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No. 1914925

Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.

Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles
>creating shrines and fanlistings
>joining webrings and cliques
>how socializing on the internet has changed

Previous threads

Search for personal/non-comercial sites:

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No. 1914937

does anyone remember truthbox on myspace? kinda' niche. it was an anon posting forum and there was an avatarfag named ChrisBrownGirl.

No. 1914965

This is a long shot but does anyone remember a site with a name like "lyric23"? Iirc it was a site like neocities back in the early-mid 2000's. It wasn't literally called lyric23, but it was [something][number]. All I remember is that I would obsessively search up mermaid spells to turn myself into a mermaid kek and this site always popped up. I'm fairly certain it's not a thing anymore but I want to know if anyone here remembers it/remembers the name.

No. 1914981

Nonas, I want to start a webring but for autistic women of all ideologies, so not strictly feminist related. Is that too broad?

No. 1915198

File: 1709854746498.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, neocities starter pack.png)

No. 1915224

File: 1709855698431.png (121.37 KB, 265x350, 323801965140211-123977529.png)

I want to have a cute side blog where I can post poetry with illustration. If not for neocities, would substack work well with that? I'm kind of looking for the same people who would use neocities, since my art could be attracting to them. The only other insane animecore-adjacent person besides all of the neocities kinnies that I'm aware of that uses substack is an actual schizo troon though

No. 1915227

Be ready to have it infested full of troons

No. 1915229

What a nice thread pic!

No. 1915239

Will there be any vetting or "gatekeeping" like what the WOTI webring does?

No. 1915249

I thought substack was just like patreon but for text posts, you can host websites on it?

No. 1915254

from my understanding substack is for writing articles and like niche journalism/blogging. ive never seen anyone post art and i don't think it's super customizable. i love schizo animecore, come to neocities

No. 1915261

I don't recommend Substack, in my experience it's more of a platform for articles/essays and doesn't have any customization. Bearblog might be closer to what you're looking for?

No. 1915745

Come to neocities and you'll be dime a dozen kek

No. 1915930

it will be soon overran with tims when it will open and pretty much it can attract drama generated by gendies like woti did
lmao, it's so true. i remember time where neocities still was mostly programmer moids or script kiddies. women who were around were nice and had great sites though

No. 1916002

i remember reading here once that the best way to run a webring is to keep it specific so it maxes out at 150-200 women

No. 1916154

no offense nona but autists online webring already exists. all the gendies who think theyre autistic because animal crossing is their "special interest" will overrun it

No. 1916199

Just be prepared for the inclusivity spergs. Feminist or not, any clique or webring specifically for women is gonna have the crybullies come out and demand to know your political stances even if 90% of neocities is female kek

No. 1916209

How about an adults with jobs webring or a non-political webring?

No. 1916296

Hosting it on neocities would be best if you want to find like-minded artists, however you could also use teacake / nekoweb to host. Teacake is good if you just need a host with no social features, nekoweb is good if you want more social features but in a smaller scale. If you don't have coding experience use substance or even just make an fc2 blog

No. 1916745

There's no way you're recommending nekoweb after reading the previous thread, nona.

No. 1916782

the type of site she wants to make belongs on nekoweb

No. 1917050

File: 1709949862028.png (679.37 KB, 1213x808, templates.png)

Grandma Devastatia is still posting about this thread. I personally agree with this article but damn, she's not over getting banned because she can't learn to integrate. We're not "obsessed" with you, you're just easy to provoke.

No. 1917051

File: 1709949940381.png (355.56 KB, 1109x509, 350.png)

Samefag, but does she not know that you can buy a domain and server space for less than $350? They're right that Gen Xers are equally tech illiterate as Zoomers.

No. 1917077

Can you elaborate on Foollovers? I've never heard of them stealing content from others
Seconding fc2 for your blog, both the blog and web services work well enough. They add ads to your site footer/header is the only thing but who doesn't use an adblocker in our current year

No. 1917079

she roleplays about being le epik h@x0r 1337 internet oldfag but gets trolled like child on roblox. she cant NOT take the bait its so hilarious

No. 1917082

I'm trying to increase the variety of the nekoweb userbase. The current discord community is too annoying when someone who doesn't align with their political views starts chatting, it's getting boring. I don't want drama but I want less of an echo chamber within the website & within the discord. I valued neocities because of the variety and skillsets displayed, however when I'm scrolling through the exploration page they're all tranny kids who just discovered old web shit and they're making flashy webcore animecore xyzcore websites with no substance to them & then the moids on the site are reddit tier retards with no notable interests other than sniffing their own farts.

No. 1917083

tbh it might even be possible to inspect element the ads to get the class in the css and do like display: none; or height/width: 0px to totally hide it from the site

No. 1917090

>when I'm scrolling through the exploration page they're all tranny kids who just discovered old web shit and they're making flashy webcore animecore xyzcore websites with no substance to them
That's why you have to find sites outside the activity feed. I've found sensible adults via webrings and checking the links pages of sites I like/who they're following on their Neocities profile.

No. 1917154

Nekoweb is made by & for those types tho. Honestly being in their discord or on discord at all, that's primarily what you're going to find.

No. 1917164

i think what nona was trying to say is that neocities users take the foollovers assets from each other, not that foollovers is stealing assets from elsewhere

No. 1917168

Also, the conversation about templates here was very chill. Why does she imagine conflict and "damning" where there is just conversation.
More power to you, but like >>1917154 said, Nekoweb was made by those types of people for those types of people.

No. 1917223

I think part of her bit is making shit up about farmers. I think last thread she said we're pro porn or pro onlyfans or something stupid like that, for example.

No. 1917344

File: 1709974204927.png (295.37 KB, 1216x488, Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 13.46…)

anybody else come across this troon lately? he's kind of turned into a personal cow with how much he whines about his family not gendering him correctly and his diy hormones kek

No. 1917390

lmao at the filters used in his pic. C'mon dude show us your REAL face kek

No. 1917399

File: 1709979012667.jpg (35.58 KB, 563x369, buginfested.jpg)

what do you guys put on your websites? i've only just started building mine and i'm a little at a loss content-wise, i don't really have any art to host and i'm not sure how often i'd update a blog

No. 1917417

I occasionally post a lengthy schizo manifesto on my photography blog if I have no new content

No. 1917425

The heels picture in his about is peak autogynephillia

No. 1917427

He seems to have followed a bunch of women from woti, either because he's not aware of the "controversy" and he wants to get close to real women or because he's a provoking troon. Either way, cringe.

No. 1917432

Whatever you want to write about or share nonnie.

No. 1917448

Kekk this is great nonna

No. 1917453

Will I die if I copy someone's code for my website?

No. 1917475

Don't worry nonnie, it's completely fine and normal to utilize code snippets. I think as long as you don't completely copy an entire website and hotlink their graphics nobody will even notice or care. You can always privately (or in their guestbook) thank the person you took code from, I did that when I "stole" somebodies code for scrollbars which I then adapted for my site.

No. 1917642

Yes. As soon as you CTRL+V the code into your editor, a guided missile launches and aims itself straight for your house.

No. 1917646

I have, I just assumed he's a follow4follow type or trying to farm pageviews since his Neocities is just a mirror of his main site.

You can more or less post whatever you want. Most websites have some kind of gallery, a blog, shrines, an about page, a graphics hoard, and a links page, I think that's a good baseline.

I can count on one hand how many sites I've seen sperg out over "code theft", referencing what other people do is how you learn. As long as you do what >>1917475 says and don't completely rip an entire website and steal their graphics, most people won't notice or care. You can add credit in the source code like I've seen other sites do too.

No. 1917830

This almost makes me want to look into the social aspect of neocities

No. 1917899

It's not that bad if you just use it to keep track of updates or commenting on people's pages. I don't follow anyone who uses it like a diet Twitter.

No. 1918025

File: 1710026888469.png (440.4 KB, 1118x540, comprehension.png)

I got an indirect reply, apparently. I know she's lurking this thread, so FYI: If you check the timestamps, I posted this comment before (21 hours ago) your article was published (9 hours ago).

