921501

No. 1921503

Both agree and disagree. The support of orgs that shifted to supporting trannies due to risk of losing funding is one of the things that caused the issue, but it is only one piece of the puzzle and is not necessarily the fault of normie gays/bis, more the retard 'we need to not be normal' ones (thought straighties are like that too, not exclusively gays, it was just shilled as gay culture, though insane 'I can turn a straight man' entitled male gays also play a part). I think another thing that caused the problem is actually the opposite of your point, the hatred of homosexuality (particularly by men since most men are straight and seethe if they are rejected by women/do not see it as normal/gets in the way of their potential coom and die imperative). Tbh it's ultimately money hungry dickheads and seething scrotes mad at both women and gays that caused it imo.

No. 1921504

more reasons to hate sillypoo

No. 1921507

No that's the opposite of what I was saying, I was saying that people can be racist without being a tradthot or a polfag. Because being a tradthot or polfag requires a lot of different things to meet the category of, you can call me racist and that would have some accuracy. You can call me a tradthot or a polfag too if it helps you categorize things in your mind easier, but it's just not accurate cause none of my beliefs line up with theirs except maybe being kinda racist. I have nothing in common with them except maybe thinking "oh.. of course" every time a brown or black moid commits a crime.

No. 1921508

Boo fucking hoo, racists don't belong here you fucking retard. Leave.

No. 1921509

Hate to break it to you but I've been here 8 years, cry about it kek

No. 1921511

I'm not the one complaining about being compared to polfags and tradthots

No. 1921512

>Reeee how dare you categorize me under racists, polfags or tradwives for saying racist, polfag or tradwife shit.
No one cares you sperg, go cry on pol.

No. 1921513

no1curr. you’re acting like those fags that bitch about their preferred pronouns. my bad if polfag is misgendering you because you’re racistgender or whatever

No. 1921516

How? My replies are so tame

No. 1921518

>go cry on pol
Doublepost but kek, that's literally my point. You guys can't separate people from groups they need to fit into. Yes I'm racist, no I wouldn't want to go on pol, I wouldn't even fit in there if I wanted too, which I wouldn't. Also I'm not sperging or reeing, but you kind of are

No. 1921519

>"i love learning about all sorts of niche internet cultures"
you mean you love bulldozing ibs into the ground

No. 1921521

>/pol/tard misogynist who thinks she's not a misogynist because she bashes women of other races cries about being generalized and lumped in with her own kind
Pathetic lol

No. 1921522

Kek, anons will post 8 zillion “men commit 99% of violent crimes” memes and yet they are too insecure to handle that one other statistic about certain groups committing crimes.(racebait)

No. 1921523

File: 1710228760043.png (95.51 KB, 800x286, Screenshot_20240312-083327.png)

It's been like this for months already, we're getting namedropped and linked on 4chan every day or two. Even on niche boards like /adv/, pic related.

No. 1921524

I'm not a misogynist though, at all.
>misogynist who thinks she's not a misogynist because she bashes women of other races
Where did I do that? I said verbatim in my original post "when people are racist to women it bothers me but when people are racist to men I couldn't care less."

No. 1921527

It's because they trawl these boards hoping to find sexual tmi.

No. 1921528

>certain groups
And it's still men. You are sad lol

No. 1921529

You mean… men?

No. 1921530

acknowledging statistics in your country isn’t racist in itself. it’s just something that usually only racist people love to sperg on and on about all the time. don’t expect anons to treat it like the same thing or act like racism isn’t mostly targeted at all people of a group, not just people who commit crimes.

No. 1921531

I hope they enjoy the poop derail comments

No. 1921532

Nta but you gotta be lying to yourselves if you think all the crime statistics are even across races kek, massive cope

No. 1921533

Are you retarded? I know exactly what you're trying to say, and who among this certain group is committing the crimes? Oh… it's men! Funny how that works.

No. 1921534

Sillypoo are racist to women, so clearly it doesn't. Give it a rest, nlog racism/misogyny is still just that.

No. 1921535

No one said it's equal, but it's always, overwhelmingly, men. Stop trying to pussyfoot around that just because it hurts your feelings.

No. 1921537

This is a sentiment I've seen echoed before. "Racism against men is ok". But don't you realize that racism will still harm women by default just for being part of that racial/ethnic group?

No. 1921538

File: 1710229663348.jpg (45.27 KB, 740x404, 1707040891792.jpg)

People who have a family history of or have eczema should not be allowed to reproduce.

No. 1921540

What is even the point of the post in picrel? They browse here to find posts to then post over there and ask what other people think of it? Why? How fucking boring are they that they come here for content?

No. 1921546

Yeah of course men, but the vast majority are black or brown men. Why would it hurt my feelings that men make up most of the crime statistics? Kek

The nonna was saying I was a misogynist who bashed women, so that's what I was replying too and asking her where I did that. Also if they have been racist to women that bothers me yes, but I'm not paying their patreon or stanning them, I just watch their videos so their beliefs don't really matter to me.

Fair point, that's true. But I feel like I wouldn't contribute to that because I never say anything or do anything racist. This is the only time I've ever brought up race on lc, or anywhere online.(racebaiting)

No. 1921549

why women specifically, because of the toilet paper comic?

btw just curious. how many of you are black or latina?

No. 1921550

You suffering Dawgs?

No. 1921560

Because of multiple comics. Scroll up.
>btw just curious. how many of you are black or latina?
>if white: "You're a white savior taking offense on minorities behalf!!! Non-white people love being bashed"
>if not white: "Lol you're just a seething (slur)!! Sillypoo are normal based white women"
An obvious game kek

No. 1921564

Have been since I was in elementary school. It never ends.

No. 1921572

typing in all lowercase is not feminine and it does not automatically clock you as a female. i’ve been thinking about this on and off since i saw a farmer claiming that only men type in uppercase and use proper punctuation. i don’t think she realized she was basically implying that women can’t write or type properly, but i am always a bit entertained by some of the weird excuses the young girls who run around on this site now use for things people have been doing on the internet since forever.

No. 1921573

Did a real women really post it? I've seen men try and shill that posting in lowercase is more girly and it's why some trannies do it.

No. 1921583

It’s just a casual speech more common in certain spaces. It probably started off by males in early use, maybe it was more used by girls in like 2018-2020 but nowadays it’s just associated with young people. There’s all lowercase “omg not the _” “girl bffr” and then there’s all lowercase “no cap [emoji]” “bro was _” they’re just both zoomer/millennial typing styles both associated with distinctly feminine or masculine internet subcultures.

No. 1921589

The anorexic ozempic celebrity look is repulsive. I say this as someone who is underweight myself. It just looks so, off? Idk how to describe it, like you can tell that it's just not a natural body fat % for them

No. 1921595

>a farmer claiming that only men type in uppercase and use proper punctuation
I've literally never seen women claim this, only trannies on 4chan thinking it helps them "pass" as "fembrained".

No. 1921601

One thing I've noticed is that women are more likely to use "u" instead of "you", "r" instead of "are", "ur", "urs" etc. but even then the ratio is like 70/30 and it's not a surefire way of telling someones sex. There definitely are other tells that stem from general female socialization, like using lots of exclamation marks, apologizing a lot, tons of emojis, being more sincere etc. On LC it's obviously different since it stems from 4chan and many women learned how to type and sound more male to avoid the tits or gtfo bullshit, to integrate better and not get called a gaiafag/tumblrtard kek.

No. 1921610

more like because on LC we have autists and women who the female socialisation half failed on kek

No. 1921622

It's not even really female socialization in the case of the short spellings, it's just teenage/early 20s slang of today's time. Unless you're in a hurry, writing like this in your 30s is embarrassing.

No. 1921623

I've seen one person say this, on here.

No. 1921624

What’s embarrassing about it?

No. 1921628

Because it reads like they'd try to sound like a teen.

No. 1921631

Eh, it’s just casual speak. Maybe you don’t get it but I’ve texted like that all my life to my friends and I’m not going to stop once I’m 30 because people on the internet think I should for some reason.

No. 1921659

File: 1710239968750.png (362.68 KB, 537x478, total whiny moid death.png)

Men look really good in slutty clothes and should be encouraged to wear more revealing clothes. We should go back to men wearing croptops and short shorts. Suits and tacticool shit are butt ugly and everytime i see a meme saying suits are the hottest thing a man can wear i am left wondering if the person who posted that garbage is even straight. Whats attractive about clothes that cover every single part of the body? lame.

No. 1921660

But you're posting pics of a cute video game guy. Real men aren't cute nona

No. 1921661

slutty clothes can make almost any man attractive in my opinion

No. 1921665

depends on the type, I don't wanna see them wear lingere for e.g, but don't wanna see them naked either

No. 1921669

nah lingerie is disgusting on both genders

No. 1921675

Lol my lingerie collection is huge. My exs were huge into it. Must have spent thousands.

No. 1921679

What brands are you into nonnie

No. 1921692

Unless he’s fat.

No. 1921694

damn thats sad you could have used that money on literally anything else

No. 1921698

Yeah I agree. She could have bought so many cigarettes with that money.

No. 1921704

cigarettes is a better option than lingerie, at least you get something out of it

No. 1921705

cancer and a fucked up voice?

No. 1921712

I like waxing and shaving and I like that my boyfriend likes me smooth down there. Doesn't make him a pedophile to not like hair.

No. 1921713

Yeah I was going to say something like "why would you waste thousands of dollars just to help a man coom?" But didn't want to start shit

No. 1921717

i will take cancer over spending money just to make a moid coom any day

No. 1921720

do you make him shave too?

No. 1921739

keep caping for your coomer scrote while he watches barely legal porn behind your back kek

No. 1921741

how about neither instead of being retarded lol

No. 1921742

>down there
This is such bad bait, if it isn't, just say pussy or vagina or cunt or genitals or mons pubis I don't fucking know but "down there" makes you sound like a sped who grew up around christfags and now thinks vagina is a dirty word.

No. 1921747

Another shill of Big Doctors hating on natural and stimulating tobacco. It's a sad sight to see. They have warped your brain. Cigarettes are the last thing on earth you need to be worried about, and in fact prior to the 1950s it was recommended to smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes a day to maintain optimal lung health. Now, because of Big Doctors and Big Pharma and other Big Corporations, we have to pretend like nicotine isn't beneficial. Sheeple.

No. 1921749

Lesbian-nonnie, you need to get laid. You are so angry all the time and it leaks through in everything you post. I don't think she should shave either, but you're unhinged.

No. 1921757

Yeah. He doesn't watch porn full stop. I do though now and again. At least I'm honest about it unlike nonas who pretend they aren't.

No. 1921762

Nta but shaving is more convenient for eating out. I like a small patch on top at least though but having the vulva area be clear

No. 1921764

>lesbian (derogatory)
kek some of you need to come up with new material, not even a lesbian and would rather rope than let a man who demands his girlfriend be 100% hairless touch me

No. 1921765

I've heard it's also more hygienic in general.

No. 1921774

That's bullshit and used to shame women into shaving. The opposite is true, in fact you're more likely to get a uti when you shave because bacteria from your behind has an easier time traveling to your vag.