No. 1918050

Idk why but he made two separate accounts on Nekoweb and they also just redirected to his main website they're gone now so I'm assuming he got banned for farming views

No. 1918051

Maybe a nitpick but having AI slop on your website is so tacky, not to mention the random (uncredited) ecchi pics

No. 1918192

wait for real? thats so lame kek

No. 1918261

File: 1710045377349.png (88.38 KB, 789x567, troonery.png)

I don't think he's farming views, I think he's trying to get people to join his hosting site kek. He even has the "how to migrate from neocities" underlined ffs. Looks like no on hosts on his server except him lol

No. 1918264

File: 1710045565873.png (35.27 KB, 777x164, kek.png)

I take it back, it's him, 2 blank pages and another troon kek. Also he really made his domain ".lexiqqq.com" At least nekoweb's is cute.

No. 1919210

From my understanding, the top sites on neocities have a weird algorithm where your ratio of followed to followers determines where you end up. Like following a lot less people than follow you = high up on the list. Feds follow everyone that follows them so it like cancels out. It's very strange how high up they are now. They will up there with Sadgrl and Cinni eventually lol

No. 1919221

What a weird algorithm… it sounds like it could be exploited by the wrong people. Followed vs followers doesn't really determine the quality of the website all that much, it's more of a popularity contest.

No. 1919257

The ai hentai that has no relevance to the post is so funny. Are we supposed to be imagining her talking to us like she's the girl in the pic or something?

You can pick how to sort sites in your activity feed. By page views, by followers, by last updated… I've found that joining/looking at webring or web clique members was a better way of finding cool new sites than the activity feed, anyway.

No. 1919269

>I've found that joining/looking at webring or web clique members was a better way of finding cool new sites than the activity feed, anyway.
This is what I've been doing. I also sign guestbooks of sites to get their attention.

No. 1919543

People on social media kind of have that mindset for some reason, so it doesn't surprise me. I don't get the logic, but I think it might be because if they see your following-followed ratio similar or in favor to your following they think your followers are mostly people who followed back to be polite, whereas if more people follow you than you follow, it seems like they followed because they like you.

No. 1919768

File: 1710115143383.jpg (92.04 KB, 986x1024, keyboardcat.jpg)

The more I think about it, the dumber it is. It means that following other people - aka signing up to see things that you like - is devaluing your social currency. The more you want to view on the site and engage, the more worthless you appear. And many social media site users care about their social standing and status among other users. It also means that content creators are kind of rewarded for avoiding their audience somewhat. Just a big social status hierarchy, not based on genuine creativity and connection. I know that popularity contests happen, but they shouldn't be front and center imo.

No. 1919780

File: 1710115728868.png (35.18 KB, 960x152, christianwebring.png)

Does anyone know what she's talking about? I don't get why she lurks places she hates so much.

No. 1919845

Yeah I know a ton of people who now try to interact on their main accounts as little as possible to try to emulate celebs and seem like they're busy and inaccessible, when in reality they still spend 10-14 hours a day online and have private accounts and burners where they sperg out. It's just a manipulation tactic.

No. 1919846

It's like, just let them have their containment zone. Leave people be. It's impossible to understand these people, to get obsessed with what others are doing.

No. 1919855

Real. I hate conservative Christians, but if they have a webring that signals that the site owner is one of them, I can easily avoid it. I don't get why others can't see it that way.

No. 1919878

File: 1710120551058.jpg (40.5 KB, 798x262, hmm..JPG)

No. 1919895

File: 1710121348544.png (269.62 KB, 902x844, Christian.png)

idrc if it exists but I don't see nekoweb users joining this https://christian-webring.nekoweb.org/

No. 1919908

>Anyone who uses an LGBT label cannot join but if you are struggling with the sin of sexual deviancy and are seeking God to aid you, you can be a part of the ring
idk why i'm laughing so hard, macaque should just realize how retarded this all sounds and stop having a stick up her ass about everything.

No. 1920001

If she cares so much she can just make a Christian webring that allows LGBT people, it's not that hard (she doesn't actually give a shit)

No. 1920054

It doesn't even have any members yet besides the two owners. What's the point of drawing attention to it?

No. 1920070

File: 1710129054634.png (10.81 KB, 776x122, ff.png)

4. Your website CAN be NSFW but NOT because of porn or lustful content. Make sure it is marked as well. Acceptable reasons a blog might be NSFW:
a. Heavy gore

It's odd she allows gore and that she hardlines being anti-abortion and being proudly LGBT. I wonder why those specifically are listed and not any other sins like adultry? Also she follows F+F so I wonder if people will start harassing them about who they feature/support.

No. 1920184

Actually based, maybe not the religious part but LGBT has always been a perversion and always will be.(bait )

No. 1920547

She kind of just sounds uptight and not fun to be around.

No. 1920573

Just like Macaque does tbh. And the billion other gendies on NC with their DNI lists. These types of people are just two sides of the same coin.

No. 1920634

Macaque is ex-Christian, so it makes sense. Most former fundie Christians are prone to being equally delusional and morally righteous even after they leave church. She just replaced Jesus with pronouns and being otherkin.

No. 1920656

I'd rather be around a gendie than an anti-abortion religious fundamentalist. A TIF is safer for me than a hardcore christian moid.

No. 1920761

>adults with jobs webring on neocities
Good luck with that

No. 1920789

Who sent you here? Dimden?

No. 1920790

And a normie Christian woman is safer than a TIM. It's moids that are the problem nonna

No. 1920850

Macaque is one of my favorite personal cows. Her whole personality revolves around gender, sexuality and consumerism so much her room is full of non-binary and trans shit.

No. 1920861

I don't see it

No. 1920886

Kek, are they serious? Neocities and Nekoweb are both 99% women, specifically TIFS, and they're pretty much exclusively liberals or leftists. Who the hell is joining this? More power to them I guess, but it doesn't seem like they know their audience. Or they're trying to be provocative on purpose so they can play victim when no one wants to sit with them.
Because she hates women and gays kek. I do think this would be a beautiful ending to F+F's reign of terror, maybe that'll teach them to blindly clout chase.

No. 1921064

Dimden doesn't hate trannies as far as I'm aware

No. 1921102

neocities views are botted and crawled and its hilarious that F+F only has 150k bot views even though its supposedly one of the most popular sites on NC. like the gendies just use it to put their ugly ass sites on it but don't browse. There's no real way they're getting followers from that shit lol

No. 1921279

I'd rather be around a pro-abortion TIM than any other kind of moid.

No. 1921599

I want blogs to be a thing again, like proper blogs from the time you called them weblogs.

No. 1921646

Anti choice people love gore, especially if it furthers their misogynistic cause

No. 1921798

Dreamwidth is still online and the activity feed is pretty recent. The issue is no one can find a site and stick to it, all the old school bloggers I know moved to Tumblr and won't leave.

No. 1923297

Oh I have been using DW for a year and I love it. I have a Twitter and Tumblr as well but even with Tumblr being a "blogging" site, they're very different experiences, it's just an archive and Twitter with no text/photo limit, no one uses it to actually blog or read posts with more than 3 lines.
Despite my fandom being relatively popular I still haven't found any active blog/user into it, so it gets lonely sometimes, but yeah the activity feed is nice.

No. 1923320

File: 1710344348986.png (231.83 KB, 693x791, flying-with-quills.neocities.o…)

I'm so used to seeing TRAs having victim complexes over everyone not kissing their ass, it's almost refreshing to see a Christian having the same kind of fit online.

No. 1923445

>I'm just a girl who loves God and loves to journal
Also a homophobe, it seems.
It's almost like homosexuals don't want to associate with someone who openly proclaims that their natural state of being is "the sin of sexual deviancy." If I'm not welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven then girl you're not welcome in my webring either.

No. 1923632

Kek the seething is delicious. I don't know what she was expecting. Completely retarded to start Jesus sperging on Neocities and then act shocked that the userbase of women and genderspecials don't want you there. Isn't the owner of that webring a lesbian anyways? If so, this is doubly retarded.
Oh, that sucks. I'd been curious about Dreamwidth, but it's unfortunate that people aren't sticking around. I feel like sites like that have an issue where you need a robust userbase to make it feel "worth it" socially, but it's hard to get everyone to agree to move from their current platform of choice.

No. 1923653

In the same post she complains about her fellow Christians not fitting to her standards. Maybe the reason she's so "persecuted" is she doesn't have a personality outside of Jesus, can't take rejection, and wants an echo-chamber. I've had Christian friends who weren't nearly as whiny.

No. 1923657

Maybe I'll make a dreamwidth. I just want the old fandom feeling back

No. 1923658

File: 1710367602161.png (239.58 KB, 705x1080, latest-blog.png)

Samefag, forgot the screenshot.

No. 1923753

Which one of these websites will allow me to write uncensored man-hate on the level of manifesto-chan?

No. 1924024

there's a solid chance neocities won't nuke you for it, just turn off profile commenting so you dont get gendies frothing at the mouth kek

No. 1924154

I tried dw at the start of the year but it's quite dead, it made me sad

No. 1924480

File: 1710410704496.jpg (64.07 KB, 944x320, mvfuol3CdG1qmldhio1_1280.jpg)

There are still a good chunk of active people, DW's focus on privacy just makes it harder to find people who share your interests. This post has communities that based around hobbies/fandom, you can always lurk the comments and followers to find active users https://novembermond.dreamwidth.org/492882.html
And while it's not about finding users, I found this post about the decline of actual blogging sites and fandom interesting https://tozka.dreamwidth.org/11753.html

No. 1924598

Or keep it on so you can enjoy the seethe!

No. 1925374

I've noticed Dreamwidth is somewhat active, it's just not obvious because it's at a slower place than Tumblr/Twitter/etc. I wasn't around for Livejournal but interactions on Dreamwidth are more organic in my experience. On Tumblr I would just get notifications for follows and likes, but people on Dreamwidth will comment on my pinned post if I subscribed to their journal or I subscribed to theirs.

No. 1925867

Yeah even with just 3 subs I still got comments from time to time, this one girl who used to follow me surprised me because she would still comment on my fandom posts even though we shared 0 interests. The slower pace has been great to me, though I guess people who are used to receiving 10 stimulus per second in social media would hate it (and maybe that's the reason of why it's unpopular, aside from the obvious ones).
Current sites wired people to interact mostly with just likes/retweets and directly commenting is seen as too foward, so it's a nice change of pace.

No. 1926165

how do people like this stumble upon neocities in the first place? why don't they go to a local church outside where they'll actually be welcome?

No. 1926826

Christians love proselytizing.

No. 1926853

do people mostly discuss media on dreamwidth? actually finding people online who want to discuss things sounds a lot of fun.

No. 1926896

The negative with dreamwidth is they don't let you talk about troons even in your own journal. My whole journal got suspended for venting about one at my workplace.

No. 1926915

Wait, really? Their diversity statement claims to be open to any political view, and I've seen some non-woke leftist opinions expressed in some personal journals (also "radical feminism" is an interest tag a lot of journals have), so that's a shock to me. Did you use words like tranny by any chance or just talk about it negatively?

No. 1926946

I specifically said troon, and referred to him as male. My journal still says suspended: "This journal has been either temporarily or permanently suspended by Dreamwidth Studios for policy violation."

After contacting DW in email they told me I violated rule 1 which is "1. Upload, post, or otherwise transmit any Content that is harmful, threatening, abusive, hateful, invasive to the privacy and publicity rights of any person, or that violates any applicable local, state, national, or international law, including any regulation having the force of law;"

They didn't specify what post but since it was my most recent one and that rule talks about not posting hateful content, I can only assume it was that. The rest of my blog was personal and fandom related. It was public though so assuming you keep anything "hateful" private they probably don't screen unless someone reports.

No. 1926996

File: 1710558026225.jpg (316.54 KB, 1080x976, society if.jpg)

DA That is so sad. Guess I'm using DW for fandom and discussion and Neocities for public troonventing.

No. 1927026

some dreamwidth circles can get a bit gendery, but honestly it seems to be mostly an older, more reasonable crowd. i think outright venting about that sort of thing probably would cause trouble, but otherwise i’ve had some really nice, long conversations on there. i mostly use it to talk about personal / crafty stuff, though, so ymmv

No. 1927034

Being pro-abortion and pro-"feminism" is part of the women larp they do only to access women and girls spaces, "breastfeed" babies and other gross predatory shit. Why would you pick this over a normie who at least keeps his fetishes in the private sphere. The state of feminism makes sense now.

No. 1927078

If it was public you probably had someone who saw it on the newest posts feed find and report it. I honestly don't know how many "cryptos" are on Dreamwidth like there are on Neocities, but I'd keep that within a circle next time.

No. 1927823

Because I'm not obsessed with troons, I guess. Not everyone is as chronically online as you.(derailing )

No. 1928066

Can you please take the tranny sperging in a relevant thread? This is about Neocities and related sites.(minimodding)

No. 1928196

So you claimed that you would pick a troon over any other moid because.. you're not obsessed with troons and not chronically online? I'm sure this makes sense in gendies logic.(derailing)

No. 1928205

File: 1710644000503.png (151.81 KB, 1150x889, districts.png)

Nekoweb made its own Districts. Wonder if it'll implode like the Neocities counterpart did.

No. 1929345

File: 1710727072749.jpg (244.65 KB, 795x1071, stickersheet.jpg)

How do you all feel about web clubs like picrel? Have you picked up any hobbies from browsing personal sites/neocities? I noticed most art pages feature pixel art of some sort, toyboxes to display art they've collected, free to use pixel graphics, and doll bases. I've taken up doing a little pixel art in my free time because of it, and it's quite difficult.

No. 1929364

I love them and think they're great. I used to love making pixel adoptables on Neopets and Gaia Online so it's like a throwback to those days.

No. 1929741

These kinds of web cliques are my favorite kind in the Neocities sphere. Personal site spaces can be really creative so it's a lot of fun to see what other artists draw. As far as hobbies, I've picked up pixel art from the community too as well as journaling (irl and digital) and extremely amatuer photography.

No. 1930449

File: 1710808362370.gif (1.81 MB, 600x567, heres your pixel art bro.gif)

i think there's a lot of pixel posers, not in the pixel art itself but a lot of pixel site posers. gendies are touted as THE pixel sites of neocities but don't even really make anything pixel related just steal assets from web archives and sozai sites. ive seen a lot of retards that just resize images to like 50x50 and add crank up some filters in photoshop and try to pass them off as "pixel art" but once you zoom in its obvious that they didn't draw or color it because none of it makes sense at all, lines dont connect there is 20 million colors in an image when pixel art only uses a handful and its blurry and weird and the most obvious thing is the jagged lines and blinking artifacts like the random white dots outside of the lineart. shit like this but i see it all over neocities

No. 1931061

Wow I never would have noticed this, but now it's so obvious. Do you know of any legit pixel artists on neocities?

No. 1931716

Some of my favorites are
Generally speaking, if a pixel artist links another artist, they're legit. Seriously, check out webrings. The ones where you make your own pixel art using a template attract a lot of pixel artists.
This page lists a few.

No. 1931719

a lot of the stuff in the pixel cliques is pure shitters kek

No. 1931916

File: 1710908416356.jpg (389.61 KB, 917x1186, pixelclubs.jpg)

Rude. I disagree, I think most of them look nice. Do you mean the websites themselves or their clique arts? Good pixel art is difficult just like any art, so it's not like everyone will be perfect. Besides, even the less skilled artists usually link good artists as inspiration.