No. 1921781

bragging about watching women get raped and abused isnt the own you think it is

No. 1921785

Parting the hair before eating pussy is hot and underrated.

No. 1921801

Weirdly agree with you, the tickle and anticipation. Underrated.

No. 1921802

I feel like people who watch porn do so because they've no real life experience to reflect on or a good experience they would want to reflect on. I also believe insecure people who hate their bodies watch it too. There's like so many subreddits for men to rate each others cocks. I feel like if you've never had good sex with a willing participant of course you'll suck at making up scenarios in your head and feeling your body react to past similar experiences.

No. 1921806

With porn the most worthless of scrotes can pretend they are fucking hundreds of different women each coom session

No. 1921810

There are many smells on public transport that I know is just part of the hell you have to endure, but every time some sweaty bloke climbs onboard with a greasy bag of McDonald's or Burger King it makes the whole bus smell like complete ass and it should be forbidden to bring it onboard. When it mixes with perfumes, bodily odours and the like it creates such a putrid environment, I hate these guys.

No. 1921811

i used to watch gay porn because the plots were fucking wild, but i dont understand why anyone, let alone a woman, would watch porn with women in it.

No. 1921813

retard. i will not inhale the nicotine. i will not waste money to pollute air. i will not shorten my lifespan. i will not destroy my voice. i will have clean lungs. i WILL cough heavily in your face if you blow smoke at me.

No. 1921817

The more you cough in my face the more nicotine you push into my lungs… I thank you for your service nona.

No. 1921818

File: 1710252620820.png (480.94 KB, 766x1851, 1b4a41b2-4382-4cca-9959-4c513d…)

The negative impacts of low self esteem on an individual are overestimated.
Let's start with my argument against low self esteem. To expound on what I've originally stated, whether or not you're insecure doesn't strictly determine the quality of your life. It's your actions which do that, and blaming insecurity is an excuse. Studies show that people with high self esteem are actually more prone to violence and low empathy. Similarly, insecure people tend to be harder workers. That's not saying having confidence is an explicitly bad thing, but it is to say that self love isn't the end all be all that it's treated as.
See picrel, which is an excerpt from an article from the NYT titled "The Trouble with Self Esteem". The only reason that society focuses on this shit so much is consoomerism (I went to a spiritual shop and they were selling self love candles KEK) and trying to pin having a shit life because of a shit society on the individual.

No. 1921819

indeed, i return to sender

No. 1921823

Interesting take, but I disagree. I have a pretty healthy sex life actually kek and have been sexually active since I was 16 after I got my first girlfriend, but unfortunately I discovered porn in elementary school and it really fucked up my brain. I was borderline addicted to porn in middle school and high school (not to moid levels, but I would watch it almost every day) and couldn’t get myself off without it. It’s like I’ve lost the ability to come from non-visual stimulation because it rewired my brain. I decided to stop watching porn in college when I was exposed to more radfem ideas and realized how evil the porn industry is, but the damage has been done. I try to get off while reading fanfics and that kind of thing, but I still can’t finish. I hate how easy it was for me to stumble across porn as a child

No. 1921828

I thought lesbian porn was commonly watched by women but who really knows. I don't trust any online statistics anyway.

No. 1921832

I struggled too with porn (real and drawn) in high school and middle school but blame by awful father who left his porn mags out in the open in the bathroom when I was literally a toddler. That shit really does rewire your brain and our society just laughs about it being everywhere. What monsters we are creating devoid of being able to genuinely love a partner. Ugh it makes me ill.

No. 1921847

It is made for losers by losers. Man or woman, it doesn't matter. Watching people have awful, shitty, fake sex on camera when you could be having healthy and fulfilling real life romantic and sexual experiences is pathetic. It makes people selfish, lazy and unmotivated. I really feel for kids and teens who are exposed to it. Sexuality is a complicated topic and no one needs all this garbage on top of it making it even harder to understand.
That happens for sure, but I don't think most men self insert like that, I think they watch

repost because I misquoted someone

No. 1921850

holy shit…kek. I meant to type I think they watch in a voyeuristic way for the most part*

No. 1921882

Fuck you all, i liked Weezer's Teal album.

No. 1921897

I don't think the women in porn are being raped. I occasionally watch extreme stuff like facial abuse - I admit I'm fucked up and like being degraded ftr. But they have exit interviews with the women where they talk about why they wanted to do the scene and a lot of them do it because it's an experience they can't get safely elsewhere which I suppose I understand. There's a time where I wanted to do porn (much younger, as a teenager) and I doubt I'm the only one on here who felt like that.(bait)

No. 1921910

>they aren't being raped because the men behind the camera recorded them saying they wanted it
Cope. You're pathetic. A moid will kill you one day.

No. 1921912

File: 1710258154176.jpg (134.58 KB, 1300x866, 141856839-bored-girl-looking-d…)

No. 1921919

I also considered doing porn and other forms of sex work (e.g. stripping) as a teenager, but you're not supposed to hang onto the same beliefs and goals you had as a teenager anon.

No. 1921920

Was it money for you? Because for me it was always about wanting to try something really extreme in a safe environment.

No. 1921924

Yes. I was broke and had an abusive mother, I just wanted some seemingly fast money to get out. I realized before I turned 18 that I'm not cut for that lifestyle and it's not as quick or easy as it may seem.

No. 1921929

It’s almost like… the porn industry exploits damaged and vulnerable teenage girls, exactly like >>1921924. Fancy that! Just because not every porn actress is a sex trafficking victim (though plenty are), doesn’t mean they’re not being exploited, coerced, and groomed. I’m glad anon didn’t go down that path

No. 1921932

Were you traumatized in the past?

No. 1921933

No surprisingly. All the guys I sleep with assume I have been though. One guy gets off to me saying that I hate my dad during sex and it's like… I actually don't hate him lol.

No. 1921938

You need therapy. Just because you haven't been through a traumatic event doesn't mean you can't have an mental illness.

No. 1921946

Anon… he's probably getting off to the fantasy that you're dad abused you in some way and that's why he wants you to pretend to hate him. You should be careful around guys like that

No. 1921948

Moids gravitate a lot to the whole "abused girl with daddy issues" concept. Did you just watch or see a lot of porn when you were younger? Were you kind of shy/lonely? I think that's another way "extreme" fetishes like that can form.

No. 1921959

This is some robot tier understanding of humans and emotions kek. "They're being proper work slaves so there's no problem", bleak.

No. 1921969

I can't stand some of the banners here. They're historical and I know some people find them funny, but I hate seeing Shayna's "orgasm" face, PT felating a hot dog, Momokun shaking her tits and other weird and gross sex stuff unspoilered. At least the starfish banner seems to be gone, thank God

No. 1921971

what starfish banner?

No. 1921973

that guy sounds weird

No. 1921974

I don't know who it was but it was a woman touching her ass in the shower with a MS paint star drawn on the middle of her ass and I think it said daddy's little pork chop or something like that. The fact you're asking about it proves it was most likely removed

No. 1921975

Samefag and I'm back from my ban and I just wanted to follow up on something real quick, out of curiosity of anons who kept telling me to go pol I went there and lurked and posted for like 6 hours and I wanted to say what my experience was like.

I still hate men of course, and being there increased that a great deal. I am still discriminatory towards moids of certain ethnicities, I am more racist towards white men now, I already was but that increased as well. But I stand by the fact I am not racist towards women at all, I saw multiple videos that were meant to spark feelings of hatred for Black women and I felt none of that. I see women of all races as my equals and all men below us, and men of certain races at the very bottom. I know that is hypocritical but I can't help how I feel, honestly to me that doesn't seem that bad because I've seen those same races of men and religion place women and my race below them so I feel justified in my beliefs. I also know for sure that pol is not for me, the men there are disgusting and vile and misogynistic and cruel. They celebrate the rape of women and violence inflicted upon us, they joke about children getting assaulted and murdered. And the racism is honestly on another level, they don't even see certain races as human. They seethe over women dating men of other races, they post photos of random women with mixed race kids to mock and insult.

Some random highlights, they're all losers who have no socialization. They think women genuinely enjoy rape, that we all fuck dogs, they don't understand things like nose piercings and cute tattoos. Women are considered sluts for wearing sandals or having a large chest. They take everything at face value, there were some fake Jordan Peterson tweets that the vast majority seemed to think are real. One moid was posting photos of his dehydrated little poops claiming they were stones of a parasite or something I don't even know. There was an AI photo of Greta the activist in a cheerleading outfit that a couple of them thought was real. They were honestly very easy to dunk on, I made a total of maybe 20 posts mocking and belittling them in different threads while pretending to be a moid and nobody clocked me as a woman kek, despite them saying in one of the same threads that women cannot act and are terrible at deceiving them. They also complain about being miserable spending their time on 4chan all day but don't quit or make any effort to lessen the time they spend on their, it's pathetic really.

But yeah there's some pretty awful shit on there, one of the most upsetting was an older woman and her daughter or granddaughter looking outside their front door. A young black man was staring at them and the woman noticed and tried to run inside but was pulled out onto the concrete by the moid. Both the woman and the little girl hit their head on the concrete and he began grabbing items off the woman and then grabbed the little girl by the wrist and tried running away with her in tow. She got out of his grasp and ran back to her mom or grandma and thankfully the moid ran away. I was really happy it didn't end worse but it really upset me, the little girl looked so frightened and the mom or grandma hit her so hard (thankfully she was conscious) but they were both okay and the girl wasn't kidnapped. Another was a photo of 3 very young middle eastern kids with their hands ziptied together and crying. There was no backstory or follow up but I'm hoping they're okay, it really is a depressing place to hangout on and almost everything posted is meant to trigger a negative reaction.

Sorry this is so long I just wanted to say that being there peaked me a bit more I think, I'm definitely not racist to women not that I ever was, and I hate men more equally now. I for sure won't ever share racist sentiments online (not that I ever did before) because I don't want to fuel racism towards women.

No. 1921978

The Shayna masturbating ones are really really gross. They should replace those ones with the gif of her disappearing.

No. 1921980

Nonna, for what it’s worth, I think it’s good anons can be somewhat blunt about their unfiltered opinions here, even if they might offend some, because it lends itself to discussions between differing viewpoints that can help prevent radicalization like echo chambers that breed pol/tards. Most people have biases, plain and simple, and I’m glad you’ve taken this opportunity to interrogate your own. Hopefully anons don’t dogpile you again kek

No. 1921983

Ohh no I remember daddy’s little porchop!! In my head I didn’t call it the starfish banner kek I apologize

No. 1921989

No. And this is an incredibly popular sentiment with everyone but the most terminally online zoomies whose hearts are in the right place but brains are turned off and those with half a conscience occupied brain. This sentiment along with "freespeech" is evoked to cause undo harm on groups that already get fucked over the worst in the world.