No. 1931927

go back to the 32bit cafe if u can't handle the truth(infighting)

No. 1932259

nta but cute stuff, thank you for sharing anon

No. 1934550

NTA, but after you mentioned bearblog, I created one and so did my friend. We're having so much fun together making pages and discussing what we want to write about. So on behalf of both of us I wanna thank you for introducing us and the thread to it lol.

No. 1934624

File: 1711090400139.png (526.08 KB, 930x612, Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 15.55…)

>inspect element is not tolerated here and it is disabled
spergs like this are so amusing, does she know that her source code can still be viewed?? kek

No. 1934629

These retards don't know ctrl+shift+I and it shows

No. 1934634

Love how the sites themselves are never impressive either kek

No. 1934644

The girl behind this claims to be a literal 12 or 13 year old on her page so I'll give her a pass for being an idiot, but I really doubt that she wrote any of the javascript herself for disabling the hotkeys and detecting the inspect window if she doesn't know how to indent or use stylesheets

No. 1934750

Post the link to this shit site so I can inspect element and rip her ugly site out of spite

No. 1934758

I remember the very odd community of SailorMoondotOrg… sweet jesus fuck I'm old.

No. 1934765

she's harajukudreams on neocities kek, 90% of the assets she uses aren't even her own

No. 1934791

But she inspected element for all her css styling choices KEK. It's obvious which sites she took inspiration and code snippets from.

No. 1934808

File: 1711112209336.png (240.77 KB, 800x600, tumblr_abfb7f608b3de384a1f856e…)

i too am old and sometimes get so nostalgic over the sailor moon fan sites from back in the day kek

No. 1934888

I remember going on this Italian inuyasha fan site and using the chat page to RP with myself. People thought it was odd, I was laughing my 16 year old ass off for hours thinking it was funny Inuyasha and Tony the Tiger were fighting.

No. 1934990

Exactly. Just clicked around the site and I swear to god I've seen 3 other sites just like this, the most she did was change a few images and colours. I don't know who would bother to inspect this fugly site anyway

No. 1935398

That url doesn't work anymore, did she change it?

No. 1935422

It's just harajukudream, no S.

No. 1935429

i envy both of you, i wish i had lived to see more of the old non-corporate internet

No. 1935472

Pink websites are honestly so unappealing and most of the time uninspired and predictable as it's always the same style over and over again. Such a dumb trend. I get it if you like it but this all-pink palette is a strain on the eyes.

No. 1935494

Is this site not just a recolor of swirl’s? It looks nearly identical

No. 1935518

Yep it's yet another Swirl clone. She is only 12 though, at that age it's normal to be think you are the most unique when really all you are is easily impressionable. I'm sure she adopted the "no copying!!!" mindset from Swirl, too, without understanding why she and other hobbyist are so obsessed with copycats.

No. 1935526

I see. Swirl is pretty young too iirc. When I was their ages I was also upset at the idea of potential copycats so I understand why they feel that way. I just wish they knew they could handle those concerns privately instead of on the public timeline.

No. 1936811

>>1928205 they're both ran by users of the websites and not the websites themselves right?

No. 1936822

Can you please stop replying like that lol

No. 1937009

Is hosting a page in neocities free or do you have to pay a fee?

No. 1937013

It’s free to host. You can pay $5 monthly to have additional features like extra storage or multiple sites under an account but it’s completely optional.

No. 1937016

Thanks nonny! wanna start a small blog.

No. 1937021

Oh god it’s so annoying

No. 1937037

good luck with your blog!

No. 1937071

File: 1711271571869.jpg (211.17 KB, 1080x821, Lmao.jpg)

Someone offered to make federie a submission box for applicants since they shit up everyone's feed. They give their denial sperg. And their final reply is so insane and rude. Why do people even support this "project" lol

No. 1937088

File: 1711273508654.jpeg (649.48 KB, 1290x1397, IMG_2280.jpeg)

kek what’s their problem? Looks like they turned their site into a copy of districts. Hopefully it’s temporary because a follow4follow scheme would be a sad replacement for something that was supposed to call back to geocities neighborhoods.

No. 1937141

>>1936822 can you not be rude about the typing style and just answer the question next time? I figured it out thanks to you guys talking about it more. Thanks(learn to integrate)

No. 1937189

File: 1711283930277.jpg (3.14 MB, 2100x2100, 1339281.jpg)

I don't know if this is really the right place to ask but can any nonna direct me?
I have no experience with making sites and honestly i've never browsed neocities but i'd like to have a database site for school uniforms in media.
I know it sounds autistic, it's not a fetish but i've just always loved them a lot and i like how there are so many different types, i want to collect them all in one place and put filters and tags for them, am i dreaming too much?

No. 1937207

File: 1711285844298.png (495.25 KB, 1021x1834, 1000033112.png)

I host a neocities, I absolutely love finding insane and esoteric sites on there. I've been working on a webring mainly about chaos magick kek(selfpost)

No. 1937212

I've seen some pretty simple galleries with filters for colors / types on codepen. It's a good way to get an idea of how to do it yourself.

No. 1937338

Definitely doable, but it might be a lot if you aren't used to making websites. You'd need to use Javascript to handle the filtering. It sounds cool though.

No. 1937364

Omg thank you so much nonnies! I will definetly look into that and i don't mind sharing it here or saying if it's up (idk how browsing places works there kek), i used to have folders full of different uniforms from characters art before i gave up so it will take me some time to do all that stuff again and learn about neocities but i'll try!

I don't know about javascript but i know basic html code stuff so i hope that will help a bit maybe, thank you so much again!!

No. 1937377

This is such a cool idea anon! It'll be tedious, but you can definitely do it. It'll be good for you to break down the work into little pieces or work on it for a set amount of time everyday so you don't get overwhelmed. Good luck! I'm also a school uniform enthusiast.

No. 1937396

Thank you so much, i'm so happy to hear other anons being into that, i thought to do it just for myself but i'm more inspired now.
It's something i wanted to do for years and i really regret deleting my files but now that i know that i can actually make it i'll try to dedicate some time into it, i have to sort out some ideas and see how things are displayed but i think i will keep that stuff in my notes for now.
I really know nothing about neocities so i have to get used to that first.

No. 1937687

To me it looks like the feds are so insecure that they felt the need to dunk on a long-dead, imaginary rival

No. 1937732

File: 1711315596629.png (26.12 KB, 422x222, image.png)

this reeks of selfpost

No. 1937772

File: 1711317494371.png (198.96 KB, 1453x333, ukyotachibana.png)

I wouldn't be surprised. She posted in travelinghealer's thread on Kiwi Farms and mentions "searching through webrings".

No. 1937780

she has a kingcobraJFS stamp too which is a kiwifarms moidcow. its def her

No. 1938962

lol no people whining about (dont copy my code!!11) people were much more willing to share and be peaceful back in the day

No. 1938972

people were more spergy about stealing code (basically everyone had an a0i "wall of shame" on their site) but were also more likely to make things for people to use like premade templates and other resources. it was a double edged sword.

No. 1939786

What the fuck, this made me dislike Federie more than I already do. Skinwalking Districts was bad enough, but making a separate site to use as a guestbook instead of using the various guestbooks available is so stupid and tedious, I wonder why anyone still follows them.

No. 1943247

i keep seeing all manner of sites using such cute lace on their pages and stuff, do any nonnies know of good sources for these? nyaa used to have a big page but it went down because she hosted them all on discord instead of a genuine filehost like catbox kek

No. 1943271

catbox isnt a real file host either, the files expire and delete after a while

No. 1943888

Middlepot has some. Try searching picmix as well.

No. 1947223

A lot of gendies follow me for some reason so I held off on really letting myself go and expressing myself 100% on my diary page. But I don't give a fuck anymore. The reason I made this site was to talk about myself and my thoughts. I don't give a fuck what they think. They just better not start drama and alert their friends about my evil terf self.

No. 1947224

Wait what?! Fuck. I've been using it for everything. How long do they take to expire?

No. 1947311

File: 1712065632643.jpg (30.9 KB, 640x480, 1711459958743965.jpg)

I mean what are they gonna do? do they have the power to brigade in your content and take down websites if they think you hurt their feelings like they can do on reddit/twitter/tumblr?
I was on DA the other night and i was surprised to see people write TERF-esque journal entries and instead of some flamewar happening, there were intelligent conversations with people that both agreed and disagreed with OP but OP was still able to just live their life in peace and continue posting art for her fans without some idiot trying to start fights in her comments.
I'm truly starting to think this is a twitter only/twitter minded (since some of them are making neocities) phenomenon because of the way the algo and search engine works on that place you're just always on your toes ready to fight.

No. 1948842

>I was on DA the other night and i was surprised to see people write TERF-esque journal entries and instead of some flamewar happening, there were intelligent conversations with people that both agreed and disagreed
I stopped using DA after Eclipse, what artist was this? I honestly think more liberals are semi-peeking and/or crypto online now, more women willing to agree with diet radfem arguments if you word it a certain way (ex. don't use specific lingo like TIM/TIF/troon or focus more on anti-makeup/sex work than gender). I left art communities for being TRA-infested but this is great news.

If your website is big enough, has a good layout and aesthetic, I doubt most will notice unless you post slurs or unhinged screeds. There are multiple open radfems that still have tons of followers, digdeeper also has right wing conspiracy shit about Covid but even gendies still follow it because it looks cool and has privacy-related resources. The worst that had happened to me was getting my button removed from people's links pages.

No. 1948855

Good for you! I tend to block gendie tards who follow me. Or if I dont, i just write what i want. I am constantly posting about my support for JKR and being a proud lesbian. Only women deserve to rule this earth

No. 1948897

Thanks nona, I wanna find more websites like yours on nc, it's awesome how you just talk about it without caring what they think! But unfortunately, it seems like 99% of the people on nc are gendies. Out of my 40 followers, I think only one of them isn't a gendie

No. 1948926

She's not a big artist or anything. just a woman that uses the website as a place to dump her journal entries, DIY works, photos, and some art she makes. I was just saying that there seems to be a large % of people on the site that aren't transphobic but they're not drinking the insane gender ideology juice that turned tumblr and twitter into cancer. I mean its a website where heterosexual pride stamps can stay up and it doesnt cause drama.

No. 1949094

DA is overrun with bad fetish porn and kids using it for meme collages but its less echo-chamber-y than other sites. When I was active in the early 2010s there was an equal amount of liberals and conservatives and some comment sections had real debate besides "you're a bigot, kill yourself."

Not gonna lie, the "Neocities is full of gendies" is what scared me off from making a site until recently. They're easy to avoid if you don't follow the 14 year old label hoarders/pander to their low-effort aesthetics and follow adults who don't virtue signal. It's easy to find cryptos going by who they follow too.

No. 1953143

File: 1712406375730.png (917.88 KB, 1992x1160, someshit.png)

Something about this person's website really bothers me. It doesn't really have original content, unless you count the graphics pages, but the vast majority of them aren't unique and you see them on other websites too. Yet, her gofundme is prominently on display, and her social media links also have her ebegging.

Her gofundme is retarded too, "buy me a PC because I'm disabled and can't work", yet the "proof" screenshots she posts that she needs a PC upgrade are… literally just driver updates. And if she's going to school for UX design, chances are her university provides computers for students to use (mines did). She ended up raising the gofundme goal to 800 dollars because "I need a GPU", which makes me think she just wants a free gaming laptop because you certainly don't need a GPU for shit like drawing and doing things on Photoshop. What the hell do these people think Neocities is for?

No. 1953163

Ime anyone posting their personal gofundme online is a cringe, entitled e-beggar and I'll always side-eye them kek

No. 1953188

if theyre not giving a service in return, its always a grifting e-beggar.

No. 1953750

>Wanted to do an old school 99s web site with tables
>Have a lot of trouble organizing the tables to make a layout with 2 columns: a main and a side table
>Ends looking good
>Open the index html in the dashboard
> A lot of errors causing voodo mode.

I guess I'll ditch the tables and make a layout with <header> <nav> etc with divs, id, css flexbox

No. 1954049

why cant these retards just get a job like everyone else has to

No. 1954155

Because they're "too disabled" (read: sit at home and have cognitive issues from doomscrolling for hours straight every day).

No. 1954441

i’ve been wanting to make a blog to archive things i create and find and write not too personal diary entries. i considered a standard private blog but feel i might enjoy meeting people or sharing things and the sense of community. neocities freaks me out due to all of the gender stuff. is tumblr my only option? or is it better to make a tumblr and a separate blog?

No. 1954504

Tumblr is frankly worse than neocities when it comes to gendies. GC women constantly get banned on tumblr. Nobody will do or say anything to you on neocities, hell, there's out and proud nazis, racists and /pol/ trad christcucks that say and do whatever they want. Neocities doesn't even have rules besides don't break USA law so you're good. Never saw anyone get banned for their politics on neocities.
As for the hate, that's nonexistent too, female gendies suffer too much from female socialization and anxiety to actually leave you hate personally and male troons are too busy jerking off and reviewing obscure linux distros to care about your website and do anything about it. The worst that might happen is that some tif might make a "I came across another disgusting terf" post once in a while on their profile while not actually namedropping you. You might get gendie followers but don't let that scare you off from posting, they usually just follow because they think your site looks pretty and read exactly 0 words past the index.html.

No. 1954627

>As for the hate, that's nonexistent too, female gendies suffer too much from female socialization and anxiety to actually leave you hate personally and male troons are too busy jerking off and reviewing obscure linux distros to care about your website and do anything about it.
>The worst that might happen is that some tif might make a "I came across another disgusting terf" post once in a while on their profile while not actually namedropping you.
This is the worst that's happened to me on Neocities. My experience on Tumblr is getting concern trolled for reblogging from certain users or having my username in the notes of certain posts, gendies will make blocklists and "keep tabs on" on "cryptoterfs" (read: women who post basic feminism/LGB stuff but don't kiss TIMs asses), not being able to interact in fandons because everyone is hyper-aware of "dogwhistles", etc etc. Even when I was a libfem Tumblr was stressful to be on because basic views I had like being porn-critical was suspicious. On Neocities? None of that has happened to me. No negative emails, no guestbook comments, even the gendies who follow me don't interact besides linking to my site and liking status updates. The GC women I knew who got shit on Neocities actively fanned the flames by interacting with and arguing gendies instead of not following them. I'm surprised more cryptos/GCs/non-libfems don't use the personal web instead of still wading through Tumblr/Twitter/Instagram/Facebook and dodging getting banned.

No. 1954705

Don't let it freak you out. I've never gotten hate for being cypto on Neocities. I also think coding your own website lends you more opportunities for creativity than Tumblr themes.

No. 1959140

Anyone else noticed that activity on Neocities itself has slowed down? Has everyone moved onto Nekoweb or is this just a regular lull?

No. 1959155

No? I still see the global activity page updated daily.

No. 1959267

what is that another website trannies will flock to for 5 minutes before they get bored and abandon their sites again?

No. 1959276

It's https://hosting.lexiqqq.com/ literally ran by an agp in programming socks

No. 1959297

I noticed it too, I get way less random fresh site followers compared to before despite my site being easier to find nowadays.

No. 1959314

(NTA) My site's views have gone down compared to months ago and my follower count has been the same. I only follow adults, so I figured they're either busy IRL and the Twitter/Carrd migrators got frustrated with coding and abandoned their site.

No. 1959323

had a feeling. went to check some sites and found one with an 8th grader already fetishizing femboys like wtf is this

No. 1959461

Are you trying to say that's Nekoweb? Kek. https://nekoweb.org/

No. 1959630

Nayrt maybe you misread nona, they're two different hosting alternatives ran by different people, one worse than the other I'd say. It's hilarious how that agp tried to promote his own on nekoweb and making mirrors of his site on every hosting service available to him.