This is a common sentiment of pickmes and moids to justiy the continued ills in the world and i'd argue the absolute default of all media because it encourages moid degeneracy be normalized in all media and makes jokes of children, animals and women being victims to male violence with the goal being to create real violence out of fake violence in sentiment and sometimes in reality. The pattern of media now still echoes this sentiment but in safer ways, or what moids call "woke" and "progressive". There is no such thing as truly progressive media because truly progressive media would be misandry for example, kek. You can speak for no one but yourself, so enjoy your incredibly based satirical rape jokes where women, children and animals are nearly always the butt of the joke I guess.

Damn I already wrote my post but yeah this exactly. Women are the superior gender in every way and this only exemplifies why.

No. 1921991

Honestly I hate how sensitive farmers are now and how anons are seemingly trying to sanitize this site

No. 1921992

I agree, the bluntness is one of my favorite things about lc, I always appreciate the honesty and hearing nonnas opinions on things, even if I disagree.
>Hopefully anons don’t dogpile you again kek
That's okay kek, I honestly feel really bad about making nonnas uncomfortable with my posts and being hard headed about it. I never want to make anons feel how I do being on pol reading about all the ways they hate women and think of us as inferior, it really sucks and I don't want ever want to mimic that behavior.

No. 1921994

File: 1710263214604.png (67.51 KB, 300x100, IMG_0714.png)

I don’t mind most of the banners, but I really hate this one. I get it all the time. No offense to the anon who made it, it just feels like tumblr fanart from 2016 in the worst way

No. 1921997

Not even much of a feminist but my god Japanese women are like the apex pickmegirl. What the fuck is wrong with that country? I remember when Lindsey Ann Hawker was raped and murdered by a Jap scrote years ago Japanese girls set up fanpages for her murderer.

Fuck weebs unironically.(stop)

No. 1921999

not everyone wants to see her retarded orgasm face over and over again you freak

No. 1922002

>One moid was posting photos of his dehydrated little poops claiming they were stones of a parasite or something I don't even know.
I just snort laughed so loud it scared my cat

No. 1922005

That's Creepshowart. You should look her up on YouTube it's been covered by a thousand different people.

No. 1922012

I don't think any of us made that art, pretty sure creepshow did that

No. 1922022

It's the unpopular opinion thread for a reason.

Here's my unpopular opinion from the celeb cow thread: dating a moid 20+ years younger than you isn't based. It's cringe. Even if you're with him because he's cute/hot/attractive, how do you stand his immaturity and shit zoomer personality? And if you find a way to put up with his childish shit because of his looks you must be really shallow. Age gaps are ok but dating someone young enough to be your kid is embarrassing, man or woman. If a friend of mine said she wants to date a man young enough to be her kid I'd tell her to try to find out what's missing in her life instead of calling her based.

No. 1922027

NTA and not disagreeing with you at all i just wonder how it just now became an issue after being a banner for years? I never saw any complaints about banners being graphic before

No. 1922034

Just adblock the damn image. You're responsible for your own online experience. Unironically triggered

No. 1922035

>no icky and gross sex stuff uwu
you must be 18 to post here
site demographics changing

No. 1922047

NTA but I'm >>1921969 and I'm an oldfag who hasn't noticed a lot of people complain. I think the people who don't like the banners just don't complain much. Last time I saw someone complain was years ago and I only remember it happening because she got so many replies saying the banners shouldn't be taken down because they're historical.
I am probably way older than you. Not wanting to see ugly fake orgasm faces doesn't mean I'm a kid.

No. 1922055

can't stand when people talk about fetuses or embryos as babies. It doesn't matter if it's wanted or not, if a woman loses a pregnancy at 5 weeks, it's not a 'baby.' Many miscarriages happen extremely early and it's just bizarre to talk about them as 'babies' especially if the women who lost those pregnancies don't even say that. It's creepy as fuck.

It opens the door for so many problematic views on pregnancy. there are plenty of places in the world where embryos have more rights than the women carrying them.

No. 1922061

The scrotery outrage over this guy fuels me on my quest to draw hot slutty men.

No. 1922064

i agree, we should all use the power of AI to make men that all look like they are about to troon out to trigger males, funny shit.

No. 1922066

People complain in /meta/ all the time. complaining about banners has only become a thing like the past 2-3 years.

No. 1922070

/meta/ was full of anons losing their absolute shit over the mystery-chan banner up until it was taken down a few weeks ago

No. 1922073

The daddy's little pork chop one was gross, idgaf about the shayna ones kek anyone offended over them hasn't been on lolcow enough.

No. 1922085

KEKK pt blowing her microwavable corn dog is history isn’t it!

No. 1922105

Yes I agree but I'm also not gonna say shit when a woman does it cause moids do it more often and are often abusive. And I will still call any famous woman based for dating a young moid.

No. 1922109

I don't get the obsession with Pumpy. She's so boring. She's just fucking boring and uninteresting.
Actually, I find most lolcows to be that way and I feel like their threads were started by vendetta chans in the first place.

No. 1922114

why are you even on a site called lolcow dot farm, a site that's built around making fun of lolcows?

No. 1922126

vedettachanning is what keeps the website alive kek, there are hundreds upon millions of lolcows in this world and none of them are worthy of the attention that goes into making multiple threads about them

No. 1922137

Um actually it's herstory* anon.
I think the OG cows from pre-2016 were destined for greatness being documented on this website. I wish anons were more fired up by their personal vendettas so we could get a new batch of cows that could rival the worst of the pre-pandemic era.

No. 1922143

i haven’t anything against the cow era ending, i feel like lolcow would be a lot more fun if we were closer to being topic less instead of keeping up with grotesque strangers. if you wouldn’t make a thread about the homeless drug addict on the street then idk what makes feel enchanted enough to make one about a homeless street drug addict who happens to have social media?

No. 1922144

Shane Dawson having twin boys scares the shit out of me and I'm surprised more people aren't worried about it.

No. 1922145

Well because it's funny to laugh at them but it's more difficult to consistently film the homeless drug addicts that live near me because they chase, but online strangers film themselves for free so it makes it way easier!

No. 1922147

so it’s more attractive to keep up with gross nasty homeless people if they’re able to post themselves every once in a while. I think you might have to be ill in a similar way that cows are if thats an enjoyable passtime

No. 1922148

If I wasn't ill I wouldn't be on lolcow dot farm, silly.

No. 1922150

is being unwell a requirement to enjoy the website

No. 1922153

You look around you and you tell me that these anons are well-adjusted people. Let's not lie to ourselves.

No. 1922157

>I think you might have to be ill in a similar way that cows are if thats an enjoyable passtime
Duh. I hate that we can't bully newfags anymore.

No. 1922158

No. 1922161

Literally. This anon was actually seriously saying "why would anyone want to laugh at the lolcows?! My heavens, what sort of degeneracy is this!" like girl come on now.

No. 1922164

No. 1922165

NTA but sort of? I can't imagine a happy normie posting here. Even the normiest of threads have unhinged participants. The worst I'm doing the more I post here, hence why I've been posting constantly since getting sick. If you're happy with life, mentally stable and part of real life groups you won't feel welcome here. Now, does one need to be into "cow culture" to be here? I'd say no.

No. 1922176

not really? i mean everyone enjoys gossip regardless if youre mentally ill or not but it does depends what kind of lolcows they laugh at.

No. 1922188

File: 1710273301272.jpg (73.69 KB, 577x512, stonetoss.jpg)

Not sure if this is new but it seems stonetoss has been doxed.
https://twitter.com/AnonCommieStan/status/1767596661025477080(stonetoss derailing)

No. 1922189

i just kind of wonder what attracts you to them to make you want to regularly revisit them, unless they’re someone you personally knew or encountered and have a vendetta against

No. 1922190

Does that mean one out of 99 tweets? How fucking long is the thread???

No. 1922192

>how do you stand his immaturity and shit zoomer personality?
By remembering that men my age behave the exact same way. They never mature kek that's a myth.
>And if you find a way to put up with his childish shit because of his looks you must be really shallow.
Oh no not..shallow.

No. 1922193

My opinion that's unpopular apparently is that nobody on this website wants to hear you cry about how horrible your nigel is. Nobody on this website gives a fuck about your nigel. Nobody on this website wants to hold your hand and rub your back as you cry about your stupid fucking retarded nigel. Why is it that every day someone comes on this website and says something as retarded as "ohhhhh my nigel keeps shitting big fat turds in the bed when we sleep and pissing on my pet hamster every day but I just couldn't possibly ever break up with him because reasons" like please shut up go to normie dot com to complain about this stupid scrote shit for love of God shut up.

No. 1922196

i like this better than him having girls

No. 1922200

Because posting in the vent thread about my depression and knowing that there are women who struggle with similar problems makes me feel better. I just find Pumpy uninteresting that is all. She doesn't even do anything lolcowish. Her situation is kinda sad tbh. She has 0 self esteem and allows a moid to leech off her and soon she will run out of money because she will be too old. Also, some of her takes on moids are BASED. I don't think she's a lolcow. Just a stale sex worker. The internet is filled with them

Personally, I find Pixielocks entertaining. She comes from an incredibly privileged family. She's been treated well all her life. Her mum does everything for her, yet she's LARPING and pretending to have illnesses she obviously doesn't have. Illnesses that people who grew up in poverty with neglectful parents have. That's lolcowish to me.

Also, Venus's case is sad. I don't wanna laugh at someone that is actually suffering.

The internet is filled with privileged LARPERs with rich parents enbies and gender specials. I don't want to laugh at people that suffer from misfortune or that are straight up stale. I've found more lolcows outside of lolcow.

No. 1922201

Why was he allowed to reproduce is beyond me

No. 1922203

Called himself an 8.5/10 kek he's fat too

No. 1922204

this isn't an unpopular opinion here

No. 1922205

>What attracts you to lolcows and why do you revisit them?
Well because I'm a nasty person that likes to laugh at retarded people. It's not any more deep than that.

No. 1922206

It depends on what kinda unwell you are. You can just be depressed unwell or BPD/sociopath unwell. Call me a moralfag. I don't give a shit.

No. 1922207

People who don't lack critical thinking skills can't say anything without being accused of homophobia I guess.

No. 1922208

>shits on boba tea
What is the point?

No. 1922209

Cajun food, and the rest of Louisiana's food, doesn't taste good. Your seafood sucks.

No. 1922216

Yeah I agree. What's the point of eating seafood when we have beef and chicken and stuff anyway? If you like fish good luck with the mercury. Also all those spices are so overbearing, if food is cooked right you only need salt and a dash of pepper.

No. 1922218

File: 1710274473333.jpg (54.05 KB, 500x500, 2d33dec6b8dbeeb725bcdf33614d7d…)

Isay this as someone who's not a huge coffee head and always drinks it with lots of cream and flavorings: Starbucks is not good coffee and it's wayyyyy overhyped. It only got popular because of the power of packaging (remember when pics of colorful Starbucks drinks were all over Pinterest and Tumblr?) and I guess because it's really the only drink chain restaurant in the US. I mean yeah Dunkin Donuts is known for their coffee but that's Dunkin DONUTS. Usually the coffee and flavors in Starbucks really are not that strong, it's almost watery.

Anyway, people should go to local coffee shops and skip out on Starbucks. I only go there when it's my birthday cause I can get a free treat.

No. 1922219

>>1922189 this is a cow watching site, no matter how much you think you can separate your user experience from it

No. 1922220

Of course he's a fat and ugly man child I'm hardly surprised.

No. 1922228

maybe you have to start out unwell, but for me reading and posting on lolcow is a containment zone for the part of me that’s a mean, judgmental, and unforgiving bitch, allowing me to continue being polite and compassionate to people irl without wanting to rope ASAP.

No. 1922233

File: 1710274953891.png (293.96 KB, 1000x1000, 1710212723487.png)

I knew he was fat(stonetoss derailing)

No. 1922234

Samefat but even non-coffee drinks like the pink drink just are not good. Super bland for the type of drinks they are.

No. 1922235

I've seen women outside lolcow echo this same sentiment. I think the worst ones are the women who don't even live with their nigels or have online relationships, i literally don't give a fuck what happens to them in particular since they'd rather endure "abuse" than not be able to tell single women they are losers for having no man. I have zero sympathy for women in situationships or any kind of ghetto relationship with a man that is very clearly of their choosing.

No. 1922237

KEK he looks like every other edgelord newgrounds animator. Feels good to know that I was right about him being ugly and fat

No. 1922238

Knew he was a fat pig faced retard, I feel so vindicated. Always kills me how men that look like that somehow think they're ubermensch, what a joke. And he worked for a soy company kek

No. 1922243

File: 1710275755575.jpg (112.49 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

I was literally praying for this the other day in the art salt thread, I knew he'd be a fat ugly moid. This is amazing.

No. 1922253

>social status/superiority to single women
that and a lot of them want to use women like an oasis to refresh themselves in, then pour that same energy back into their goblin who they humanize and respect far more than the women helping them in spite of his nasty behavior. well, at least it's just a IB but still makes you wonder how they're treating their real friends.

No. 1922257

I think a lot of nonnies know they're in a shit situation, yet need to hear a ruthless anon rip apart their nigel so they can potentially snap out of it from the humiliation.

No. 1922262

lol fat men are more androgynous then skinny men. There’s a reason only fat blob troons pass. bleach his hair and dye it blue and he’d look like some generic genderspecial.

No. 1922264

Had starbucks drinks for the first time ever last year, and the first thing I noticed about them is they're very diluted. Had their matcha as well and it felt like drinking a swamp. The pumpkin spice was good though and I started making the combo of spices (minus the pumpkin) and adding it to my instant coffee with some hot milk and it's very tasty.

No. 1922270

File: 1710277729180.png (89.5 KB, 1200x400, GIfEB4xXMAAC9Kg.png)

Imagine if males didn't exist.

No. 1922279

Why is it so hard to find recommendations for decent quality and priced clothes online (sometimes irl!) nowadays. It feels like everyone just says to use depop/vinted/buy second hand while they shyly buy from Zara and H&M.

I have how people give me death stares if I say I don't like second hand shopping, I don't even go shopping that often and when I do I don't buy a lot of items. I don't think I really fall for fast fashion trends and I keep hold onto items I bought years ago.

I tried going second hand shopping for a leather jacket and it was such a disgusting experience, I hated it, almost everything was pleather anyway.

No. 1922282

File: 1710278735124.jpg (45 KB, 1080x623, EdqZoZhVAAMU6xn.jpg)

No. 1922297

Men using this story to get their misogynistic opinion accross are always so funny. Yeah Eve needed the literal devil to fool her into eating the apple, Adam was so fucking stupid that he just followed her and never questioned shit kek. So what they're saying is that as men they are so dumb they'll follow women in everything.

>Retarded grin
>Makes unfunny woman-hating comics
It's like he's trying to fill a bingo card or something

No. 1922312

File: 1710281499665.jpg (14.47 KB, 347x347, 1000014599.jpg)

Lmao this is too funny, why is it that all nazi dick riders always look like the opposite of what they preach as peak humanity? He has the face of a Daniel Travieso Abadi who ate too much thinking that body building means you only eat shit and never lift weights.

No. 1922328

>IT fag
"I'm 8.5/10 tall white guy"
KEK. Men are fucking delusional. No wonder this faggot seethes about real women >>1922270

No. 1922335

Some people think they're automatically owed something because they were born human. In reality, the opposite is true. In a "just" world, we'd be working hard to purge certain predilections from mankind. Psychopathic individuals would be sterilized, child rapists and animal torturers euthanized, etc. Not every human mouth should be fed, and the rule should be determined by the content of one's character. A silly, but kind-hearted person's life is of more value than a serial killer or sex trafficker's.

No. 1922336

>racism isn't wrongthinking
you can also stop trying to make people accept it as a logical opinion and just enjoy your little racist echochamber if you so wish. nobody is forcing you to keep posting how evil the people who dislike people who say and do retarded shit, you're actively choosing to spend your time defending retards. just go engage with them and stfu.

No. 1922337

>unfounded claims
did you see the michelle obama comic? or the one related to abortion?

No. 1922339

>Puerto Rican

Look at this Aryan Ubermensch, Nazi moids are such a fucking joke.

No. 1922340

she's closing her eyes, pretending to not see, roleplaying a blind person

No. 1922341

white supremacists are always the least supreme whites

No. 1922351

I wonder if he changed his name so it sounds like it's some animu OC donut steel name.

No. 1922354

Have you ever had real cajun food or did you have like some chain restaurant shit

No. 1922355

You should have abandoned bothering to reply after reading "LCF nonnies" this is clearly just some retarded kiwifag crying that we don't want it here.

No. 1922364

>puerto rican
anyway, he's fat and I would not have sex with him.

No. 1922366

File: 1710283591912.png (342.57 KB, 667x685, retard.png)

>punishment that is out of proportion to the crimes.
>be me
>make comics expressing my opinions
>people see the comics and discuss them
>they disagree with my edgy takes and are disappointed
If you expect to be coddled at every turn and never, ever face criticism or disavowal (even for bashing others), you're probably either mentally unwell and seeking validation from the wrong places, or actually the type more naturally inclined to "safety bubbles" like Tumblr and Twitter, and you'd be better off there.

No. 1922370

>Spring, Texas
Fuck, that's too local.

No. 1922377

You misunderstand. Lesbians are often based, but there is legitimately a lesbian who regularly posts here who is self confessed incel. She is very bitter about her inability to find sex or love in her community and so posts here telling strangers that they're disgusting pigs for touching men, all of whom are women beating rapists. She uses this same logic to say that any woman who gets raped or abused deserves it because they chose to be in a relationship with a man rather than staying celibate.

No. 1922380

yes I did see them and they were neither funny nor offensive? you’re too sensitive. if you spent a couple minutes on actual /pol/ like the other anon and see falemales wish death on people for not being white or Christian, that might put things into perspective.
this is going to be my last reply on the topic. next time you use a public restroom I hope there’s poopy toilet paper in the trash can.(racebaiting)

No. 1922382

bye bye retard

No. 1922384

People can dislike multiple things at once anon

No. 1922388

Always the Untermensch physiognomy for race obsessed spergs kek.

No. 1922400

File: 1710285639952.jpg (80.36 KB, 640x811, 640px-Jeb_Bush_by_Gage_Skidmor…)

Jeb Bush looking retard

No. 1922405

>cries that people not liking something is somehow "punishment"
>says others are too sensitive
You're not made for imageboards, you are way too fragile and project hard when confronted. We know what /pol/ is, and that's why we don't like sad pickmes/tradthots. Take a break, stay in an echo chamber if you're going to get triggered every time people don't share your opinion, kek.

No. 1922408

Is the lesbian incel in the room with us right now?

No. 1922410

File: 1710286631777.png (220.27 KB, 356x807, graebener5_redacted.png)

>"I'm an 8.5/10 white man btw"

No. 1922421

Dunkin rebranded themselves years ago and took the "Donuts" out. also that opinion is not unpopular at all.

No. 1922423

I hate female socialization and I just find it ironic how places such as LC and CC or any female dominated place online try to act as if they're above normalfags or if these places are for outcasts since it does draw a lot of those kinds of people in as with imageboards in general. But if you have opinions that goes against the norm here you immediately get dogpiled and made out to be a bad person. I don't really care since nothing on the internet is real but women tend to be a hivemind and I know there's other women out there who feel the same and even voicing this would get you called a pickme or some shit which is funny because it basically absolves women of any agency. It doesn't matter if it's online or irl, these places still have the same annoying ingroup bullshit. It's all just a pecking order and it's especially noticeable in women and how they socialize with other women. But I guess most people are dumb and would rather not question the status quo.

No. 1922424

File: 1710287282986.jpeg (56.62 KB, 736x417, gin.jpeg)

>that discrepancy between his legs and torso
He looks like an exquisite corpse

No. 1922425

It's simple, just don't be a retard.

No. 1922429

Not all their chains have been renamed yet. I'm gonna be a little sad when the local DD gets its makeover

No. 1922436

File: 1710288199496.jpg (23.11 KB, 419x229, chaser.jpg)

This was the tweet I saw before his reveal, anyone seen a transwoman in his future? I bet its all he could pull lmao.(stonetoss derailing)

No. 1922440

Anon, the thing you're describing is a normal phenomenon. It has nothing to do with women. Absolutely all online spaces become "echo chamber" like and if you express any sort of disagreement you get mocked. Has nothing to do with women in particular. It's something that happens to people.

No. 1922441

Yeah you’re right. Speak mildly out of line and you’ve disturbed the order, time to cull you.

No. 1922444

The shit that bothers me is that she thinks is something tied to women SPECIFICALLY. It happens in all online spaces.

No. 1922447

I really want to know what opinion you're getting dogpiled for here because even racebait gets called based

No. 1922448

Maybe she's the one that likes Regular Show?

No. 1922451

Racebait gets called based by men samefagging fym.

No. 1922456

This place was not really intended as a place for female outcasts, it was a place to mock mentally ill women and call them fat. One of the defining traits of a lolcow is thinking thehre special so if you post something that implies you have individuality expect to be called a bitch (or an nlog which means the same thing). Women can be really conformist sometimes…

No. 1922457

i can't believe i'm agreeing with moids on something but looksmaxxers have a point. they should strive to be chads with perfect genetics but in reality women still go for the ugliest unkempt men with receding chins just cause they seem "artsy" or some shit like that

No. 1922461

It's about time they get a dose of their own medicine. Too bad instead of internalizing it like women they instead shoot up schools and try to decapitate girls with machetes in their car and then post it on 4chan.

No. 1922463

File: 1710289032067.png (Spoiler Image,253.47 KB, 572x572, GIfEBhSW8AAuG0G.png)

God bodied him giving him that body and face. Straight up looks like a bloated corpse.(stonetoss derailing)

No. 1922465

It needs to be worse. I need to see plastic surgery billboards pointing to every ugly feature on mens faces telling them to fix it. I want them to hate every aspect of their bodies.