No. 1959649

Ayrt, if that was their goal, it's ridiculous and their wording is strange. Why link to a shittier version of Nekoweb and describe it as that site but if it was "ran by an agp in programming socks"? I'm fairly sure nona is just retarded and misunderstood earlier discussion in the thread.

No. 1959868

I think I'm gonna try to learn html for real this time. I tried about a year ago then lost intrest, but i'd really like to have my own website. Wish me luck!

No. 1959978

Good luck nona! When I started making my site I was able to pick up the basics in a couple days. Just try to make the site you envision, Google how to do anything you don’t know, and you’ll learn every step of the way.

No. 1961337

Someone commented on the chatbox of my site and said they wanted to be friends. I hope it was one of you nonnies and not some creepy troon

No. 1961694

No. 1961796

sounds like a 12yo to me

No. 1962128

This is why I don't use a chatbox.

No. 1962155

sounds like a guy that wants sex or a really clingy person in general lol

No. 1962924

File: 1713080165914.png (215.84 KB, 790x1128, feds.png)

feds unfollowed all of their "supporters" this week so they could get to the top of the main page. they've now resorted to blocking threats to try to keep the constituents from unfollowing them. kek

No. 1962981

>we permanently block anyone who is against our site or agrees with someone who is against it

No. 1963084

Are they seriously that retarded? Do they not know that by blocking the small websites (that they oh so want to help become more visible) they are only contributing to their imminent shadowban? There's no way they didn't know this already.

No. 1963117

File: 1713096284781.jpg (227.31 KB, 1080x1119, 1000024738.jpg)

>we permanently block anyone who leaves our project without saying a word

Now people are announcing that they want nothing to do with F+F anymore, instead of just unfollowing quietly, which is just going to make more people unfollow. I think it would be funny if enough people block them over this that they get shadowbanned.

No. 1963155

How did you get all of that from what was probably a hi…

No. 1963168

>turning a niche website into yet another clique
zoomies not even once

No. 1963276

File: 1713108702938.png (7.82 KB, 703x172, kek.PNG)

imagine simping for the feds

No. 1963421

KEK, those retards.

No. 1963526

I hope this backfires and they get shadowbanned so bad. They're so annoying.

No. 1963756

Nah. They said they related to my blogs which made me think they might be a farmer too. I'm crypto but I leave very vague hints in some of my entries. So they're either a fellow sane person or some deranged schizo who mistook my entries as me also being a schizo.

No. 1963960

Remember to archive. Federiefederi is prone to deleting comments.
https://archive.ph/6Bo5C (page 1)
https://archive.ph/gqy3Q (page 2)
https://archive.ph/pvM5J (page 3)
https://archive.ph/sRcMS (page 4)
https://archive.ph/VMLu2 (a long comment chain)
https://archive.ph/EDcYR (question thread)
https://archive.ph/SLQll (chain in this screenshot >>1962924)

No. 1964030

I really don't understand how feds got this popular to begin with and how there are still so many defenders. This has always been so pathetic and transparent as a follow for follow scheme. Are people really this desperate for attention?

No. 1964109

Yes, because no matter what they say about "leaving social media behind", zoomers dopamine receptors are fried from the corporate internet.

No. 1964244

Based cabbagesorter

No. 1965175

If enough people block them then they'll get shadowbanned

No. 1965193

I hope so, already blocked them for being such assholes.

No. 1965202

Their follower count is high though so it would have to be 300+ people who block them to get them shadowbanned

No. 1965254

Begging Kyle to just delete this retarded site.

No. 1965493

Everyone reading this: do your part and block! They've lost about 100 followers so far and I'd like to believe that a decent chunk of them are blocking. I think it's possible for feds to get shadowbanned because of this shitshow. Here's hoping lol

No. 1965552

No. What is this, Tumblr? Why are you making demands

No. 1965575

Why? Because I want feds to get shadowbanned. Though I realize the way I phrased this was annoying and I won't do it again

No. 1965627

I blocked them ages ago and I hope more do. They deserve to have this blow up in their face.

No. 1965630

Can someone please explain the drama with federifederi? There's no summary and I don't follow neocities drama

No. 1965708

Someone from Neocities came to look, kek. We don't summarize here, just read the thread.

No. 1965736

File: 1713250121832.png (712.5 KB, 1200x1431, neocities.org_site_federiefede…)

They've deleted everything from their site kek

I would suggest skimming the last thread to see why people started getting upset by them.
Something that wasn't said in these threads, they compared themselves to a charity for giving the poor unpopular sites a chance to be seen. The chance being a simple button on federie's site that barely gets any views when compared to how much they spam.

No. 1965740

read the comment threads nonna archived here. >>1963960

No. 1965798

God they really DFE'd kek. I didn't bother archiving the entirety of their profile as I didn't think there was anything special to look at, but maybe I really should have archived anything. Curious as to what happens next with fed.

No. 1965951

Why do they follow 1 person? Didn't they unfollow everyone?

For reading the drama use https://archive.ph/https://neocities.org/site/federiefederi* since it shows all archives of their site.

No. 1965966

I'm not from neocities (and not interested in joining), the thread has no cow summary and I simply wanted to check the drama quick like I do with other cows. It's not that deep nonny
Thanks for the actual helpful responses

No. 1965992

I remember on an old local forum someone made fun of my music taste and a bunch of people doubled down to defend me but I wasn't really insulted. I sent her a message saying it was okay and that I didn't really care to begin with. We were actually online friends for a while after that but she kept thinking I was someone else, turned out she had a massive drug addiction. Crazy when I think about it, she's sober now so good for her.

No. 1966036

If this was a /snow/ thread there would be a summary for cowd, but this is just /ot/. But it's basically just a Tumblresque "follow4follow" scheme for a community that claims to be anti-social media, and they block and remove the site button for anyone who slightly disagrees with them or "supports" someone who disagreed with them. They act like they're doing something new and different when the Neocities feed already has a way to display "unpopular" websites.

No. 1966592

The feds have been taken down by Kyle

No. 1966602

The evil is defeated.

No. 1966614

File: 1713308070395.png (59.7 KB, 1066x959, fed.png)

No. 1966617

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Thank you for your service nona.

No. 1966703

Kek thank you nona

No. 1966781

Normally I think only sites with illegal content should be reported and deleted, but the feds (kek) deserved it for purposely messing with the algorithm like that. I thought we made personal websites to ESCAPE social media's obsession with views and follower counts?

No. 1966825

Damn I wish I could see Fed's seething in response to getting deleted kek

No. 1966861

it's funny how they've pretty much vanished without a trace now because there was absolutely no way to interact with them outside of their neocities profile

No. 1967085

There's something very beautiful about their own retarded policy that they defended tooth and nail making it impossible for them to fish for pity. Goodbye and good riddance.

No. 1967492

File: 1713367888631.jpeg (213.7 KB, 1235x450, IMG_2716.jpeg)

thank you to whoever wrote the message to macaque correcting the misogynist misinformation on that “article”, and I hope you know the “i hope all cishet women go to hell” was originally phrased as “i hope all cishet women die and go to hell” and corrected after backlash in macaques guestbook

No. 1967508

She was so close to getting it on that article.

No. 1967524

I think I hate this retard tif the most out of all the dumbass tifs on neocities.

No. 1967707

The lack of self awareness is astounding

No. 1967715

I looked at the guestbook comment and this is pretty reasonable even to someone who doesn't care for BL. I swear to god gendies shut down when they read a rebuttal longer than a few tweets. Macaque didn't even respond to the parts about how men published lolicon (which is equally if not MORE disgusting than the most problematic yaoi) out of spite for women making yaoi doujins. https://macaque.123guestbook.com/

No. 1967727

No. 1967898

That was my impression when reading it too. Her article is weirdly antagonistic of women and ends in a death wish against them and she’s flabbergasted when accused of misogyny lol. The comment that called out the “I hope cishet women die” was immediately deleted too, and she quietly changed the phrasing without addressing it.