No. 1922471

Women tend to be guilty of it more even if this happens in all online communities. When talking about female socialization I meant both irl and online and there's no way you're gonna lie to me and say that women don't tend to have pecking orders in their groups.
Nah women are more annoying about it
I'm just speaking in general and this was a stream of consciousness. Nothing happened in particular to make me write this but this is an observation I've made being on here and similar places online.
I mean it's autistic as fuck to catalogue everything a stranger does so I've find it dumb to imply that this place was just normal people laughing at retards. You're already a weirdo yourself if you spend that much time on here tbh. Look at the vent threads and you'll see anons complaining about how they feel outcasted or hate "normalfags"

No. 1922472

They'll blow up hospitals

No. 1922474

File: 1710289345841.png (Spoiler Image,586.88 KB, 822x665, 1697710410786.png)

they'd have a point if the "chads" they posted weren't so ugly

No. 1922476

File: 1710289473100.png (95.33 KB, 219x455, Gru_(Despicable_Me).png)

Oh honey

No. 1922477

Wait so is he really Puerto Rican?(stonetoss derailing)

No. 1922478

some of them are unappealing for sure, but i think a lot of looksmaxxers aren't striving to be 10s since they know women find them too weird looking. however in general these men still look better than some of the creatures i have to interact with daily, or my female friends bfs

No. 1922481

A lot of the nonas who come onto this thread and complain that women are worse than men only think that way because their only contact with other women is through festering garbage dumps like the LC discord (not even sure if it still exists tbf), where the women are, arguably, just as awful as e-moids if not worse.

My unpopular opinion ties into this: I never cared about the whole "exploited /r9k/ or /soc/ egirl" trend, I never felt sorry for them when shit happened to them. Ciara/Eliza in particular was an awful human being by any standard irrespective of sex.

If you're one of those women who thinks other women are mean and cruel and that's why you prefer male company and I know there are a few of you here then I don't blame you. But it's because you've spent your life socializing with sociopathic internet women. Make some real female friends in real life and I guarantee you that your opinion will change. Other women in your college classes, local clubs, sports events, hobby groups etc aren't like the women here or on moidchan. I'm sad it took me so long to learn it but it's the truth.

No. 1922483

The truth that nobody fucking accepts is that since the beginning 80% of the fucking posters are lolcows themselves. BELIEVE ME. I interacted with A LOT of women from lolcow and they share many similarities with the cows. They even have huge traces on the internet but hey life is unfair

No. 1922484

a normal looking nonfat scrote according to kiwi moids.(stonetoss derailing)

No. 1922485

This place was a /cgl/ offshoot. The original members were weird outcast losers who dressed as anime characters well past the age of it being even vaguely socially acceptable. Don't lie to yourself. Not defending those women either btw. Just don't talk nonsense.

No. 1922486

NTA but he's mixed (German and Hispanic), not sure about Puerto Rican(stonetoss derailing)

No. 1922490

File: 1710289930748.png (410.9 KB, 768x328, tweet_japan2.png)

Kiwi scrotes are far worse looking. This made me kek though; what the fuck is that extra chromosome side profile?

No. 1922491

This ugly half Puerto Rican will surely save the whuite race kek.
They're seething about anyone calling him ugly because they probably look similar. Not to mention they ree that women better looking than him or just as bad as if they're worse. It all hits too close to home for them the same way fat dreams dox did.

No. 1922492

I meant that it was never intended as a safe haven for female weirdos

Most of my friendships with women dissolved after I stopped being the one to initiate everything, or they just stopped talking to me after a while. I dont think women are awful, certainly not worse than men, but I can’t seem to make friends with them.

No. 1922493

Ummmmm. I don't know what's up with this gendering shit. Humans can be pieces of shit regardless of gender or where you find them.

Also, as cockbreath-chan posted a screenshot of a "radfem" from Twitter "I can't make any friends because all women in my college are dick sucking whores".
Humans are imperfect. Most people are flawed. Dissonant. Hypocritical.

No. 1922498

I think the problem a lot of nonas have with irl friendships is you'll have just a few different people who are all independent of each other. These people probably have their own little groups of their own. That's why they fall off the radar.

I don't mean to be a bitch, but if you're (not you in particular, you plural) a bippie then get help first before trying to build new friendships.

No. 1922505

both men and women suck but women are the lesser of the two evils but it's still difficult to have relationships with them

No. 1922506

Uhhh why’d you even bring up BPD then? That’s oddly specific. Whatever the particular reason is my male friendships didn’t dissolve this way.

No. 1922510

Sure. My point is more that seeking out other women here and on adjacent spaces for friendship is going to leave you with a nasty taste in your mouth. These aren't good people.

More generally the ship for healthy internet based relationships sailed probably ten or fifteen years ago. I was lucky enough to meet all sorts of amazing women and men on geeky online spaces back then. These days the spaces aren't niche enough, there's too much noise and information and too much mental illness.

No. 1922511

One example: during corona chan, 9/10 times someone was mad that I wasn’t wearing a mask, it was a woman. I saw someone who didn’t wear makeup while skiing all day her accused of being nlog. It’s all so tiresome.

No. 1922512

>If you're one of those women who thinks other women are mean and cruel and that's why you prefer male company and I know there are a few of you here then I don't blame you.
I do. Women hurting your feefees or annoying you isn't anywhere near the doxxing, rape threats, revenge porn, and death threats males make when they're mad. If you think women are uwu meanies and you're a woman you're a retard and objectively wrong. Have fun when your male friend group turns on you and gang rapes you.(infighting)

No. 1922513

Can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t want to be friends with you.(infighting)

No. 1922515

I like how you basically ignored what that anon said lmfao

No. 1922517

You don't understand how unpleasant people who dedicate their lives to tearing down others online are nona because you're one of those people. You just think your psychopathy should be let off the hook because it's the cowardly kind that hides behind PC screens.

No. 1922518

In the end, lolcow is actually incredibly open and versatile. You have fujos and it takes a high level of autism to obsess over cartoon men. You have women that openly hate on fujos. You have women with high sex drive making horny vents. You have women that hate moids and would never have sex with them. You have radfems. You have women that are critical of radfems. We probably have sjw leaning posters too. We have tradthots. This place is pretty open actually.

BUT THE BEST PART IS THAT WE ALL AGREE TROONS ARE A FUCKING ABOMINATION AND SOME CURSED SOCIAL MANIFESTATION THAT SHOULDN'T EXIST. I think no matter the differences and nuances. Everyone agrees on that. It's not even in a hateful manner.

No. 1922520

Beautifully said, nonna

No. 1922521

Remember to be responsible when you get drunk, people will not sympathize with you no matter how much you cry after you lose control of your actions.
Remember, when drunk people can't can't consent… [/spoiler] specially men [/spoiler]

No. 1922522

Stop with the stonetoss derailing here. Make a thread about him if you want to continue posting.

No. 1922524

We got libfems too, so I don't there's a consensus on that either.

No. 1922525

I know you're trying to unite us against a common enemy but damn why is it always about trannies with you guys? Ain't there more interesting stuff?

No. 1922529

No. 1922531

I'm actually getting kind of tired about the troon stuff. I mean yeah, it's insane that men can pretend to be real women, but it's just one crazy thing about the world we're living in. It's crazy violent rapists get released from jail over and over. It's crazy ordinary working people are living hand to mouth with no healthcare while some industries take in trillions. It's crazy we seem to be headed towards WW3 with the escalations over Ukraine.

I feel like anti troon anons are just myopic. Once we deal with troons it'll all be ok! Same sort of shit people who believe in "prison rehabilitation" espouse. Just one hurdle to go.

No. 1922532

It’s easier to shit on trannies than to realize all men could be trannies if they watched the right porn.

No. 1922534

>You just think your psychopathy should be let off the hook
Oh be for fucking real. No way you think mean comments on the internet is psychopathy. How is it this site runs in circles every day with
>women are held to higher moral standards than men
>women who hurt my feelings are basically as evil as violent men
You know damn well every woman on this site has a far, far lower likelihood of being a rapist or murderer than your average moid.

No. 1922535

nta, I agree there are other equally if not more important issues we should be worried about, but anon's point is that despite all of our differing beliefs, at least we all hate troons

No. 1922536

I am unlikely to get raped and murdered full stop. These aren't day to day concerns of mine nona. They're not the only moral infractions that exist you know.

No. 1922543

Nobody said women were “basically as evil as violent men”. People were saying that while women not as violent or sadistic as men statistically, female social dynamics are still complicated and some anons fail at them outright.

No. 1922545

While idk what this post means, is anon a newfag or did they just fuck up the spoiler? It's just an extra slash, I've been here for years and I still mess up the spoiler sometimes too.

No. 1922546

is it true though? it seems like you have to do something kind of specific to actually get mobbed instead of one person getting mad. it's like how personalityfagging is against the rules. I enjoy personalityfags usually. they're like miniature cows, but like cows they can shit up the board. plenty of anons have discretion and individuality. there's also a lot of wannabe schizos that are obsessed with categorizing remotely transgressive behavior or control freaks.
yeah and that's precisely why you probably met so many. this is a IB, those that make an identity out of browsing lc and make it known are probably inherently stranger. this isn't tumblr.

No. 1922548

>I care more about the moral infractions of women than rape and murder
Show hand

No. 1922555

>Dunkin Donuts is no longer Dunkin Donuts
But just Dunkin isn't catchy, it has no zing to it. That alliteration is necessary

No. 1922556

I said there are sjw leaning posters too but even if you don't completely allign with being a radfem which I don't either. I have my fair criticism towards them. I think pretty much everyone on lolcow agrees that the tranny stuff is incredibly dangerous and it's also something pushed by the medical system to make as much money as possible. It's not even in the sense of "men are invading female spaces" rethoric. It's literally people being concerned with the well being of underaged children and teenagers that are barely 18 that get pushed by society, friends, the medical system to completely ruin their bodies, they are being brainwashed. Even amongst leftists and troon communities there are people that speak out against transitioning because they got pushed into it by the medical system when they were young, confused and vulnerable and the repercussions are horrendous. It's not even "hatred" where you sperg about trannies invading female spaces. I think that we all agree it shouldn't exist and that it is incredibly dangerous.
It's not even a common "enemy". I think everyone on here agrees that trooning out is incredibly dangerous and it ruins your forever. It's not even hatred necessarily. A lot of it rises ethical problems.

Now I will stop because this is the unpopular opinion thread

No. 1922560

In the context of trying to make female friends or get along with women, yes? I’m just supposed to put up with any kind of cruelty from women because it’s not as bad as rape?

No. 1922569

No. You know you aren't supposed to and don't have to. Pretending all women are cruel ebil bullies trying to steal your life force is ridiculous though, what people are you around that this is the biggest issue you allegedly have to deal with

No. 1922571

Original post explicitly stated that women on here and adjacent imageboard and discord spaces are significantly crueler and more unkind than normie women though.

No. 1922576

Stop putting words in my mouth. I didn’t say all women, I said women can be cruel. I also don’t see how acknowledging this means I don’t care about rape or murder. There’s absolutely no link between having trouble making friends and not caring about rape. I never said this was the biggest issue I had to deal with, but it is an issue. And yes social dynamics do influence my life more than the risk of rape.