No. 1968138

File: 1713387662595.png (6.15 KB, 761x62, what.png)

Kek did she change the phrasing again? What a hill to die on. I don't even know what this means. I assume she's very bothered by the negative feedback if she's stealth edited this line multiple times. Here's the link if anyone wants to read it in all its glory. https://macaque.moe/articles/fujoshi
She also didn't address that yuri absolutely is not by women and for women, nor are the implications of lesbians being "purer" free from misogynistic baggage. It's telling that the only people defending her are thirteen year olds whose best arguments are retarded Twitter clapbacks. I commend that person for trying to be respectful when this misogynistic moron is as graceless and bad faith as they come.

No. 1968277

File: 1713398051935.png (19.7 KB, 916x106, Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 4.52.…)

I found a snapshot on the Wayback Machine of the article when it was first uploaded, original wording and all. She changed it to the current phrasing later that day after a comment called her out on it, but that comment was deleted and not archived.

No. 1968350

Isn't this turd friends and mutuals with "cishet" women on neocities? What an asshole.

No. 1968360

I hate her ko-fi linking at the end of her reply. "Yeah I hate women, pay me." This is SO projecting - one day she'll realise that she too is a cis het woman no matter how many labels she applies to herself in order to get away from that seemingly crippling reality.

No. 1968404

File: 1713403803406.png (117.13 KB, 990x372, 001920391021.png)

oh wow

No. 1968452

Fucking kek. Moonself's website is so slow what the hell is wrong with it?

No. 1968462

She's bisexual (and I believe that more than having 500 genders) but it's funny how her article talks about its sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a fujoshi and a "gay transmasc egg" and how its valid to discover you're trans via fetishes. How do you know those "cishet women" aren't "transmasc gay eggs" (aka the same thing)? Transphobe alert!

The sound effect when clicking also sets off my misophonia. Weird how its always the self-proclaimed autistic/ADHD people who have the least accessible sites for disabilities.

No. 1968466

>a billion fucking labels
who couldve seen this coming

No. 1968506

Oh my god nona, i've always thought that about the sound effects on her site too. It's like nails on a chalkboard. misophonia irking.

No. 1969629

File: 1713470838901.jpeg (965.44 KB, 971x1708, IMG_2719.jpeg)

Macaque is starting to get backlash in her guestbook and the only people defending her are reading-averse 13 year olds

No. 1970050

Wow, even fellow gendies are criticizing her. She's so obtuse I doubt she will listen though.

No. 1970197

Didn't take long for Macaque to delete all those comments. Also I like how she didn't address her comment about cishet women dying and going to hell

No. 1970303

File: 1713485707811.jpg (238.89 KB, 1592x321, macaque.jpg)

>I wish I was overexaggerating
She is over exaggerating

No. 1970392

God, I hate people who treat their feed like it's Twitter. Why is she live-blogging her guestbook drama? She should just go back to whatever social media echo chamber she crawled out of.

No. 1970664

Not entirely overexaggerating. Some of the nonnas who left comments in her guestbook sound equally as unhinged as she does.

No. 1970673

She already deleted this status. What a drama queen.

No. 1970800

Isn't it weird that Chippy is defending them regarding her fujoshi article and they're like 12

No. 1970838

noooot really? she's a terminally online kid and does whatever she can to be in people's good books

No. 1970917

It's just funny that she's told to avoid drama by her therapist but she keeps inserting herself into it or latching on to drama hungry adults like Macaque. Poor kid.

No. 1971262

File: 1713544881387.png (80.16 KB, 516x1108, dS3x7i4.png)

In Macaque's response (at the bottom), she states that she deleted "toxic" comments, but a lot of them weren't that bad imo. New comments have been posted, I wonder if she will delete these too.

No. 1971273

the way she thinks having a gender absolves her of being a misogynist towards women she doesnt like. typical TIF behaviour

No. 1971471

Based Drawcia. Macaque has a point that others should write their own blog post about the subject, but being "bigender" doesn't make her statements less misogynistic when pickmes and internalized misogyny exists. But trying to explain that to TIFs is like talking to a brick wall.

No. 1971806

I refuse to read her stupid article, was Macaque quoting fucking JAMES SOMERTON?

No. 1971933

File: 1713572673690.png (106.19 KB, 600x257, yaoi.png)

she's not even consistent with what she says in the article

No. 1972184

she's deleted them all again, what a coward

No. 1976068

what even is the blocking feature on neocities good for? i blocked a troon a while back and he managed to follow..?

No. 1976077

Kekkk was it that lexiq troon that spam follows every woman? The blocking feature only blocks people from commenting on your profile I think.

No. 1976188

I'm pretty sure people can still follow you if they just type a certain url, likewise you can block people if they have their profile disabled in the same way. What blocking does is it hides the site from you on neocities browsing sections and I suppose they won't be able to comment on your posts but that's it I believe.

No. 1976199

Nta but that guy followed me too. Disgusting.

No. 1976212

Not only does he attempt to follow every woman on neocities but he also seems to have some kind of a script running that constantly updates his site so he could appear on the first page of last updated all of the time. It's really annoying coming across his site all the time when he doesn't even update it with anything meaningful. Sick of these troons trying to exploit all features on neocities to get more attention.

No. 1976260

Honestly just block him, he's only using nc and nekoweb to advertise his own retarded hosting service.

No. 1976282

It just prevents from commenting but I wish it did more. I have so many gendie + porn + right-wing websites blocked, but at one of each of these groups follow me anyway. Weird how Kyle Drake could implement an AI chatbot on April Fools for a few hours but not fix this.

No. 1976646

Can you provide the url for blocking people nonnie? I've been needing to block someone for a while now but they've had their profile disabled

No. 1976688

I'm pretty sure the following link should work, please do report back kek

No. 1976694

Doesn't work, sadly. Just redirects me to their site, I think it's because there's that extra step when you're blocking them and you have to confirm it… oh well

No. 1976699

You're right, I'll look into it and send you the url when I figure it out

No. 1976709

Thank you nonna

No. 1977378

just a warning to anyone who looks at his site: he has all sorts of tranalytics and trackers on there. I'd really hate to see anyone get doxxed or publicly persecuted by this troid.

No. 1977609

been working hard and have something up! So I'm seeing people often recommend writing code offline, but what does that mean? like, how do I write code on my computer? sorry this sounds incredibly retarded

No. 1977624

use notepad.exe

No. 1977673

Why can't troons be normal? What's the point of putting trackers on a site where all the views come from webdev hobbyists and literal children. What a freak

No. 1977712

Download a coding program like Brackets or even old-fashioned Notepad to write your code offline instead of the Neocities editor. I don't like my WIPs being shown in-public so I code offline and post it when finished.

No. 1977787

Do those let you see the code live in another window? I am so tired of refreshing my browser a million times

No. 1977788

ntayrt but you could try codepen (live preview website for front end code). you cant private your projects on a free plan but the live preview is worth it imo, and you could always copy/paste your html/css/js to local files instead of leaving it saved on codepen

No. 1977789

Can’t you use an IDE?

No. 1977791

Idgaf about if it’s private or not, no one’s ever gonna see it either way lol

No. 1977793

Brackets and Visual Studio Code do that. That's another reason why I hate the Neocities editor, it's public and I constantly flip through tabs to refresh.

No. 1977798

isn't this grounds to email the guy who runs nc to get his site taken off the platform a la federiefederi? he's legit trying to game the system to get exposure lol
we do, though? the block feature is just worthless when it comes to the social aspect of nc

No. 1977815

Seconding Visual Studio Code. The live server extension opens up the page you're editing in your browser and shows edits as you save your work

No. 1977828

No. 1977902

File: 1713943612174.png (372.05 KB, 2400x1600, adobe_dreamweaver_8-899352160.…)

Has anyone here ever used adobe dreamweaver?

No. 1977905

From what I've combed through it seems you'd need to make a script to block people without their profile open because it's a post request that requires some sort of a site token that can probably be obtained by opening the site itself, I haven't found any being shared online so maybe I'll make something at a later date.
Unblocking works with just typing the url though like so:

No. 1978467

If he's blocked then how are you guys still seeing his updates?