No. 1922578

File: 1710293036124.jpg (28.31 KB, 563x486, e254f2f4962cc5854085044ae1e083…)

> Make some real female friends in real life and I guarantee you that your opinion will change
No… just no. Irl women suck so much if you don't fit an ultra specific mold. I am not a neet either so i interact with a lot of women enough to know i want nothing to do with them and it's not even out of hate. But funnily enough i actually agree with the first two sections of your statement because i have never once thought of turning to 4chan or males for companionship because it's retarded and i already knew i hated moids very early on. The key is to have a hobby and keep busy. It also helps that i have been lucky with the friend finder. There are some trainwrecks on there, but also some ok people, but i find that most of the ok people will ghost you after a while or don't really give a shit about you that much, but groups are better than 1 on 1 interactions.

No. 1922579

>Someone brings up bad experiences they have with women
Every single time.

No. 1922580

Avoid pedocord tbh. It's full of Shawn Phases and Regina George wannabes.

No. 1922582

Don’t forget the obligatory
>well I hope you get raped, heh

No. 1922585

this this this this
other women feel like a different species

No. 1922587

I don’t understand anons like this. Is it a people problem in general? Because if it’s women specifically you’re genuinely saying you enjoy interacting with moids more than women. To each their own but that feels like it might be more of a you problem than a problem with women.

No. 1922588

Now you guys are making shit up

No. 1922591

> Have fun when your male friend group turns on you and gang rapes you.

No. 1922595

>If you don't like X then you automatically must prefer Y
Because…get this. Women and men act differently and the experience is different. If someone complains about women it doesn't automatically mean they prefer interacting with men unless they say that somewhere. How do you guys fail at understanding something so simple?

No. 1922596

No one here has said any of that. Why lie?

No. 1922599

Type O Negative suck. Genuinely have no idea why people say "Oh best gothic metal band ever!!!". They're barely any better than Marilyn Manson (not a high bar). The incredibly obscure Hungarian gothic-metal acts I found out about on Reddit are better than them.

Also. Little Miss Scare-All is a fucking awful song. An overly-long dirge and Peter Steele sounds like complete shit. Fuck what an overrated piece of shit album. Only people who like that album are posers and instagram-goths who think steele is hot.

No. 1922600

That’s why I asked if it was a people specific problem, because if it were that would imply she has problems with both men and women, but the anons who talk about this every week always specify it’s women that are so difficult.

No. 1922601

What do you recommend, nonna? >>1922599

No. 1922604

NTA, but similar sentiments have been posted before. I remember a year or so ago an anon was talking about her friend/sister hanging out with her moid friends on a trip and the anon wanted to convince her maybe it wasn't a good idea, and then some others replied that she should just learn the hard way. Then I think it spiraled into some rape discussion where women get what they deserve for being around men.

No. 1922608

Not even this post?

No. 1922610

I think its disheartening that you guys are rewriting events. That sperg wasn't a woman and his posts were often deleted, he was samefagging as well. He was writing rape fetish content and did it often. He was banned.

No. 1922611

Some people just struggle to find friends, whether it be an issue with autism or just being in an environment where there is little selection for friends and said options have been exhausted. Personally i am not interested in putting on a performance and being fake as fuck just to make people like me which is what 90% of people with friends do just because they don't want to be alone.

No. 1922613

Some anons need to understand you don't have to be a social retard or like anime or other gay shit to post here. Some of us got bullied by objectively ugly as fuck people and became overly critical because we could not understand how such a retard could dare rally their retard ugly friends to be nasty in a school yard setting where normal kids could not escape the weirdos. Some of us learnt how to be scathing and psychological damaging to others because we can't fight and we're outnumbered. Some of us would not dream of telling our peers we continue to post horrible critiques of absolute losers online because we would get ostracised socially because being a bully is wrong. When Some anon cunt accuses someone of being a [websitename]fag or getting snippy about someone not knowing some dumb anime term and normies aren't allowed here I get embarrassed about the company I am anonymously keeping here. To me, lolcow is a place to look down on others. It is a self own to insult someone by pointing out they are not as terminally online as you.

No. 1922615

I think Shay's new bangs look pretty cute and I might get similar ones. Coconut Head was a trendsetter

No. 1922618

None of this shit above would even fly in lolcow from a few years ago. Can't believe we went from undoubtedly shitting on men in unison, to unironic nlogs posting here, retards shittalking the very website they themselves posts on instead of fucking off, larping moids posting racebait for hours, trannys reposting their failed reddit larps on /g/, newfags complaining about board culture and having to integrate, zoomers writing 1:1 like they're on twitter and statements bordering on "b-but women are evil too!".

No. 1922620

Sometimes I just like being around men. I like that you can chill with a man while he's doing something dumb like play video games and just chat with him and there's no obligation to do anything else like go out to a local market or go try out a new restaurant etc. Socializing with women lacks that relaxation element. You always feel like you need to be doing something together.

And yes. I only have two men close enough to do this with and they've been vetted thoroughly over many years.

No. 1922621

I'm not trying to rewrite anything, and I only have vague memories of the posts. Just mentioning that it doesn't surprise me that some posters (whether they're male baiters or not) will say some fucked up shit about what women deserve when it's unnecessary

No. 1922623

Nlog doesn’t really mean what it meant a few years ago tbhtbf.

No. 1922625

You dont have to explain that to "some anons" though. Like no one said you can't be…? Wtf

No. 1922627

There's clearly a bunch of little faggots that need the memo

No. 1922628

I hope LC starts to lean further toward being /ot/ dominant now that /snow/ is a ghost town

No. 1922629

I remember ages ago I once said family means a lot to me and I'd put my brother before a friend (of either sex) for obvious reasons and I got ranted at.

No. 1922630

>or like anime
It should be obligatory to or to have at least another weeb interest

No. 1922631

You've never watched TV or played video games with women? The night you're describing with a man is literally what I do at night.

No. 1922632

i hope you milk yourself

No. 1922633

Sounds like a practical source of nutrients.

No. 1922635

So what are you even trying to say then? You guys are trying to weapoize known, cataloged male bait as an actual sentiment regular anons have.

No. 1922636

>you can chill with a man while he's doing something dumb like play video games and just chat with him
Anon I don't want to be mean but you can do that with women too. You're obviously not the only woman chilling out that way with men, right?

No. 1922637

Nah it really shouldn't. I found this place in 2014 through a hate blog for Onision, zero weeb connotations.

No. 1922638

Its only because there is exactly one mod with a tab open every 12 hours that lazily bans 4 out of 10 complaints "they" see in between spamming 4ch and playing league of legends

No. 1922639

reading the last hour's worth of posts has made me weirdly sad, it's like the graduation thread posters writing essays about how much they hate it but their internet addiction keeps them glued to the site. they "can't relate to other women!!!!!", every thread offends their delicate sensibilities, the replying to bait is so egregious i can't believe there's any oldfags left. even the cow board threads seem to have more solidarity in their threads than /ot/ lately. at least they have the good humour to troll each other and make funny shitposts.

No. 1922640

Nobody is taking /snow/ away from you normalfag-chan

No. 1922641

It cowish within itself to be bullied by somebody like pixylocks and actually take it fucking seriously enough to come over here and seethe about it as a grown woman.

No. 1922642

You're a newfag.

No. 1922643

That someone in this thread said, verbatim
> Have fun when your male friend group turns on you and gang rapes you.

No. 1922644

You don’t have to do that though. People like that only have superficial friends. Just be authentic. Of course I can understand how things like autism would make it more difficult regardless. Still, no one was talking about people problems / difficulty socialising, they’re talking about women. The original opinion was complaining about the girls that act like women are crueler than men so they only hang out with moids. Those women are either lying pick mes or have some personality traits that only men put up with.
I don’t relate to most women in the slightest, I’m pretty impolite and I don’t fit in with conventional “woman” stuff (not straight or feminine, not into fashion or makeup, nerdy hobbies) I still have more female friends. Yes I’m friends with moids, but even those friendships are shallow because that’s the extent most moids are capable of.

No. 1922646

No. I like anime but it attracts too many actual japanophiles who think the place is paradise, are desperate to live there and rage about random literal prostitute cows who work as hostesses there because they consider that an aspirational lifestyle.

A few months ago some baiter retard on /g/ was claiming Japan was one of the most feminist countries in the world because they have female only train carriages and "take care of women".

No. 1922647

And you consider the mentally unwell cockbreathchan to be a regular anon?

No. 1922650

You mean the Hungarian bands?
Keleti Fény
Autumn Twilight
Irgalmatlan Nővérek
Black Leaves

No. 1922653

samefag but if you “can’t relate to other women” but prefer lolcow to 4chan and other male-dominated spaces than that’s obviously not true, is it? There are women like that, you’re just only claiming certain traits as belonging to women and others belonging to men just like troons do.

No. 1922654

I don't even follow that cow. Found this site through a hate blog for a male cow in 2014. It was a breath of fresh air finding a site that openly hated pickmes, attention seekers, posers etc etc since all women had to be champion of other women back then no matter what retarded shit they did. Being able to post anon without login details was cool. I grew up on messageboards not imageboards. The gay ass pickme bitches that bullied my in highschool even posted photos of me to 4chan doxxing me giving out my phone number that was my introduction to /b/. You don't have to be a weeb to know what an image board is

No. 1922655

Ntayrt but I found cocksucker anon kind of funny and more relatable than manifesto chan who was just a le girlboss get the bag type mixed with icemountainfire spiel.

No. 1922656

People who say they're nonbinary are ugly cis attention whores. Gender isn't the same thing as sex but sex is very clearly one of two things: Produces sperm or produces eggs. Your dumpy ass wearing overalls doesn't make you nonbinary, you're just frumpy and insecure. Goddamn.

No. 1922658

why do some users expressing the sentiment of “not relating to other women!!!!!” bother you?

sometimes it just happens. for me personally there wasn’t some “drama” or whatever it just petered out quietly, and my male friendships didn’t. women can keep each other in line very strictly.

No. 1922659

Now THIS is an unpopular opinion.

No. 1922660

Nta but I prefer lolcow over 4chan because there's no fuckin scrotes here lmao

No. 1922661

I always knew he was a fat retard.

No. 1922662

>Unironic use of cis
Back to twitter

No. 1922663


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1922664

Yeah that’s… my point? Women aren’t the problem, anon’s socialising issues are.

No. 1922665

we’re generalizing yeah, nobody’s saying they’re the only woman with these traits just that they’re more common in men. lolcow has women from all over the world and self selects for weirdos- it’s a very biased sample that doesn’t reflect women in general. obviously there are women like us out there but they’re few and far between, might already have come to similar conclusions so don’t try, or might not even want friends.

No. 1922666

I'm not following the discussion as closely as you guys are about women vs men so I'm not arguing for either side. I was dropping in an anecdote that bait like that exists all over here all the time, it triggered the memory when I read
>Have fun when your male friend group turns on you and gang rapes you.