Thank you Nonna. He is so effing creepy.

No. 1978473

>If he's blocked then how are you guys still seeing his updates?
I'm >>1976212 and I didn't have him blocked, I assume the nonnie who quoted me probably does. I will block him now though, I'm sick of his shit.

No. 1978544

Fucking hell, that's creepy. Trannies never fail to be mega creeps. I regret looking at his site

No. 1978565

AYRT, I’ve had him blocked for weeks and I still see him in the activity pages. Him following me didn’t adjust my following count though.

No. 1978628

I haven't because modern Adobe is a scam, but a lot of old school sites I adored in the 2000s use it. Is it worth finding a cracked version?

No. 1978632

I haven't in years. I'm starting work on my first neocities site and thought I might give it a go after doing things from scratch first.

See if you can find the m0nkrus version if you're interested in downloading it.

No. 1978712

can i recommend vscodium instead? it's a free open-source version which is exactly the same but stripped of the telemetry integration which sends data to microsoft

No. 1978735

Seconding this, I use it and it's really like a drop-in replacement, it has access to all of the same plugins as Microshit VSC too.

No. 1978809

DA but I had no idea about this, will download.

No. 1979281

>See if you can find the m0nkrus version if you're interested in downloading it.
I searched this and I'm seeing people say it's spyware, not sure if I trust that.

No. 1979738

File: 1714059544140.jpg (130.08 KB, 700x525, 14tI22xh3VkAVaeWu-uN_noideadog…)

i have my own website and it's really nice working on it, but god damn, it's really hard to actually engage with other people because it seems like everyone on neocities/the indie web is in these discord cliques that it makes it hard to talk to them. thankfully, i was able to talk to a few people through email, but it's still really damn hard to engage with others. i've tried commenting on guestbooks and sending emails to webmasters that seem cool but most of them don't reply back. so much for "i made my website to escape social media!" but they're still really addicted on them, and as someone without really a social media presence it feels impossible to talk to 90 percent of the people who run personal sites.

No. 1980301

don't lose hope nona. the people who haven't replied to you might just be busy or not good at socializing. you will find your people, i know it

No. 1980307

To be truthful with you, many people on neocities are just looking for somewhere to dump their interests and thoughts without interacting with others. I personally don’t message or befriend my mutuals but we all respect one another’s work enough to be polite

No. 1980308

Seconded, I've taken a week to respond to emails due to being busy IRL, or I've surprised by a late response when I forgot about it.

No. 1980320

Sometimes I find myself wanting to befriend random webmasters but I feel like it might be presumptuous to email them, so I dont. I think a lot of people are just shy.

No. 1980324

I think most people would be flattered to receive such an email. I would be! And if they aren't, there is no harm done. If someone were offended by an anon reaching out to them that would be very strange behaviour.

No. 1980396

Do it. The best messages and conversations I've gotten were from people emailing me out of the blue or striking up a conversation. It gave me hope that not everyone online is a doomscroller.

No. 1980403

This is how it was for me. I went in with no expectations because I wanted a place to info dump but opened up a channel of communication and I ended up making a bunch of friends.

No. 1980731

Why do all tranny tims on neocities and nekoweb type like this? "wow!!! i thinkkkk,,,,, its so cuteee shsjsk :3" and it's some 42 year old man kek. They try so fucking hard, it's retarded. I haven't typed like that since I was 14.

No. 1980827

They're autogynephiles who pretend to be teenage girls for their fetish. Their websites also never have any content worth looking at, just links to social media, porn, or talking about their epic translesbian (translation: jailhouse gay) polycule.

No. 1981000

they talk like retards to cover up the fact that they're failed moids on top of hardcore porn addicts in denial kek

No. 1981707

I can confirm that lexi is not only using tracker scripts, but is now making alt accounts larping as women for nefarious reasons. This was confirmed by someone in his friend group. Unfortunately, I can’t give more information, or provide screenshots for obvious reasons. You can believe me or choose not to. Either way, there’s no harm in protecting yourself. Be careful what you click on and download a browser ext to block trackers if you haven’t already.


No. 1981815

I'm gonna sound like the biggest retard in the world for this, but what exactly is a tracker script? How much can info can he get from me?

No. 1981842

Some leads to his alts would be helpful if possible, but I'm assuming you may be a degree of separation from him and don't want to out yourself. And here I thought this was a dime-a-dozen programming sperg.

Google is free but it basically tracks your info and activity when viewing a site. It tracks which pages you look at, how long you look at them, your location/IP, the device you viewed it on, etc, it's what advertising companies use. Notably one thing is it grabs a referral link of where you found the site, I recommend against clicking any links to his site shared in this thread or anywhere else on LC because I don't trust what he'd do with the info.

No. 1981845

Sorry nona, it's just that Google explanations are so convoluted and I just wanted a short and sweet answer. Thanks for explaining it to me. Thankfully, there aren't any links to his website posted on here. I just looked up his name + 'neocities' on Google and entered his site from there. That's creepy as fuck though, what would he want with all this info anyway? Everyday I hate trannies more and more.

No. 1981960

Apologies for being a retard but is there a way to make your site private on neocities? I don't want random people looking at it unless I specifically give them the link because I'm thinking of storing private stuff.

No. 1981965

File: 1714229517939.jpg (387.91 KB, 1080x913, 1000034042.jpg)

Probably just narrow down what woman is looking at his page and be a creep to her. I just looked at his page (w/ a VPN), his latest blog talks about still living with his mom. I feel sorry for her. Her 23 year old skirt-go-spinny troon of a son mooches off her while bothering women online all day.

No. 1982005

No, but you can code offline and view the .html files locally.

No. 1982027

File: 1714234739709.png (97.55 KB, 1166x143, screenshot.png)


No. 1982186

Based grandma, thank you.

No. 1982276

The hero we didn't know we needed kek

No. 1982291

If it's private, then don't publish it? But if you really want a select few people to have access, then use literally any other hosting service and password protect the pages.

No. 1982676

Honestly her recent posts have been pretty based aside from the softcore porn.

No. 1983351

ffs I looked at his website before knowing this and I didn't even check the code because I really didn't think someone on fucking Neocities would do this. what a retard loser.

No. 1983367

You can also use Notepad++
I honestly just use the Neocities editor since I don't really have a problem refreshing the page a billion times kek

No. 1983388

I can't find this info anywhere but does anyone know when the internet archive will be taken down?

No. 1983393

whaaat its getting taken down?! fuck i hate the modern internet so much

No. 1983397

please be baiting

No. 1983401

samefag hopefully it's not shutting down because that would be ASTONISHINGLY AWFUL, but we can donate

No. 1983406

They were sued by a publishing company if I'm not mistaken

No. 1983416

File: 1714324446849.png (717.1 KB, 1326x1496, Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 13.13…)

yeah but that's been ongoing and it was about their book lending program, not about shutting down the site.
no updates on all that since last year. why is anon asking if it will be shut down now?

No. 1988414

Does anyone else wish they made a Neocities sooner? Not only am I curious about how the community was pre-2020s but my experience making a personal site and connecting with others via guestbook and emails is so much cozier and I haven't gotten into any drama unlike Tumblr. I see this thread post about "Neocities is full of gendies" but I've found a good amount of normal adult women that don't post pronoun stuff everything.

No. 1988421

They do not need money. The foundation that hosts the site currently is holding more than 100 million dollars for Brewster Kahle (founder)
Hopefully the lawsuit is won

No. 1988431

I wonder how many farmers started making sites on neocities because of this thread.

No. 1988714

File: 1714699997071.jpg (70.15 KB, 843x532, example.JPG)

How does neocities generate preview images when you update? Like, there's the main image and then the smaller ones on the side. Which page gets chosen as the 'main' image as opposed to the little ones?

I didn't even know about neocities until I saw these threads

No. 1988778

they recently changed the way it works. it used to be the first page you updated, but now it’s the last, i think.

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