No. 1922675

>Socializing with women lacks that relaxation element.
Sounds like a you problem, I've been crashing almost daily at my best friend's home for 4 years straight doing nothing but chilling, eating grilled sandwiches and playing halo.

No. 1922677

There are other more dangerous, more nasty traits that are more common in men. If you prefer these to the absolutely horrendous alternative of befriending women, then, well, my point stands. Sounds like a you issue.

No. 1922680

this is unironically surprising to me because I never met a male who knew how to relax. the ones I knew always wanted to debate about the most benign shit, argue over semantics, get pissed over the slightest mistakes or in the best case scenario (but still a shit scenario) want to bang

No. 1922687

do you need to be so condescending? Sometimes it just happens, not everyone makes friends based on ideological purity. Befriending women isn’t as easy for me as it is for you so idk why you’re acting like it’s something I rejected whole cloth and not something that I’ve tried and failed at many times- but congratulations on identifying its a me issue. I would like to have female friends for things I can’t do with my male friends but it’s hard to find women like me because statistically there’s less of us, and they’re also less likely to try. I’m not going to be friendless in the meantime for moral purity reasons.

No. 1922693

I did not care for Skinamarink. I like analogue horror, but I think it’s better if it’s short. The entire movie was so long and drawn out, I was expecting some really scary shit to happen, but I was thoroughly disappointed.

No. 1922696

I'm not this anon but I relate heavily (similar relationships with my best male friends, and haven't met any other women who I clicked with where we can just meet up at each others' houses / apts). In my case it might be that the women I happen to meet in my social scene are more into keeping up with social media for career reasons and my guy friends don't care as much. But I don't think me or the original anons are being NLOG about the current nature or accueate description

No. 1922701

I don’t care about your moral purity, I’m disagreeing on the anon’s initial premise that women themselves are difficult. That’s NLOG talk. If you realise you’re probably the problem, then I’m not disagreeing with you and I hope you manage to connect with other women you relate to. You’ll have better luck online if it’s not working IRL.

No. 1922705

If we can acknowledge that women are socialized to dress a certain way then why can’t we acknowledge that women are also socialized to act a certain way? And that as women were exposed to that? Why’s that being nlog.

No. 1922706

No way! Kek, fat and ugly, love to see it

No. 1922707

My point is that the way men are socialised is also crap, there’s no way you genuinely think it’s better. It’s… objectively worse, no? It’s ok to realise you find it easier to get along with men, so long as you don’t act like the problem is other people.

No. 1922714

West Europe should pay me reparations.

No. 1922715

They are always in their mid to late 30s arent they

No. 1922718

But we’re not talking about men. Just forget about men for a second. Why can’t women talk about how women are socialized and how it affects them? If your problem is women who have been socialized to be completely humourless and obsessed with group approval why can’t you talk about that without being accused of being nlog?

No. 1922719

They're my generation. He's such a generic plain faced fat moid that clearly grew up on 4chan and wasn't invited to any parties or group hangouts in highschool. If they enter the workplace they're quiet and openly show disdain for older female coworkers because the ones younger or close in age to them intimidate them to much to make any real life social indirect or direct contact. This fuels the hate they spew online.

No. 1922720

Have you chilled with women without men in a space? Have you ever had a female friend invite you to her place to hangout or you to her? I need to understand if you've had a bad experience because I can't understand why the same scenario of you watching a woman play a video game and chatting is a high stress situation

No. 1922721

OK then Russia and France should pay me reparations.

No. 1922722

Yeah. Let's go fight for our reparations. I want my money.

No. 1922723

This is the whitest shit I’ve seen in a while

No. 1922725

???? I think you tagged the wrong person

No. 1922727

File: 1710298685663.png (1.21 MB, 1280x720, stonetoss.png)

No. 1922729

>tfw black and agree with that anon

No. 1922731

Not related but I grew up with very few friends and when I was at school I'd always feel jealous of moid friendships because it seemed like they could just get along super easily. I learned soon after getting in a male friend group that their friendships were all surface level and they don't really care about anyone as well as following some sort of hierarchy. The most fun I've had is when youre with women you feel comfortable around and doing something simple like playing Minecraft.

No. 1922736

Nta but I am the anon who spent time on pol after all the conversation yesterday and being on pol changed my opinion about sillypoo. I have always hated stonetoss because of his misogyny, I have never seen racist comics by him but I'm sure they exist. But after seeing hehesilly's comic of "Goblina" and the racist caricature of Michelle Obama I don't want to publicly support them at all. It's way too pol adjacent especially paired with the misogyny and them aligning themselves with someone like stonetoss. I don't want to support people who go after Black or biracial women just for the sake of them being Black or biracial. It's gross and I won't defend or support it, not that I ever did defend it, I wasn't here for the start of the thread and had to catch up over the course of the last day or so. I think the treatment they're getting from us is entirely fair, this is a site to document cows and their cowish tendencies after all. If they had such a cowish history online they probably shouldn't have kept referencing us and posting here if they wanted to keep that hidden. Sorry farmhand I know the convo is over I just wanted to reply because the nonna mentioned me directly to back up her point and I don't agree with her point so I wanted to clarify cause I wasn't here to reply at the time, I'm done I promise, sorry

No. 1922737

Yea I dated two brothers in highschool and their house was the house everyone would underage drink at because their parents didn't care and this made them popular so I'd hang out with the boys and they were bigger bitches than the girls always falling out with each other talking shit about who wasn't there. I would bring my friends over so they could observe and then we'd have wine girl nights only and talk shit about what a bunch of faggots the boys were. I got called a slut because I dated brothers but I would always rebuttal his brother didn't seem to care/you'd date two hot sisters if you could.

No. 1922738

the word pickme or nlogs has lost any meaning. like how is talking about negative experiences with other women suddenly mean you're pandering to scrotes lmao
not all of us like gay asian cartoons

No. 1922744

You really aren’t understanding are you lol. Talk about that all you want because that’s a real thing (although not as common to me as anons are making out to be). All I’m saying is that NLOGS who act like men are a better alternative when they also are often socialised to be a certain way are just trading one set of problems for another. If you prefer moids’ problems to women’s that’s on you and okay to vent about but don’t expect to come to a female-dominated site and find women agree with you that other women are oh-so-terrible and hard to get along with and scrotes are just so much better company kek.
Maybe it’s location but most of the guys here are pretty boring, they just like watching sports and going to the pub and bitching about women. I’ve never had a friend group that wasn’t funny, couldn’t chill and play video games together etc and they’ve always been majority women especially because we were into alternative fashion and anime.

No. 1922745

File: 1710299658191.jpg (71.88 KB, 602x729, 1000003369.jpg)

>not all of us like gay Asian cartoons

No. 1922746

kek I just looked him up and this loser doesn’t even own a home, pathetic

No. 1922748

picrel is hot but what does this mean nona

No. 1922752

The average men is objectively ugly.

No. 1922756

Again just forget about moids or who’s ‘better’. I’d expect a female dominated site to understand how petty, cruel, obsessed with group approval, humourless women can be sometimes. Talking about bad treatment you’ve experienced from women isn’t being an nlog.

No. 1922758

Kek they're the ones who call women each other's biggest enemies, but cry about the "male loneliness epidemic" because only women care about those around them's well being. Moids use women as therapists

No. 1922763

Forget about moids when the entire discussion is based around the idea they make better friends than women? I never said talking about bad experiences makes you an NLOG, I agreed that there’s an issue. I think you’re just not listening now, so I won’t repeat myself any longer.

No. 1922765

They really do. MSN was big when I was in school and people would try and get others emails or ask people. So many random boys from ym school in different years would vent to me and I was just addicted to the dopamine of that notification noise I'd entertain all their thoughts. The amount of presents I got in highschool from boys even when they knew I was dating a senior. I got bloc party CDs, someone bought me pokemon mystery dungeon, a guy in the year above sent me a mixtape through the school office and one of the ladies from the school office interrupted my maths class to hand me the envelope. I never met that boy. I cam understand women that say boys are easier to hang around when I got gifts for existing, but having orbiters isn't all that great. Other women can get jealous, the guys can become annoying and scary. I stopped doing that by the time I left highschool cause honestly it felt scammy and i had a party once at my house and found a male friend masturbating in my bed with my underwear. Suddenly being desired by freaks wasn't a goal anymore

No. 1922766

cerbmin would self destruct the fucking website kekkk

No. 1922767

tbh the personable ones probably already have established long-term friendships.
I've known someone since I was a little girl who I have played minecraft with and I sincerely thought it was the default friendship. she has 2 other really close friends from childhood and the only people she shit-talks are male family members. I don't think anyone finds us cool or aspirational though, we were considered losers in high school and college.

No. 1922773

We have so many extreme anons in /ot/ now, it's not as good imo.

No. 1922774

people get really buttblasted at women expressing individuality.

No. 1922778

Most Gen Z kids don't actually look that old their styling just ages them really badly. They literally created 'Coastal Grandma' then wonder why people think they're older. Put them in shitty neon tank tops and coral skinny jeans and they'll look super young too.

No. 1922785

nah all the weird skincare shit they buy ages them. That potato girl from the consoom thread is in her early 20s and looks mid 30s it's insane.

No. 1922787

It's also due to their weight as well

No. 1922788

im pretty sure potatofag looks elderly at a young age because she’s from new england

No. 1922789

As in being fat ages you or being skinny ages you…?

No. 1922793

Personally, I feel like you're not incorrect; imageboards and their users should have some sort of link to Japan in some manner. In a "historical" sense, all of this boils down to weeb shit. 4chan was just a copy/pasted, English translated version of 2chan. lolcow was made because of /cgl/, and it really doesn't get much more weeby than cosplay/gothic loli-related content. Cosplay is literally dressing up as anime characters to celebrate them. People pointing at 4chan and saying "not an anime site" are delusional. Just because these sites have grown over the years doesn't mean the past is completely irrelevant. One could argue that the decline of these platforms is because of the influx of users who despise anime/any content from Japan. And don't any of you give me the
>Umm, gothic lolita is Victorian-era inspired blah blah blah
If someone accesses lolcow without already knowing that, then that just further proves the point I'm trying to make.

I feel that the issue stems from the fact that more and more regular people access the internet now. If they wanted a truly anime-free experience, they should do so on a non-Japanese platform. There are probably an infinite number of websites that don't use an imageboard format to display and interact with content and other users.

No. 1922809

nah pretty much all zoomer girls obssesed with skincare look that rough

No. 1922812

I wonder if kids getting into beauty vloggers young and plastering their faces in cheap cosmetics designed by a teenager speaking to a camera maybe wasn't the best skin care? Also the plague of energy drinks and the constant vaping. 9/10 zoomers I've spoke to think vaping is fine and doesn't do any damage. Vaping floods your longs with even more smoke than a roll up or cigarette. Smoke going into your lungs will always be damaging. Guess their weakened lung capacity compounds on to their general laziness.

No. 1922814

You realise before social media or 4chan normies were posting on bulletin or messageboards about various topics. Music messageboards. There are still so many active sport messageboards.

No. 1922817

I'm not talking about BBSes or textboards (à la 2ch), I'm talking about the imageboard format specifically.

No. 1922818

ayrt. honestly i find it bizarre that some people comehere just to blog about their life in /ot/ and look down on users who enjoy cow stuff. i know the golden era of cows has passed but i dn't get why someone would even come here specifically when there's a bilion places to talk about your daily life and mental health. this place is for the weebs and NEETs and mean girls who enjoy making fun of retards, you're gonna meet them even on the offtopic boards.
true. hellweek didn't do shit either

No. 1922824

Idk how many times newfags need to be told lc has it's own culture and is not 4chan

No. 1922827

driving whether you're downtown/in the inner city or in a suburban area is so much more dangerous than just walking

No. 1922829

Nah this site is to document and archive cows. Offtopic is an offtopic board separate from cows apart from the celebricow thread which doesn't fit in snow, w or pt. Half of the cows are neets and weebs which makes them targets of ridicule. Men aren't welcome but women are. If it offends you some users aren't complete losers write a vent about it

No. 1922830

They will never listen theyre too retarded.

No. 1922834

these are all the names of meals you can get 2 for 1 at a truck in Chicago

No. 1922838

>Uhh, since I don't have a rebuttal, I'll call her a newfag!
Let's not do that. There's no point in trying to prove to you how long I've been using lolcow/4chan/imageboard and BBS platforms. You should reread my original post.
>Just because these sites have grown over the years doesn't mean the past is completely irrelevant.
What do you think this means? The point is that the internet used to be primarily used by losers and rich kids. Of course this has changed over time, internet access has gotten cheaper and easier over the decades, but the fact that imageboards are losing part of their historical, original use leaves a complex feeling. People come to a website that was originally for cosplay and EGL community drama and wonder why there are posters who like anime here. If you don't see the point I'm trying to make them that's not my problem.

No. 1922840

Lolcow is 10 years old, you sound like a newfag that judt discovered "girl" 4chan. You're such a geek.
>I'm an Internet historian and you are not honouring the 4chan founding ethos and culture of which I'm use to waaah

No. 1922842

No one's shocked people like anime here they're calling out the retarded gatekeeping of no normies allowed. I don't engage with the husbandofags but I also don't cry about them existing

No. 1922858

Girl shut up

No. 1922860

You sound very babyish.

No. 1922864

I hate being involved in infights but I love watching them transpire while I'm not a part of it and don't have an opinion about what the topic is, it's entertaining. The best are the fujo ones because I don't understand half the words they're using so it's like watching a fight in another language kek

No. 1922872

sometimes i wont eeven disagree with someone ill just infight for fun KEK

No. 1922878

infighting is so fun but watching it is even funnier

No. 1922919

i used to think that having internet friends and growing relationships is fun and wonderful but i now realize that its incredibly dangerous

No. 1922926

>The best are the fujo ones because I don't understand half the words they're using so it's like watching a fight in another language kek
me too, anon. I don't understand anything fujo, but it's so entertaining. sometimes I quietly root for them just because

No. 1922929

the way the world is going I feel like the day racism is eliminated will the same day people get dead row for "misgendering" a man on a dress.

No. 1922936

Transgenderism is the natural conclusion of feminism.

No. 1922940

The mods want to clamp down on infighting when it’s naturally enriching behavior smh

No. 1922941

i honestly agree, i believe the seek of equality is what made Ellen Page troon out (she is not a real man and will never be a real man)

No. 1922949

facts only

No. 1922950

I think she trooned out because she was preyed on by the men in the industry

No. 1922951

I wish wearing masks was more normal, why is it standard to sneeze or cough freely instead. Sometimes I see people use their hands as a cover that they then wipe on their surroundings and it's gross. I have a cold right now and need to get groceries but if I put one on I'll look like a freak and everyone will think I'm still paranoid about getting covid because that's the only time anyone wore masks in public

No. 1922953

stop responding to the baiter

No. 1922958

this is only exacerbated by the fact that troons who try to turn into men aren't capable of integrating into male lifestyles and can only surround themselves with women obviously because they are women kek

No. 1922962

she might not be a real man but the asspats are real. Dylan isn’t a real woman but his fame is real. I think people take troons too much at face value assuming they trooned out to be a true and honest man/woman when tons of normies would kill for that level of exposure.

No. 1922963

>get abused by men so bad you decide to turn into one
i know people, specially actors can be pretty retarded but, really?
this, they are pretty much breastless lesbians and the fact they can't admit it will ultimately make them end up on a worse place than the one they were when they trooned out.
who the fuck is dylan? also yes attention seeking weirdos are real and most of them will eventually troon out or do something worse to get the attention they/them crave

No. 1922967

It also sucks now you're unable to question concerns and other motives for someone to troon out. We live in a world where people completely expect others to just shake their heads and happily agree with everything someone claims about themselves, at the same time people have become more unforgiving towards those who don't spot out dishonesty and manipulation that well

No. 1922968

what the genuine shit is going on with the moderation team kek.

No. 1922969

Dylan Mulvaney, Ana HSTS troon. My point is it’s not really always about being a real man, a lot of them know this on some level.

No. 1922971

What fascist black and white thinking. Truth isn't evil, those who try to suppress freedom of expression in order to further their agenda are evil. There are two types of humor, good and bad.
Basically a good joke functions by creating suspense and then revealing something that wasn't evident before, some truth, by nature good humor is illuminating, suppressing something like that would be like suppressing what makes us human.
Bad humor on the other hand is always done at someone's expense, its funny because it allows one to indulge one's dark inclinations.
Its important to distinguish between the two.

No. 1922996

>not all menz are rapists
>blames women in relations for getting raped
She probably means that she doesn't care about het partnered women because they are insufferable and should have knew better than dating men. It's not that serious, some women are tired of the endless trauma content hetero women provide with their moids and the endless pity party.
>calls women who touch men pigs
Cause they come off as that, should I bring screenshots of them sounding like pigs? Go to any sex space online and see how horrible these people sound and the masochism coming from women would be a valid reason for a woman to wish to not be perceived as a woman ever again however tifs are the same as these women so idk, and certain hetero sexual acts are a symbol of the inherent inequality between sexes, making women who suck dick a slaves of men cause the pleasure can't be reciprocated. It's sadomasochism. You're probably just addicted to self degradation and have a love hate relationship with it cause some women genuinely do not care and keep you know what. Not everyone who doesn't suck on men is a lesbian, most lesbians now preach "lesbians like dick!!". You sound like a moid with these lesbian accusations. Moids bully women who are turned off by hetero sadomasochism and call them man hating lesbians

No. 1922999

Kek right after I thought about how certain sexual acts are a symbol of the inherent inequality between sexes and sadomasochism, service that can't be reciprocated by men because it's impossible. I was always shocked by them but only now this specific realization came up in my mind. There is some inherent femininity in womanhood that is inescapable, its funny cause yesterday I saw a picture of a transman with scars on the chest after that surgery to remove your breasts, hairy chest, piercings, beard and… A caption "I'm 12 weeks pregnant"… It makes zero sense. But seriously equality is not achievable because men and women are not equal, they are different sex even esoteric knowledge speaks on the masculinity and femininity as inherent, one in one sex, good luck escaping it?. How can a woman become gender non conforming? Even terfs hate women like this but pretend not to. Homosexuals or autistic women have different brains than other people, there's a theory of the brains of women with aspergers being hyper masculinized

No. 1923001

Maybe her trooning out was sexual like in most if not all people who troon out.

No. 1923008

It sounds like women who are factually different are just inherently evil and should go extinct

No. 1923135

>there's a theory of the brains of women with aspergers being hyper masculinized
It's false and a cope for trannies

No. 1923137

"Trophy hunters" are pathetic losers.

No. 1923146

So true.

No. 1923153

No. 1923156

So, if you fuck with a monkey's hormones, it has an effect? This isn't news, and doesn't lend credence to the "I feel like an outcast/am atypical, so I have manbrain or womanbrain" cope.

No. 1923159

Ugh it's like the based endocrinologist/biologist manifesto-chan got replaced with a really shitty nega version I HATE IT

No. 1923164

Go back to Tumblr, fuckweasel.

No. 1923166

Kek nona wtf does that even mean.

No. 1923178

Most people are unable to wear a mask properly, though. They'll just end up touching their face more, then touching the dirty mask when they adjust it / remove it and then they spread their saliva all over surfaces. I hate it when people think they can just wear a mask and walk around in public with a full-blown infection going on. Just stay home if you've got the cold.

No. 1923230

I'm a big TON fan and not a goth by any means (and neither them) but I agree, that album is way overrated and I hate the whole ~uwu sexy vampire bf,breathing and moaning into the mic like a retard~ schtik.
"World is Coming Down" is a way superior album imo but it's not ~aesthetic~ enough for the Instagram "goths".

No. 1923249

Not all of us have NEETbux and can stay home any time we feel like it.

No. 1923262

Basically she's saying that all of those names are very similar to the names of dishes you can purchase in the mobile-restaurants that line the streets of the Chicagoan metropolis.

No. 1923302

Wouldn't call myself a TON fan even though I like a few of their albums, but I agree. Especially on October Rust, Pete's absurdly low vocals just sound way too goofy to have the intended effect. I don't get the thirst over him, either; he looks like if you told Midjourney to bishify Boris Karloff.

No. 1923303


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1923310

>there's a theory of the brains of women with aspergers being hyper masculinized
no, they just don't always act hyperfeminine for western ideals which is seen as "masculine". the brain has no gender so behaviour gendering is based exclusively in how you yourself see men and women. in some cultures mild autism is seen as a positive feminine trait cause they tend to get hyperfocused on school and non-fiction nerd shit as opposed to makeup and boys so the difference is encouraged by adults.
>Even terfs hate women like this but pretend not to
someone not walking the walk after talking the talk doesn't mean the whole batch of people claiming to support gnc behaviours are liars. plenty of people say what they want to support but haven't fully internalized. people will also claim to support things but have exceptions they don't realize mean they don't truly support the thing.

No. 1923327

It's been 10 years already? Time passes by too quickly…

No. 1923330

No. 1923427

this is reminding me of Reese from Malcolm in the Middle thinking he had perfect features to be a model and then being told he was reading the beauty standards for female models for some reason. it's funny how incels have no idea what women actually find attractive, and how much it can vary between women.

No. 1923731

I was saying it didn't make any sense, nona.

No. 1925856

>There are two types of humor, good and bad.
And who decides that? Certainly not women and girls otherwise rape jokes wouldn't be peak humor and most media wouldn't be trivializing horrors.

>those who try to suppress freedom of expression in order to further their agenda are evil

Kek what absolute empty garbage. Continue being a freedom fighter for pedofillic and rapist males humor I suppose, very strong of you to fight black and whites with ackshually "black and whites that I like". I'm going to save your comment to remind myself of why the moid propaganda psyop of freedom of expression and the counter argument of "muh satire" is dogshit. Also, I'll repeat that your opinion is not unpopular and that's for a clear reason. I'll give you a hint; its not because anyone cares about freedom of expression.

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